- Joined
- May 31, 2016
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- Nebulae
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So, you are losing your shit and trying to find a way to murder that one guy who gave you a disagree rating on Nebulous? Listen here mate, it's called "disagree" because someone disagrees with your opinion or view on things, it doesn't mean he will send a whole mafia family at you with orders to stab you in the eye sockets with an AAA battery. Seriously you don't need to avenge your probably shitty post which everyone disagrees with anyways by typing 43294306934863 lines explaining how he is worse than getting terminal cancer and how all bad things happen because of his disagreement. Like for real, if he disagrees with your shit that's just his opinion and it shouldn't influence any negative effect on your life both in real life and Nebulous as even you can disagree with someone's post and while you don't give a crap of what your actions have just caused the poster on the other end could possibly be drinking bleach as he sees the rating or alternatively just go on with life like proper humans do when they face such ratings. Think about it fam, while you are crying in a corner for hours over a bunch of pixels meant to represent a red X and a text saying "disagree" right besides it, children in africa are starving to death because they have nothing to eat, I mean seriously do something with your life and go donate a decent amount of [Insert coin here] for those countries with a population that is 90% homeless as sitting on a chair all day gaining extra fat everyday won't do anything to help them progress towards a better and brighter future. I received a disagree once and it didn't hurt my feelings, rather I took it like a man and accepted the fact that not every person on earth can agree with my spoken words... then I had a milkshake. I knew a child who got bullied with disagreement on the internet and I encouraged him to instead of getting chronical depression and suicidal tendencies he just ignores the personal disagree attacks and look towards how their opinion doesn't mather at all in his life (he is dead now btw, rip). And this line is also directed to the disagree CIS-rating trolls who prefer using their opinion against good and positive posts; Please go die in a hole full of spikes and nuclear crocodiles with razor blades for teeth, your triggering presence is unwanted on this godly realm, seriously, many people have suffered by your misleading and purposely bad disagree ratings for years and many have closed their account for this. Aren't you ashamed of what your actions have led people to do?!?!? Rating disagree on a meme is pointless, disrespectful and mean, rating disagree on someone who just got his so wanted White Loyalist armband on HL2RP is misleading and entirely wrong, rating disagree on your own posts is virtually impossible! Mind your actions, make a change. Now I will conclude this small rant by saying: Rate agree if you agree. P.S. No disagrees k thx.
inb4 disagree rains upon this thread.
inb4 disagree rains upon this thread.