

The real OG
Apr 26, 2016
When i broke up with my bird of 2 years my pals took me on a bender every weekend until i felt better. Pro tip, don't do that - i ended up with the clap. The thing that actually helped me was to put everything in my house related to her in a box, then my brother hid the box. Did the same thing on my phone, wiped it all - feels shit to actually do but it'll stop random things popping up and reminding you of her. Sending love x
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
Recently got out of a relationship with a really possessive girlfriend. There wasn't much to be sad about but it only really hit me in retrospect how bad it was. Go out with your pals, surround yourself with people you like, have some fun and think about something else for a while. If you're surrounded by people you really like that genuinely want the best for you, you might find some more meaning to that than what you'd left behind. Hope things get better my guy.
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Jan 25, 2017
  • Worst/Best Breakup Story.
  • Tips to avoid the big down phase.
  • Ways to find motivation.
  • Ways to get on.
  • Cheated on me, if you want me to go into detail rate informative
  • You can't, only ways to cope with it. Having friends is a good start and hobbies to do. Personally for me, drawing and playing either drums or piano really gets tome moving fast and lets me be in my own bubble when I'm in a pinch
  • Do your bed every morning. You won't regret it. Talk with people and shit, don't be a loner.
  • ???
Also, although it's a video, I found it quite helpful at the time

Also, fucking eat SLOWLY

Eating fast is unhealthy (even with healthy food) and eating in a controlled pace will make you both not vile and guarantee you to lose weight if you don't only eat donald'd
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Sep 29, 2017
Because I am in the middle of it, tell me your:
  • Worst/Best Breakup Story.
  • Tips to avoid the big down phase.
  • Ways to find motivation.
  • Ways to get on.
I might be a bit late to the party but I can give my two cents.
A lot of people tend to get caught up in the moment when it comes to breakups, they think about how they/the other person/both made a mistake or begin to doubt their character and self worth. They begin to reminisce about the good times they had, the plethora of emotions when it comes to romance and the bump and tumble, however when one looks at the big picture it doesn't seem quite as bad. I believe that every breakup is a blessing in disguise, each person in the relationship has a flaw which cause tension in the relationship. Some are able to look past small pet peeves they have, (I.E taking long showers, taking longer to get ready, political standing, tidiness, etc.)

However one must ask themselves this question when it comes to looking at the bigger picture. "What if I had signed on to a life long commitment with this person?" It is possible that the issues would have caused immense tension in the partnership, if you had kids it would lead to possible developmental issues, and possible legal action. (I don't know about Europe but The United States is plagued by divorce cases.) Dating is at the end of the day, the interview to marriage. So rejoice! Your chances of not having a horrid marriage has skyrocketed! This also allows you to opportunity to self reflect about your life. "Do I need to improve my health?" "Do I have some social hang ups I need to work on?" "Beyond psychical beauty and attraction, what am I looking for in a partner?" "Does my obsession with collecting and painting model tanks cause strain on our relationship because I am choosing my hobbies over her?" The answer to the last question is NO but you get my point. It is important you don't let people have power over your life and steal your joy.

For finding motivation and moving on don't socially isolate yourself, that will only make it worse. Go hand out with the :b:OIS or your Gal Pals and just enjoy their company and yourself.
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Nov 8, 2017
I just need to Necro ( Hehe, my name and so on) this Thread.

I was and still am away from this Community, but I wanted to give on my Story if someone even wants to hear it at all.
As I wrote on the 11th of Feb she broke up but we still had some Bedtime after this, we united TWO times after the breakup, both times we said we still love each other, after this, we did not found time and I had some side stories with other girls. End of Feb, I still loved her (Yeah, Sex and Love are different things for me, and I can differentiate them good), we met for lunch and she told me that she does not seem a necessity for a relationship at all between us, so I began to date another woman. She found out and got mad at us, blocking us at every social Media output we had.
Life goes on and we did not have contact until now.
On the last Sunday, she wrote me that there was something bad about MY Amazon account and how she could fix it, I threw her out and asked if it is now better and she answered just by yes, by this she unblocked me on all Social Media Outlets. On Friday, I still work as a Caretaker for special needs kids and Surprise she does too, she took my Kid and I had to tell her everything I was told by his mother, she listened and stood pretty close to me, so close that I could smell her perfume, it was the same I adored when we were still together, and lo and behold she blocked me again on everything.

I do not have any feelings for her left but it interests me, why she does this. Is she mad or so? She got together with her new BF like a week after I was together with my new girl.
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Oct 29, 2016
I just need to Necro ( Hehe, my name and so on) this Thread.

I was and still am away from this Community, but I wanted to give on my Story if someone even wants to hear it at all.
As I wrote on the 11th of Feb she broke up but we still had some Bedtime after this, we united TWO times after the breakup, both times we said we still love each other, after this, we did not found time and I had some side stories with other girls. End of Feb, I still loved her (Yeah, Sex and Love are different things for me, and I can differentiate them good), we met for lunch and she told me that she does not seem a necessity for a relationship at all between us, so I began to date another woman. She found out and got mad at us, blocking us at every social Media output we had.
Life goes on and we did not have contact until now.
On the last Sunday, she wrote me that there was something bad about MY Amazon account and how she could fix it, I threw her out and asked if it is now better and she answered just by yes, by this she unblocked me on all Social Media Outlets. On Friday, I still work as a Caretaker for special needs kids and Surprise she does too, she took my Kid and I had to tell her everything I was told by his mother, she listened and stood pretty close to me, so close that I could smell her perfume, it was the same I adored when we were still together, and lo and behold she blocked me again on everything.

I do not have any feelings for her left but it interests me, why she does this. Is she mad or so? She got together with her new BF like a week after I was together with my new girl.
My man, you need to cut ties with her entirely. I know after so much time, it's insanely difficult, it was the same with me and my ex after like nearly 1 1/2 years but it's just for the better not to have any contact with her. Block her, don't allow her to contact you.
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Nov 8, 2017
Yeah I ditched her, but I have to see her every now and then because of our work