Crafter & Scavenger Applications

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Jun 29, 2023

Crafting and Scavenging​



An integral part of the resistance lifestyle is the willingness to scavenge from, adapt to, and overcome their environment. To do this, the resistance, both Lambda and its branches, require experts in engineering, maintenance, medicine, and even scavenging itself.

Those individuals that choose to stand behind the scenes, are to be lauded, for without maintenance and supply creation, the uprising would have ended before it could even begin. Black Mesa scientists are few and far between, so amateurs, jury riggers, and 'just winging it' individuals will have to do.

Poses done by @MaXenzie , assistance from @Numbers and @Appetite Ruining Kebab on balance, thank you all <3


Revision to the Crafting System​

This document outlines the new rules, guidelines, and systems that will drive the crafting experience of this iteration, going forward. All the information someone needs become a craftsperson is contained within this document - every recipe, every flag required, and everything that you need to become either a crafter or scavenger - as you can only be one or the other.

A craftsperson is an individual - resistance or loyalist - that specializes in the creation of supplies for their allies.

For the resistance, this means maintainers of weapons, and creators of makeshift kevlar, gas masks, and food.

For the Combine, this means professional engineers - Civil Functionaries or civilian loyalists that have in-depth knowledge of both human and combine technology and are capable of repairing and maintaining things like Razor Trains or forcefields.

Characters that are interested in getting access to the crafting featured in this document can apply for flags using the format at the bottom. Combine characters can be crafters, but not scavengers, and Vortigaunts can apply for either. Flags are lost with PK and must be applied for again.



While flags will still allow in-game crafting, their most important feature will now be to promote RP. Players can apply for F, T, and E flags (separately or together - though note that the more flags you're asking for, the less likely it is to be accepted!)

These flags will allow for in-game crafting, but their important use is to allow you access to the large crafting document's restricted items. Not only are these recipes cheaper than the in-game variants, but they also help the staff team log who has what, which is great for helping people earn more if we KNOW they're low on things.

NOTE: Characters without crafting flags can still use this system to create items that DO NOT REQUIRE FLAGS, such as certain scrap guns, melee weapons, medical items, etc. You do not need to take up a space on the crafting roster to be able to make low-power items.

Additionally, having the crafting flags will serve as 'proof' of a character's skill. Want to repair a terminal in an event? If you have crafting flags we can confirm that's something you absolutely can do, and make success guaranteed. (This feature is, as ever, discretionary to the event runner.)

The crafting document will also be consistently updated with new items when they're added, and may eventually be extended to include clothing, storage and stations like the Workbench or Water Filters.


Item List​

The list of craftable items can be found in the table following this section. Note that everything inside is subject to immediate change without warning.

When you want to craft something from this list, ensure that you have all the materials (or at least the materials to create the materials, if you're crafting something tiered, such as a black suit, which requires a kevlar vest) and reqeust a staff member. This is so that I am aware of what is being crafted, and is meant to be a placeholder until the integration of

Combine crafters will get a supply crate of various crafting materials per week which their crafters can use either on map objectives (such as the Metro map's train repair) or on personal projects for weapon repair or creation.

This is not an exhaustive list. If someone has something creative they want to do with the crafting flags, add it to the message that's sent to me! We're always ready to indulge player creativity.

Or click this link



Characters with crafting flags can attempt to break down items that they do not need. Attempts to do this should be processed like normal crafting requests. The amount of material is based on what type of item it is and, it may be a roll, or it may simply be half of the recipe. If you broke down 2 stacks of .45 ACP, you would be given 1 primer and 1 casing tray, for example. If you broke down an MP7, depending on rolls, it may not be the same amount every time. The given items should be what is found in the broken down item, and should be at staff discretion.



On the opposite end of the scale, Scavengers are the ones that obtain the materials that crafters use to support the resistance. Often self-motivated loners - but not always - scavengers bear the brunt of a heavy load of supplies, acting as runners, supply-chain establishers, or junkmongers to the general resistance populace.

When paired or partnered with an expert crafter or tinker, however, they become a deadly duo to be reckoned with, as a near never-ending supply of resources flows into the crafters.

There are no additional flags for scavengers, though the tag for a scavenger character must still be applied for. A character that has any kind of crafting flags cannot be a scavenger. Scavenger characters can, every day, ask an admin to oversee, and set out to a place to find a type of material (This is broken down into categories, with your creativity as your primary limiter, and the following blacklist as a secondary limiter: High tier broken guns, Resin, High tier armor - 100+ armor, Armored gasmasks). They then roll 100 and depending on the roll they may be given a higher or lower amount of items depending that category. Keep in mind, the more specific the category is, the less you are likely to get. If you search for electrical items, you may find a more varied loot table, but if you are specifically looking for an item you may only find a handful of those items. The rolls are broken into the following segments:

Barely anything. Varied loot pools may give low tier items in a small quantity, anything specific may just net nothing.

A small amount of items. Varied loot pools will give a chunk of items, but specific items may be given in a handful amount.

A decent haul. Varied loot pools will give you a nice quantity of low tier items, specific items being found in a limited, but decent amount

A good haul. Varied loot pools will net lower tier items in higher quantities, specific items being found in a good amount

A very good haul. Varied loot pools will net the more higher tier items (if applicable) in a lower quantity, or a large quantity of low tier loot. Specific items are found in a very favourable amount

A jackpot of a haul. Your find is one of treasure, of whatever item may be favourable for you. Loot pools give you high tier items in a good quantity, and the specific items you search for are in a large quantity.



Applications should be posted in the Character Authorizations subforum. They should be named appropriately (i.e. X's Crafter Application). Those that are out right now should have the names changed and if still interested, a bump.

Staff members that have flags do not take slots, and they may apply while the applications are closed.

There are two crafting flags slots (Agoran and Emergent) and one scavenger slot (Emergent) reserved for the map factions. They do not count to the slots. They are to apply in a conversation with FreeSpy and the respective faction lead.

Applications for crafting flags are currently CLOSED. There are 6/6 slots filled.

Applications for combine crafting flags are currently OPEN. There are 2/4 slots filled.

Applications for combine scavengers are currently OPEN. There are 1/3 slots filled.

Applications for Scavenger characters are currently CLOSED. There are 8/8 slots filled.

Steam name:
Scavenger or Crafter? If crafter, what flags?:
OOC motivations:
Do you understand that staff reserves the right to revoke these at any time?:
Do you understand that any abuse of these flags will result in immediate removal and blacklisting?:

Character name:
Character age:
Brief backstory:
IC motivations (if relevant):

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Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016
What will happen to current flag holders? Are they being removed?
Current flag holders have to re-apply if they want to craft via the new system, but they can still craft ingame.

They are, however, subject to the cooldown rule still. Being caught disregarding this rule will result in a blacklist and removal of crafting flags.


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016

Update 1:​

Crossbow removed (sorry boys)
Crossbow bolt cooldown removed due to this.
All '1 day' cooldowns removed due to being superfluous.
A few non-overtly resistance items are now unrestricted. Improved blacksuits and resistance suits remain restricted.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

Update 1:​

Crossbow removed (sorry boys)
Crossbow bolt cooldown removed due to this.
All '1 day' cooldowns removed due to being superfluous.
A few non-overtly resistance items are now unrestricted. Improved blacksuits and resistance suits remain restricted.

im not updating the border art to account for this


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016

Update 2:​

Combine now have exclusive items. Hopper mine, Turret, SLAM, Manhack, Emplacement Turret & Battery. All have no cooldown.

Suit cooldowns reduced to 3 days each, except the reinforced coat, which remains at one week.
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Reactions: List


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016

Update 3:​

Coolodown now only affect the same type of item. For example, you can make a SPAS-12 and a Reinforced Gasmask Suit and have a cooldown for both GUNS and TAILORING.
Reactions: List


professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
I got a few additions and other suggestions for the spreadsheet, so buckle up

Melee Weapons​

Needs claw-hammer and screwdriver
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Hatchet 1x Tray of screws 4x Metal Scraps 1x Wooden Scrap

Lead Pipe
Needs furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Metal Scraps

Pipe Wrench
Needs claw-hammer and Allen-Key
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

5x Metal Scraps

Needs claw-hammer and furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

5x Plastic Scraps

Needs entire toolkit (except sewing-kit)
E flag needed
1 Day cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Aluminium 1x Granite 1x Wooden Plank 1x Tray of Screws

Needs screwdriver
E flag needed
No cooldown
Exclusively for Combine

1x Tonfa Baton 2x Metal Scraps 3x Broken Circuit Boards 1x Battery


Welding Mask
Needs claw-hammer and furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Metal Scraps 1x Glass Scrap

Durag (Bandana)
Needs scissors
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps

Riot Helmet
Needs claw-hammer and screwdriver
T flag needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Plastic Scraps 1x Metal Scrap

Grey/Green/Blue/Black Beanie (color chosen by crafter)
Needs sewing kit
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps

Boonie Hat
Needs sewing kit and scissors
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps 1x Plastic Scrap

Construction Cat Hat
Needs claw-hammer and furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Plastic Scraps

Flat/Blue/Military Cap (item chosen by crafter)
Needs sewing kit and scissors
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Cloth Scraps

Needs sewing kit and scissors
T flag needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

6x Cloth Scraps

Fingerless/Surgical/Regular Gloves
Needs sewing kit
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps

Food and Drinks​

Bottle of Wine
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Glass Bottle 4x Grapes

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Glass Bottle 1x Water Bottle (you will receive the plastic bottle back) 4x Potatoes

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Glass Bottle 1x Water Bottle (you will receive the plastic bottle back) 2x Bread

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Carton/Jug of Milk 1x Whiskey

Box of Popcorn
Stove and Frying Pan needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Cob of Corn

Can of Tomato Soup
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Tomatoes 1x Empty Can

Jug/Carton of Milk
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Jug OR 1x Empty Milk Carton 2x Bags of Peanuts (pretend that they're almonds)

Cheese Wheel
Stove needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Jugs/Cartons of Milk (seriously why do we have two types of milk containers)

Chocolate Bar
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Jug/Carton of Milk

Potato Chips (crisps šŸ¤¢)
Kitchen Knife and Stove needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Potato

Barbeque Chips
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Potato Chips 1x Spices

Granola Bar
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Chocolate Bar 1x Bag of Peanuts

Mashed Potatoes
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Jug/Carton of Milk 2x Potatoes

Shawarma Wrap
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Meat of any kind 1x Spices 1x Tomato 1x Bread

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Meat of any kind 1x Cheese Wedge 1x Bread


Empty Jug of Milk
Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Plastic Scraps

Empty Plastic Bottle
Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Plastic Scraps

Empty Cigarette Pack
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Paper

Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Plastic Scraps

Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Plastic Scraps

Metal Pot
Claw-hammer needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Metal Scraps 1x Plastic Scrap

Claw-hammer, scissors and sewing kit needed
T flag needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Metal Scraps 2x Wooden Scraps 3x Cloth Scraps

Stationary Radio
Claw-hammer, allen key and screwdriver needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Exclusive to the Resistance

2x Metal Scraps 1x Circuit Board 1x Spool of Cables

Baseball Bat
Change the 6x Wood Scraps to 6x Metal Scraps, the baseball bat on the server is made out of metal, not wood

Let both factions be able to make SLAMs, however, make the recipe more expensive too
Claw-hammer, Allen Key and Screwdriver needed
Needs E flag
1 Day Cooldown

6x Metal Scraps 1x Gunpowder 1x Spool of Cables 1x Circuit Board 1x Box of Screws

Remove the need for a T flag
Apr 26, 2016
I got a few additions and other suggestions for the spreadsheet, so buckle up

Melee Weapons​

Needs claw-hammer and screwdriver
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Hatchet 1x Tray of screws 4x Metal Scraps 1x Wooden Scrap

Lead Pipe
Needs furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Metal Scraps

Pipe Wrench
Needs claw-hammer and Allen-Key
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

5x Metal Scraps

Needs claw-hammer and furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

5x Plastic Scraps

Needs entire toolkit (except sewing-kit)
E flag needed
1 Day cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Aluminium 1x Granite 1x Wooden Plank 1x Tray of Screws

Needs screwdriver
E flag needed
No cooldown
Exclusively for Combine

1x Tonfa Baton 2x Metal Scraps 3x Broken Circuit Boards 1x Battery


Welding Mask
Needs claw-hammer and furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Metal Scraps 1x Glass Scrap

Durag (Bandana)
Needs scissors
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps

Riot Helmet
Needs claw-hammer and screwdriver
T flag needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Plastic Scraps 1x Metal Scrap

Grey/Green/Blue/Black Beanie (color chosen by crafter)
Needs sewing kit
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps

Boonie Hat
Needs sewing kit and scissors
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps 1x Plastic Scrap

Construction Cat Hat
Needs claw-hammer and furnace
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Plastic Scraps

Flat/Blue/Military Cap (item chosen by crafter)
Needs sewing kit and scissors
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Cloth Scraps

Needs sewing kit and scissors
T flag needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

6x Cloth Scraps

Fingerless/Surgical/Regular Gloves
Needs sewing kit
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Cloth Scraps

Food and Drinks​

Bottle of Wine
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Glass Bottle 4x Grapes

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Glass Bottle 1x Water Bottle (you will receive the plastic bottle back) 4x Potatoes

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Glass Bottle 1x Water Bottle (you will receive the plastic bottle back) 2x Bread

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Carton/Jug of Milk 1x Whiskey

Box of Popcorn
Stove and Frying Pan needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Cob of Corn

Can of Tomato Soup
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Tomatoes 1x Empty Can

Jug/Carton of Milk
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Empty Jug OR 1x Empty Milk Carton 2x Bags of Peanuts (pretend that they're almonds)

Cheese Wheel
Stove needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Jugs/Cartons of Milk (seriously why do we have two types of milk containers)

Chocolate Bar
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Jug/Carton of Milk

Potato Chips (crisps šŸ¤¢)
Kitchen Knife and Stove needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Potato

Barbeque Chips
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Potato Chips 1x Spices

Granola Bar
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Chocolate Bar 1x Bag of Peanuts

Mashed Potatoes
Stove and Metal Pot needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Jug/Carton of Milk 2x Potatoes

Shawarma Wrap
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Meat of any kind 1x Spices 1x Tomato 1x Bread

No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

1x Meat of any kind 1x Cheese Wedge 1x Bread


Empty Jug of Milk
Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Plastic Scraps

Empty Plastic Bottle
Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Plastic Scraps

Empty Cigarette Pack
No tools needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Paper

Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Plastic Scraps

Claw-hammer and Furnace needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

2x Plastic Scraps

Metal Pot
Claw-hammer needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

3x Metal Scraps 1x Plastic Scrap

Claw-hammer, scissors and sewing kit needed
T flag needed
No cooldown
Available for all factions

4x Metal Scraps 2x Wooden Scraps 3x Cloth Scraps

Stationary Radio
Claw-hammer, allen key and screwdriver needed
No flags needed
No cooldown
Exclusive to the Resistance

2x Metal Scraps 1x Circuit Board 1x Spool of Cables

Baseball Bat
Change the 6x Wood Scraps to 6x Metal Scraps, the baseball bat on the server is made out of metal, not wood

Let both factions be able to make SLAMs, however, make the recipe more expensive too
Claw-hammer, Allen Key and Screwdriver needed
Needs E flag
1 Day Cooldown

6x Metal Scraps 1x Gunpowder 1x Spool of Cables 1x Circuit Board 1x Box of Screws

Remove the need for a T flag
its genius

allow some cooking flags to craft some food scripts that are mostly inaccessible other than ''finding somewhere a box of popcorn''
and u can actually serve non imaginary food to people if u do food services
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