Accepted Tinbe's Application

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Apr 26, 2016
Steam name: Tinbe
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40890236
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I've been entrusted with the whitelist several times over the years. Not the troublemaker sort.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes.

Character Name:

Choi'Kurr-Gung'Lahh ("Heel of Heroes, Aid Supreme" in Vortigese). Dislikes the name.
'Ropot' ("Murmur" in Russian). His preferred name, given to him by humans.

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
"Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow."
An outcast of the bitter sort, Ropot is an example of a slave pushed to the brink. The time he spent under the servitude of the Nihilanth and Combine alike have irreparably turned him into an abrasive specimen that abhors compliance of any kind.

His mind towards the rebellion itself is ultimately that of indifference. Ropot will support the cause, but has no real expectations with the current state of affairs. He has no illusion of true camaraderie with the likes of humans after all the atrocities committed by both man and vortikind alike. However, it is not like he will actively attempt to hamper the rebellion's efforts. If helping will serve his interests, so be it.

Brief Backstory:
"We have endured these chafing bonds for eons, yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable."
All systems of slavery will inevitably have the dregs at the bottom, downtrodden even by the standards of forced servitude. Though Ropot may have performed various jobs during his time in Xen, he suffered the bulk of abuse at the hands of grunts and the minds of controller - to the point of shaping his very essence.

His misfortune continued with the salvation-tragedy of the Resonance Cascade. Through various circumstances, he did not exactly make the best impression to the first inhabitants of Earth he came across - not while a slave to the Nihilanth's will. By the time he was free, there weren't many chances to improve the image of Vortigaunts. Not with the arrival of the Combine dominion.

History may not repeat itself, but it does often rhyme, doubly with tyranny. By the time he took a chance at freedom, the brutality imposed upon him had afflicted his mind. In this, he is not completely unlike humans that undergo extreme isolation and anguish for a prolonged period of time, but he would loathe to compare himself to them. He will bear with their company in his belief that it is the least unfavorable option.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
"We take our stand beside you, here, upon this miserable rock."
The most favorable company - and that is by a small margin - he would find are the likes of researchers. If not to swear allegiance, but to compare findings. Ropot has aspirations to recreate the technologies he used before Earth, and for that purpose, he is willing to "exchange notes" with others. Whatever plans he has for any Xen crystals he comes across, however, he keeps to himself.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
"The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity."
What he excels at is not any particular application of the Vortessence, but the intimate understanding of various alien machinery (to humans, at least) he has operated and maintained. Given a chance, Ropot would likely find ways to use any Xenian resources found on Earth to recreate technologies brimming with potential.
May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
"The Combine will pay in kind for their depravity."
What he excels at is not any particular application of the Vortessence, but the intimate understanding of various alien machinery (to humans, at least) he has operated and maintained. Given a chance, Ropot would likely find ways to use any Xenian resources found on Earth to recreate technologies brimming with potential.

Once the server launches, send a PM to me and @Numbers at any point if you want to make a cool gadget out of your existing resources.
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