United States Court of Appeals of the 9th Circuit | San Andreas - Mail Room


Apr 26, 2016

United States Court of Appeals of the 9th Circuit
State of San Andreas
Los Santos County

Individuals seeking to address the Court outside of trial or pretrial proceedings may write an address to the Court provided that they abide by the relevant Courtroom Etiquette and Legal Ethics precedents. All information posted to the Los Santos County Courthouse is considered public information and will be filed accordingly. Guidelines are posted below.

Do not mail:

1. Personal information, e.g. personal identification, banking information, et cetera.
2. Court documents or evidence relevant to ongoing or previous cases. The Court cannot consider evidence presented outside of the presence of both parties.
3. Belligerent or otherwise hostile compositions that do not contribute meaningfully. Violation of this guideline may incur a fine.

Do mail:

1. Personal concerns or criticisms pertaining to the Los Santos County Court.
2. Relevant comments or suggestions you feel may help to make the Los Santos County Judicial system able to better serve its Citizens.
3. Letters which have been properly formatted and composed in a formal manner.
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
To whom it may concern,

I come with a few questions.

- In the case of Subpoenas and Freedom of Information Act requests, how does the courts wish for these to be filed?

- How will evidence be submitted to the courts in a lawsuit, or appeal? Is it expected to be delivered at the date of the trial, or through the request form?

- Will pretrial motions be accounted for? That being the Discovery phase and Summary Judgement? Will this occur in City Hall, or through an exchange of forms?

- Should we expect to see conditional release (bail) & parole introduced into the criminal justice system?

Rusty Ratchet
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Apr 26, 2016

United States Court of Appeals of the 9th Circuit
State of San Andreas
Los Santos County

Mr. Rusty Ratchet,

- Additional preferred formatting may be introduced to our database at a later date. However, these formats are not mandatory, and you may format your documents as you see fit so long as they satisfy the required information listed in the preferred formats, and contain the Court header present at the top of each format.

- Evidence will likely be presented during pretrial motions. This is subject to change as we proceed through our first preliminary trials and work to improve our system and make it more efficient.

- Pretrial motions will be accounted for. Discovery and Summary Judgement should take place within City Hall, circumstances permitting.

- It is possible that we will see the introduction of conditional release and parole within our own Judicial system, however this should only be considered as a possibility, as I am not an authority on the matter, and have not had a chance to confer with the relevant authorities as of this time.

Your consideration is appreciated as we work to build upon and improve the Los Santos Criminal Justice System. If you have any further questions regarding our Judiciary system, do not hesitate to forward them to our offices.

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HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016
To whom it may regard,
I am Sergeant Konrad, a member of the Policing Standards Branch within Los Santos Police Department, and I am inquiring about the legislation and standards surrounding self-defence within the State of San Andreas.

We had numerous incident reports in which victims and suspects-alike claimed self-defence in protection of themselves, others, or their property, when met with dangerous or life-threatening circumstances. It is important to acknowledge the civil right to self-defence, but we fear there have been a handful of outstanding scenarios where in which said right may have been exercised unreasonably or excessively.

Since the State of San Andreas has yet to publish an official documentation regarding said civil right, I believe that we, the Los Santos Police Department, cannot reliably prosecute individuals for their reckless behaviour that can potentially derive from exercising their right to self-defence. The risk of infringing on their civil right is too significant.

Therefore, we request the clarification on the following statements:
1. The extent to which one may exercise their right to self-defence; the protection of themselves, the protection of others, the application of the Castle Doctrine.
2. The extent to which force is deemed reasonable and justified in cases of self-defence, and when it is deemed unreasonable and excessive.
3. The expectations of the individual that seeks to exercise their right to self-defence.

I appreciate the time you have taken to review the contents of the letter,
Kind regards,
Sergeant Konrad.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Dear Hon. Martin J. Richter,

Before we begin, allow me to congratulate you on becoming the first Judge in our prestigious Los Santos County Court. I look forward to observing your work.

I write today on behalf of CURRENT AFFAIRS MEDIA Inc. in regards to the apparent lack of any mention of restrictions or guidelines around the subject of media coverage during court cases listed in the Courtroom Etiquette outline. As it would presently stand due to the absence of any restrictions or guidelines, one would assume that as long as the current restrictions and guidelines are followed, full media coverage of any given case is possible - however I personally wished to seek verification of this assumption prior to the beginnings of any active cases.

Likewise, to what degree of public disclosure in regards to upcoming hearings and presented evidence should we expect from the County Court? Will upcoming hearings and cases be made public knowledge, or perhaps is there a way that my NEWS division could be given advance notice as a legal entity representing the free press of Los Santos, as to ensure prompt coverage?

I look forward to speaking with you more in the future.

Kind regards,

Hugh Chunt
C.E.O. / Editor-in-Chief

(235) 512-6688
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Apr 26, 2016
To whom it may regard,
I am Sergeant Konrad, a member of the Policing Standards Branch within Los Santos Police Department, and I am inquiring about the legislation and standards surrounding self-defence within the State of San Andreas.

We had numerous incident reports in which victims and suspects-alike claimed self-defence in protection of themselves, others, or their property, when met with dangerous or life-threatening circumstances. It is important to acknowledge the civil right to self-defence, but we fear there have been a handful of outstanding scenarios where in which said right may have been exercised unreasonably or excessively.

Since the State of San Andreas has yet to publish an official documentation regarding said civil right, I believe that we, the Los Santos Police Department, cannot reliably prosecute individuals for their reckless behaviour that can potentially derive from exercising their right to self-defence. The risk of infringing on their civil right is too significant.

Therefore, we request the clarification on the following statements:
1. The extent to which one may exercise their right to self-defence; the protection of themselves, the protection of others, the application of the Castle Doctrine.
2. The extent to which force is deemed reasonable and justified in cases of self-defence, and when it is deemed unreasonable and excessive.
3. The expectations of the individual that seeks to exercise their right to self-defence.

I appreciate the time you have taken to review the contents of the letter,
Kind regards,
Sergeant Konrad.

United States Court of Appeals of the 9th Circuit
State of San Andreas
Los Santos County

Sergeant Konrad,

Thank you for writing to us. I understand the concerns you have regarding the exploitation and misuse of the civil liberties intended to protect the people of Los Santos. As of this time the Court cannot establish legal precedents outside of a ruling. However, I will confer with the San Andreas legislative body to seek counsel on the matter to establish a basis for future proceedings.



Dear Hon. Martin J. Richter,

Before we begin, allow me to congratulate you on becoming the first Judge in our prestigious Los Santos County Court. I look forward to observing your work.

I write today on behalf of CURRENT AFFAIRS MEDIA Inc. in regards to the apparent lack of any mention of restrictions or guidelines around the subject of media coverage during court cases listed in the Courtroom Etiquette outline. As it would presently stand due to the absence of any restrictions or guidelines, one would assume that as long as the current restrictions and guidelines are followed, full media coverage of any given case is possible - however I personally wished to seek verification of this assumption prior to the beginnings of any active cases.

Likewise, to what degree of public disclosure in regards to upcoming hearings and presented evidence should we expect from the County Court? Will upcoming hearings and cases be made public knowledge, or perhaps is there a way that my NEWS division could be given advance notice as a legal entity representing the free press of Los Santos, as to ensure prompt coverage?

I look forward to speaking with you more in the future.

Kind regards,

Hugh Chunt
C.E.O. / Editor-in-Chief

(235) 512-6688

United States Court of Appeals of the 9th Circuit
State of San Andreas
Los Santos County

Mr. Hugh Chunt,

The presence of media in the courtroom will be limited to the trial phase of an ongoing case. Hearings concerning pretrial motions are not open to the public. Trial hearings, however, are public affairs, provided that the case has not been sealed, and as such media crews will be permitted entry into the courtroom. The only expectation is that all members of a given crew respect and abide by the established etiquette guidelines when present in the Courtroom.

As far as access to case information, all Court records are considered to be accessible to the public, barring exceptional circumstances. The public will have access to relevant documents and evidence presented to the Court pertaining to a case. Sensitive personal information may be redacted to protect the interests of involved parties. You are free to contact us further if you have any additional questions.


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spooky skellys
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
Judge Richter.

My name is Silver Sun, I'm an aspiring businessman and entrepreneur in the city of Los Santos and I have applied for a business permit to fulfil my lifelong dream of providing the citizens of this fine town with medicinal and recreational cannabis through a legal dispensary.

I have attached a copy of my application outlining my business plan and showcasing all the benefits that civilians would be receiving from having access to such dispensary: https://nebulous.cloud/threads/zaza-plaza.60680/

I want to express that this is being run by a very competent management whose sole intention is to provide a legal alternative to cannabis through a hotspot of harm-reduction, to avoid cannabis consumers from being harmed by going to shady alleyway drugdealers and instead trying to make it something legal and accepted by the state.

One of the hurdles that I now face is that the sale and manufacturing of cannabis may not be completely legal under the current law, even though the consumption of it is, which somewhat muddles the waters and so we fall into the grey-area of the law, so I'm reaching out to you in hopes that I could get some assistance.

I'm looking for an exception that would allow me to run my business with a permit, so that it is all fully legal and dutifully operated. I just want to reiterate from my application, all the benefits that the people of LS would receive from such a business and how impactful it would be on the wellbeing of people both mental and physical, not to mention the economic growth it would promote for the city.

I assure you that I will adhere strictly to all relevant laws and regulations, and I am committed to maintaining responsible and professional business practices.

I respectfully ask for the opportunity run my business if you would be able to grant us an exclusive permit to operate this legal dispensary.

Thank you
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