[SUGGESTION] What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a motorcycle?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7099
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Deleted member 7099

The vacuum cleaner has the dirt bag on the inside.

Suggestion: courtrp, including lawsuits against other characters or companies or being brought to court for crimes they've committed. allow characters to be lawyers, either part of a player-created law firm or practice solo, be judges or participate in jury duty.DE!!!! BETTER CALL SAUL!!!!!!)


1) court hearings. after being arrested and before being put in jail, criminals should be put through court to decide their sentence. a good lawyer could lower or even potentially remove jail time all together with some compromises, like agreeing to probation, community service, etc. if a character assaults or commits any other crime against another character the victim could choose to push charges or not. a player could choose to simply take the default sentence if they don't want to go through the whole process.

2) lawsuits. if someone deems another character or player-ran company wronged them legally in some way, say their equipment directly caused injury or some other offense, they can take them to court, at a price. it would cost both parties money while potentially earning them a profit. a character could also fake an injury to take someone to court and attempt to scam them out of their money through a bogus lawsuit, but they not only risk their money but also jailtime. a rule should be in place to prevent a character from exploiting bogus lawsuits as to not disrupt companies and their roleplay.

3) lawyers. earn money from court cases, their performance deciding how much they make. the better their client's situation, the better their paycheck. i'm not sure if this reflects how real lawyers are payed but it works well for the server. before representing their client they can do research to find loopholes and form arguments or talk to anyone else involved in the case. their job is to lower their client's punishment as much as possible, they can choose how they do that. they can play it straight and concise or put on a charming performance, it depends on their character. the final say will be up to the judge's discretion. alternatively, people can represent themselves in court if they feel so ballsy.

4) judges and jury duty. jury duty can be made optional as to not disrupt roleplay or be mandatory for realism's sake. random characters currently online can be called to jury duty about 10 or so minutes in advance and can opt out due to any ooc obligations. they then decide among themselves if the defendant is guilty or not. if guilty, the judge then decides a sentence. players can apply to be a judge, likely held up to high scrutiny. there should be a rule for both the judge and jury to only decide based off ic facts presented in court and not persecute a player if they simply don't like them ooc.

5) the application process. ooc you'd have to apply to be a lawyer to prove you're not going to be a Freaking Troll. icly it'd be your bar test. passing the bar means you can be a lawyer. unlicensed lawyers cannot represent people in court. your character would have a background check done so if you have along criminal history you likely won't be accepted.

i suggest not doing this on the forums or in a discord vc and instead doing it entirely in-game. it's a lot funner to show up in a cool suit and tie, lay your briefcase down and argue before an actual judge instead of yelling at xX_booby_sucker_Xx#69420 in a discord channel and far more interactive, and this server is focusing on voicerp, doing it on the forums would just be boring. i'm like 90% sure there's a court on the gta5 map, have it teleport you to a basic courtroom interior. no need to intricately model the inside of it like you're a german source engine modder pondering over alyx vance's in the middle of the night.

How could this be beneficial toward the server as a whole?

this system inherently offers massive amounts of roleplay and character development, from the judge, jury and attorney's side and on the defendant's. court sessions could play out as wacky, unprofessional shouting matches or completely serious debates to itch at any roleplayer's urges. it opens new potential for characters, examples being someone who earns their money from making bogus lawsuits against companies, which develops more roleplay, say they mess with the wrong business and end up ziptied and blindfolded in the back of a van. they're sure to make just as much money as they do enemies. another could be a dishonest judge, taking bribes from criminals to give a member of a cartel a far lower sentence or a far higher one to a competitor, and i don't think i even need to make an argument for how fun playing a lawyer must be.

it also adds far more depth to committing crimes. criminals could take plea deals or have their lawyer argue their way out of jailtime entirely, it'd be overall massively beneficial to a server that seems to have a larger focus on crimerp. it is gta, afterall. finally, more job potential never hurts.

i wrote all of this while catching up on better call saul and with very little sleep cut me some slack please
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
You don't have to put on a voice but any character can have their story.

I don't know how but people get stuck in this mindset of "it's either DarkRP or super serious RP"

and people are free to do that

no way in hell are you forcing people to do it though so idk why people are pushing for hyper-realistic shit like income-dependent fines and mega long prison sentences

everything should be made with the express purpose of maximizing fun and minimizing downtime imo


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
and people are free to do that

no way in hell are you forcing people to do it though so idk why people are pushing for hyper-realistic shit like income-dependent fines and mega long prison sentences

everything should be made with the express purpose of maximizing fun and minimizing downtime imo
you might as well just say their name theres only 4 of us posting on this thread

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
sounds like a fun server
there will always be players that go out of their way at those slow burn arcs regardless of what's going on around them
see: the server you mentioned as an example

But how seriously would they actually be taken in RP? Not very serious when DarkRP Joe is just zerging the cops with nades and setting the half-hour jail time standard for terrorism. A lot of slow burn crim arcs actually got fucked in NP when certain crimes became trivial and resources like C4 became easily acquired, the only ones that really stick out anymore are the serial murderers and one dev directed terrorist event. Meth and guns used to be dead dropped, phonecalls made via payphone, acts of terrorism had actual build up. Now all that shit is advertised on the in-game Twitter. Every time I hop on the public server, one gang slaughters another gang, then the winner takes selfies of it and posts it, or someone is openly asking for contraband, boost contracts, or bank codes. Even court cases on WL have become SBS central and the only semblance of a consequence is contempt and that's if anyone remembers to dole out the punishment for it (which differs per judge).

Obviously, I'm not saying someone should get fucked for hours over not having a driver's license or they're possessing a illegal gun, but there's definitely some heavy hitters that you can't just let people go after a couple hours. It's not like I'm talking about a PK here. It's prison. They can still RP their character. If they're committed to the crime life then maybe they'll actually change up how they do their thing so they don't get caught the next time.

IMO not having serious consequences for serious actions encourages DarkRP behavior.

People are having fun though.
Are they though? Even the queue has been abnormally short lately.

I mean sure on the civ stuff there has been a lot of business stuff and events going on, but it seems like the consensus is when it comes to the crim side of things is anywhere from "stale" or "boring" to "fucking stupid". Everyone is walking around with class 2s, bombing the police and bombing events and there's zero shock factor to the point it's wholly expected someone or something is gonna get bombed or shot. Contrast that with early 3.0 when players were considering if getting caught with a single Uzi was worth the consequences and people weren't just throwing C4 at every cop car.

I mean, you've had to have noticed the shift of streamers spending more and more time in RDR RP specifically citing the seriousness of the atmosphere, especially the consequences for criminal actions. Even CG is bored, no crime is serious anymore, no one wants any conflict with them, but because of FB contracts they're forced to stream GTA RP for a certain amount of hours per month.

There's no spice in crim RP when there's not a considerable punishment for some of the more heious crimes.

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
You don't have to put on a voice but any character can have their story.

I don't know how but people get stuck in this mindset of "it's either DarkRP or super serious RP"

I think we can find a nice spot in the semi-serious theme of things, just that some actions, like capital level crimes should err more on the super serious side as opposed to the lite RP side.

I would much rather start off with a higher standard and loosen it up in certain spots over time as needed. Can't really start off going ggez mode for some shit then tighten the belt up later, people react much worse to that.

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
no way in hell are you forcing people to do it though so idk why people are pushing for hyper-realistic shit like income-dependent fines and mega long prison sentences

Neither of these are hyperrealistic and I think you're just being hyperbolic for the sake of it. An income-dependent fine isn't necessarily for realism, it's a mix of fairness and economic health of the city environment. There needs to be money sinks and if you're a half-decent criminal you're going to have millions of dollars with nothing to spend it on once you have all your cars and your house. "Mega long" prison sentences are supposed to add actual weight and gravity to certain criminal acts otherwise they quickly become mundane. If we went the hyper-realism route we'd be having forced PK death sentences and let cops lie on the stand to fuck you over the slightest thing.

everything should be made with the express purpose of maximizing fun and minimizing downtime imo

If you don't want a lot of downtime...I unno...Like...Don't commit terrorism over a mild inconvenience? (Which people will definitely do if there's no actual punishments) Or like...Don't get caught transporting 50 pounds of weed. If people want to blow things up for "maximum fun" without taking an L there are other games where the express purpose is to blow other people up.


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
But how seriously would they actually be taken in RP? Not very serious when DarkRP Joe is just zerging the cops with nades and setting the half-hour jail time standard for terrorism. A lot of slow burn crim arcs actually got fucked in NP when certain crimes became trivial and resources like C4 became easily acquired, the only ones that really stick out anymore are the serial murderers and one dev directed terrorist event. Meth and guns used to be dead dropped, phonecalls made via payphone, acts of terrorism had actual build up. Now all that shit is advertised on the in-game Twitter. Every time I hop on the public server, one gang slaughters another gang, then the winner takes selfies of it and posts it, or someone is openly asking for contraband, boost contracts, or bank codes. Even court cases on WL have become SBS central and the only semblance of a consequence is contempt and that's if anyone remembers to dole out the punishment for it (which differs per judge).

Obviously, I'm not saying someone should get fucked for hours over not having a driver's license or they're possessing a illegal gun, but there's definitely some heavy hitters that you can't just let people go after a couple hours. It's not like I'm talking about a PK here. It's prison. They can still RP their character. If they're committed to the crime life then maybe they'll actually change up how they do their thing so they don't get caught the next time.

IMO not having serious consequences for serious actions encourages DarkRP behavior.

Are they though? Even the queue has been abnormally short lately.

I mean sure on the civ stuff there has been a lot of business stuff and events going on, but it seems like the consensus is when it comes to the crim side of things is anywhere from "stale" or "boring" to "fucking stupid". Everyone is walking around with class 2s, bombing the police and bombing events and there's zero shock factor to the point it's wholly expected someone or something is gonna get bombed or shot. Contrast that with early 3.0 when players were considering if getting caught with a single Uzi was worth the consequences and people weren't just throwing C4 at every cop car.

I mean, you've had to have noticed the shift of streamers spending more and more time in RDR RP specifically citing the seriousness of the atmosphere, especially the consequences for criminal actions. Even CG is bored, no crime is serious anymore, no one wants any conflict with them, but because of FB contracts they're forced to stream GTA RP for a certain amount of hours per month.

There's no spice in crim RP when there's not a considerable punishment for some of the more heious crimes.
nopixel is horribly mismanaged. I dont see how low (less than 1 day) prison times has any correlation to c4 and gun inflation anyways. if I get into a shootout and get jailed for more than 1 day, then I will never return to that server again. no amount of spur of the moment fun or investment I have will allow me to go through 2-3 days of boredom every week

If you don't want a lot of downtime...I unno...Like...Don't commit terrorism over a mild inconvenience? (Which people will definitely do if there's no actual punishments) Or like...Don't get caught transporting 50 pounds of weed. If people want to blow things up for "maximum fun" without taking an L there are other games where the express purpose is to blow other people up.
what is fun about taking a 3 day L? how will that encourage players to stay on the server and not immediately fuck off to somewhere else?

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
what is fun about taking a 3 day L? how will that encourage players to stay on the server and not immediately fuck off to somewhere else?
Bro there's literally a bunch of people on NP that just RP in prison all day. It's literally all they do. There's a whole community of lifers. But if they didn't want to take the 3 day L then like...Literally don't do the thing that caused you to take the 3 day L. They should be doing the crime KNOWING that there's a risk of a 3 day prison sentence and doing it because they know it will be good RP no matter W or L.

nopixel is horribly mismanaged.

You can say that but it's currently the gold standard of GTA RP for a reason, especially when looking at early 3.0 or mid 2.0.

if I get into a shootout and get jailed for more than 1 day, then I will never return to that server again. no amount of spur of the moment fun or investment I have will allow me to go through 2-3 days of boredom every week

I'm not even talking about your average crimes like shootouts tho. I'm talking about major offenses like terrorism or gun/drug trafficking/manufacturing. I'm not advocating for south side gang bangers to get put in jail for an entire day for doing their generic gang bang shit.

I dont see how low (less than 1 day) prison times has any correlation to c4 and gun inflation anyways.

When punishments don't exist and resources are readily available, certain events have less weight, same if there's no punishment but few resources. When a bomb goes off and the bombs are rare and the use of the bomb has considerable consequences, it causes a stir in the city. When a bomb goes off and the bomb is easy to acquire and there's no punishment, there's no noise about it, just "Oh we'll go pick them up at Boilingbrook in an hour." Huge crimes like that should be memorable enough to be spoken of well later down the line, used as an example for others, not rendered to be a trivial daily thing that gets you only a slap on the wrist.
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
Bro there's literally a bunch of people on NP that just RP in prison all day. It's literally all they do. There's a whole community of lifers. But if they didn't want to take the 3 day L then like...Literally don't do the thing that caused you to take the 3 day L. They should be doing the crime KNOWING that there's a risk of a 3 day prison sentence and doing it because they know it will be good RP no matter W or L.
What a small portion of players want shouldn't decide what the entire server has to experience. Requesting to play a lifer is vastly different than getting arrested after a crime
You can say that but it's currently the gold standard of GTA RP for a reason, especially when looking at early 3.0 or mid 2.0.
It's considered the gold standard because they use the best publicly available plugins and got lucky that streamers chose their server to play on. if your systems outside of being punished are dogshit and make the game way too easy then obviously people are going to go right back at it as soon as they get out of jail
I'm not even talking about your average crimes like shootouts tho. I'm talking about major offenses like terrorism or gun/drug trafficking/manufacturing. I'm not advocating for south side gang bangers to get put in jail for an entire day for doing their generic gang bang shit.
I don't think terrorism or drug trafficking/manufacturing should get sentencing longer than a day either. The maximum sentencing allowed should be one day, and if the player is accepting to it more can be worked out between the arresting cops and/or judge
When punishments don't exist and resources are readily available, certain events have less weight, same if there's no punishment but few resources. When a bomb goes off and the bombs are rare and the use of the bomb has considerable consequences, it causes a stir in the city. When a bomb goes off and the bomb is easy to acquire and there's no punishment, there's no noise about it, just "Oh we'll go pick them up at Boilingbrook in an hour."
why would explosives ever be easy enough to acquire that you can pick it up minutes after you're released from prison? that sounds like whoever came up with that system made it way too easy to get extremely powerful resources


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I mean, you've had to have noticed the shift of streamers spending more and more time in RDR RP specifically citing the seriousness of the atmosphere, especially the consequences for criminal actions. Even CG is bored, no crime is serious anymore, no one wants any conflict with them, but because of FB contracts they're forced to stream GTA RP for a certain amount of hours per month.
I haven't but that's not the reason for CG playing less, they moved to a different server because they're tired of getting 4+ hour jail times with a 40 cop response.

Either way, we're not them and they're not us. We're not going to have painfully long prison times.
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Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
why would explosives ever be easy enough to acquire that you can pick it up minutes after you're released from prison? that sounds like whoever came up with that system made it way too easy to get extremely powerful resources
Unless explosives only come about during admin-orchestrated events, eventually they're going to be farmable once a method is figured out or eventually become craftable and any group with the resources can just get it like water. Then it's just going to be spammed.

I don't think terrorism or drug trafficking/manufacturing should get sentencing longer than a day either. The maximum sentencing allowed should be one day, and if the player is accepting to it more can be worked out between the arresting cops and/or judge
Heavy disagree. If we HAD to set a hard limit for punishment regarding heinous crimes, your time in jail is capped at a week max with parole that can only be at most, double the max jail time, to be determined for by a judge, anything more and it should be talked about OOC. Personally, I'm more of the opinion a character's player should only be consulted if it's basically life in prison or the death sentence w/ a PK, but I think if there had to be a hard limit a week + 2 weeks parole max is fair.

It's a considerable punishment without PKing a character and in most cases, judges wouldn't be handing out the max but likely somewhere in the middle, or even time served if the crime was so horrific that it warranted HUT. It also opens up the door for things like bail or conditions-based early release/early parole and encourages people to behave themselves (or be a better criminal) while out and waiting for trial or for the sentence to fall off during early release.

There SHOULD be considerable deterrents for committing acts of terrorism and there SHOULD be deterrents for manufacturing/trafficking guns/drugs. Criminals should actually be afraid of the police when they're engaging in these acts because of the considerable risk involved.

What a small portion of players want shouldn't decide what the entire server has to experience. Requesting to play a lifer is vastly different than getting arrested after a crime

Again, disagree. I think there's the capability for nurturing good prison RP that is shaped by characters who are there for committing serious crimes. There are stories that could be told in certain events that otherwise wouldn't be told when the punishment amounts to a slap on the wrist.


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
Unless explosives only come about during admin-orchestrated events, eventually they're going to be farmable once a method is figured out or eventually become craftable and any group with the resources can just get it like water. Then it's just going to be spammed.

Heavy disagree. If we HAD to set a hard limit for punishment regarding heinous crimes, your time in jail is capped at a week max with parole that can only be at most, double the max jail time, to be determined for by a judge, anything more and it should be talked about OOC. Personally, I'm more of the opinion a character's player should only be consulted if it's basically life in prison or the death sentence w/ a PK, but I think if there had to be a hard limit a week + 2 weeks parole max is fair.

It's a considerable punishment without PKing a character and in most cases, judges wouldn't be handing out the max but likely somewhere in the middle, or even time served if the crime was so horrific that it warranted HUT. It also opens up the door for things like bail or conditions-based early release/early parole and encourages people to behave themselves (or be a better criminal) while out and waiting for trial or for the sentence to fall off during early release.

There SHOULD be considerable deterrents for committing acts of terrorism and there SHOULD be deterrents for manufacturing/trafficking guns/drugs. Criminals should actually be afraid of the police when they're engaging in these acts because of the considerable risk involved.

Again, disagree. I think there's the capability for nurturing good prison RP that is shaped by characters who are there for committing serious crimes. There are stories that could be told in certain events that otherwise wouldn't be told when the punishment amounts to a slap on the wrist.
these all seem like horrible ideas but im tired of discussing it
agree to disagree

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
I haven't but that's not the reason for CG playing less, they moved to a different server because they're tired of getting 4+ hour jail times with a 40 cop response.
I think Rated's 7 day ban was more the motivator for switching servers + Rust.

We're not going to have painfully long prison times.
So what's the hard limit going to be then? Because if a judge chooses to PK and the person who ventilated them only got a day in prison it's going to be incredibly anti-climatic.


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
So what's the hard limit going to be then? Because if a judge chooses to PK and the person who ventilated them only got a day in prison it's going to be incredibly anti-climatic.
You know that in NP a judge cannot decide to PK someone and it's OOCly agreed apon?
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Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
You know that in NP a judge cannot decide to PK someone and it's OOCly agreed apon?

That's not what I was saying, what I was getting at was someone shoots a judge, the judge permas and that person who shot the judge only getting a day-long sentence, for what is effectively first-degree murder of a sitting judge, would be anti-climatic.

OFC I'm aware a judge cannot force a PK and it's OOCly agreed on in NP, I even said in a previous post a PK or life in prison should be something talked about OOCly here. Besides you've literally seen me argue against the pro-forced PK weebs bruh you know I ain't about that forced PK life.

also answer the question i asked on ur profile god damn it
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