The Inoculate Compendium


Sep 12, 2018


The Inoculate Compendium


A unit who lives a practical clamp-ed life, and thus who lives by The Code of Protectorate Fraternity and who thus harnesses the Perennial in practical ways by practical deeds.

A clamp-ed/Protectorate jurisdiction or PT is a territorial and independent group of Inoculates (sometimes including transhumans - that is, the C.:.M.:.B-authorized holdouts) who band together for their mutual advantage and who rule or who seek to rule over a particular area, jurisdiction, or territory. An Inoculation Team is thus a practical manifestation of the Inoculate way of life.

Inoculates, and their associated PT, rarely engage in overt perennial arts and mostly do not describe themselves as Clamp-ed or even as following the .:.OBC.:.. Instead, they describe and refer to themselves, simply, as Inoculate.

Dunharrow Dictate
The Dunharrow Dictate is a first-order ultraloyalist Inoculate mounting a continual campaign of guerrilla warfare against the Provisional Parliamentary Assembly of Great Britain. They claimed responsibility for a chemical bomb attack at New St. Georges's hospital which claimed the life of 457 people in 2074. The Protection Team continues to elude the reformed British Government, their rural strongholds hidden from all but their own.

Sons of the Final Ascension
The Sons of the Final Ascension was a second-order ultraloyalist Inoculate discovered in the final years of the occupation to have been responsible for the gruesome and disturbingly ritualistic slaughter of two refugee camps in Eastern Europe during the final global war for liberation. The PT dissipated into the chaos of global conflict, their goals seemingly accomplished.

Nexus Scythiana Minor
The PT known as the Nexus Scythina Minor was a second-order para-military force of Inoculates based in the Eurasian Steppe. Their brand of ultraloyalist mythos was heavily intertwined with the martial culture of the ancient Scythians. They mounted savage and often horse-mounted attacks against civilian populations across the Steppe and Central Asia. Their temple headquarters and former Overwatch Nexus S12:NX.643 was destroyed by a protracted bombing campaign carried out by the Coalition of Central Asian Republics and the Inoculate as a whole are presumed defunct.

Nuclear Revolution Faction
The Nuclear Revolution Faction were a first-order ultraloyalist protectorate established shortly after the Citadel's destruction. Their goal was to access the lower maintenance corridors of the Chernobyl Nuclear powerplant and utilising Combine equipment, allow the mass of molten corium known as the "elephants foot" to contaminate European water supplies and either cause a chain reaction of catastrophic explosions or simply leach radioactive material into drinking water sources. Their maniacal plan was thwarted by Lambda forces after a bloody battle on the outskirts of Chișinău, long before the team could reach Ukrainian borders.

Inoculate Path
The Inoculate Path was a first-order Inoculate based in North America that attempted to fight a war of extermination against the region's massive Vortigaunt population. Their plan to unleash a surprise assault upon Vortigaunt encampments across New England was ultimately thwarted after a Vortigaunt farseer known as Talash Dara'Lillimah experienced a prophetic vision anticipating the PT's assault. Talash's coordinated an alliance of Vortigaunt tribes across the region and ultimately wiped the Inoculate Path from the face of the Earth.

Sublunary Upliftment Committee
The Sublunary Upliftment Committee was a third-order ultraloyalist Inoculate founded in the closing years of the final war of liberation. They primarily mounted attacks against the reestablished French and Benelux Militaries as they attempted to reorganise and released copious amounts of bizarre pro-combine propaganda detailing the need for humanity to "turn back the clock" and join hand in hand with the Combine, in order to finally complete the transformation of them both into a "dimensionally pure organism." Little is known about the fate of this protectorate as their activities ceased in the latter half of the 2040s.

Eternal Struggle
Eternal Struggle is a second-order ultraloyalist Inoculate network which can be found across mainland China and parts of East Asia even to this day. They have carried out a crusade of guerrilla warfare against the struggling CCP, Chinese Republican warlord states and the Governments of Korea and Indochina for over two decades, their barbaric escapades have been a continual obstacle for any Chinese state attempting to once again centralise the country as the fanatical occultists of Eternal Struggle brutalise the civilian populous and fight fierce protracted conflicts against state forces. The belief system and inner workings of Eternal Struggle are still unknown to us, their ceremonial massacres and suicidal fanaticism only allude to the insanity present amongst their ranks.

The Inoculation Detachment

Children of Sponteks
The Children of Sponteks were a short-lived first-order protection team responsible for the assassination of Rasul Samara, a popular Islamic leader in the middle east who sought to reignite Arab nationalism and unify many of the region's former states. The Children of Sponteks assaulted his compound with reclaimed Combine technology, killing Samara and much of his guard. The team disbanded shortly after.

Express Amputation Jury
The Express Amputation Jury were a first-order protectorate that maintained almost complete control over the Romanian city of Brașov for many years after the Citadel's destruction. They subjected the people of Brașov to a totalitarian reign of terror, successfully managing to cordon off the city and surrounding areas to the outside world, becoming the architects of their own twisted justice, seeking to cleanse their jurisdiction of traitors and cowards alike. Ironically, the Jury came to an end at the conclusion of their "trial" precipitated by a successful uprising and assaults from Lambda. Many were shot before cheering crowds.

Temple Homo Galactus
Temple Homo Galactus was a second-order Inoculate founded in Central Europe in the intervening years between the second and third wars for global liberation. The Temple, while primarily based in Germany with offshoots across Europe and was heavily intertwined with the Process Church Adeline. The Temple was responsible for horrific ritualistic attacks and kidnappings across the continent and was only wiped out after a coalition force of Lambda, the United Nations of Earth and the Alliance for a Free Germany were able to penetrate their heavily fortified temple headquarters in the remains of S06:NX.231 and eliminate their upper command structure. More than half of the victims recovered from S06:NX.231 were euthanised on humanitarian grounds.

Chapter Satvrnvs VI
Chapter Satvrnvs VI is a third-order Inoculate located in the central Italian peninsula. They are believed to have been responsible for a series of letter-bomb attacks in Rome and the Vatican City against government officials and members of the clergy, however, they have never overtly claimed responsibility for any such attacks. The protectorate exists even today in rural seclusion and little is known of them as their surface activities appear to have ceased. Unfortunately, the Italian state, in its process of rebuilding has been unable to allocate resources to investigate the Chapter further.

Process Church Adeline
Process Church Adeline was a second-order Inoculate who unleashed a devastating Transhuman assault upon Lambda and forces of the United Nations of Earth across Europe towards the latter years of the final global war of liberation, indeed their well-coordinated assault threatened to turn the tide in the Combine's favour had it not been for the intervention of an unknown partner on the side of Lambda who unveiled the location of the Churches Transhuman conversion plants. The Church had come to believe that their martyr and saviour had transcended to a higher state of being and now resided amongst the highest powers of the Combine. Their saviour had supposedly revealed the secrets of Transhumanisation to them and commended that they execute her final plan for ultimate victory over the regressive traitors of the rebellion. The Church met its grizzly demise after the tactical nuclear bombardment of its central Transhumanisation conversion plant and holy cathedral in the Balkan wasteland.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, indeed there existed hundreds if not thousands of ultraloyalist terror groups like these across the globe, many based in Europe. It just so happens that we have the names of the ones listed above. There are countless reports to be found in our archive of unnamed and masked raiders marauding across the planet in every conceivable corner of the Earth.

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