this is the face of communism


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
my friend the closest this forum comes to discussing communism is some guy posting a passive aggressive/ aggressive on human revs profile

hell, the closest this forum comes to discussing any serious or vaguely political topic is people posting aggressive shit on other people's profiles
Isn't that how politics goes in America anyways? :^)



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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
What did you say about me you little shit ill have you know i graduated at the top of my class in bernie studies and have over 300 confirmed karma points on r/politics. I am trained in anti-shillary ad hominems and am bernie's top prostitute in his ranks.You are nothing to me but just another republican. I will wipe out your political arguments with likes that have never been seen before on this sub. You think you can get away with not supporting bernie on the internet? Think again fucker. As we speak i am tracking your account and sending downvote brigades, so you better be ready for the downvotes maggot. The storm that wipes out the little thing we call the 1%. I can be anywhere any time and shut down your argument in over 700 different ways, and thats just with buzzfeed articles. Not only am i extensively trained in berniella warfare, i have the entire arsenal of r/sandersforpresident and will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of reddit, you little shit. If only you knew how many downbernies your peaceful "support" of a presidential candidate would bring you, you maybe would have held your keyboard, but you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price you fucking ape. We will shit bernie all over your posts. You're fucking banned, kiddo
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Apr 26, 2016
Expax is a cunt. He's an edgy 15 year old who says dumb shit thinking his word is that of Jesus H. Christ himself. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between flaming and roasting, what he got was a roasting, and what he dished out was flaming. A roasting is deserved bashing, flaming is unwarranted. He had the audacity to go on people's profiles unprovoked and start acting like a shithead, he got caught red handed.

Anyone who describes themselves as "anarchists", or "anarcho-whatever" are generally dumb asses anyway. In 5 years he'll look back on this and think "Wow I was a fucking lowlife aspie."

Cry me a fuckin' river.

Quite hypocritical of you to say that I do not understand the difference between flaming and roasting when what you just posted was flaming both me and my political views. Nothing was ''roasted xdd'' about you flaming the fact that I am an anarcho-capitalist, which you yourself do not understand the meaning of.

Actually genuinely surprised that you did not get banned from the forums since what your post was literally flaming, as Plankton stated. Flaming was the same thing I got banned for. But, I guess:
Didnt you know, it's allright for some people to be assholes.
It's all about if the admins like em or not.


Thank you and have a nice day/evening/night.