aphoticDeception Dec 17, 2018 Doing a survey for my AP stat class. Y'all mind answering? https://www.strawpoll.me/17058898
aphoticDeception Dec 12, 2018 How to Nebulous: 1) Make stupid shitposty Fast threads. 2) Do IC shit 3) Comment on anything and everything you see in your feed. 4) Profit.
How to Nebulous: 1) Make stupid shitposty Fast threads. 2) Do IC shit 3) Comment on anything and everything you see in your feed. 4) Profit.
aphoticDeception Dec 4, 2018 I like to think that that one senator was blown up for failing so hard on the "cooking show."
aphoticDeception Nov 30, 2018 Two thirds haiku man. Why is it they call me that? I don't know, I don't speak in haikus.