What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days


Sep 12, 2018
I mean you said it yourself @Lewis! the current SD's have a reputation of being rebel-alligned shotcoppers. What's the chances they'd willingly pick a known 'cop main' or two if there wasn't a good reason for it?
Only one of them has that reputation, at least as far as I'm aware.

To clarify, by "running the server" I'm referring to faction leads and senior staff in general. I'm not really sure what you mean by what are the chances of them picking a cop main is, because by in large they all play cop apart from Nathan. Ovxy was the faction lead and started the consistent shotgcopping of the NG because he got booted from Combine for the aforementioned incompetence.


infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
general incompetence
I said this multiple times, and I will say it again. The sole reason for my removal was my shit attitude, not incompetence. As Simman said; an unfounded claim.

I've decided to take a more hands-off approach in order to avoid any drama, that's why I have been silent throughout this thread, reading all the demoralizing and discouraging replies in silence (Really, if your objective is to make me give up on this last stand, you're succeeding). However, I can't stand idle when your innate hatred towards me and my friends clouds your judgment about this iteration.

The way the server is designed innately prevents devolving into an S2K shitfest. The conscripts have only one gun per squad (and its one of the two worst guns on the server), are prohibited from firing upon civilians and don't posses any authority. Cops are purely reactionary from what I know, and the "OTA" will be used in the same way Helix 1 OTA were. Once a blue moon.

My factions' authority is purely In-Character, and my limited OOC control over the server is restricted to managing said factions.

Each and every reply from the mob has only ensured me that most nebuloids are incapable of reading comprehension, or are simply too lazy if the thread has more than two paragraphs.

Ovxy was the faction lead and started the consistent shotgcopping of the NG because he got booted from Combine for the aforementioned incompetence.
NG shotcopping started through IC developments, anyone from the Armbands can attest. I was still a member of the Combine faction (EOW, OTA, CP) when we were actively hunting NG.


Apr 26, 2016
i just wish for once factions were put in the hands of people who had no prior experience

nebulous roleplay management has for years felt like every faction is being led by like the same 3 people because "only the people with experience are eligble to run it"

just let the faction be incompetent for like, a month, alongside every other faction, while the new leads learn the ropes of management

i'd rather an earnest newbie run a faction than someone who's already ran it seven times before and will just keep trying to pivot the faction to their own personal idealized state (that's usually very controversial among most other players)

I think that's sort of the problem in a way, especially for the factions that need to be able to run 'well'.

You can either hit the ground running or you can trust that a brand new face with new ideas won't torpedo things trying to see what works. I support new blood in things of course, but there's no easy fix unless you have a playerbase and community willing to see things through the teething pains.

I'm not really sure what you mean by what are the chances of them picking a cop main is, because by in large they all play cop apart from Nathan.

Fair, I'll admit I got people mixed up in my head lmao
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I think that's sort of the problem in a way, especially for the factions that need to be able to run 'well'.

You can either hit the ground running or you can trust that a brand new face with new ideas won't torpedo things trying to see what works. I support new blood in things of course, but there's no easy fix unless you have a playerbase and community willing to see things through the teething pains.

no iteration of HL2RP is truly going to be different if the staff, leads, and storytellers are the same few people over and over, or people that are so entrenched in the history of prior iterations that they already have a concrete "this is what im GOING to do as lead" ideology
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Mar 26, 2017
shotgcopping of the NG
because it was fun
ng was disorganized and it was funny to kick them all the time for it, anyone could've stepped up to rouse them but never did
the only time we ever used the voice chat we got our closest resemblance of a victory and killed the teams containing the highest-ranking players and took ovxy's m1014 and someone elses silenced g36
i still regret thinking ovxy and the armbands as a whole were the problem and not the poor approach to ng and not bringing anyone capable of actually leading the faction in to the fold in a co role, we were practically just money printers and weapon printers. heck, we'd constantly wake up to the doors to the basement being open anyways and nobody ever did anything about it. you could just +sit through the fence and walk into our base.

i just wish for once factions were put in the hands of people who had no prior experience
It was, linntrix iteration i was vort lead
i've actually had this same thought but i think you're having it in the wrong light
it's not 'we need incompetent ooc leads' it's 'we need incompetent ic leads'
you should never strive to have your entire leadership filled solely with characters that will always succeed at your job. you need the few, the proud, the workmen, but you don't need every single slot filled with people that get the job done and call it a day - it's never interesting. you don't need a bumbling fool, but you shouldn't have people that always 'succeed' in the traditional sense

the new approach to civipro roleplay reflects this as there's much less tying them down to be 'loyal' and their players are expected to be ready to solve these problems esoterically. they can be shot, killed, and replaced, and will be. i think it'll be fun and worth seeing how it pans out, especially from the progenitor arm side


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
It was, linntrix iteration i was vort lead

im not gonna critique linntrix's iteration because the damn thing basically never got off the ground

i've actually had this same thought but i think you're having it in the wrong light
it's not 'we need incompetent ooc leads' it's 'we need incompetent ic leads'
you should never strive to have your entire leadership filled solely with characters that will always succeed at your job. you need the few, the proud, the workmen, but you don't need every single slot filled with people that get the job done and call it a day - it's never interesting. you don't need a bumbling fool, but you shouldn't have people that always 'succeed' in the traditional sense

the new approach to civipro roleplay reflects this as there's much less tying them down to be 'loyal' and their players are expected to be ready to solve these problems esoterically. they can be shot, killed, and replaced, and will be. i think it'll be fun and worth seeing how it pans out, especially from the progenitor arm side

personally i dont really think this matters if the leader is still OOCly played by the same people

very rarely do i see the current group of faction leads (the same few people who always end up in high ranks on new iterationss, for example) take criticism that diverges from their idea of how the faction should be


the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
Honestly, although I have doubts, I can see this working nicely in the end. It's a nice little shift of doing things, since we've mostly gone into the future rather than the HL:A experience that old Terranova offered.

And, if it does end up being the end of the iterations, then I think it'll be nice to have an actual send-off. I can't see another iteration, at least not on nebulous, coming forth after this one. After attention and development shifted away from Gmod, it's more been in its sunset period. A long sunset period, nearly what 3 years now?

I don't want an iteration after this one. Let this be the last, and let it take itself for as long of a ride as it can until the server locks one last time. We did it for WW3RP, after all.
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
half of the doomers saying it wont work will keep on playing anyway and the other half had no intention of ever playing
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I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
You dont need to take criticism personally. They are just other people's opinions after all.

But I just cant see this being different from before.

It has been more then 10 years. Its normal that people (or some people) are tired or getting tired especially when there was a lot of drama in the past and nothing indicates its gonna chsnge in the future.

This aint about hate or people "from other communities" like Alex said.

If "other communities" have anything to do with this, they only show that some people are really looking for a different experience. Because everyone here hás been playing neb for ages
The posts I deleted were not simply just criticism though, that’s my point.

My problem lies with the recurring theme of the same names cropping up whenever someone else wants to try their hand with the server with ideas that don’t align with theirs.

If it’s not hate it’s an obsession with wanting to see anything we do fail, regardless of if it’s simply an effort from the members of our community.

There’s absolutely no justification for it.
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Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
The posts I deleted were not simply just criticism though, that’s my point.

My problem lies with the recurring theme of the same names cropping up whenever someone else wants to try their hand with the server with ideas that don’t align with theirs.

If it’s not hate it’s an obsession with wanting to see anything we do fail, regardless of if it’s simply an effort from the members of our community.

There’s absolutely no justification for it.
speaking for myself, in case i have made my point a little to lividly, I'm not trying to shift hate towards ovxy or anyone. maybe im not paying attention to all the other comments that were made.

but either way discussing if this iteration is good or bad right or wrong is pointless. if they are sure on what they want to do then let them of course. i made my point if it counts for anything and yea
Sep 13, 2016
Personal opinion from someone who hasn't even touched GMOD since COVID lockdown more or less, the thing about Lemonpunch and early Neb is that nobody was trying to account for something as
as 'balancing' the social aspects of the server, genuinely trying to avoid arguments and toxicity, creating a more inclusive environment for all types of players. I think to old heads like myself, our memories of old HL2RP lead us to believe that the mode cannot be engineered to be anything but its initial binary of cops vs robbers and the cliques that form within these factions, because we come from a time where those were really the ONLY two options available. In doubling down on a fresh approach, you new peeps are striving for the complete opposite of this, total clique death, and in my opinion, that's not a bad thing at all. I wish you the best of luck with it, as should ALL THE OTHER OLDHEADS COMPLAINING and here's why; it's what we probably should have had the maturity to do ourselves.

Having a more even playing field, from what I can tell, putting the main cop faction on the level of civilians and leaving the real oppressors as something few and far between is in and of itself a way to actually OOCly combat some of the toxicity that we've seen in HL2RP throughout its entire history, note that only the previous faction lead is getting any form of 'nepo' here, and all the new cops are just going to be people, which means they can actually be 'touched' by even the freshest of bluesuits, that's a fucking massive green flag to me as a person that played this gamemode all the way back in Lemonpunch. It's a perfect way to stop in-groups forming, shifts the power dynamic more in favour of creating roleplay instead of having some dickhead cop main whinge like a little bitch for fucking hours that a malnourished bluesuit can't damage them with a sledgehammer to the skull and having their senior admin friend save their life after a forty minute OOC shouting match. Having a seemingly well proportioned staff team, hopefully letting some new, fresh players take a crack at leading things, all of this is exactly what we needed maybe five or so years ago.

Back then, the server was only barely held together by Dallas and co's incredible skill to construct narratives that made sense of the OOC shit flinging, chaos, toxicity and infighting that stemmed from all the OOC factions that exercised their will on the server overall, sure it added an element of IC pandemonium which spilled into the day to day events of the server at large, but for what it's worth, it was entirely dysfunctional outside of that. It was a series of engaging IC events fuelled by some of the most pointless out of pocket mid-late teens arguing you could ever imagine lensed into basically an interactive FPS movie by Marc Laidlaw's Scottish clone, a Ukrainian refugee and a schizophrenic Irishman.

I'm not going to be totally hopeful, tell you guys that it seems like it'll be different this time, but I feel that if you played this gamemode and have fond memories of it and you want to see it off you should at least hear these guys out, cause it seems like they're making an HL2RP for people over the age of 19 years old. Honestly I don't even know if half this post makes sense, I just spent the better part of a few hours rigging and modelling a sentient television for a freelance gig, but I think you guys get the idea, if they do this and it means that a different kid similar to myself starting out on this, the final iteration of this gamemode can hop on and doesn't have to navigate fifty plus racial slurs a day and an insurmountable in-group (memories which by the way I still wouldn't trade for anything, toxic as they were) then I'm all for it.

The Red Devil

Apr 26, 2016
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
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Jun 12, 2022
I gotta say though, VICE-8 had some nice hips, iykyk


Apr 27, 2016
@Hudson mind making a neb timeline? Include golden age events etc
How would the timeline be represented? An article? Image? Video? I think we'd need to decide which events should be noted, as there were hundreds of them, which might deserve its own thread if there's interest in such a project.
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Jul 23, 2016
I can't get over the irony of the clockwork blacksuit gang who logged on and logged off specifically to shotcop (shotguard) or to engage in one of the brainless shootouts on the valley map are now running a roleplay server.
Late reply, but, I don't feel like this holds any weight at this point. The Clockwork era ended, what, in late 2018? That's over half a decade ago. People change, they learn. I was a stupid retard back in 2018. I'm still a stupid retard now, but I've learned from others and improved through experiences. I think that applies to pretty much everyone. Someone who wasn't very good at roleplay (or contributing to it) a few years ago might be really good today.

Anyway, I think if people really have passion for this sort of thing I see no reason why they shouldn't try it. Provide constructive criticism and feedback, not random shots or pointless bashing at the people running it.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Everyone wants to play it, nobody wants to do it.
Y'know with all the "semi-closed, weekend only, episodic" stuff, I'll deadass do it and write a whole ass story for it all but the catch is y'all are Vortigaunts. You start in Xen just before BM, you'll go through all of the BM stuff and then for those of you that survive then have to survive through the wilderness, the rise/fall of the Combine and the aftermath. I'll make y'all roll stats like you're playing a HL2 D&D expansion and if you die maybe I'll boot you from the campaign, maybe I'll let you rejoin somehow as a new character. It'd be fun to see who could survive the longest and make it through the story.

That's my offer, take it or leave it.
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