Recent content by Xanth

  1. Xanth

    Serious Escape From Tarkov

    Yeah, I need some people to squad up with. Pm me if ya want or just post below idgaf. Please, I'm desperate.
  2. Xanth

    Game Screenshot Thread

    Heres One
  3. Xanth

    How's it goin'?

  4. Xanth

    Hello there dood

    Hello there dood
  5. Xanth

    where does your forum/steam name come from?

    Well, I thought up mine when well, a few years back I was literally the most cancerous DarkRP'er there could be. Basically running around screaming BOOOOOOOOOOSH and one tapping people with a m4. Those were good days lol. Profile Pic... eh.. was with SCG's SWRP server before it went into...
  6. Xanth

    Refugee from SCG

    Just bought a thing from the store hey presto.
  7. Xanth

    Refugee from SCG

    Sure, I like the idea of the concept. But I've only seen one episode which I forget the name of. Favorite actor you say? Id say Keanu Reaves. Dude that plays John Wick. Hi thar
  8. Xanth


    Hi fellow SCG refugee.
  9. Xanth

    Any ideas on token making?

    I'm looking for people to join up with me to form a semi official Milita or something rather.
  10. Xanth

    Refugee from SCG

    Ay I'm also making a semi official group that resists in the city. Hey presto fams
  11. Xanth

    Greaser's Introduction

    I'm brand new too, eh. Hi
  12. Xanth

    Refugee from SCG

  13. Xanth

    Refugee from SCG

    Hello thar Well, I'll see you all in the city. +1 pancakes
  14. Xanth

    Brand new refugee. Hi all.

    Brand new refugee. Hi all.
  15. Xanth

    Refugee from SCG

    No problemo. I will. See ya wheneverly man.