Hunt Down Freeman


Jul 3, 2016
Alright, so here's the best story summary I can come up with

Sergeant Mitchell has a tragic backstory where his mum offs herself or something, he then gets real drunk despite him being portrayed as a child and then a teenager in literally the same scene with no transition. Drunk Sergeant Mitchell then stumbles upon a USMC recruiting poster, so he joins up. Theres a bootcamp scene, followed by him getting recruited by a HECU guy that walked out of a portal because ?.

it then absolutely flies past the coolest part of Half Life, The Black Mesa Incident, and cuts to Sergeant Protagonist getting his shit kicked in by Freeman, he utters an edgy sentence to Freeman, and G-Man is so impressed at how chad mitchell is he repeats the dialouge you hear in the trailer.

Sergeant Mitchell then awakes in a god awful rape baby of the walking dead and MGSV opening, and is then confronted by US National Guard that all speak in British accents because fuck it casting is hard. These Guardsmen direct mitchell to find Colonel Q, along the way Mitchell runs into Gay Otacon, a Black Ops sniper. They have some edgy dialouge but agree to work together because aliens r bad.

Upon meeting Colonel Q, and Black Comedy Relief Soldier #25435, they talk about how the Combine don't have any naval forces, so they plan to reach the California coast and hijack a ship. They steal a train, and go to some non descript desert, where they meet Captain Chad of the US Army Rangers. Everyone dies but Mitchell, Gay Otacon, and the britbong guy I'll just call Nigel, and after some RANGER LEAD THE WAY HOOYAH RAH motivating speech they get in humvees and go further to the coast

along the way mitchell ducks out from his mates to go save a factory full of workers. Here mitchell meets a new character called Boston Joe, who tells Mitchell there's a gas leak and can they can only use melee weapons. But as soon as the cutscene ends Joe pulls out a scattergat and blasts people because I guess actually coding that was too hard

Once again everyone but Mitchell, Gay Otacon, Nigel and Joe dies, and eventually they find a ship crewed by a British captain because ?, and they board. At this point the British Captain proceeds to furiously suck Mitchells chad weiner like it's covered in ranch sauce, and comment about how Mitchell is a gift from god, at which point Nigel buts in, saying Mitchell is cursed despite this never being a plot point and only brought up now but boy does Nigel seem angry about it.

Combines attack the ship, British captain dies, Mitchell is v sad.

3 Years Later

Mitchell narrates an abridged version of the hl2 lore from some hl2rp community, and then says he's going to new alaska to get weapons from a combine factory, there he meets a well spoken, yet horribly acted Russian called Boris who is the adminstrator of the factory. Boris narrates the fact that the Factory is used to build cremators, which the drunken vatnik proceeds to furiously wank over because the writers have an immolation fetish. Mitchell and his men burn the factory to the ground, to the children, he is like a god.

17 years later

Mitchell now has a ship and a whole bunch of diamond dogs, he fights combine and doesn't afraid of anything, until one day one of his diamond dogs gives him freemans crowbar which he found. Mitchells PTSD kicks in and he gets another visit from garry man who says that he is now allowed to kill the freeman. Mitchell is very angry now and he tells Nigel he plans to go to City 17 and ally with the combine to kill freeman. Nigel rightfully calls him a fucking dickhead but he does it anyway, and convinces everyone to follow him by literally doing Kaz's speech from the ending of MGSV

Mitchell enters C17 and boy fuckin howdy Boris is City Administrator, despite using the same raggedy ass fallout grimy pre war clothes looking ass model. They have some edgy dialouge, and Boris says that Dr. Breen accepts Mitchells conditions to kill Freeman. Boris says he has a lot of spies in the resistance, including his daughter which he wants Mitchell to save.

Mitchell goes into the canals and fights rebel man, but unfortunately he forgot to keep his s2k /me pasted and he is captured by the rebels, but is released by Boris's daughter, herein referred to as "Femscout."

Femscout releases Mitchell and tells him to go to a room, mitchell does so, and meets femscout. Femscout tells him about how mitchell is a hero but mitchell is really sad and says he isn't, then out of fucking nowhere femscout says she met gman but is super hazy about it. Mitchell is about to question her but she gets shot from behind by Gay Otacon, who despite having no way of knowing Mitchell would be in that exact spot, is here.

Mitchell runs away but Gay Otacon locks him in a room, Mitchell is really angry about this but Gay Otacon just scoffs, tips his fedora and leaves. Then Mitchell meets garry man for the third time, who reveals that Gay Otacon was Freeman the whole time, and this whole thing was planned from the beginning as a way of diverting Combine Forces from C17 so Freeman has it easier, despite there being hundreds of less intensive ways of doing this.

Garry Man then sentences Mitchell to the protagonist void, where Mitchell meets like five Freemans who beckon him to sit on a chair, but from nowhere comes a Galunga, and Mitchell meets fucking Adrian Shephard, who sacrificies himself so Mitchell can return to earth.

We cut to Gay Otacon back on motherbase, who is all smug and in charge of the diamond dogs now, but a helicopter lands, and Nigel hops out. Gay Otacon interrogates him to where he's been, but Nigel just steps back, and reveals Mitchell is here. Gay Otacon mutters "Impossible...." then runs off like a little bitch, then Mitchell chases him throughout the ship, eventually shooting him in the back, and then brutally killing him

Mitchell spots Garry man in the distance and we cut to the credits

Michell says, let's go to Borealis

Hunt Down The DLC when?


Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016
Alright, so here's the best story summary I can come up with

Sergeant Mitchell has a tragic backstory where his mum offs herself or something, he then gets real drunk despite him being portrayed as a child and then a teenager in literally the same scene with no transition. Drunk Sergeant Mitchell then stumbles upon a USMC recruiting poster, so he joins up. Theres a bootcamp scene, followed by him getting recruited by a HECU guy that walked out of a portal because ?.

it then absolutely flies past the coolest part of Half Life, The Black Mesa Incident, and cuts to Sergeant Protagonist getting his shit kicked in by Freeman, he utters an edgy sentence to Freeman, and G-Man is so impressed at how chad mitchell is he repeats the dialouge you hear in the trailer.

Sergeant Mitchell then awakes in a god awful rape baby of the walking dead and MGSV opening, and is then confronted by US National Guard that all speak in British accents because fuck it casting is hard. These Guardsmen direct mitchell to find Colonel Q, along the way Mitchell runs into Gay Otacon, a Black Ops sniper. They have some edgy dialouge but agree to work together because aliens r bad.

Upon meeting Colonel Q, and Black Comedy Relief Soldier #25435, they talk about how the Combine don't have any naval forces, so they plan to reach the California coast and hijack a ship. They steal a train, and go to some non descript desert, where they meet Captain Chad of the US Army Rangers. Everyone dies but Mitchell, Gay Otacon, and the britbong guy I'll just call Nigel, and after some RANGER LEAD THE WAY HOOYAH RAH motivating speech they get in humvees and go further to the coast

along the way mitchell ducks out from his mates to go save a factory full of workers. Here mitchell meets a new character called Boston Joe, who tells Mitchell there's a gas leak and can they can only use melee weapons. But as soon as the cutscene ends Joe pulls out a scattergat and blasts people because I guess actually coding that was too hard

Once again everyone but Mitchell, Gay Otacon, Nigel and Joe dies, and eventually they find a ship crewed by a British captain because ?, and they board. At this point the British Captain proceeds to furiously suck Mitchells chad weiner like it's covered in ranch sauce, and comment about how Mitchell is a gift from god, at which point Nigel buts in, saying Mitchell is cursed despite this never being a plot point and only brought up now but boy does Nigel seem angry about it.

Combines attack the ship, British captain dies, Mitchell is v sad.

3 Years Later

Mitchell narrates an abridged version of the hl2 lore from some hl2rp community, and then says he's going to new alaska to get weapons from a combine factory, there he meets a well spoken, yet horribly acted Russian called Boris who is the adminstrator of the factory. Boris narrates the fact that the Factory is used to build cremators, which the drunken vatnik proceeds to furiously wank over because the writers have an immolation fetish. Mitchell and his men burn the factory to the ground, to the children, he is like a god.

17 years later

Mitchell now has a ship and a whole bunch of diamond dogs, he fights combine and doesn't afraid of anything, until one day one of his diamond dogs gives him freemans crowbar which he found. Mitchells PTSD kicks in and he gets another visit from garry man who says that he is now allowed to kill the freeman. Mitchell is very angry now and he tells Nigel he plans to go to City 17 and ally with the combine to kill freeman. Nigel rightfully calls him a fucking dickhead but he does it anyway, and convinces everyone to follow him by literally doing Kaz's speech from the ending of MGSV

Mitchell enters C17 and boy fuckin howdy Boris is City Administrator, despite using the same raggedy ass fallout grimy pre war clothes looking ass model. They have some edgy dialouge, and Boris says that Dr. Breen accepts Mitchells conditions to kill Freeman. Boris says he has a lot of spies in the resistance, including his daughter which he wants Mitchell to save.

Mitchell goes into the canals and fights rebel man, but unfortunately he forgot to keep his s2k /me pasted and he is captured by the rebels, but is released by Boris's daughter, herein referred to as "Femscout."

Femscout releases Mitchell and tells him to go to a room, mitchell does so, and meets femscout. Femscout tells him about how mitchell is a hero but mitchell is really sad and says he isn't, then out of fucking nowhere femscout says she met gman but is super hazy about it. Mitchell is about to question her but she gets shot from behind by Gay Otacon, who despite having no way of knowing Mitchell would be in that exact spot, is here.

Mitchell runs away but Gay Otacon locks him in a room, Mitchell is really angry about this but Gay Otacon just scoffs, tips his fedora and leaves. Then Mitchell meets garry man for the third time, who reveals that Gay Otacon was Freeman the whole time, and this whole thing was planned from the beginning as a way of diverting Combine Forces from C17 so Freeman has it easier, despite there being hundreds of less intensive ways of doing this.

Garry Man then sentences Mitchell to the protagonist void, where Mitchell meets like five Freemans who beckon him to sit on a chair, but from nowhere comes a Galunga, and Mitchell meets fucking Adrian Shephard, who sacrificies himself so Mitchell can return to earth.

We cut to Gay Otacon back on motherbase, who is all smug and in charge of the diamond dogs now, but a helicopter lands, and Nigel hops out. Gay Otacon interrogates him to where he's been, but Nigel just steps back, and reveals Mitchell is here. Gay Otacon mutters "Impossible...." then runs off like a little bitch, then Mitchell chases him throughout the ship, eventually shooting him in the back, and then brutally killing him

Mitchell spots Garry man in the distance and we cut to the credits
So Gordon Freeman is not see at all... Wow
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Apr 26, 2016
and Mitchell meets fucking Adrian Shephard, who sacrificies himself so Mitchell can return to earth.

I'm sorry but given OPF was the best HL1 expansion and genuinely a hell of a lot of fun I refuse to believe the badass that is Adrian would sacrifice himself so some faggot could live
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Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016
My boy Adrian Shephard wouldn't die like that lmao, he's too much of a badass.

HDTF goes in the garbage

Deleted member 2994


into the trash it does, with the rest of the refunded games
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Apr 26, 2016
Watching the cutscene compilation (after few hours of going thru VNN's stream of the game with cutscenes missing) felt like an acid-induced fever dream, and I'm pretty sure I've had neither of the two, ever.
And @Dingo sums up the plot neat, but one thing he missed to mention.
The protagonist's full name in the credits sequence is Mitchell Shephard.
What's more, when he meets Adrian in the protagonist void, MC Crowbarnone has mini-flashbacks of his tragic past, followed by him uttering "Adrian?"
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Apr 26, 2016
The protagonist's full name in the credits sequence is Mitchell Shephard.
What's more, when he meets Adrian in the protagonist void, MC Crowbarnone has mini-flashbacks of his tragic past, followed by him uttering "Adrian?"
don't you dare


Apr 26, 2016
Watching the cutscene compilation (after few hours of going thru VNN's stream of the game with cutscenes missing) felt like an acid-induced fever dream, and I'm pretty sure I've had neither of the two, ever.
And @Dingo sums up the plot neat, but one thing he missed to mention.
The protagonist's full name in the credits sequence is Mitchell Shephard.
What's more, when he meets Adrian in the protagonist void, MC Crowbarnone has mini-flashbacks of his tragic past, followed by him uttering "Adrian?"
so he's like family with adrian?? DUDE WHAT??????
[doublepost=1519502966][/doublepost]WHY THIS GAME RUIN EVERYTHING


Apr 26, 2016
don't you dare
so he's like family with adrian?? DUDE WHAT??????
[doublepost=1519502966][/doublepost]WHY THIS GAME RUIN EVERYTHING
I'm afraid it's how it is.
To my understanding, they were brothers; the first cutscene shows a boy sitting beside someone whom I presume is their mom (I legit can't tell on phone even when I crank up my brightness to max), dead on the floor. Mitchell, also a kiddy, goes beside his bro and comforts him.
They were separated, and Mitchell seemingly didn't exactly grow up well with no exact information. Seriously, there was a massive timeskip from a snotling with his bro taken away, to a bumbling alcoholic deciding to join the marines.
But I reckon someone who's actually played through the game can elaborate better, as cutscene compilation doesn't include conversations, well, outside cutscenes.


Apr 26, 2016
can we talk about how supported mitchell and adrian shepard are related?


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Game turned out just as expected, also no surprise that roleplayers couldn't help but spread the toxicity in Tyler's stream by donating about nebulous and begotten; Some of you need a hobby


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
So G-Man sets up an elaborate ruse in order to later turn the resistance against someone so freeman has an easier time yet the main reason why Shepard survives is because he is a loose end that G-Man has to tie up and feels like would be a waste to let die

So, basically in HDTF; Shepard is in stasis for no reason


Nov 11, 2016
So G-Man sets up an elaborate ruse in order to later turn the resistance against someone so freeman has an easier time yet the main reason why Shepard survives is because he is a loose end that G-Man has to tie up and feels like would be a waste to let die

So, basically in HDTF; Shepard is in stasis for no reason
you do fucking realize this game is a joke. who is this retarded to sink 50k investment over a mod that has been promoted by bots in the greenlight and hasn't been playtested

Why'd you care about the lore even if this whole game has stolen assets and never been credited by the development team
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