The Long, Bumpy Road: A Retrospective


Apr 26, 2016
Just as a heads-up, most of the post's going to be less than positive in tone. Prepare adequately, if you have the time to spare reading this thing.
Six years and counting, huh. A lot of breathing on this green and blue marble we call home. No, don't worry, I'm not going to wax any elaborate philosophics for this one. Still, the thread's probably going to stretch into a long one, because I just love waffling when least expected.

This place has outlasted LemonPunch, and contains much more of my memories at this point. Heck, I'd even go as far as to say that the two present different segments of my past, with the death of one (and the birth of another) coinciding closely with pivotal points of my own life. Throughout LP, I was more of a kid (a dumbass), but by the time it came to die and nebulous rose, I was on the way to becoming an adult (still a dumbass).

Hell, I even went as far as to check what my first post on these forums was and, well, my thoughts on bullsquid haven't much changed:
Oh hey, I think that's my bullsquid!
Man, it was fun to wreck antlions if they didn't run off. If things go well, maybe one of my favorite Xenian races becomes playable again.

Lots of HL2RP to have through these six years. Lots of stories, but - funnily enough - not once did I get a character of mine PK'd. I was always too cautious, too reserved. Perhaps it's this lack of risk that also made most of my characters sorta just... fade in the background, never doing much. The highlights were definitely the times I spent in CAB, even if I did end up playing too much into the "just a cog in the machine" role to be memorable.

I tried WW3RP, I tried FTRP and Stasiland (for what little amount of time they lasted, o7), but I always ended up back on HL2RP. Well, I did end up leaving at least a couple of times, but I never made a big deal out of it - since I came back anyway. Even so, the urge to put nebulous behind has been more and more present in my mind. The reasons can mainly be divided into two:
  1. Disinterest. I know, it's crazy. CityRP does end up becoming quite dull, especially without a clique to hang around with. I used to have some, but most of my buddies dropped out along the years. Of course, part of it is self-inflicted, since I never became too daring in my roleplay ventures. Doesn't help that many of the big events early on happened exactly when I was visiting family for a weekend.
  2. Drama. Six years is enough time for many incidents to occur. Controversiers, flamewars, "it's just a meme", just tons of toxicity overall. I don't recall getting particularly riled-up in most cases, which I'm thankful for - but goddamn was it a waste of energy to spend time in Current Affairs as much as I used to.
The spirit of the community - in my opinion - has been weathered through far too many wringers. How many old-timers do you think have either left or been banned due to community having what constitutes as a collective, sociological aneyrusm? How many of those people used to hold important positions, leaving shoes too big for most people to fill? What's more, how many new people never felt welcomed, and left in silence, unable to contribute after seeing how terrible things oculd be around here?

It's no secret that HL2RP has fallen on hard times. Finis Coronat Opus - despite the efforts - ended up becoming a very awkward conclusion to a long-standing timeline, and new continuities have struggled to, well, continue. Many ideas have been presented, but even this simple exchange of propositions has been quite mired in hostilities. Lots of unpleasantries both privately and in open, driving people further away from the community.

There's just this intangible sense of decay I feel is present. I know, people have always been doomsaying that HL2RP is dying, but I do get the sense of abandonment. Maybe that's too harshly-put, many people have understandably put their interest into something else - something more productive, most of the time. Perhaps it's the fact there's so few ways to explore the world of Half-Life nowadays, or even discuss it. I don't know, this whole thread's just rambling anyway.

This is the part where you probably expect me to come up with some fantastic retort, or that all of this was a massive segue to "Welp I'm leaving now, so long suckeeeeeers" - neither of which is going to happen, fortunately or unfortunately. I'm still going to more or less stick around. If I was gone, I doubt anybody would realize nor particularly care about it.

I wish GTARP success, but I doubt I'll partake much in it, personally. The original game never got me quite as hooked as I'd hoped, and something about this way of RP is hard for me to get comfy with. Call it roleplay boomerism, call it coping (seething, even), I wouldn't know any better. That isn't to say that the SeriousRP formula of Gmod is particularly perfect either, but I find it much more comfortable.

If you were expecting some kind of fulfilling ending statement, well, I don't have any. I'll still be here just to suffer, hoping that things improve. It's already impressive to have lasted this long, so I give credit there. While I do get nostalgia myself, and probably have far too rose-tinted goggles, I try not get down in the dumps about past fun. It just sounds too exhausting to get depressed thinking the best times are behind me.

So, with that, I have my fingers crossed that things do take an upturn. I did get up to some good fun last I dabbled in HL2RP, so it's not impossible. Hopefully I can impart some of that optimism to whoever had the mind to read through this ginormous post - or whether you just skipped to the ending paragraphs. Probably the better option of the two, honestly.

Suppose the most important things I have to share are some nuggets of - probably obvious - wisdom. Don't be an ass, at least most of the time, and try to at least understand what someone else is saying. Feels like most of the community's problems stem either from inability to comprehend what someone is saying, or disagreeing in such a flamboyantly flambeed fashion that everybody's just left stewing by the end of it.

It's going to be a scorcher this time of the year with or without forum quarrels, so remember to drink water.


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Hugely appreciated post. We've been around for a really long time and are long overdue a pivot to greener pastures, though of course I understand many people continue to enjoy GMod RP in the different flavours.

It's really cool that we've managed to get this far and have users like yourself, from LemonPunch, still come by the community even if it's not to play the server.