Serious What if I would tell you, that there are similar secret kept guides, like the OTA guide from other places? Let's talk about SCP servers


Jul 3, 2016
There are some things that I should explain first before going more into the thread's topic. It might be a little long thread but that shouldn't be an issue, because I think you all write very long /me's with different words or something.

So read this whenever you like. When you're loading in some Garry's Mod server with lot's of GB of content or something.

There are some things we should ask ourselves about the Overwatch Transhuman Arm faction on Nebulous Cloud.

Does everyone want to become OTA and get that OTA whitelist?
Why does everyone want to become an OTA?
Does the wish or preference to get OTA access, also motivate the user to obtain the OTA Guide?

There's something that makes OTA give these sort of design specific speculations.

But there's one question I think that I can answer.

What renders the OTA Guide so special, that some might even want to obtain it?

This is a question, that can't clearly be answered in just a sentence.

There are context depending things that have to be cleared up, such as:
  • Why do people play on HL2:RP?
  • Does OTA have something special that could be making the OTA Guide more interesting?
Sort of stuff like that.

My reason, why I wanted the OTA Guide, was basically just the lore and terminology and stuff. To see how OTA is designed to work on this server.
When someone linked me OTA Guide, or actually two. There were some stuff that I actually didn't care about. That were the community specific things, that aren't necessarily a key to find out how OTA is ment to work on the server. Like, tactics or taglines. I was looking for something like lore or similar, not that stuff.

The guide did evolve though from LemonPunch to Nebulous Cloud.

If you do start to get involved with CAB and OTA, you do ask yourself however, if they have an extra rule, which could lead onto someone getting more curious on what's in the OTA guide.

What if I would tell you, that there are similar secret kept guides, like the OTA guide from other communities?​

That means, that it isn't specifically Garry's Mod.

There are people that leak guides and people that remove the links to the leaked guides. And this seems to be a big deal in some communities. But it is a thing.

There are obviously reasons, why people do not want these guides to be leaked. As example, the OTA guide, might contain info that others shouldn't know about, otherwise they would gain a meta-gaming advantage. With that, I am not saying something related to lore or something. And I hope the faction lead does not mind if I describe it like so.

The guide I am about to show you is SCP related and there has to be some explaining to be done first. It is also really weird.

I made a similar thread once here just that it was talking about different servers.

Here I am comparing and explaining several types of SCP servers.

SCP related server communities​

Indeed, there are similar secret kept guides, with similar aspects like the OTA faction, in the SCP Foundation based communities.

And I am not talking about Garry's Mod. I am talking about Roblox.

SCP Roleplay in Garry's Mod, seems to be popular, but far not comparable to the ones in Roblox.

You need to know that, HL2:RP from Garry's Mod and Roblox, seem to be quite similar, like the concept both share aren't different. Where the Garry's Mod ones in my opinion are better though.

But SCP Roleplay in Garry's Mod can not be compared to Roblox.

This is actually quite surprising, but there are some things that Garry's Mod SCP RP servers could take from Roblox ones.
In Roblox there are two popular SCP gamemodes. SCP Roleplay and SCP:F

Roleplay in Roblox isn't how a SeriousRP community from GMOD would expect it. Apparently everyone can get any role and bullets either deal or do not deal damage.

And then there's SCP:F. I guess that SCP:F stands for SCP Foundation. Roblox SCP:F's are not roleplay and there are good and bad ones.

The bad ones are really worse. It has to do with a Garry's Mod server that I found once, that wanted you to take a screenshot of the console, to see for how long you played on the server. The reason for it was quota.

When I asked someone, they told me, that it sounds like it would be a lot of bureaucracy just to play on a server.

There are SCP:F's on Roblox, that have quota. Not for Class-D, the prisoner role that everyone gets by default, or Foundation Personnel, a role you apply for. Instead they give quota requirements to the roles that are content for something that could be seen as SCP Roleplay.

This could be:
  • Security Department, a role that is ment to shoot Class-Ds.
  • Mobile Task Force, a role that recontains the SCPs.
  • Scientific Department, a role that is ment to test on SCPs.
  • Medical Department, a medic.
These are not all of the SCP:F roles or factions, that exist. But these factions are the ones that would exist on a Garry's Mod SCP RP server. And the ones that I just listed, are ones that would have a quota.

They do not have a roster or something, there can be infinite amount of people on a team, but they decide to put a quota on it. And believe or not, but at the end, you end up having no Security Department online. Which means that Scientific Department can not progress and can not play.

But quota isn't the worst of it.

Quick explanations between both Garry's Mod SCP RP and Roblox SCP:F​

Garry's Mod SCP RP​

There are differences between both. First of all, GMOD SCP RP would have other types of "combative roles".
SRU as example, Specialized Response Unit
or SID which would stand for SCP Incidents Division
or NTF, E6, Provost, or Site Agent
there's also MP, Military Police, but also other types.

There are also other foundation roles, not necessarily related to "combative", like
Area Manager, Engineers, and some other stuff that I don't know, but the ones that I mentioned before like Researchers and Medics.

And the unfriendly ones like, Chaos Insurgency, that are enemies

And Dark RP roles mixed within the SCP RP.

They also would have sub roles, that aren't necessarily ranks, but just subdivisions. As example for GENSEC, there would be MRU, which would be a combat medic.
Or for SID, certain roles like Biohazard Containment Unit and so on.

Roblox SCP:F​

Roblox SCP:F makes use of all the departments listened here and some of this

Not all of them, but Roblox SCP:F's have these other roles which are used as factions:
  • Administrative Department, this role may or not have a task, or are just high ranks, depends on SCP:F. It can not be confused with Moderators or Admins.
  • Department of External Affairs, this is more of a social role, I can explain their purpose later.
  • Engineering and Technical Service Department, this is actually a role, that isn't seen often in Garry's Mod SCP RP. Servers in Roblox SCP:F actually give them some mechanics, where they have to repair stuff, to power the facility. So, lights go off and so on.
    However, these kind of departments in some Roblox SCP:F just base of other games in Roblox, that have a Core and Generators and stuff... so, taken ideas, which is not the issue. The issue is, how it would get implemented.
  • Logistics Department, same thing as the Engineering one, just for supplies.
  • Manufacturing Department, developers or testers basically.
Now, depending on Roblox SCP:F communities, they might change the names or something for each department. But there's something that I haven't mentioned. There are other roles, that are going to relate to the "secret kept guides" that I am talking about.

These aren't still all the roles from Roblox SCP:F.

Differences between Garry's Mod SCP RP and Roblox SCP:F servers​

Garry's Mod and Roblox are both different games. Both do have the coding language Lua, which is modified differently in both Garry's Mod and Roblox. Roblox has their Community Guidelines and is more strict than Garry's Mod.

This difference also changes how moderation is done on each, so Garry's Mod SCP RP and Roblox SCP:F.

Basically, like mentioned before, there are roles that the Roblox SCP:F does not have, but GMOD SCP RP ones do.
The structure is completly different between both. The reason for that could be, because people copy paste one of these base RP frameworks and don't get a lot of options when creating teams, and that's how they end up with the "Jobs Menu".

In Roblox it is similar. Every role has its own group... and basically that. So the code checks for their group. And there are however, other ways to do it, but mostly it's just based on groups.

You need to know. Some of the SCP:F communities in Roblox, are mainly based around Robux. There are indeed communities, where you could think, if Robux were the only thing the owners are interested in. Without caring about the players. So that means, bad staff and poorly handled bans and toxicity.
This basically, also goes towards the topic of Moderation.

There are good and bad Roblox SCP:F, I am more talking about the bad ones, the bad ones are the ones that are suspicious with certain stuff.

Quick listing of the differences.​

  • Both have the same stuff, that Star Wars RP would have
    • So basically, the tryouts and very long trainings. Useless left faces and all that.
  • Both are related to SCP, that is true.

Garry's Mod SCP RP​

Garry's Mod SCP RP are more fun and also easier to play on. Here's some listings.
  • Everyone in GMOD SCP RP, can play Security Guard or Class - D at any time.
  • Joining any Discord server, for the basic stuff, isn't required at all.
  • No application is needed at all to play as a Security Guard. (Depends on the server though, but most don't)
  • Moderation is handled simple.
    • This means, you can easily contact Moderators. You know which one are developers, admins and etc.
  • Garry's Mod SCP RP is in a more friendly environment than Roblox SCP:F.
  • Garry's Mod SCP RP has SCP Jobsthat people can play.
    • You can play as SCPs and each have their separate rules.
And don't forget, GMOD SCP RP, is more seen like how Dark RP. There isn't anything really serious serious RP, which is fine.

Roblox SCP:F​

Roblox is free. But some "Experiences" so, various of different developed SCP:F games, can limit the game to accounts that meet a certain account age.
  • There's Class-D, which can do anything that a Class-D would do on a GMOD SCP RP.
    • But a Class-D that escapes, can not become a Chaos Insurgency.
      • Chaos Insurgency is done through external groups or something, or events.
  • The gameplay is different.
    • On GMOD Concordia Gaming if the Site was in chaos, someone could just detonate the warheads, and it would reset the map and stuff.
      • This doesn't exist in Roblox SCP:F, instead all the SCP AIs have to be recontained...
        Really stupid for Researcher, Medics or Engineers gameplay, that aren't allowed to do most of the stuff during breaches.
  • Roblox SCP:F CAN NOT be seen as SCP RP, or RP.
    • This is an important difference.
      • You can compare this with Star Wars RP or some Military Garry's Mod something, with their Enforcement.
        If you break a guideline, there would be harsh punishments.
        But the other RP or HL2:RP, there's FailRP and like less harsh punishments,
        but in some places it is just "torture" for not reason.
    • This targets bad Roblox SCP:Fs.
  • SCP:F's have a team called "Foundation Personnel", which GMOD SCP RP does not.
    • This team is limited to Level applications. This means Level-0 and so on.
    • Their "Foundation Personnel" team, is used so that people can apply for Security Department, Scientist and all other stuff.
  • Most general SCP:Fs DISALLOW you to play as a Class-D again, when you become Foundation Personnel.
    • If you are Level - 0 or higher, you can't play Class-D. Which is really stupid and punishing.
    • The purpose of the Foundation Personnel team, is to get into a department, so aka. faction in HL2:RP.
      Otherwise, they can't do much.
  • Some Roblox SCP:F are not a friendly environment at all.
    • I will go in detail about this.
  • Moderation in Roblox SCP:F is not good.
    • You are unable to find out who is a moderator and who isn't. (This also depends on the SCP:F community)
    • There are many things unclear.
    • Permanent bans, either exist or don't exist, I don't know.
      • They have Class-E.
    • If you're searching for server rules, you won't find something clear.
  • Roblox is not Garry's Mod.
    • Roblox does allow developers to save things in databases, with their system.
    • But, the way on how they track "faction access", is through groups. And it costs Robux to create groups and roles within the group.
    • Robux is earned in various ways on Roblox.
      • If people with Premium play on your game for a while, you receive Robux.
      • Gamepasses and all that stuff.
    • There's a chat filter that censors stuff really annoyingly.
    • There's 13+ and less.
      • That means, if a community has a Discord, some mods just spend time banning people under 13+, while they could just not care about it. Unless it isn't a safe environment for the user, which could mean, the user not knowing what scam bots are or internet and stuff, or being harassed etc. Discord's Trust and Safety deals with that.
      • Some don't have grammar like here in HL2:RP, different maturity, some don't even speak English.
  • There are NO playable SCPs on Roblox SCP:F.
    • Yes... all of their SCPs are NPCs basically. They all work with AI.
      • Yes... this means that Mobile Task Force in SCP:F are dealing with NPCs and pathfinding strategies, instead of players.
    • SCP-035 the mask thing, is an exception, and SCP-008 that infects you and makes you a Zombie.
      • These also exist in Garry's Mod in the same way.
    • If there are playable SCPs, then they aren't setup like on how it would be in Garry's Mod SCP RP.
      • I've seen a playable SCPs in SCP:Fs, but the server used them for Researcher and SCP Scientist RP. Which was fine... but some called it cringe, there were their sides. However, it wasn't comparable to Garry's Mod SCP RP.
  • Every "Faction" (in SCP:F it's called Department), has their faction lead, labeled as Overseer Council, so O5.
    • Every Department has their rules, apparently their own "moderators" and blacklist and etc.
  • Each Department has quota.
    • Quota is understood by the following:
      • Certain amount of time you have to play on a certain base (like weekly), or you receive punishments.
    • Quota is probably used to keep the server active, by forcing people to play on it. To maintain Robux obtainance, I guess.
      • Quota isn't the worst thing however on these Roblox SCP:F.

So much about the differences.

Detailed faction differences about Roblox SCP:F​

If you're interested into what I am writing, and you're fine with reading. Then I recommend you to read it too, it is pretty interesting.
Every SCP:F can be different, but some are the same.

Let me explain some main factions mostly used in those Roblox SCP:F.


I mentioned before "Class-E" and questioned if there are "Permanent Bans". Most Roblox game use groups as access. So they have specific "moderators" that are tasked with telling people not to rejoin and leave the group, to rank themselves the default rank "Class-D" again...

Apparently you can't ban people from in Roblox, so the entire thing becomes more funny.

Class-E is used for people that are basically either completly banned or temporarily banned. But they are still allowed to play on the server, just with restrictions. It's a rank in a SCP:F's main group.

And people can avoid this by creating alts or rejoining the group. But I mean those would get punished, if they do get catched.

Department of External Affairs​

In Roblox SCP:F, this is an important department. It's a social department. They help Foundation Personnel (often newcomers) by answering questions.

This faction also does something, that I don't think I've seen before. They talk to other Roblox SCP:F servers. They basically make affairs, make programs between two servers and even more. Giving them certain rules, like "Rank Transfer". With Rank Transfer, you can understand that, let's say a SCP:F closes and then people lose their rank, other SCP:Fs can accept people in and all that.

They survey other people on other servers and so on.

They do things, that a moderator would do, but in terms of "advertising" the server. They also accept other groups, like "Global Occult Coalition" and other stuff, like "Church of the Broken God".
They call it Group of Interest and as short GoIs. "The Horizont Initiative" is one, and this allows them to raid the server, whenever they get the permissions to.

So those Groups have basically no server, but their own server without a server. The group is their server, they might have a Discord. And then they have their own enforcement and shit.

Should there be a Roblox group that meets their requirements. The External Affairs makes an Affairs with them. Giving them some sort of "contract" that act as guidelines on what they're allowed to do. And certain ranks in the Department of External Affairs, act as "moderators" for these contracts.
But I don't think it can be compared to regular "moderating" at all.

In Garry's Mod, Chaos Insurgency can just raid whenever, based on high ranks. And there were other cool things like Infiltrators. In comparison to that, Chaos Insurgency on Garry's Mod, even had their own Scientists and etc. for semi-serious RP.
However, this would be a no-go for most Roblox SCP:F.

Engineering and Logistic Departments​

This is something most Garry's Mod SCP RP servers do not have. Some sort of tasks that impact the entire Site Facility.

So they have to repair generators and stuff. However, the generators only break if there's one of these faction members online on the Roblox SCP:F server. This successfully creates a SELF-RP moment. I call it SELF-RP, because the stuff that breaks and causes gameplaying impact (broken doors, not being passable or usable and etc., broken lights no visibility)
But would have no other use otherwise. This is a little bit stupid, but some sort of understandable from a developers perspective, but I think it can be changed.

Most of these Engineering factions, copy the concepts of other Roblox games that have a core...

Administrative Department​

I generally don't see this faction a lot. But if I do, they either help other people or make events. But they're not seen as Admins or Moderators at all.
It could act as a role for Moderators or Admins however, but most don't use it as that.

Manufacturing Department​

This also doesn't get used much, but if the Manufacturing Department exists, you can tell who is part of the development team. Now, in Roblox apparently Q&A is something common. Not sure what it does, but whatever.

Developers, basically.
Fun fact is that, people in that factions aren't all developers, but either Testers or Q&A, and can be seen as useless as a regular player, reporting a bug.

The moderation in Bad Roblox SCP:F​

This is specifically a description of bad Roblox SCP:F server concepts. See it as how bad Star Wars RP tryouts and etc. servers are.

Let's talk about the unfriendly environment these bad Roblox SCP:F's cause.
It's the staff members. Developers aren't mostly involved in anything of a Roblox SCP:F community's staff member decisisions. They just get paid Robux and that's about it.
But sometimes the developers are involved with it, or either do not care. And it's often something from what I have mentioned.

Every Faction, such as the Scientific Department, has their faction lead, that is not handpicked, instead it works with a chain of command, and is handpicked through there.
Someone with the rank of O5, makes the decision, which is also managed by another high rank called "Director". They make guidelines, so a Google Docs or something, for the department they are representing.

The higher rank of the O5, is the Overseer Head, which is probably an administrator, I don't really know.
And "The Administrator" is the server owner.

This means that, Scientific Department, so the Researchers have their own rules. The Security Department (the guards, or what you would see as GENSEC in SCP RP) has their own rules, and so on.

The other thing is, that some are not allowed to leak the "guidelines", or bad thing happen in Lego City.

So, basically similar to Garry's Mod SCP RP, except the part with the leaking. But there's a difference.

Who moderates these guidelines?

Some good Roblox SCP:F, have something clear that says "Moderator", but doesn't work like how you would expect it in Garry's Mod. There's no help panel or anything, only Discord.

However, the bad Roblox SCP:F use the same concept of enforcement. They have enforcement. There are ranks that are allowed to enforce, and there are people that have these ranks in Roblox, were some younger person could be enforcing something on some random guy... This doesn't turn out well.

Security Department, is one example.

Earlier I said, that it would be based around Robux. Class-D's in most SCP:F can start a riot, by purchasing it with Robux. Where therefore, combative factions, like the Security Department, or Mobile Task Force, are to abide by certain rules, for fairness.

But if you break one of these rules, some enforcement give you really harsh punishments. There are literally punishments from back to 1984, like you are stuck in-game for a certain amount of minutes, and have to do "Hell Jacks" or whatever, ABCDEFG.

The punishments are toxic. I mean, let's say the staff member would be more mature and all, then maybe it would be something different, but in this case of Roblox, not possible.

At this point in Roblox SCP:F, Class-D have less punishments than Foundation Personnel. And you have to apply for Foundation Personnel and then you are put under military overview.
Most of those servers are dying out, but there are still new ones being made that follow the old concept.

Roblox has no public chat, and in some places Security Department, while on that team isn't even allowed to talk to other players. So to climb up ranks, it is very stupid. I've heard stories of people getting blacklisted.

Ethics Committee​

The Ethics Committee is an enforcement department in Roblox SCP:F. They enforce the Code of Ethics.

Are the Code of Ethics the server rules?
No, and it isn't an RP thing either. It is the military overview.

While the Code of Ethics can be seen as very simple to understand. You need to know that on a SCP:F there are multiple rules that are in relation with other rules.
So Researchers, aka. Scientific Department, have to abide by their guidelines. The Guidelines and the Code of Ethics.
"The Guidelines" are the main guidelines, which often comes in different names.

And I still ask myself today, why not many of the Roblox SCP:F communities call it "server rules". They should really do that. Good communities do it or at least aren't that harsh.

The Code of Ethics contain rules, that act as fairness, but doesn't contain more than what it would contain in the SCP Lore. And with all honesty, it is basically a bunch of chaos across the entire Roblox SCP:F communities. Some use the Code of Ethics as server rules, and the Ethics Committee as friendly moderator helpers.

And some SCP:F just use it for rules, but the Ethics Committee isn't seen as friendly at all.

In that case, very young Roblox players, want to become Ethics Committee, because they either like to ban or punish people, instead of actual "moderation". You can't compare it to a Police Officer. You can only compare it to the word "enforcement" and Star Wars and Military RP alike servers.
Having this harsh system in Roblox, is toxic.

There is a way to do it right, but some don't.

But it goes much deeper.

The similar secret.​

I will talk about something that is indeed real in these communities. And then move towards the messed up stuff.

The words, [CLASSIFIED], [REDACTED]. You don't even hear this term in Garry's Mod SCP RP. But this is what I am going to start to talk about.
Infact, it is sometimes even used to not tell you anything about a specific faction or something.

A faction lead would just say, that the information is [CLASSIFIED] telling you to shut up.

Rapid Response Team​

This is another department that I haven't mentioned. This is seen as the elite combative in SCP:F, but also a big meme target. Most people don't like it, not sure why. I've just seen bunch of stories about it.

I don't think this exists in Garry's Mod at all.

The Rapid Response Team, can be seen as the EQUIVALENT to the Overwatch Transhuman Arm. Infact, I've seen one SCP:F use Half-Life: Alyx voice lines as idle sounds from them.

That community seems to know about HL2:RP and infact, has taunted on Garry's Mod. I heard that they said stuff like HL2:RP stealing content from Half-Life 2 and making money out of it, saying that it would be easier than SCP.

But honestly, isn't SCP:F doing the same? I mean. What? Either, the person that told me this, didn't describe it well enough, but it sounds stupid anyways. The amount of bugs I've found, were crazy on their server.
The other thing about these SCP:F communities, are the developers. I mean, if there's a successful one, where you do earn Robux, why are there some not making any updates.
If you didn't know, you can make money with Robux, for reaching a certain amount. And since Roblox is a popular game, you could forsee on how successful it could be.

But I don't think the competence between both a Garry's Mod community and a Roblox community from 1984, cannot be compared.

Talking more about Rapid Response Team. I have no clue what they exactly do, but they just do PVP with guns. I think they only exist in old RCL shooter fights. Roblox has a different type of shooter, where you have to rotate and zoom with camera and aim with mouse. It is as toxic like Call of Duty stuff.

The other thing is that Rapid Response Team are seen as [CLASSIFIED]. Means, if you say their names, they're allowed to kill you in-game. But not only that, sometimes you face punishments from the Ethics Committee or other.
And believe it or not, those that play as the enforcement, seem to like the task they're doing.

The Rapid Response Team also does stuff with [REDACTED], and this is why it starts to become a meme target within the Roblox SCP:F community. In short, they seem to guard moderators.
And I don't think they talk other than to their team mates. It can not be compared to nebulous cloud OTA at all, except it being the elite combatant.

Yes, it is true. I've seen a community, that goes at public places in the map that other players can see, with some sort of [REDACTED] being guarding by them. And I do not know if they have similar rules like OTA does for the Outlands. But it is definitely not understood at all.

When some of these [REDACTED] have to deal with one player, they detain them with a tool, that looks like handcuffs. And they have guards. The reason for that is, the guards shoot any player that go too close to the person

Who are Roblox SCP:F moderators?​

Today, I am going to talk about the newest Intel Core Processor.

Nah, here is the part where I am going to tell you about the even more messed up stuff.

They call them intelligence personnel or in short "intel".
It's a word,

Garry's Mod does not have this, I have never seen this on Garry's Mod at all. This is why I said, Roblox SCP:F would be on a different level with certain stuff.

The fact is, that Roblox SCP:F's with these concepts, either have moderators or do not.

But this is the [REDACTED] area. You do not know who they are and all that bla bla stuff. So some messed up stuff. It does exist, maybe it died out but it still does exist.

These are departments. I said that Roblox moderation not from Roblox itself, but from each individual game, would be different. While perma ban does exist, idk why they don't just do that. Maybe, cheaters bypass it or something.

Everyone, wants to become an intelligence personnel, just like everyone wants to become OTA when they see OTA. You could say, blue suits. And, in Roblox SCP:F it is the same thing, at least if they're a newcomer.

The messed up part is that, staff members, don't even tell you what they are there for. So, you can see it as a flex. Because, in-game they're given a special uniform with decoration that other factions don't have. Glowing glasses or trails or something.

If you talk about them, they're allowed to kill you in-game, same as the Rapid Resposne Team. Doesn't matter if you intended or did not intend to, which is also again. Fucked up.
So if you say their name, nearly or something, they can kill you or do something else, idk.

Ethics Committee is part of this, just that they're not a [REDACTED] or some bullshit that only idk who understands. I think someone made entire Monopoly rule book, shared it to a lot of people and then burned it down. And this is how there are or were so many SCP:F's with it, and I can't find out from where it all came from.

There's also something called info breaching and they have Discord's to report it. Every faction has their Discord... and idk.

These intelligence factions, have design specific things that makes people wanna find out more about them. Secondly, they literally can be described as mysterious and bullshit.

This is a game and this is a playable department, just very restricted. That means people can play enforcement as if it would be a game, that means having no sense for moderating at all.

How does someone become a intelligence personnel?
I don't know that. I asked some, they said that they do riddles. Basically, you have to solve morse code or some stuff, or some in-game obby or whatever. People overexaggerate those, they do it on purpose to troll people. I don't really know, it's some really old stuff.

Faction leads aren't even server moderators.

What's messed up about it?
Just everything. Even on YouTube, it says that they bad design, but that there's good ways to do it. I guess, the good way would be, not being so [REDACTED] about it.

It's names that appear in the role, but like idk.

So, the other thing is that these people, have rules.

They need to make second accounts, that are named in a certain way and are not allowed to have any friends, and have to keep their identity hidden. They also make that for Discord and idk.
And these accounts were created by the server owners. I knew that before I even saw their guideline.

Incase interested, here are all of the intelligence department roles used by Roblox SCP:F.

Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration​

Another department. RAISA for short. It's one of these intelligence people.
From what I understood, RAISA deal with alternative accounts on Roblox. Apparently you can not see the IP-Address or something, so they have to do some other sketchy stuff to find out if you're an alt or not.

I heard stories too. One guy, he got put and had to fill out many documents to play on server again. These stories are indeed real.

They check your account, account age, see if you have any friends or something and if not they take you in.

They take you in the interrogations. Yes, there is interrogations in Roblox now.
I think they also say that no leaking interrogations. But like, it isn't science. It's really simple.
They ask you from where you come from or something.
Then they ask you some other things.
And then they ask you the same thing again, to see if it matches up with your previous response.

It isn't rocket science, it is really simple.
There are ranks within those departments, apparently it is ment for a regular player to play on...

Internal Security Department​

I don't know, I am just gonna copy paste from the SCP wiki.
ISD is a concealed "foundation within the Foundation", a secret police force responsible for filtering traitors as well as operational and information security risks among the Foundation's ranks.

They moderate the server rules and other things. Same way like all other intelligence personnel. This one is being called "funny hat guy" by people. Their uniform has a black fedora. They have same rules, same account names. You don't know who each one is and etc.

Intelligence Agency​

They're called IA in short.

In Roblox SCP:F the tasks of them aren't really clear. But apparently, they raid servers.
It is a group of people that is tasked to raid other Roblox SCP:F and bully people or something. But they would also have the task of some interrogating and moderating stuff.

This is in fact messed up. But it is real, but I think they do not exist anymore. But it existed. And it was mostly racism and stuff. There are still accounts on Roblox that I haven't understood how they're not banned yet. But it bypassed Roblox's filter and stuff.

I mean there have been similar groups on Garry's Mod across certain RP servers, that had like either racism within them or something. But an entire group dedicated to that, that's just crazy.


I explored some Roblox SCP:F. It took me a few weeks understanding all of this stuff, but then I understood it or most of it. I wrote stuff in one server, maybe it made me look like a troll but idk anymore. I tried to see how the things there are.

Then someone linked me a guide, they said it would have been leaked before or something. It's the guideline for a Intelligence Agency from some SCP:F. I don't know why they have chess figurines. And some colors can't even be read.

Here is link for that secret guide, that is apparently more secret than what OTA guide would be. It looks messed up.
The link can be found here:
pastebin . com/raw/zHeB66Yf or here

This covers the SCP related communities. Garry's Mod SCP RP being a good example. I mean, not all Roblox SCP:F are bad. But the bad ones, I don't know about all the details of whatever happend in those servers.
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

i believe the writing issue that is referring to is the fact that this was written
Nov 20, 2016
i dont want to be an ota because i do not have a mouse which means i miss things all the time also they're baddies (the evil kind).

also SCP roleplay on roblox isn't roleplay it's a border simulation game designed to make money.

also if you want to join any IA you just need to be friends w/ the right people, that's how it works, they don't actually do intelligence stuff because most of their members are children - any large group that actually does sneaky stuff doesn't make it public and its usually done by the HR team (botting, doxxing, fraud, etc.)
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Jul 3, 2016

i believe the writing issue that is referring to is the fact that this was written

I don't think it people would understand what this guide is supposed to be for, if I didn't explain the context. It is still interesting, cuz like it has the same people that would make GMOD these Military RP gmod servers with Left Faces and all. Just worser.


Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I don't think it people would understand what this guide is supposed to be for, if I didn't explain the context. It is still interesting, cuz like it has the same people that would make GMOD these Military RP gmod servers with Left Faces and all. Just worser.
reading your posts gives me the uncanny valley

it's like a robot that doesn't quite pass the turing test
Reactions: List


Jul 3, 2016
reading your posts gives me the uncanny valley

it's like a robot that doesn't quite pass the turing test
My English from a few years ago and my CP Applications, were worser than how it is now. I think it is better.

I couldn't explain Garry's Mod SCP RP and Roblox SCP:F shorter.


Jul 3, 2016
i dont want to be an ota because i do not have a mouse which means i miss things all the time also they're baddies (the evil kind).

also SCP roleplay on roblox isn't roleplay it's a border simulation game designed to make money.

also if you want to join any IA you just need to be friends w/ the right people, that's how it works, they don't actually do intelligence stuff because most of their members are children - any large group that actually does sneaky stuff doesn't make it public and its usually done by the HR team (botting, doxxing, fraud, etc.)

Isn't IA just like raiding servers? Like, stuff that gets you banned on Discord? It still sounds dumb to me.


Jul 3, 2016
yea there is an entire dark side to these large groups which is never looked at lol

I feel sad for the players that play on those bad communities. But it's like, there isn't a similar one that they could switch onto, so they're kinda stuck.

Still hilarious on all the things they do.
Nov 20, 2016
I feel sad for the players that play on those bad communities. But it's like, there isn't a similar one that they could switch onto, so they're kinda stuck.

Still hilarious on all the things they do.
the moderation on roblox is really ill-equipped to deal with this stuff so its as simple as someone doing the following:

create a smurf account

Buy loads of robux

Chargeback the robux

Spend the money in a group game or buy an item to give to a group owner

The owner/group will get terminated
Nov 20, 2016


Jul 3, 2016
the moderation on roblox is really ill-equipped to deal with this stuff so its as simple as someone doing the following:

create a smurf account

Buy loads of robux

Chargeback the robux

Spend the money in a group game or buy an item to give to a group owner

The owner/group will get terminated

There's a whole bunch of threads somewhere out there or YouTube, that just talk about it. But honestly, don't care tbh. The guideline was funny, someone shared it to me and then I shared it in here.
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Jul 3, 2016
yes ppl are committing credit fraud in order to get peoples accounts terminated lmao

So they give "IA" accounts, to people, is what I ment. They have names like IA_Something. I wonder how this would look like in Garry's Mod SCP RP, just without the part with the accounts or the guideline.
Nov 20, 2016
So they give "IA" accounts, to people, is what I ment. They have names like IA_Something. I wonder how this would look like in Garry's Mod.
that's something war groups used to do on roblox, the more hardcore ones before discord existed, its just meant to look cool and doesn't do anything else


Jul 3, 2016
that's something war groups used to do on roblox, the more hardcore ones before discord existed, its just meant to look cool and doesn't do anything else

Damn, this goes beyond some actual level of internet. "war groups"
But it is piece of information, that is interesting to know about.
Nov 20, 2016
Damn, this goes beyond some actual level of internet. "war groups"
But it is piece of information, that is interesting to know about.
a war group is just a group with a game that has a fort and they attack other groups with forts in raids, it used to be massive but kinda died with the new generation of players
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Jul 3, 2016
a war group is just a group with a game that has a fort and they attack other groups with forts in raids, it used to be massive but kinda died with the new generation of players

Though, Roblox game moderation, might isn't easy. So, I guess in history of Roblox SCP communities, maybe I can see how they started to create roles tasked to catch alt accounts. Not sure what they do, but they do something. It's weird, but most of the servers like these have either changed or are dying out.

But, I mean they could just have Moderators and like idk, help panel and stuff. If you get stuck somewhere in gmod you can call admin, but on those Roblox servers, you can't.

So yeah, this border simulation money farming, is a good description.

Did you ever check one of those communities out?