Suggestion Two minimap suggestions - (map with phone open/map when escorted)


spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
Add minimap when being escorted inside a car
When you're being escorted inside a car you can't see the minimap, realistically I think you should be able to see the GPS on the dashboard. It's just cumbersome more than anything.

Add minimap when your phone is open
I understand not knowing where you are on the map while on foot, without having actually anything to reference from, but it would be cool if when the phone was out we could see the mini map.

Doesn't have to be a special map app on the phone or anything like that, on the contrary I'm not really fond of them because every time I've seen them they are clunky and buggy and unappealing to use. But to have the map open with the phone out or maybe a similar alternative would be great.

For the sakes of making navigation easier and gameplay flow a little bit better, I propose these two changes.