Serious Thoughts on building a real stunstick

Nov 3, 2016
So. I don't think I'd ever actually do this but @Kiril Stoynov's post about a real life CP suit got me thinking about it, so I made this completely shitty, not screen accurate, nonsenical cad model that I may or may not update. I'll also detail the electronics later on in this post.

So yeah this cad model is basically just a stick with a circle on it and it looks more like a magic wand.
NOW- It may be a bit more difficult to maintain screen accuracy and still have the item be useful/stupid dangerous.

For reference, this is a normal stunstick. We see a switch on the shaft, which itself is probably made of some sort of steel I'd wager. At the head, you see a protrusion of several smaller steel bars enclosing an orange object, presumably what gives the thing its charge. If I were to build this, the orange part would probably be decorative, maybe I'd even put in an LED. The real magic would come from those bars, which would have a bunch of tiny electrodes, connected to a capacitor charging circuit. A capacitor is a lot like a battery, but instead of releasing its charge slowly, it does so quickly, with a single discharge. The way we measure how much charge a system can hold is called capacitance. So, the circuit would have two parts in parallel- A charging circuit and a discharge circuit. The charging circuit would connect the capacitor and the battery, and the discharging circuit would connect the capacitor and the output. So, the way this would work is that the capacitor would be charging constantly, and when the switch is flipped, it becomes live and then begins outputting to the various electrodes. Here is a real world taser's electronics-

We see a power source of 9V, and various capacitors of varying farads. The basic idea is as described. THe pictured DC power source goes through the avenues to charge capacitors, and then once they are charged, the power can be diverted to the output circuit, shown in the top right. If any of y'all are hardcore electrical engineers, please feel free to, and indeed I encourage you to correct me as I am still learning, but yeah.
How do we put this to practice?
Well, we would need wiring running up and down the length of the stick part of the stunstick. Thus, it would be hollow, most likely, or at least shelled in specific places to allow cables to run through. A 2 state switch would be applied towards the top, where the stunstick is meant to be held, and that completes the output circuit. Then, wires connected to the various "spokes" at the top of the device would be energized, and if something touches two, then the circuit is completed and a painful shock is delivered. THat's all well and good, but the question for me is- would this be as effective as we see in the games? I think it very well could be. It really is just a blunt taser. However, It is also my prognosis that it would be much more effective for the MPF to just carry tasers.

Conclusion- Okay, stunsticks are super fucking awesome, nobody is doubting that. But writing this up and beginning this project has already given me some insight into the weapon, and it's surprisingly simple. It's just a matter of doing the math for correct capacitance (something I suck at, again I'm still learning) but I think it could be done relatively inexpensively. Will I do this? Probably not. Maybe I will create a more comprehensive cad model and do correct Ohm's law calculations though in case one of you madlads wants to build it. Thank you so much for reading :D
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