Recent content by Smithy

  1. Smithy

    Hiya Hiya hi.

    Hey Guys So I think I've been in and out of the community quite a few times now. Mostly my leaving is to my outside life activities and work. Due to a change in work I have more time off and I thought I'd reconnect up with a few people. I'm not sure if anyone remembers me or if anyone...
  2. Smithy


    I started Diving - Good Qualifications for anyone who was interested. they normally run clubs at local swimming pools. Gym - For Work. Gaming - Anything these days since I don't get much time off work. Paintball - Got offered a spot in a team (Had to turn it down due to work hours) Wanting...
  3. Smithy

    Hello There. gEnErAl KeNoBi

    Welcome buddy! Look forward to seeing you on the server! (Na' it's not weird. Powley had a resistance guy who indentified as a female I think...Maybe not but I thought it was female anyway)
  4. Smithy

    Where did you guys get your profile pics from?

    Now I need you're pinnn numba' Yes quality show. Mine is Reggie My pup who isn't so small anymore.
  5. Smithy

    Sup fam

    Ohhh dear Wolfaye... What happened my mate, it's been a long time
  6. Smithy

    New Face to most, Old face to some

    Hey Guys... As my name states, I'm Smithy. I used to roleplay alot a year or two ago here in Neb, before that Lemonpunch, DiCi, TnB, HGN, RRP, Mobius, Yada Yada Yada... Anyway, I've been roleplaying for a good while- To any of you who used to know me or saw my name I used to act out a...
  7. Smithy

    News Celebrating one year!

    Loved the Intro haha! Banging!
  8. Smithy

    Profile is dedicated to me dog pretty much ;)

    Profile is dedicated to me dog pretty much ;)
  9. Smithy


    Killstreak is an overused kind of way to reward players...And like you said..Only a certain amount of people will get it due to how good they are. Atleast with pickups everyone will have a chance (That's why I liked the new Doom)
  10. Smithy

    Used to play that! Great game :D

    Used to play that! Great game :D
  11. Smithy

    Its pinky mate

    Its pinky mate
  12. Smithy

    Haha been some time...

    Haha been some time...
  13. Smithy

    Hi guys!

    Oh Aye! I certainly do! Haha! Good to be here laddo!
  14. Smithy

    Hi guys!

    Hello Nebulous! My name is Smithy!! I'm a 22 year old male and now this is going on to sound like a bio on tinder...I'm from Old England Not sure how many people I've roleplayed with here, but I know there's a fair few... I've had a lot of experience in Roleplay ranging from HL2RP to...