Euro cup 2021

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Apr 27, 2016
england players refused to meet boris johnson at number 10 because of him and other party members inciting racism (i.e priti patel's tweet saying booing the knee is justified)


booing the knee is justified and up to the fans

booing blm and condeming actual racists are two different kettles of fish

inciting racism bahahahaha

why do you think they're kneeling?

to make a statement that they support blm like theyve been doing since the trend caught on last year

you know the difference between supporting blm and condemning actual racism you can stop the rhetoricals

That's not why they're kneeling though. They're not kneeling to support BLM. At least none of the official statements said that was the purpose within the european context.

Unless you can read their minds and know that they're lying about what they say they're doing it for, you're either misinformed or purposefully talking bull.

If the former, now you know better. If the latter, then fuck you I guess.

edit: In case you're too lazy to get educated by yourself

its mental, football players start taking the knee the same time blm come to international prominence, where taking the knee is a symbol of support for the movement, and they're not linked?

official statements aren't going to say its directly tied to BLM because they know its a fucking ominshambles of a movement that has an ulterior motive and heavy undertones that use a catchy and heart pulling slogan to push forward without opposition. yes, im sure they'll say it's about BLM - then in the same day complain about 'where are the police' in response to stadium hooligans and thugs on the street

but yes, go on, im sure the same person who reshuffled his cabinet and replaced multiple white ministers with ethnic indians and africans and the racially abused home secretary are truly racists, their mask revealed because they condemned real racism by scumbags and didn't do a gesture synonymous with the organisation now renowned for widespread vandalism and acceleration of racial abuse
who whipped you into sounding like a 14 year old twitter activisit?

just take the L mesa

did I say anything about boris johnson?
nope, so idk why you're talking to me abut him

just take the L son
i know it hurts to be wrong, but just accept it for once

you sound like a right sausage mate making out like players taking the knee has no correlation to blm then again you've got all the consistency of a curry induced shit

wind it in

take the L mesa

make a current affairs thread about it if you care that much

its more political than its about footie


Head Staff
Media Developer
Apr 26, 2016

Time to lock the thread I suppose, getting too off topic and political.

GG Italy.
Better luck next time ingerland.
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