Serious Unexplainable Encounters


Oct 11, 2016
A strange occurrence happened to a friend and I yesterday, and it gave me the idea to make this thread. In the spirit of the month and Halloween, share some strange encounters you've had.

Last night I was walking with a friend who I haven't hung out with for a few months. It wasn't too late, just about 8-9 PM or so. We were going to go into a wooded area (It's a popular place to go drinking and I've been to a few parties here and the area really isn't too unnerving most of the time) until the headlamp I took along stopped working right as we tried to enter. It hadn't been showing any signs of not working previously and we went to sit down on some old bleachers, annoyed. We sat tinkering with it when we saw two VERY large dogs and a man in the field (it's a pretty big field). The guy was walking his dogs, who had two color coded collars which we could see from the other side of the field. Eventually, the dogs ran up to our bleachers and began barking, and the dude didn't really give a shit. He eventually called them back and they moved off.

I should also mention that we saw around 5 deers, one of which appeared to be a 12 Point buck. We also saw an injured, fat raccoon that was foraging on the edge of the field and the woodland area. We began walking off, as we were really just unnerved. My friend jokingly said, "We're going back in if the flashlight turns on" and the literal second he said that it turned back on. We ran away down the road and, after some discussion, we decided to go to another nearby park. As we entered we were going to an overpass as this park is right next to a major freeway. As we were on the dirt trail to it, I saw two eyes blinking, probably of some animal. I was already a little unnerved and seeing this made me shit myself as the only sources of light we had were two shitty IPhone 8 flashlights. My friend did not believe me and we moved on until we saw the same pair of eyes in the trees. There were two separate figures with the same pair of eyes and they looked at us, blinking in very rapid succession. We ran away to the nearby parking lot and we went to sit on a bench. However, we found a small bag full of some sort of rock-like substance. I live in Philadelphia and it's common to see drugs in random places. We presumed it was crack-cocaine and we just laughed it off after figuring out it was just some sort of hardened sugar.

We walked back to the original area to sit on another set of bleachers and we just needed to relax for a while. We kept hearing the distance screams of something that sounded human, which I presume were cats. If any of you have heard cats fighting you'll understand what I mean. The headlamp turned on randomly and hasn't since.

Area in question:

Share your unexplained/strange/weird encounters. This is just one of mine, I have many more that I can share.
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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
So basically, I was eating, then suddenly a random piece of rice just flew onto my plate from above


Apr 27, 2016
you mind copying the text for me man? dont really wanna go on 4chan myself rn
its /k/ dude, its safe for work

there's way too many stories in that thread for me to copy paste


Apr 26, 2016
you mind copying the text for me man? dont really wanna go on 4chan myself rn
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Spooktober Is Upon Us Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)02:17:39 No.▶
>>39352840 >>39353546 >>39353972 >>39354141 >>39354203 >>39358672 >>39359178 >>39361624 >>39363819 >>39372065 >>39378989 >>39396789 >>39399180 >>39404563
October is here, kick out your creepiest innawoods/Stalker stories, pics and all else related.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)02:21:43 No.▶
inv4 shoah'd
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)05:04:50 No.▶
>>39352686 >>39353520 >>39357454 >>39365961 >>39366090 >>39366187 >>39366410 >>39398834 >>39400921 >>39402022
Any other anons from southeast PA? Where do you guys go innawoods?
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)05:15:26 No.▶
French Creek
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)05:35:28 No.▶
>>39351216 (OP)
Used to stakeout this one house I think that the high school kids would go to and fuck but it was hella sketchy, had a bunch of random adults come to it too, don't know if human trafficking or drug dealing or somekind of safehouse. The same girl who I followed to that house actually lived somewhere else where it was impossible to stalk her because it was in a rich neighborhood and the cops would get called on you if you were just sitting in your car in the road in that place
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)05:57:26 No.▶
That's a state park though. Have you ever gotten hassled by a ranger for carrying guns?
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)07:19:37 No.▶
>>39353534 >>39372213
Centeral PA here. We have a lot of non-game land woodlands that are always fresh for innawoods near the appilachian trails
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)07:21:27 No.▶
>>39366237 >>39372082
Buy a $20 general hunting license and go larp on game lands, if you even see a ranger your hunting coyotes, enjoy.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)07:23:57 No.▶
>>39353645 >>39353972 >>39355654
>>39351216 (OP)
why are there rarely any spooky threads?
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)07:41:19 No.▶
/k/ is pretty dead m8, nobody who’s left is too interested in the spooks.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)08:34:28 No.▶
>>39355803 >>39355832 >>39399950
File: spook.png (54 KB, 800x600)
https://**********/k/1538807668080s.jpg>>39351216 (OP)
I live in the Ozark, and run unarmed in the dark on my drive nightly. The most I have ever seen/heard is deer and rabbits, and the crickets never go silent, though I do occasionally smell something rotten or have my hackles risen. Perhaps I need to go deeper.

My father told me about a time that he was camped out deep innawoods with my mother. They were sitting by a low campfire near time to go to sleep when my mother, being interested in Native American culture, began using her hands as a flute. The sound produced is slightly eerie in itself, but what it drew in is even spookier.
As they have told me, her playing must have drawn it (?) in. They never saw anything, but heard a deep, guttural "Hey!" and the crashing of trees. My father was at that time noguns/disinterested, so they had to just sit there in silence, afraid to do anything. See the pic for a visualisation of their camp.
I am a newfag (came in 2014), and remember when there was always a spook thread with plenty of OC and discussion. Perhaps now we only have fat shut-ins that hardly shoot, and never go innawoods. Perhaps they are more interested in arguing about wonder nines and discussing bait/random/loaded/political topics. Any oldfags care to give insight?
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)09:17:25 No.▶
>>39351216 (OP)
Central WA state here. Came across a 7 foot grey in the woods. Took a shot at it and it made this horrible scream and ran off. Never found it.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)09:37:59 No.▶
>>39355936 >>39366720 >>39379835 >>39379884
>>39351216 (OP)
>In Boy Scouts
>In a small group in the woods maybe a mile or so outside of camp for wilderness survival merit badge
>Matt and I go out farther to look for nicely-sized branches and stuff to make a shelter with
>Find a fallen tree that's internally rotting but externally perfectly fine
>"Yo Matt let's grab some branches off of this."
>"God damn it"
>Put flashlight away to pick up the tree (it's decayed enough that it's actually pretty light) and start walking back to our shelter for the night
>Can't really see much so I just look for the the glowstick I left up there
>"CRK!", a twig-snapping sound comes from right behind me
So close behind me it's almost as if it came from the fragile tree I'm carrying lol whoops
>MAKE A RUN FOR IT, didn't even say a word, just ran in the general direction I think I came from earlier
>Turns out to be spot on, I run in and finally look behind me
>See nothing, obviously
>That dumbass Matt is at the campsite playing on his phone
>Bitch at him a bit but mostly just glad to be safe
The story isn't that interesting, I just think it would be hilarious if some random lost hiker in the woods saw a teenager at a full sprint through the dark of night carrying a literal tree over his shoulder

I miss Boy Scouts senpaitachi :(
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)16:45:11 No.▶
>>39355748 >>39355832 >>39356891 >>39357536 >>39365087 >>39378972 >>39385007
Because we know it's all horse shit.

Hundreds of thousands of people go hunting and hiking each year. You would think that with that many eyes, binoculars, spotting scopes and trail cameras out there that SOMEBODY would have seen SOMETHING and reported it. But, no, they just don't encounter this crap.

The people telling the stories never have pictures of tracks or any other kind of evidence. They can never seem to pin a location on Google Maps either. If most normal people had had an encounter with some unknown entity while out innawoods, you'd think that shit would be all over social media and not relegated to some back page on a Ukrainian Easter bread baking forum.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)16:58:44 No.▶
maybe the weird shit we see is the blurring of dimensions. Yeah its all fringe but its fun.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)17:08:15 No.▶
hunting season is coming back, imma dumb some of my stories collection when this thread dies
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)17:12:37 No.▶
I’ve had similar situations near the appilachians, lived here most of my life, have a few pretty decent stories I may type out later on today.

Been around just as long as you (2014), everyone worth while has their responsibilities and families now, we’re stuck with the shit.

Frigg off skinwalker.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)17:27:03 No.▶
>Be inna Boyscouts
>Wilderness Survival merit badge
>Chad counselor told us where the site would be
>Do some looking around the night before
>Couple hours of checking for good spots
>Find sick fucking tree fort
Low hanging tree set at an angle, essentially leaning against a large boulder, creating a cavity beneath perfect for 2 twig scouts
>given the goahead, book it for tree fort
>claim that shit within minutes and begin setting it up
>Time for bed
>Few minutes pass, eyes starting to adjust to the light
>Buddy screeches and begins flailing out of his sleeping bag
>Fucking spiders
>Ceiling is spiders
>Grab shit and book it.

Spent the rest of the night fortless, ended up playing MtG with the Chad counselor until eventually falling asleep on a rock.

I miss scouts.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)17:30:55 No.▶
oh come on let this shit thread die so I can make a better one
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)17:31:27 No.▶
kill it if you must
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)20:08:38 No.▶
>>39387867 >>39392673
Not a valid argument for several reason.

1: The area the specific amount of people cover is mostly the same, especially in places like the US where property laws vastly limits where a person might camp legally without getting shot for finding Bubbas weed plantation.

2: Even within those specific high traffic areas of campers people go missing all the fucking time. It would simply be more prudent to argue that even if lot's of people travel within spooky stuff territory, the people that don't go missing are the ones that didn't run into anything.

3: People report weird shit constantly. But they either dismiss it themselves or gets dismissed by others. As far as having Blair witch type video or sound files recording it, I'm sure if you do a google search you'll find loads of stuff. Sure, tons are fake, but if there was real footage, where do you think it would end up? National news staking their reputation on a big foot story?

4: People aren't really that attentive. How many times do you think people getting stalked by cougars, wolves or other animals -or just simply passing them by- actually noticed them? The only people who are actually good at scanning the land are the few who spend most of their time in it, and also have a certain innate or trained sensibility for it. Also, if you meet on of those people and ask about the area chances are there is at least one local spooky place the old timers tell you stay away from.

5: There are still enormous areas to hide in both in the wilderness and in urban areas. Anyone who has ever done any urban exploring could tell you that there are huge complexes of tunnels, sunken city blocks, abandoned areas and other shit where anything could be hiding for decades without being noticed. There are wilderness areas that see little to no human traffic and it could be argued that would make an ideal home for anything spooky, and sightings are merely something peeking out.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)20:17:19 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)20:52:51 No.▶
where are some good places to go innawoods in central? eastern wa here and want to head out that way cause there's rarely anything here and all the good stuff is in idaho or montana
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:09:54 No.▶
>>39357391 >>39368744

>Be August 2011
>Friend is becoming a pilot and renting a plane out of Martinsburg WV to get hours in for a license
>Likes to fly out over the mountains because fuck the cities
>Discovers odd half built house in the middle of nowhere, looks abandoned, saves the coordinates on GPS
>Calls me up later to go check it out that night
>Rainy as fuck going there but tapers off once were a few miles away
>On route 9, driving for miles and get to desolate looking area and make a left onto a barely paved road not even wide enough for 2 vehicles(cant remember what the road is called sadly)
>Road signs are covered in occult graffitti
>Drive for a few miles, no houses, only corn fields and woods

Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:20:40 No.▶
>Kept driving until he says this is it
>Pull into weed filled field in his car
>Since it was raining we had the windows up and ac on
>Soon as we open the doors to get out were hit with the smell of decay
>I take a step out and almost step on a headless chicken
>Following GPS thru this field on foot and finding dozens and dozens of butchered animals
>Deer parts, more chickens, rabbits, and not even sure what all else
>Some are only bones, others are fresher
>Spot weird shape in the corner of the field, decide to check it out
>Find a lawnchair piled with sleeping bags
>Look around and see 2-3 more lawnchairs
>Small piles of beer cans, a shot up old tube TV, tires, and a firepit
>Decide it was some local kids out partying here
>Then we find a knocked over make-shift beer pong table - shotty saw-horses and a piece of plywood with red solo cups and beer pong balls laying around
>See recent tire tracks thru the mud swerving around the table, the vehicle may have actually hit the table and knocked it over
>Wonder why chairs were left along with the sleeping bags when it was raining out
>Find a half full case of bush beer AND a mostly full fifth of Jim Beam
>Why would some good ol' boys out partying in WV leave all this booze here???

Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:26:02 No.▶
>Looking around and find more tires tracks going straight thru what we assume would be party area
>Came to the conclussion they were chased off possibly by someone
>Doubt it was cops out here
>Looking around some more and hear something moving thru the woods about 50 yards out
>Didnt have flashlights since didnt wanna be caught looking around so cant see shit
>Whatever it was was walking on 2 legs, not four
>Would periodically stop, and start again
>decide to leave since we didnt want to have cops called on us
>As we made our way back to the car we could hear it following us, just staying out of sight in the surrounding woods
>Left and decided to go back the next afternoon
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:27:31 No.▶
>>39357553 >>39357564
Will continue if any interest
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:29:18 No.▶
>>39357483 >>39366227 >>39369208
Boy scount camp about 30 mins away or Applachian trail. A really creepy spot is the NJ pine barrens tho
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:31:53 No.▶
And the rest of the Poconos not just the trail parts.
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:36:26 No.▶
Burn the house down, burn the house down, BURN IT DOWN!!!
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:39:19 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:41:33 No.▶
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:42:49 No.▶
File: 8F2C68A4-C813-4A5C-842D-B(...).jpg (75 KB, 453x604)
Please do continue
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)21:57:47 No.▶


>Next day is hot as fuck Friday afternoon
>I get off work and friend comes over to pick me up
>Kinda disturbed about what was innawoods watching us last night so he brings his RIA 1911, I was noguns at the time so brought ka-bar and aluminum baseball bat for CQC
>Head out to the field again
>The humidity made the smell of decay and death so strong we smelled about a mile away from before we got to the field
>About to turn into the exact same spot we parked the night before
>Notice a sign that was exactly where we parked that definitly wasnt there less than 24 hours ago
>pull over to inspect said sign
>Shitty home-made no trespassing sign smeared with brownish stuff
>Notice a freshly decapitated chicken laying at base of sign, along with broken glass, a few hunderd rusted nails and screws
>Brownish shit on sign is chicken blood and glass and nails are supposed to be a deterrent

Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)22:07:01 No.▶
that's because of the anomaly in mine #9
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)22:10:18 No.▶
>Young and full of piss and vinegar
>Find a decent spot to pull over close to a mile down the road on opposite side
>Get out and scope out area to ensure nobody is hiding and watching us
>Walk to the field and skirt it staying along the treeline in case we need to hide quick
>Come across the half built house
>Just a basement foundation with walls and a few palletes of concrete blocks and bricks
>Looks like it had recently been built maybe less than 2 years ago
>More occult graffitti covering walls
>Dead deer laying in center of foundation
>Just then we both smelled smoke
>Left foundation and walked toward north side of the field towards where the party area was
>Get closer to the party area and make a disturbing discovery
>Chairs, sleeping bags, tv, booze and knocked over beer pong table all gone
>Friend notices tracks in the mud
>recognize our boot prints but theres several other, fresher prints also

Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)22:28:37 No.▶
>>39361605 >>39361733 >>39362861
>Smoke smell is stronger here
>See odd shaped lump at far side of party area
>Smoke smell intensifies the closer we get
>Notice a "tee-pee" configuration of half burned tree limbs
>Can make out animal bones laying in the ashes
>We decide to leave, didnt wanna be fucking around on possibly private property that belonged to a cult
>Almost to the end of the field when friends car alarm starts shrieking
>Friend draws 1911 and we both start running towards car
>Get there and see nothing but the car
>Get in and pull 3 point turn to leave, drive almost 2 miles back the way we came and see large rocks lined across the road that werent there less than half an hour ago
>Not about to get out to try to move them
>Spin around and go back the opposite way
>Spend almost 30 minutes navagating backroads to get back onto route 9
>Havent been back since

Anti-climatic I know, but after reading those greentexts about bodies laying in the roads in the middle of nowhere and having swarms of people come out of fields makes me even more glad neither of us got out of the car. But thats my story of the time we found what i can only assume was some sort of devil cult in WV. Im guessing one of them was watching us the previous night and then made the sign to keep us out and there may have been a few of them in that area the following afternoon who tried to get into the car or fuck with it. And that they were responsible for the house not being built there? And running off the good ol boys out partying
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)23:54:54 No.▶
>>39359148 >>39382803
File: 1432524217146.png (442 KB, 1176x2496)
https://**********/k/1538862894763s.jpg>>39351216 (OP)
Anonymous 10/06/18(Sat)23:57:57 No.▶
Alright, I’ll type one of my stories and if you guys are interested I’ll give you a few others. I don’t have one long coherent even of my time living with my mother, but instead various occurances that all held their own pretty serious happenings.

Here’s the first one.

>be me
>14 or so at the time
>living with my mother out in the backwoods of PA
>I’ve moved around a few times as a kid, remember all of the houses, all in the sticks
>for some reason this house is the only one to ever give me some sort of terrible feeling of dread
>had minor happenings up until I was 14, mostly just a voice whispering my name in the night
>chalked it up to being young and afraid for a long time until thinking it over one day I realized it was always the same voice, and it only ever occurred when I left a window open
Back onto the first happening
>be 14 and have school in the morning, so passed the fuck out
>suddenly wake up, like I mean jolt awake out of fucking nowhere in the middle of a peaceful dream
>dread, just pure fear overtakes me for seemingly no reason
>I can’t move, I don’t want to move
>I look down at the end of my futon, which still had the back up
>my cat has her back feet on my leg, front feet on the back of the futon looking out my open window

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)00:03:32 No.▶
>>39358776 >>39360866 >>39363118
>I still feel like I want to scream in terror, but it’s only my cat in the room
>I just about settle down and call her name when all the hair on her back shoots up
>her tail is waving frantically, and begins to growl
>she’s a quiet and timid cat, never fucked with the other cats we had inside, this was unlike her and only made me shut up even further
>she continues to growl at the window for about thirty seconds
>finally build the courage to stand, about to stand when something growls back
>I freeze, heart skipped a beat
>lived in the woods my whole life, heard everything from a coyote to mountain lions growl
>this was not anything I’ve seen or heard
>this was guttural, it sounded human but all wrong, and whatever it was had been tall enough to be right at the window
>this is when my cat bolts down and stands right on my chest, almost defensively
>I get zero sleep that night, she stayed with me the entire time in that stance, whatever it was must have left because nothing else happened

This isn’t very /k/, but other events involve a lot more shooting if anyone wants the rest.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)00:07:24 No.▶
>involve a lot more shooting
Well go on then, we're all listening
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)00:49:01 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)00:51:00 No.▶
Story 2:

This is the second major happening that I remember, with some small events in between. This one is shorter and doesn’t yet get to the shooting, but it’s important.

>be me still
>16, living with my mother still
>same house, feeling of danger and fear has never really gone away
>be sleeping one night, weekend, peaceful dreams
>remember the dream still, I was just playing guitar with some bros I had
>doesn’t stay peaceful long
>everything goes dark, I’m still asleep, but feel awake
>can’t open my eyes, I want to scream, feel like I’m screaming
>this goes on for some time, I don’t know how long but it feels like forever
>in the middle of this torture my eyes open and I sit up
>I can’t catch my breath, my brain is telling me to get up and run, I’m in danger
>it takes me a moment to process what’s going on, but I’m outside
>I’m sitting on my front porch, in the cold
>get up and as quick as I can and run to my front door
>it’s fucking locked
>fucking what, how did I get out here?
>sudden feeling that I’m being watched, someone is staring at me and I need to get away
>run down the front of my house to my bedroom window
>the fuck mothering screen is torn to bits, window open
>jump through window, slam it shut behind me and close curtains
>don’t sleep the rest of the night, just silently listening, swear I hear something walking outside but don’t dare look

I got checked out after this because I was terrified I was schizo or some shit, but doctor couldn’t really come up with anything and gave me some bullshit about sleep walking. I never sleep walked before this, and haven’t since. Will post next story in a bit
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)00:53:10 No.▶
File: Screenshot_2018-10-06-18-51-55.png (390 KB, 540x960)
https://**********/k/1538866390279s.jpg>>39351216 (OP)
Is anyone else seeing this? No catalogs have text, and the catalogs of blue boards present as red.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)01:07:33 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)01:10:29 No.▶
Might just be you, it looks fine to me on both mobile and pc
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)02:21:57 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)02:57:57 No.▶
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https://**********/k/1538873877786s.jpgI miss these comfy threads
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)03:17:06 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)03:22:55 No.▶
any spooky wilderness shit in South-East Virginia or North-East North Carolina? There's probably the Great Dysmal Swamp but I've never heard anything particularly creepy about it.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)04:06:36 No.▶
Some anons found E ZEDs location and went there. Spook related.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)04:08:01 No.▶
>>39360738 >>39360872
I can't find any good spoops around DFW. I has a sad.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)04:36:59 No.▶
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)04:55:24 No.▶
You have a nice cat anon, she sounds very polite
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)04:55:33 No.▶
Story 3:
>same house, now 19
>been working my dick off since high school, preparing to start buying funs and move out
>one night during the fall have bros over
>there’s probably 7 or 8 of us
>start a bonfire, down some beers, chain smoke cigarettes
>typical shit in the backwoods
>everything is going on pretty normally, we’re having a lot of fun as usual
>I got pretty drunk at this point and forget most of what happened throughout the night, but I do remember at some point that feeling I always got of being watched returns
>try to ignore it, pretty fed up with it at this point
>buddy realizes he forgot his cigarettes out front
>whatever, we all walk out front, dick off on front porch for a bit and light up some smokes
>we start to walk back to return to bonfire, all walking as a small huddled group up my driveway that looped th side of the house
>the feeling gets worse almost out of nowhere
>it must have been a pretty mutual thing, because everyone gets pretty quiet
>we all get quiet almost in unison
>onset silence took over, almost right on que
>there was a massive crack, the snapping of the pretty freshly cut corn stocks
>we all stopped, and looked up at the cornfield just twenty yards ahead
>there was a figure, something slowly stood up right in front of us
>it wasn’t normal either, it was eerily unnatural, it didn’t come up on all fours like a deer, but stood just as tall as one
>it didn’t stand in two legs either, it was like it was slouching over onto fists
>a stare between us and whatever the fuck it was only lasted a moment before it bolted off through the field
>it was fuck all fast too, it took it maybe fifteen to twenty seconds to reach the small hill in the middle of the field about two hundred yards out
>it didn’t take me long to sprint to the back door with the rest of my group

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)04:56:09 No.▶
There's a goat man in Cleburne
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)05:02:31 No.▶
>we all ran into my house, made sure everyone was in before slamming the door shut and locking it
>everyone was panicked, adrenaline coursing, though silence lingered for some time
>we spent a good while staring out windows before we started talking it over
>it was in pretty popular agreement whatever the hell it was wasn’t an animal
>I grab my vodka and take a mighty swig before announcing we need to go check it out
>luckily my friends and I share a large amount of stupidity and all agree
>I grab my pretty quality longsword I had because I was a faggot
>everyone else grab whatever they can find
>one has a fire splitting axe, another a hatchet, one ties a kitchen knife to a pole
>spear man takes point and we all charge out the backdoor
>not enough autism for a war cry, so we remain silent as we lurked up to the field
>start checking the area, we stay in two small groups of 3 or 4 (still don’t remember how many of us there were)
>no tracks, and what was more disturbing is we couldn’t find a spot in the stocks it could have been laying
>we realize it wasn’t laying, it must have been watching us the whole time, stalking us
>that discussion was enough to drive us all back to the safety of the bonfire, kept weapons close and built that bitch up to a mighty flame
>rest of the night goes by without incident, but the feeling never really goes away

Will continue more stories after a little
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)06:33:26 No.▶
Still waiting, anon
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)06:44:44 No.▶
holy fuck creepy as hell
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)06:47:30 No.▶
File: goatman.jpg (2.48 MB, 3560x2280)
https://**********/k/1538887650375s.jpg>>39351216 (OP)
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)07:03:48 No.▶
Pretty funny if the other dude gives a greentext from the "hunter" perspective
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)07:29:36 No.▶
>>39362826 >>39362926 >>39363506 >>39371743 >>39376889 >>39378173 >>39401878
>be some time in 2011
>tired of dealing with urban life
>decide to go innawoods to relax and farm chickens
>start building my comfy cabin
>some faggot plane keeps flying over head
>coons got into my chicken coop, nearly all got killed
>now have to clean up a yard full of dismembered chickens
>local edgy kids keep graffitiing the road signs
>decide to do some satanic larp on my property, using my dead chickens
>I think I overheard the name of one of them, Karl or something
>tired of this shit, kindly ask them to gtfo
>they don't
>drive my pickup through to spook them
>that did it, peace at last, just have to clean up my damn yard
>go fishing
>come back, someone's parked on my property
>maybe the kids came back for their booze
>I'm kinda shy, so I decided to have a look at them first
>stepped on twig, they heard
>book it back to the car
>probably tweekers
>realize that I don't have a no trespassing sign
>only paint I have is brown
>throw one up just in case the tweakers come back
>start getting paranoid
>what if the tweakers are going to come back and rob me
>mfw noguns, decide to roll a few rocks onto the road so they can't drive up
>next day
>cooking some chicken
>hear car
>go hide in the woods
>car stops, tweekers hop out
>one of them has a gun
>shit shit shit
>suddenly the car alarm goes off, and they book it out of there
>fucking tweekers, never can tell
So /k/, anyone else have a tweeker story?
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)11:11:31 No.▶
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)11:20:51 No.▶
Did you examine the animal remains in the area? How were animals killed? What was used to butcher them?
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)11:50:26 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:22:33 No.▶
>>39363018 >>39363030 >>39363032
>Live in state forest in Washington state.
>House on 10 acres, no visible neighbors, land to North is state owned/no activity from officials
>Work late every day, come back to house at 1-2 am
>Dogs chase things away normally, randomly through the night they will all start barking and rush into woods
>Get woken up one night by dog crying, large tear in shoulder 6-8 inches and to the bone
>Clean her up, give her some meds to knock her out and stich her up
>Come home next night, dogs don't greet me like normal.
>Most active dog standing at edge of light from porch staring at me with scruff up.
>Look around notice it looks like area above my house has some trees down (lots of branches and such where they normally aren't)
>Sleep it off
>Wakeup next day, go outside to car and hear low hum that sounded familiar but couldn't pin it down
>Look at same spot as night before, branches look like they got moved around, dogs still won't come out
>Some are darker than others, darker than any trees where I live
>Try to get my dogs to come up there withe, they won't so I just leave it figuring a large bear or something had scared em.
>Later on that day look out my front window notice similar branches up in the trees 30+ feet up, make some food and walk outside, now they are at ground level almost 40 feet away
>Dogs still not leaving porch low humming still there, realize black 'sticks' are making it.

I'm not sure what they are or if they are what hurt my dog but I've dealth with these stick creatures for years now.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:32:25 No.▶
Why havn't you put up a trail cam or something?
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:40:06 No.▶
Fucks a stick creature anon?
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:40:41 No.▶
This story is probably fake, but how do living situations like that work? If Anon here up and died for real on his property, how long would it be until that fact was discovered, realistically?
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:43:35 No.▶
Until the bills / taxes stopped getting paid.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:45:01 No.▶
I refuse to walk into the woods surrounding my home ever since then. I grew up inna woods and my property is the only place I've ever felt uneasy.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)12:59:41 No.▶
>Be average rural teenager
>Riding dirt bike on state trails
>Probably ridden same trail 100+ times before, grow up in woods
>Get to hairy corner, nearly 180 degree turn
>Slow down and get around bend
>Large upright black creature standing ~4 feet inna woods off trail
>flat face covered in black hair from head to toe
>Look of death in its eyes, but doesn't seem to notice me as I'm staring right into them
>Get maybe 30 feet away and stop, bike still running, look back
>It's now on the trail where I just was, looking directly at me
>I must've been there for no more than 10 seconds before it opened its mouth and let out a scream very similar to a cougar and started to shift it's weight forward like it was going to charge
>No more than 0.0000001 seconds later I had revved motor to max and dumped clutch

Never rode that fast in my life, I quit riding all together that day and sold my bike the next month, I'm not sure what I would've done had it been in the middle of the trail when I came through.
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)13:16:37 No.▶
The virgin spoop vs the chad house cat
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)14:35:15 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)15:16:48 No.▶
The absolute madmen
Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)15:38:32 No.▶
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Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)15:57:58 No.▶
>>39363657 >>39365972 >>39400013
Sorry, passed out, back now.

Story 4:
>same everything as before, be 19
>have become hasguns, recently purchased WASR
>things have started to get tense on the spook ranch
>working night shift at the time and girl that I’m still with moved in with us
>she and the others of my family keep telling me lights are shining in through the windows at night
>not like distant lights, flashlights, Mother even tells me some come right up to the windows
>this pisses me off more than anything, I stay rational with everything despite shit that’s happened
>chalk it up to pricks walking through our fields and spotting for deer
>a few weeks after initial reports, I’m forced to stay home from work due to blizzard
>I just chill the entire time, feels pretty comfy, get to go out front with dogs and have a cigarette every two hours or so
>snow was beautiful
>this continues for awhile, kind of a boring day overall, until about midnight
>I was in my room, playing monster hunter because nothing else to do
>suddenly little brother comes running back hallway
>bursts through door, tears in his eyes
>”Anon, they’re here again, the lights”
>instant fucking defensive mode
>I spring up and grab WASR and the only spare mag I had at the time
>adorn surplus soviet longcoat
>tuck mag into coat pocket, and rush out to kitchen to get to back door
>I quickly turn off all the lights, and creep over to a window, to peek out
>no lights, but I see a figure, heart starts racing
>it’s not in the field, it’s right in my back fucking yard
>too dark to see anything other than the idea of a tall figure lurking, but I can hear snow crunching while it steps
>start to plan my attack when the figure stops, and I swear to god turns right to look at me
>duck behind wall as fast as I can, but don’t stay there, begin something of a crawl towards back door

Anonymous 10/07/18(Sun)16:11:02 No.▶
>>39363707 >>39365972
>I’m about halfway to the door when I hear the crunching get faster, and it rushes towards the house
>I spring up onto one knee, and stare off towards the door
>nothing happens, can’t see anything on other side of door through door window
>then a loud screeching of metal whining as is moved against itself, then the bang of my cellar door being swung fully open
>holy fuck, I know I locked that
>this thing is in my fucking cellar
>tactical freak out, but don’t reach tactical shitting of pants before it dawns of me
>one way in, one way out, it just cornered itself
>I take a lot of courage in this and sprint to the door, without hesitation I swing it open, lock it behind me and shut it
>trapped myself, but would rather that than have it get around me and get inside
>begin slow trek towards the now wide open cellar doors, pull flashlight I keep in my coat from pocket
>a bit awkward, but I manage to hold the small flashlight and grip hand guard on WASR in the same hand
>there were prints in the snow leading to the cellar, but it was coming down way too fast, way too hard
>they had become nothing but deep imprints with no distinct shape
>no time to think about that, I keep my flashlight low as I creep up to the cellar stairs
>I hesitate, but push any rational thought to the back of my head
>no time for thinking, anon
>I grit my teeth, and charge down the stairs, bringing my WASR up all the while
>I do a quick, but thorough sweep of the cellar, it has no walls, just one support pillar
>there’s absolutely jackshit
>a million questions are racing through my head, no logical answer
>that’s when I hear it
>crunch, crunch, crunch
>it never fucking came down in the first place
>I turn tail, but exactly what I expected, happened
>the cellar door slams shut above me, the massive clang of metal from the force rendered me basically deaf
>run up stairs, shove my shoulder into cellar, but there’s weight on the door now

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Deleted member 3713

My dick way too small to have y’all on it.
Jun 23, 2017
So about a year ago, these rioter dudes here in Bahrain ended up doing some really shitty yet bad ass jail break, im talking guns blazing at the door, escape cars, everything, think im joking? Look it up.

Anyway, the police had ended up placing checkpoints all over the island, checking everyone face and the likes.

So me and my father, we were on the way to the market, its just something me and him do on Saturdays, you know some cliche father-son shit.

Now theres a checkpoint, he stops our car, and the officer was about to wave us through, but he ends up holding his hand out for longer than usual. Man's is staring me down, mind you he is in full uniform with riot gear, this man could whoop my ass like a hot cake any fucking day.

Now in my mind, i just got sentenced for life, wrongly accused, #Ididndunuffin

it felt like fucking hours before he waved us through, but for those long 8 seconds, i thought i was gonna die. Honestly.

so yeah, that happened.