Dungeons & Dragons: Empire of Dragons

Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016

good old fashioned raised by dwarves background

This man was not raised by dwarfs

He has not even met a dwarf
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Murder in the Court of Dragons

In the Dragon Court of Neverwinter, Ivoz the Emerald Dragonborn resides as a Royal Dragon Knight, guarding the council member, Anathator.

He is invited into the courtroom in private hours. Anathator, in human form, resides there. She's a beautiful woman of pale skin, long blonde hair, and shimmering blue eyes. She and him speak of politics, how Imyrith went East to the great desert, and Arauthator, the Great White, went North to the Spine of the World. She suspects that something is coming, soon to crest the horizon.

Then she stops speaking. Her eyes roll into her head, and she collapses onto the floor.

Guards burst in through the door, and accuse Ivoz of poisoning the council member! Ivoz charges in to defend her honor, and carves one of the guards up into a critical state, before the captain bashes him with a sword, knocking him unconscious.

He awakens in a carriage.

He sees, driving the carriage, a lithe elven man with long, red hair, and shimmering gold eyes. He smiled at the dragonborn.
"You were going to be executed for high treason, my friend. I brought it down to exile for you. My name is Valinorghtorklax, and you owe me your life. You can start repaying your debt here in Phandalin, where I reside as its lord. You don't have any problems with red dragons, do you?" he grinned.

Ivoz groaned.
"No. No issues."
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
The Drake at the Mere of Dead Men

Dwarf. Warlock. Mercenary of the Boulder Battallion.

He and his men, Gorstag, Zora, and Helm, sat around the campfire.
"Rumor is, there's a war brewing between Neverwinter and Waterdeep. I say we head East to Silverymoon, avoid that nonsense," Gorstag suggested, pointing down at the map.
"Nah, I say we head West and join the war as soldiers for hire! Good coin in that, you know," Helm replied. Torvein was silent a moment, before he chimed in.
"It's safest to head East. War's not our business." Helm spat at this.

Torvein heard a twig snap behind him. He turned, looking on, and spotted it.

"Ambush Drake!" the mercenaries yelled!
The creature growled and snarled, before it charged forward, battering Torvein into the ground, and biting on his throat. He was thrashed and mauled, before his consciousness faded.

He awoke alone, the fire put out, and a thin trail of blood leading south. Injured and bleeding, he limped, following the trail.
He found Gorstag's corpse, pressed against a tree, his jaw ripped off, and his body mauled into pieces. His grip on his spear was an iron vice, even in death.

"Poor bastard," Torvein muttered, stepping out from the treeline, and seeing his salvation. A small town, lit up in the moonlight.

"Better have a bloody priest..."
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Scales of Deceit

Shiv, a disgraced Kobold servant to the Neverwinter Court of Dragons. Now, an assassin.

He and Rasse hid in the alleys of a local town, discussing the next job.
"Contract says he drinks at the Crippled Dwarf tavern every night. Could pay him a visit," Rasse suggested.
"Yeah! And we stab him to death, yes?" Shiv grinned toothily.
"... Yes."

Shiv and Rasse approached the tavern, the building dilapidated, almost abandoned-looking. They pushed open the door, and stepped in. It was completely empty, save for a single figure sitting at the counter. No patrons, no bartender, no music, and no fire illuminating the homely facility. A thin sheen of dust littered the place, save for the one seat the stranger occupied. Rasse looked perturbed, and Shiv let out a long, confused sound. The figure stood up, features hidden by the darkness.

"I knew you bastards would come for me," he declared. Rasse and Shiv drew their weapons as the figure approached with inhuman speed, blade drawn. Rasse blocked the first strike, but failed to avoid the boot that collided with their stomach, sending them crashing through the tavern's window, and landing on the dirt path outside.
"Holy-... Shit!" Shiv squealed, scarpering out through the open window, and skidding towards Rasse's prone body. He yelped out in now-received pain, before reaching into his coat, and passing the kobold a scroll.
"Read it, it'll help," Rasse ordered, as they stumbled to their feet, and sprinted back into the tavern. Swords clashed and yells followed as Shiv unfurled the scroll, and read from it.

The floor beneath him opened up, and he collapsed into a dark, abyssal tunnel, falling through space and time, impossible colors and shapes flying past him as he screamed out in shock horror, his body distorting and stretching, before he was finally spat out, landing in the middle of a quiet town. He looked at the crumpled-up scroll in his hand.


It crumbled to dust, mere seconds later.
"... You bastard, Rasse!" he cried.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
The Inquisitor Beckons

Dravlok, Savior of Thornhold, Engineer of Waterdeep, and Mechanist. A Hobgoblin, unfortunately.

Dravlok sat at the counter of the Rusty Sword inn, drinking his morning woes away. A peasant approached him, asking for what he presumed to be an autograph for his heroics at Thornhold. They weren't heroics, he reasoned, and weren't worthy of praise.
He told them to piss off.

Soon after, a commoner peered outside the tavern through the window, and gasped.
"Shit! Grimbo! Grimbo's coming! Everyone, normal, normal!" he exclaimed. Peasants stuffed their necklaces into their shirts, and removed rings, bracelets, and even articles of clothing, stuffing their cloaks and hats and gloves away neatly in record time. The inn door swung open, a silhouette of a figure looming in, before he stepped forward.

Grim Buckshaw, Inquisitor of Tiamat, and Inquisitor of Waterdeep.

He approached Dravlok by the counter.
"Hail Tiamat," he spoke in a casual manner, thumping his fist against his chest, before holding his arm out straight, his five fingers outstretched from one another, forming the heads of the dragon. Then, he sat down. "I need your help, Drav," he explained.
"I'm not looking to waste time helping someone who can help themselves," the artificer replied. Grim sighed, and leaned closer to the counter.
"I'm looking for a heathen Paladin, one who worships Bahamut. Rumor is, he's hiding here in Waterdeep."
"Then go find him."
"Why do you think I'm speaking with you? I need you to help me find him."

Dravlok's face scrunched up. He compartmentalized his thoughts for the moment, and began to scour through them. He recalled seeing the shimmering light of armor in the reflection of the glass of the ale he had an hour ago. Heavy footsteps, the clinking of metal. Someone had entered the inn, and had not left.
"He's in the bedrooms," Dravlok responded. Grim smiled, a hand reaching out to pat Drav on the shoulder.
"Care to help me apprehend him?" Grim asked. Drav was silent for a good, long while.

Then he downed his drink, and got up. They moved to the rooms, the sound of their footsteps made all the quieter by the painfully loud moaning of a man and woman in a nearby room. Grim put his ear to the door.
"I've heard this before," he remarked.
"Yes, they're fucking," Dravlok answered.
"No, I mean I've heard these exact moans before. They're on repeat. It's an illusion."
"Well, you're an Inquisitor, surely you have permission to enter."
"That I do."
Grim raised his boot, and he kicked down the door.

They saw a man in brilliant silver armor, sharpening his blade at the foot of the bed. He eyed the duo from across the room, panic laiden on his face.

Grim Buckshaw drew his blade, and charged in. He swung twice, blocked each time by the knight's greatsword. As the inquisitor raised his blade once more, an arm swung his way, and sent him hurtling through the wooden wall of the room with a heavy crash.
"You can hand yourself in, there's no need for violence," Dravlok warned.
"And die in chains? I'd rather die standing!" the knight exclaimed, stepping forward, and gripping the hobgoblin by the throat. With choked breath, the artificer withdrew his scimitar, and swung. It hit its mark, striking the Bahamut worshipper clean in the eye, leaving a bleeding mark. The knight yelled out, and with supreme force, Dravlok was thrown through the window, landing on the dirt outside.

He came to, hearing a muffled voice.
"Drav. Drav. Drav?"
Inquisitor Grim Buckman sat, crouched beside him. His hat was missing, his brown hair frayed, and blood trickled down the side of his head. He gripped Dravlok by the arm, and pulled him to his feet.
"He left Waterdeep, so legally, that knight is no longer my concern."
"Good," Dravlok grunted, pulling glass out from himself.
"So I'll need you to track him down."
"I'll pay you for your services."
Dravlok sighed.
"Where did he go?"
"North. I'd assume somewhere less on the map, maybe Phandalin. Try there."
Grim put his hat back on firmly, before strolling away.

Dravlok hitched a ride to Phandalin, sighing out at being someone's pawn once more.

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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Where the Wild Things Are

Orfiz Squigglegiggle, druid of the feywild, and professional shin-kicker.

He'd been staring at this deer for about half an hour.
It stared back, just as long.
Orfiz held out a closed fist. It glowed a brilliant green, vines enveloping his forearm, before he turned his hand palm-side up, and opened it, exposing ten berries. The deer approached, and quietly began to eat from the hand. Orfiz sat down, the deer lying in front of him as it chewed and munched. Then, as it finished up its meal, leaving only a few berries left, it rested its head. Orfiz laid back, staring up at the sky.

The birds sang.
Insects ricketed from beneath him.
Clouds roiled through the sky.
And occasionally, a sky-blotting dragon soared above, before vanishing over the horizon.

Orfiz felt something warm, and wet, grow around his leg. He looked down. Blood, trailing from the deer. He looked to the deer. An arrow was stuck in its neck, and it was choking on itself.

"... Oh-" he scrambled over, yanking the arrow out, and hurriedly stuffing the remaining berries down the dying deer's throat.
"Don't you die, now, feller..." he muttered, as magical energies began to stitch up the wounds of the deer. Two figures stepped out of the woods, behind Orfiz.

"That's our quarry. My hunt. My meal. Back off, mate," the human, cloaked man ordered, bow at the ready.
"You can't kill this one! Kill a smaller one! This one's under my protection, and I'm not letting you have it!"
"Then I guess we'll be skinning a gnome, too."

Leaves rose up from around Orfiz, encircling him, before they blew apart, revealing that he had vanished.
"What the-?" a hunter questions. Orfiz abruptly reappeared between the two men, and thrust his hands out.
"Fortano! Fordygema!" Orfiz chanted, as pressure built in his arms, and shot hyper-condensed air at the two men, sending them sailing 10 feet back. Trees were blown in the wind, and leaves scattered, dancing in the air.

One of the hunters rose to his feet, aiming his bow, and loosing it. The arrow sailed straight past Orfiz, harmlessly. Two thumps followed, as the hunter's arms abruptly landed on the ground beside himself. He stared down at his stumps, and screamed out, before collapsing. A figure, originally hidden in the trees, stepped out, holding a bloodied greataxe.

"There's another one of them behind you! Don't look at him, it'll only piss him off! Just run, mate!" Orfiz yelled at the other hunter, who was quick to drop his bow, and flee. The old, robed man laughed softly, approaching the gnome.
"I am Gladskin, protector of these woods, and the town nearby. You are a druid?"
"That I am!"
"Then I could do with your help, if you can spare it."
"There's a town, not far from here."
"Never heard of Nyotfah Fromere."
"... No, it's called Phandalin."
"... Oh."

And on their way, they went.
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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
Here is my latest Dungeons & Dragons character:



"I am a dwarf, and I am digging a hole.

Diggy diggy hole.

Diggy diggy hole."

~ Dwarven Work Song, circa. 67th Year of King Drakken Stonebeard

(Author Unknown)
In the mists of time, known to the realm of men as the era of legend there lived the proud Hammerite Dwarfs of the Lone Lomer Mountain. A people who wholly rejected magic in favour of tangible materials forged from bronze, gold and iron. These hearty folk spent almost all of their existence in the labyrinth of dwarf-made caverns which ran like pulsating arteries throughout the heart of their mountain home. For thousands of generations, the Hammerite Dwarfs staved off Goblin infestations and incursions from the human lords of the Lomer Lowlands. But, when all of this history was brought low when King Nimbard marched his elven hordes toward the North in a ruthless campaign of expansion. Dwarf iron, powder and shot were brought low by elf dragon-fire, and not even the great technological bounds the Hammerites had made could save them from annexation by the relentless King Nimbard.

Now, this once proud people are reduced to nothing but second-class citizens in their own proud mountain, firmly under the thumb of their cruel elven overlords, plotting and planning for the Great Day of Liberation. A hero to arise amongst thte downtrodden dwarfish masters to finally drive out the Elves and reunify Dwarven lands. A free, and happy people.



"Wow." Wyot 'Anvilbender' Thorne thought as he read the informational plaque attached to the exhibit at the Dwarven Travelling Museum.

"My ancestors." He smiled, shuffling off to the gift shop, to purchase a neat little trinket adorning his supposed Dwarven name, one he would surely hang with his collection of items obtained throughout his romp through his newfound obsession.

Wyot was not a popular man, often accosted by his supposed friends during trips to the tavern. After a few pints of dark ale he would often become boisterous in revelry, proclaiming his intent to return to his 'ancestral homeland' to 'drive those damn elves out' and reunify both North and South of the Lomer Mountain.

Many doubted Wyot's claim, given his tall lanky stature, his fair hair and suspiciously pointed ears. But they never thought much of it. Frankly, no one thought much of him in general. The man spent most of his years, hoarding tomes and artefacts relating to the Hammerites. The only person that supported him in his endeavour was his mother, his father had been absent his entire life. His mother only describing her one-time lover as a 'traveller from an antique land' and that fever had taken him shortly after Wyot was born.

Will Wyot don his prized Hammerite armour and venture onward to become the freedom fighter he had always fantasised of becoming?

Will his true lineage be unveiled to him? And will he accept or reject it?

Who cares.

I certainly don't.


Name: Wyot Thorne (Anvilbender in the tongue of his ancestors).
Race: Self-identified Dwarf

Class: Third Class Dwarven Shield-breaker of the Black Hammer
(Warrior + Ranger)

Accepted - Wyot has been taking blacksmith classes at Pembleton Night School, he's just been given a Fail grade. Luna the Elf Bride broke your heart (FUCK ALL KNIFE-EARS) and you've never forgiven her for it. You wish there were single Dwarf-wives in your area.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
The Adventure Begins

Ivoz and Valinorghtorklax ride the carriage into Phandalin. They get off, and move into the town square on foot. Though they initially headed for the tavern, the dragon stopped, and eyed a lone kobold, sitting at a desiccated shrine.
"Ooh." He moved over, and stopped in front of the rogue, staring down at him. "What brings you here, little kobold? Lost your master?" he asked. The kobold looked up, scaly brows raised.
"Wha-... Uh... Yeah! Yeah, master gone!" the kobold answered, sheepishly.
"Awh, adorable. I'll be your new master. My name is Valinorghtorklax, and you are..." he eyed the daggers that lined the kobold's waist, "Shiv. I'll call you Shiv." He slung the kobold onto his shoulder, and wrapped an arm around Ivoz'. "I say we go to the tavern, and get sloshed." And with that, they went.

Torvein eyed the town from the treeline, clutching at his bleeding neck. As he began to take his first steps down the hill, he was stopped when he heard the crunch of leaves underfoot.
"Oh, not a-bloody-gain..." he muttered, turning to face the sound. He was met by the sight of an old, cloaked man, and a robed gnome. "Oh. Aye up." The duo approached.
"You're hurt," the old man spoke.
"Bleeding badly, wow," the gnome remarked.
"Come, there's medical supplies in town. I'm the town speaker, Gladskin," the old man introduced himself.
"Name's Orfiz!" the druid chimed in, as the trio went down to the town hall.

Dravlok's sending stone vibrated within his pocket. He withdrew it, and listened in.
"Drav. According to the maps, you should be near Phandalin by now," Grim Buckshaw asked.
"Yes. In fact, I am just outside."
"Perfect. Make sure to find that paladin, and bring him in. Good luck." The sending stone's ethereal glow faded, and the magical item returned to normalcy, for the time being.

The draconic trio drank and drank and drank.
The town speaker and the druid bandaged up Torvein.
Dravlok spent his time in the tavern, and got comfortable.

Night fell.
"Well, it's getting late. You two, get yourselves a room in the inn. I'll be off. Bye!" Valinorghtorklax patted Ivoz and Shiv, before sauntering off. They went to the tavern.
"You won't be bleeding out any time soon. But you need rest. Head to the inn, and have a good night's rest," Gladskin spoke to Torvein. Then, he looked to Orfiz. "You, too." They went to the tavern.
Dravlok eyed the door as a ragtag group of individuals stepped in. They ordered rooms for the night, and went to bed.

As the sun crested over the horizon, the folks gathered downstairs. Dravlok was speaking to Gladskin about information regarding a paladin, but the town speaker was avoiding answering any questions. Orfiz and Torvein joined the conversation. Suspicious, the two dragons came to the table as well. Eyeing the now-gathered group, Gladskin gave them a proposition:
"There are a group of cultists within the Lionshield Coster, an old tavern south of here. They illegally moved in, and are another one of those Tiamat worshippers. They seek to summon her a second time over. Please, get them out of this town. In return, I'll tell you what you wish to know about this paladin," he promised.

Though the group weren't exactly allies, they all had an interest in who this paladin was, especially if they were an illegal. Someone to protect, or someone to kill? No harm in investigating the bar regardless, they decided.
And so they went.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
it's been a while

truthfully writing all of these in a huge story style was immediately draining because of the amount of content each session had

the last post was the first quarter of session 1

so from now on i will be writing these in greentext-esque format, more of a diary than a literary work

See above for the first part of the session.

So, the party make their way to the tavern. In the tavern are about 20-odd open cultists, enjoying drinks and singing songs. They're not initially hostile, since they're a Cult of Dragons and, well, dragons rule everything.
Ivoz, our loveable evil dragonborn, explains to the cultists that the local lord, Valinorghtorklax, wants to renovate the tavern and that they need to leave. While this is happening, Squigglegiggle fucks off to the back, and casts Destroy Water on 2/3 of the ale barrels, but doesn't have enough spell slots to do in the third one, so he just down it, getting poisoned in the process.

The cultists leave, with Squigglegiggle taking the glory, whilst barely being able to stand. They return to Gladskin, but he backs out on his promise, deciding that it's "too dangerous" to tell the party where the Paladin is, since he fears they're going to kill him. The party are rightfully pissed, they just got absolutely no reward. So instead, they speak to Valinorghtorklax, hoping he has something to offer, and he does!

He wants them to go up North to the woods, and kill a group of bandits. Simple enough!

They head up there, and find the camp. Just one issue, the bandits look nothing like bandits, they're a bunch of commoners sitting around a fire, trying to keep warm. The party are split on what to do. They were told to kill them all with no survivors, and bring back evidence of doing so, for a fat 1,000 gold reward. But these are innocent people. The party are split evenly, in fact. So evenly, that Ivoz decides "fuck it" and slices one of the commoner's heads off to kickstart a fight.

Instead of the fight actually beginning, the moment initiative is rolled, Squigglegiggle tops the board and blasts the entire party with Thunderwave, blowing them all back. Everyone spends a turn moving back to try and chase down the commoners, or fight amongst themselves. Ivoz gets in close to Squigglegiggle, but the Gnome Druid lands a natural 20 with a scimitar attack on the level 1 Dragonborn, instantly knocking him down, and scaring the party enough to end the fight.

With things boiling over sharply, and with the commoners gone, the party decided it'd be best to just chalk this one up to a failure. They return to Valin empty-handed. The Red Dragon is annoyed, but when the party explain they're hunting down a Paladin, he's overcome with joy at the prospect of them dealing with a pest in his town. He tells them that the paladin is currently hiding in an abandoned house on the south end of town, and that he wasn't able to deal with the knight himself for political reasons.

The party go full SWAT on the building, with Shiv sliding down the chimney, Ivoz and Dravlok kicking in the door, Squigglegiggle waiting outside, and Torvein waiting by the side window.

Agamemnon, the paladin, stops sharpening his blade, and rises to his feet. He petitions the party, telling them not to kill him, and to instead join the resistance, and fight back against the tyrannical dragons.
The party say "fuck that," and attack him.
BUT SUDDEN BETRAYAL FROM SQUIGGLEGIGGLE (AGAIN) who starts blasting out Thunderwaves. Dravlok and Shiv are knocked out by the Paladin, and Torvein is sent hurtling on his ass from Squigglegiggle, while Ivoz flees in the distance. Agamemnon and Squigglegiggle flee Phandalin, leaving a letter in Dravlok's unconscious body.

The party advance to Level 2, and they're really fucked off by Agamemnon and Squigglegiggle.
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
yo since this is a d&d thread all of the 5e books are on sale on amazon, 30 bucks a piece


Sep 30, 2017
spot the online only roleplayer
only time i played dnd was with my cousin like 5 years ago and we took turns being the dm and just making shit up and i made some random ass character sheet (of a bear i dont think it was an actual race or class) and we did funny voices i havent played dnd for real
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