Serious Undeniably the best film ever made.


May 30, 2016
The emoji movie is the best film:ok::ok::ok: ever made because it features lots of interesting and varying characters. Each character is already known widely to the user through mediums such as social media:steve: and text messaging that has become widely renouned for it's use of instant and direct messaging to a person or multiple people of your choosing. Emoji's have become a staple of our (and prior) generations as it allows for a fun quirky escape of the boring and regular text that can become like a berlin wall:mad:, such as this review one day before the film aires is going to be:scream::scream::scream::scream:. For example the famous old guy from x-men:wheelchair: I think is playing the feces:poop: emoji, to which has become a land mark staple for the XD's:laughing::laughing::laughing: that millenials:steve: seem to bathe in, this eqcuisite actor is among the greats of our era and truly resembles the greatness of this film. I am with undoubted belief that the emoji movie is truly the greatest film that will ever and has ever been made. :laughing:Further erpresentation that this film is one of the landmark staples of both comedy, :smiley:our generation and film making as a whole is that there is a hand emoji and the hand is one of the vastly over whelming parts of a human body, without our hands we would be able to partake in the :wheelchair: 'lympics which no one watches really but hey I still respect it and its pretty cool y'know? But have you ever looked at your hand :nose:and appreciated it's overwhelming use of your surroundings and body:wink: tat you can do with your hand and that is represented in the emoji movie as the hand can do multiple tasks. Now the movie tackles really deep shit like philosiphy and feeling we have to behave a certian way when we want to feel other ways like an merican with frea:b:um. The movie intergrated human life and the emoji life reeeaaally well because we feel like as the viewer that there is like a deeper meaning to all the stuff we send and that there is a world of subserviant little shits :poop:and grinning yellow disk :smiley:things that are going through to represent how we feel but what if they want to feel different and we are just forcing them to feel like what they look like on the screen, this is the metabolocism that the viewer is confronted with and must then make an ethical:wink::wink::wink: decision about the use of emoji's and feel as though they are compeeled to set their mojees free into the wilf like a dove or somethinbg like that maybe a turtle idk. was the guy who palyed the hand emoji the british jack black or something idk his name but he's been in a ton of shitty:poop: movies but hes like really british and pudsy:fire: he plays the hand emoji thing and he is good at it. Theres also some like emo girl thing thats kind of edgy and it gives the movie THE EDGE:nose: tyhat it really needs to compete in a circular environment:neutral_face: LIKE THE EMOJI'S ARE:scream: this is just an example of how deep and philisophical these movies can be and ar and its truly inspirational to see this movie, i reccomend you go as it will change your life.:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

In conclusion, the emoji movie is the best film ever made.
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Apr 26, 2016
actually I'd argue that apocalypse now is a much superior film compared to this just for an example.
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Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
To be honest I've just gone numb at this point as my soul tries to rip itself away from this thread.