Recent content by Zer0

  1. Zer0


  2. Zer0

    it's not a phase dad!

    it's not a phase dad!
  3. Zer0


  4. Zer0

    Thought I heard a rumblin' Calling to my name Two hundred million guns are loaded Satan cries...

    Thought I heard a rumblin' Calling to my name Two hundred million guns are loaded Satan cries "take aim"
  5. Zer0
  6. Zer0

    Zombine's Coding Cabana

    it's okay. it was my fault. I forgot to include it in the post.
  7. Zer0

    Zombine's Coding Cabana

    local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame") frame:SetSize(1000,720) frame:Center() frame:SetVisible(true) frame:MakePopup()
  8. Zer0

    Zombine's Coding Cabana

    local button = vgui.Create("DButton" , frame) button:SetPos(10,40) button:SetSize(200,40) button:SetText("you dont.")
  9. Zer0

    Serious Civil Protection Deservice In A Nutshell

    i couldnt find a place to put this meme so it goes here ok :ok: CP DESERVICE IN A NUTSHELL
  10. Zer0

    Update your status...

    Update your status...
  11. Zer0

    Post a picture of yourself

    because I'm uncovering the truth.
  12. Zer0

    Post a picture of yourself

    Congrats, you're a Mascot now.
  13. Zer0


  14. Zer0

    Rate the song above

    5/10 Nice rhythm & beat.