help me find a VIDEOGAME


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
I've grown tired of geralds mode
cbf playing LoL for the most part
tired of runescape
hate csgo

Looking for a new MMO to waste my life in, or some sort of fucking computer related hobby

hit me up with suggestions fams


May 16, 2016
no mans sky sorry to try to traumatize you

My top 5 are...

R6 Siege
Elite Dangerous
Eve Online if you truly have #nolife
Arma 3


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
Eve Online if you truly have #nolife
tried way back in the way with mates from VM.
Wanted to kill myself after 30 seconds, most frustrating game I've ever tried in my life.

Don't find the online part fun, already did single player

don't want fps

don't want fps

No idea what ED is.

I'm looking for a game I can get on everyday and just play, much like runescape or whatever
not tryhard fps


May 16, 2016
tried way back in the way with mates from VM.
Wanted to kill myself after 30 seconds, most frustrating game I've ever tried in my life.

Don't find the online part fun, already did single player

don't want fps

don't want fps

No idea what ED is.

I'm looking for a game I can get on everyday and just play, much like runescape or whatever
not tryhard fps
but arma 3 isn't fps it's also tps

ED is No Man's Sky but SO MUCH fucking better. Think of a middle ground between Eve and NMS. Hard to explain, look it up.

and r6 is great for short pop-ins, matches last maybe 10 minutes max.

if not then maybe...

Uncharted World
Tales of Pirates 2
Minecraft???? (with tekkit Modpack!!)

Or, more unconventional ones...
MS Flight Sim 10 Multiplayer
KSP DarkMultiplayer mod


roleplayers paradise
Jul 23, 2016
i'd recommend witcher 3, it's a great timesink of a game you can spend hella lots of time

but for MMOs, I'd recommend path of exile or SWTOR, the latter mostly only if you're into star wars shit
Reactions: List


Apr 26, 2016
I suggest Black Desert Online. Idk, just seem to be able to waste more time there than on other F2P MMORPGs


One true Morty
Jun 30, 2016
I liked Star trek online when i got two level 50 Admirals but recently it's become more pay 2 win so you could check it out if you want just don't go into PVP otherwise you'll never win.


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
Uncharted World
Tales of Pirates 2
tell me more about the games

I liked Star trek online when i got two level 50 Admirals but recently it's become more pay 2 win so you could check it out if you want just don't go into PVP otherwise you'll never win.
I don't want to play p2w micro-transaction garbage games

Black Desert Online
is it p2w?
witcher 3
path of exile
tell me more about the games


May 16, 2016
tell me more about the games

I don't want to play p2w micro-transaction garbage games

is it p2w?

tell me more about the games
Arche age - another MMORPG sort of thing. Not many pay-to-win elements, comparable in many ways to Perfect World Online

Uncharted Worlds Online - Age of Exploration type game, a few land elements with a huge focus on sea elements. Travel all over Europe, Africa, and Asia, establish a colony in the New World, et cetera. A simplified Eve with sailing.

Tales of Pirates 2 - Varied game, has a very anime feel with the art style. Sea and land, classes, cities, fairly standard as far as MMOs go. Simplistic yet original.

Mabinogi - Some kind of weird life MMORPG thing? I don't have much experience, but apparently it's a sandbox choose-your-way as opposed to being focused on fighting. I guess you can do farming, mining, cooking, all that shit?
Reactions: List


roleplayers paradise
Jul 23, 2016
tell me more about the games
It's hard to explain witcher so I'll try to put it simply
Basically, witcher tells of a witcher called Geralt, and witchers are professional monster hunters, but the game's story itself doesn't have much to do with it
The game world is HUGE and has.. 140 side quests, IIRC, so it's got a lot of stuff to do, and on top of that theres a fuckton of treasure hunt quests etc
It might sound a bit shit explained like this but look up vids or something, it's def one of the best games i've ever played

path of exile is a dark fantasy MMO, honestly i dont remember or know the lore, just was hella fun and the steam ratings also give a general idea how its liked, even if it has microtransactions, not really a bad mmo


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
so far path of exile and witcher seem to be the most likely options


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
so far path of exile and witcher seem to be the most likely options

Witcher is a high fantasy RP game.

With dwarves 'n shit.

I've put tonnes of hours into Prison Architect, a prison building game.

PAYDAY2's good, but you don't want an FPS so.

Mount & Blade Warband's fucking cash, it's a Medieval RPG where you build an army, has a fucking good combat system.

Binding Of Issac's pretty good if you like giving naked crying children cancer.


Apr 26, 2016
Why not Elite Dangerous? If you don't know what it is. I'll just put an explanation in a spoiler below
  • Elite dangerous is a space-based futuristic MMO game, with 400 billion star systems and various factions both major and minor battling for power. There are a multitude of ways to play the game, where is a list of them.
    [*]Explorer: Considering that there are 400 billion star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a LOT of uncharted space. So if you've got the money for a long-range ship with plenty of fuel, a fuel scoop, and a powerful discovery scanner and surface scanner, you can go out into the galaxy and explore parts of space previously uncharted. Sure you may find lots of celestial bodies that were discovered before, but don't lose heart, because if you put enough time into it, you will find a few systems nobody has ever been to, and whenever people go there, they will know you found it first. Once you're done exploring, you can go to a station in civilized space and sell your exploration data for lods of emone.
    [*]Trader: Buy low, sell high, get rich, that is the goal of a trader. You buy food and water cheap from agriculture stations, sell them high on extraction stations, buy metals and minerals cheap on those stations, sell high on refinery stations, buy agricultural equipment low on those planets, and sell high on agriculture planets. Repeat the cycle as many times as you want to maximise your profits. Of course you can buy and sell other things, just try to make sure you don't accidentally buy high and sell low.
    [*]Smuggler: The dark twin of traders, they buy illegal goods where it is legal, and sell them where it is illegal for their own profit, they must watch out for police and military forces trying to stop them, as a cargo scan will result in a large fine, depending on how much illegal stuff you have. Watch out for pirates too.
    [*]Miner: These guys are practically the backbone of space society, as they mine valuable minerals and metals with their mining lasers, process them on the ship, and sell the refined product to stations. They have to watch out for pirates though, the last thing you want is an anaconda cargo scanning you when you have a cargo hold filled with gold.
    [*]Pirate: Arrrr, these scurvy dogs be the scourge of the galaxy, plunderin' miners and traders for their precious booty. They be on the lookout for police and bounty hunters, else they rest in Davy Jone's Locker.
    [*]Bounty Hunter: These guys hunt down and try to destroy pirate ships, not for the protection of others, but for their own profit, this is a dangerous job however, as pirate ships are often well armed, and often in groups. However, the pay for the bounties is often well worth it.
    [*]Mercenary: Mercenaries are soldiers for hire, they go to systems in the midst of war or civil war, go into conflict zones, pick a side, and begin fighting, each ship killed grants a combat bond, which can be turned in for cash, watch out though, if you end up surrounded by hostile ships you're dead, and you lose all your bonds.
    [*]Assassin: Cold hearted killers, these people take the jobs of killing high value targets for money, whether it be massacring several ships belonging to a certain faction, or eliminating a single target, these people get the job done, or die trying.
There are quite a variety of different factions, both major and minor, as well as 3 important countries
  • Federation: Officially known as the Galactic Federation, they are a democracy of star systems united together, they have a congress to write various laws and legislature, and a president to veto or pass them, the government is often corrupted by major super-corporations, making entire systems property of a company, or blasting residential areas with countless advertisements and commericials. Zachary Hudson is the current Federal President. They utterly despise drug use and slavery and have made it illegal in most systems.
  • Empire: After refusing to join the federation, the Republic of Achenar was born, with the death of their founder, Marlin Duval, his closest heir Henson Duval declared the disbanding the ruling council, and declaring that rule would be passed from father to son, thus creating the Empire of Achenar, more informally known as The Empire. After a failed invasion by the federation, a peace treaty was signed, however there are still occasional skirmishes and battles between fereral alligned corporations and Imperial forces. The Empire is less technologically dependant than the Federation, as they prefer slave labor rather than robotic labor. However this does not mean that their ships are obsolete, far from it. Their warships are some of the most dangerous weapons of war in the galaxy. Imperial politics is akin to Ancient Rome, with a client based system, being able to change their social class through money, patronage, and influence. Honor is very important to Imperial culture, and while it's acceptable to flaunt your wealth, the way you treat people is a question of honor, as even slaves are treated fairly, and rarely abused or mistreated, unless as punishment for misbehavior. Imperial slavery works differently than one might first think, instead of kidnapping people in the night, putting them in chains and then putting them to work with no pay is not how the empire does it. If an Imperial citizen finds himself in a debt he cannot afford, rather than live with the utter shame and dishonor of not paying it. He voluntarily sells himself for a fixed period of forced labor, after which he is freed from his debt. Drug use is tolerated to an extent, but overuse of drugs is highly looked down upon, and in some places illegal. The current Emperor, is Arissa Lavigny-Duval.
  • Alliance: The Alliance of Independant Systems was formed by the agreement of mutual cooperation after refusing the join either the Empire or the Federation, they are run by a council who constantly argues and bickers amongst eachother, oftentimes resulting in the changing of the rules of various processes, they elect a Prime Minister, the term is officially 6 years, but due to their arguments and bickering, the council oftentimes forces the PMs to resign with votes of no confidence. Militarily they are surprisingly well equipped to defend themselves, as each member system donates a portion of their military, the Alliance Navy is run by a council of six admirals. Various systems are largely independent, and the legality of drugs and slavery varies on the systems local laws. The current Prime Minister is Edmund Mahon.
The economy of Elite Dangerous is largely affected by players decisions, buying stuff from stations reduces their supply and subsequently their demand, and vice versa. Destroying a faction's ships reduces their power, which can help another faction overcome them.