Serious Script Economy is not my concern


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
If we ran out of stuff, it would actually create RP, not restrict it.
my brother in christ

if only everybody were so smart

nah but really though i dont care what people do with their scripts, the economy (if you can even call it that) is so loose it literally doesn't matter

interestingly tho ive started to notice a trend among rebels where they have their 'rp' gun and their 's2k' gun, the former usually being the better, rarer gun and the latter usually one of the guns they can easily replace. a few people have mentioned how they only plan to use their rp gun in s2rp or generally when they know s2k isnt going to happen, which is interesting

idk if u get mad over whether or not people unequip their scripts thats kinda dumb lol

i dunno like 90% of the rebels' current fun wouldnt be happening if they werent constantly struggling to keep up a decent supply of guns/ammo/armor so
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
Thanks a lot, I've honestly been roleplaying for over 13 years and this is the FIRST TIME I have been OOCly scolded for not sitting in a VC, and also the first time I have been OOCly AND ICly annoyed over and over again for... equipping scripts.
name and shame
this is a roleplay server not counter strike lol
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Nov 26, 2016
my brother in christ

if only everybody were so smart

nah but really though i dont care what people do with their scripts, the economy (if you can even call it that) is so loose it literally doesn't matter

interestingly tho ive started to notice a trend among rebels where they have their 'rp' gun and their 's2k' gun, the former usually being the better, rarer gun and the latter usually one of the guns they can easily replace. a few people have mentioned how they only plan to use their rp gun in s2rp or generally when they know s2k isnt going to happen, which is interesting

idk if u get mad over whether or not people unequip their scripts thats kinda dumb lol

i dunno like 90% of the rebels' current fun wouldnt be happening if they werent constantly struggling to keep up a decent supply of guns/ammo/armor so
I personally think it's a chore to perfectly optimize my inventory space and have grenades not equipped so I do not lose them if I die and to holster my stunstick everytime I go out on a deployment, and I could go and tell those people that they're not enjoying the RP properly etc...

But here's the thing, they can do whatever they want. I don't care, if that's how they have fun, I'm happy for them. All I ask is that these people do me the same courtesy and let me do my thing, but instead I have to read my character being scolded by the entire CP force because my stunstick was on my belt.

Is there an IC regulation against it? No
Am I somehow interfering in their own experience? No
Will a stunstick get lost if I die? Yes
Is this going to actually harm anyone's experience? Not really

Yet here we are lol, I'm actually being told I'm "unfit for ascension" ICly because I equip my grenades and stunstick. I guess to some, RP quality is not how you reach that point, it's how good you are at cheating a script system lmao


Risen From Ruins
Aug 13, 2017


Jun 27, 2017
I personally think it's a chore to perfectly optimize my inventory space and have grenades not equipped so I do not lose them if I die and to holster my stunstick everytime I go out on a deployment, and I could go and tell those people that they're not enjoying the RP properly etc...

But here's the thing, they can do whatever they want. I don't care, if that's how they have fun, I'm happy for them. All I ask is that these people do me the same courtesy and let me do my thing, but instead I have to read my character being scolded by the entire CP force because my stunstick was on my belt.

Is there an IC regulation against it? No
Am I somehow interfering in their own experience? No
Will a stunstick get lost if I die? Yes
Is this going to actually harm anyone's experience? Not really

Yet here we are lol, I'm actually being told I'm "unfit for ascension" ICly because I equip my grenades and stunstick. I guess to some, RP quality is not how you reach that point, it's how good you are at cheating a script system lmao

with how time is fleeting for RP on this platform, ignore them - make this experience count for you, not for anyone else. nobody should be giving you shit for not being in VC either - maybe someone wants to actually hear what they're playing instead of a bunch of sweaty dudes in a call
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Nov 26, 2016
with how time is fleeting for RP on this platform, ignore them - make this experience count for you, not for anyone else. nobody should be giving you shit for not being in VC either - maybe someone wants to actually hear what they're playing instead of a bunch of sweaty dudes in a call
I'm (unfortunately) very french and it's honestly far easier for me to read english than to hear it. Even if I can understand it fine, roleplaying while someone is talking in your ears is hard, and doing so when someone is speaking to you in a different language in a different accent is even harder - on top of breaking my immersion!!


spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
agreed, no player should have to concern themselves with any economy balance or prioritizing scripts over RP on an RP server.

I have first-hand heard this comment on somebody being mad because a unit had their items equipped and although I can't remember who, I think it completely removes an aspect of the game that should not matter.

If they really were concerned about an economy, then they would realize that it's a good thing that you can lose items on death because it means that players on the other side are getting to pick up and use said items. (whom are struggling for supplies much more than CPs are)
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ramen (beck)

the minge
Jan 7, 2023
I'm (unfortunately) very french and it's honestly far easier for me to read english than to hear it. Even if I can understand it fine, roleplaying while someone is talking in your ears is hard, and doing so when someone is speaking to you in a different language in a different accent is even harder - on top of breaking my immersion!!
Just get better


Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
knees quivering, unable to get his words out, stinks of soy and adjusting his glasses: "I unequip everything except my primary so I don't lose the scripts when I die"
firm, self-assured, rippling muscles and confident aura: "I keep everything equipped cos it looks cool in third person"


Nov 26, 2016
agreed, no player should have to concern themselves with any economy balance or prioritizing scripts over RP on an RP server.

I have first-hand heard this comment on somebody being mad because a unit had their items equipped and although I can't remember who, I think it completely removes an aspect of the game that should not matter.

If they really were concerned about an economy, then they would realize that it's a good thing that you can lose items on death because it means that players on the other side are getting to pick up and use said items. (whom are struggling for supplies much more than CPs are)
Exactly. I have no reason to be competitive with rebels, they can take my weapons, that's an objectively good thing, rewards them for taking me down (unless it's a vort, die vort die vort die vort die vort die vort)

I hope you get better soon, chin up
Thx its been really tough but I will get over this malady
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Mar 26, 2017
Script economy in this iteration is a spook

anyone who tries to tell you otherwise can get fucked - rebels literally get supplies spawned in for them "free of charge" for doing a few things here and there, sometimes just because
queue me watching bdb mention how he took a ranch house and had everyone craft weapons and be given a water spigot, filter, hatchets, and shovels in the span of five minutes two days after watching rebels throw endless amounts of bodies at the apartments for what was obviously supposed to be water heaters
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Jul 28, 2019
queue me watching bdb mention how he took a ranch house and had everyone craft weapons and be given a water spigot, filter, hatchets, and shovels in the span of five minutes two days after watching rebels throw endless amounts of bodies at the apartments for what was obviously supposed to be water heaters
the Lord of Headcrabs granted us
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spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
I'm not a super of being in voice chat even for call outs, you won't find me in a VC unless I absolutely have to be there. It just ruins the RP, it's more enjoyable if I am able to dedicate my full attention to the thing that's happening ingame rather than having to listen to someone. The server is always strictly text based so I don't see the reason to change that, realistically if I wanted to be in voice I would be playing other servers or games. If I wanted to sweat and call things out in the most efficiently way possible, I'd just play competitive dust2.

For IC stuff, definitely no. Events and staff planning, yes it's good. I can see why you'd enjoy being in VC if the server was a bit more casual but the funny thing is that most of the people who do go on voice are RP sweats so I don't know how you can balance your concentration so neatly that you can focus on two things at the same time unless there is a lot of RP-related stuff and memes going on in voicechats that I'm missing out on.

I've tried it and I'll have people talking to me and asking me questions while I'm trying to do /me's, having two conversations at the same time lol it's cray
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Apr 30, 2016
Going into vc should be and has always been a matter of personal preference. No one should be forced to use it, and I full well understand why. I personally enjoy vc because my years of playing arma milsim made me used to it, but I also do my best to relay as much information IC to immerse the rest of the server and give rebels some audio feedback via voicelines so they're not s2kd out of the blue. People who try to rag on about having an "Unoptimal" setup are cringy as fuck. Who cares if I don't use an external crosshair and keep view headbob enabled? I like the first person pov

Script sponges will always exist and will always complain when they "Cannot Roleplay without them". Your best bet is to just avoid them. Lastly but certainly not least; it's literally against the rules to unequip shit if you're about to die.

■ Unequipping a gun before dying to prevent it from dropping.
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Nov 26, 2016
Going into vc should be and has always been a matter of personal preference. No one should be forced to use it, and I full well understand why. I personally enjoy vc because my years of playing arma milsim made me used to it, but I also do my best to relay as much information IC to immerse the rest of the server and give rebels some audio feedback via voicelines so they're not s2kd out of the blue. People who try to rag on about having an "Unoptimal" setup are cringy as fuck. Who cares if I don't use an external crosshair and keep view headbob enabled? I like the first person pov

Script sponges will always exist and will always complain when they "Cannot Roleplay without them". Your best bet is to just avoid them. Lastly but certainly not least; it's literally against the rules to unequip shit if you're about to die.
Yup, but apparently equipping grenades only when you use them is fine. That's something I fail to understand. That's essentially the same but in reverse, isn't it? In both scenarios, you are abusing the system to make it so that you never drop the actual item if you die. To me, equipping a grenade right before using it and unequipping a weapon right before dying are pretty much the same, both are OOC ways to cheese the system and make sure that the script cannot be dropped.

Since that cheese isn't against the rules I don't actually mind of people do it. I'm simply confused about the difference that makes one legal and the other illegal, as well as why the legal one is considered the optimal thing to do when it's basically still script abuse
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*sigh* ud know this if u read the silmarillion...
Feb 28, 2018
some people change and adjust on their own

others need to be forced to

a lot of those people you mention need forcing

Yeah, which is why I’ve done a lot to try and look at how to enforce different behaviors through server rules and how factions are designed as of late in a lot of my posts/threads—not because I believe I have the answer, but because I know the answer lies somewhere within changing what behaviors we encourage through the rules, faction expectations & overall systems in the server.

We have to change the shape of the playing field to encourage and nurture the mentalities we want roleplayers to have. If the ways Nebulous has done things for years has created certain mentalities towards scriptplay, metagaming, etc., we can change things up to foster a different way of thinking. We gotta keep trying.

In other words: We have to shake a tree at its base to figure out what it takes to make the apples that we want to fall, fall.
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