Serious My experience with WW3 server

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Make no mistake, this is a one-way trip.
Apr 26, 2016
Alright, calm down and get on point, you pointed out issues, now give Roosebud solutions.

And if anything, like the point I was trying to make eith stab kits and hearing dome other people I'll make a general list just recently discussed.

  • Tightening grip on rules and rule enforcement
  • Quality control
  • Admin team healthiness and how they all have to start enforcing the rules without fear of their rank.
  • Faction leaders, they need to start doing what Wulfeh did, tight quality control of NCOs that care more about roleplay than S2K
  • In other words. gradually start introducing tighter quality control.
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Apr 26, 2016
@harry @Blackquill @other mods

Could I beg you to clean this thread a wee bit? I really don't want Roose to come home and feel discouraged from even replying to this because of the amount of excrements that are here.
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Apr 26, 2016
Apparently I was tagged somewhere so I won't even throw in my two pieces and you can just have half a piece.

I log on, I always go to my staff character, I turn on my shadow play if I remember which I usually do and I watch firefights and make sure the rules are followed.

I do one thing and I get called NATO biased.
I do one thing and I get called Soviet biased.
I like to think I get called biased to either faction so much that I'm completely unbiased.

It's not like I am, I don't even use a character other than my admin.

If you all want to change this thing and stop bickering and work for a more roleplay orientated server, well great! You all work that out between yourselves, nothing really staff can do to change a playerbase attitude that looks hardcoded.
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GSF (Gmod Special Forces Soldier)
Apr 26, 2016
No, I'm saying that it's the same people you've always circlejerked with that say you can roleplay, and I was pointing it out. Great common sense you have there.
All the people I roleplay with is not a circlejerk. I roleplay with near enough everyone in NATO, all the new privates, all the higher ups.

Clearly, you need to learn it.

You said - ' you can't prove them ALL wrong' , therefore implying that there are instances in which he can be proved right, meaning you do realize that you have minged before,

ANyways, this is just turning into a big flame fest, and it's really just going to get locked if this continues. It's defeating the purpose of the OP and sort of worsening it.
It's hilarious how you can sit and cry big fat tears over the meaning of a phrase which proved your point wrong, and then go on to complain that the argument is counter productive, when you and your cabal of idiots started it by being personally vindictive to an active player.

Now watch, while the people who are literally singling people out and insulting them complain the thread is going "nowhere" to silence the opposition.
Apr 26, 2016
It's hilarious how you can sit and cry big fat tears over the meaning of a phrase which proved your point wrong, and then go on to complain that the argument is counter productive, when you and your cabal of idiots started it by being personally vindictive to an active player.
It's hilarious how ignorant you are when you can't even read what I clearly stated that proved your point wrong. It's funny how you say it's vindictive yet you call us a cabal of idiots.

ll the people I roleplay with is not a circlejerk. I roleplay with near enough everyone in NATO, all the new privates, all the higher ups.
yeah im sure lol

I'm not going to argue any further, because the last few pages have just been pretty much flame and repetition of the same shit, which I'm sure the people who need to see the thread wouldn't like.
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Apr 26, 2016
What happened to the special forces 'spearheading the roleplay initiative' and being the 'ultimate role-models in terms of both roleplay and s2k' again?
Alright. Don't take this as an insult to your faction or a detachment, but it's quite hard to take it seriously. Of course I see people in the spec ops roleplaying and whatnot, but let's be frank; most of your friends are there to dick about and have some fun dinking people. I'm not saying I don't enjoy a good s2k fest, lord knows I've been a s2k-only-cunt in the past. What I do think that should happen is, that you, as ROLE MODELS, ICly regarded as THE ELITE and the BEST OF THE BEST should go out of your way to roleplay with some enlisted instead of high ranking NCO's, SNCO's and people in your faction. If you just tried to widen your group of people you roleplay with, you might see some results. Sure, it might not be entirely enjoyable, but teaching others how to roleplay is part of your duty as an NCO.
I know this was brought up a few pages ago, but It's my firm belief that Spetsnaz have indeed taken big strides in the right direction surrounding RP - There's an air of a lot more engagement in RP between both us and other branches/ranks. It's come far from the days when Special Forces used to get labelled a circlejerk (circa. Delta Force), and there is a real incentive to go out and RP with others. I can't speak for NJSOC and how @seal runs the show there, but at least Spetsnaz are working towards what it was actually intended and described to be; the best of the best in means of RP, not S2K.
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Double Choc-Chip
Aug 13, 2016
There's nothing Roosebud can do to fix the issues I mentioned earlier, the one responsible for the factions are the officers within it - with even bigger emphasis on the senior members (COs, SNCOs, leads) who have the duty of quality control.


I hope you don't take it offensively, the Spets are doing better, much better than in the old iteration and I've enjoyed what little small talk I've had with my character and theirs. However some of these NCO positions, senior ones that is, that the Spets have are unnecessary. That being, I haven't seen much interaction between them and regular enlisted that warrant those high ranks and constant promotion. I'm sure theres a lot going on with the secret forums and behind the scenes we can't see where there is plenty of roleplay to a high standard, but NCO positions should be for the people who interact with the enlisted on a regular basis and constantly generate roleplay for them. There are NCOs not only in the majority of Spets but in the Soviets in general who don't do anything besides assembling people on the AP with half-arsed plans and debriefs before 'rushing' location X for a quick s2k round with NATO.


One true Morty
Jun 30, 2016
this thread quickly escalated from mature criticism to flame and autistic memes, if you are going to post make sure your brain works correctly instead of typing the only 2 sentences your neurons can elaborate
that being said I hope to have cleared some points, have a nice day

Can you not just delete the entire 3-page argument rapid juice is having with everyone else? People like me are posting good points just to have them wasted by others because they go three pages back before you know it.
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Apr 26, 2016
Can you not just delete the entire 3-page argument rapid juice is having with everyone else? People like me are posting good points just to have them wasted by others because they go three pages back before you know it.
I would but I don't have moderator privileges on this forum's section
other than that I personally am willing to listen to people's concerns about the server (like mentioned in the first page) because there is clearly something wrong and I agree


Apr 26, 2016
There's nothing Roosebud can do to fix the issues I mentioned earlier, the one responsible for the factions are the officers within it - with even bigger emphasis on the senior members (COs, SNCOs, leads) who have the duty of quality control.


I hope you don't take it offensively, the Spets are doing better, much better than in the old iteration and I've enjoyed what little small talk I've had with my character and theirs. However some of these NCO positions, senior ones that is, that the Spets have are unnecessary. That being, I haven't seen much interaction between them and regular enlisted that warrant those high ranks and constant promotion. I'm sure theres a lot going on with the secret forums and behind the scenes we can't see where there is plenty of roleplay to a high standard, but NCO positions should be for the people who interact with the enlisted on a regular basis and constantly generate roleplay for them. There are NCOs not only in the majority of Spets but in the Soviets in general who don't do anything besides assembling people on the AP with half-arsed plans and debriefs before 'rushing' location X for a quick s2k round with NATO.
There's been a lot of rearranging on the NCO roster for the Soviets recently, and I can speculate that that's mainly due to the fact that beforehand the roster as a whole was lacking an even spread of J and SNCOs. There's been a lot of people (including myself) jumping up numerous ranks, but this is with good reason. If you find that people aren't interacting for what the server is intended for, then you can probably expect them not to progress any higher rank and most likely drop a few instead.

WO. and SgtMaj. are incredibly important for interaction with enlisted, and to help for cohesion between both factions and JNCOs on the roster - The reason they filled so quickly is that effective people were bumped there so that they can make a positive change to the faction and help the RP orientation be at the forefront instead of S2K.


Jul 16, 2016
Seeing as a lot of old people have been coming back to the thread to share their thoughts and opinions, I've been kind of urged to do the same. So here it goes. Before anything to add, I must say, I haven't played on the server since I last left it so I'll try to refrain from talking about certain people's behaviour and whatnot, if I do bring it up, please take it with a grain of salt. I'll try to keep it in general to try and give my two cents on how to fix certain problems and how we (Wulfeh and I) tried it in the past.

The general unseriousness in factions is easily managed, in my opinion. It just requires a form of leadership that promotes being serious rather than anything else. As a NCO / CO you are a rolemodel to anyone below you. As the leader of the faction you serve as a rolemodel for EVERY SINGLE subordinate under you. If you are seen being unserious often on the server, even if it's once, people will mimic it. Though, of course, being unserious from time to time isn't all that bad and can show people that you do have a sense of humor, but it should remain limited. Though, the lead isn't the only person prone to being a rolemodel. As I said, every NCO / CO is a rolemodel. If your First Sergeant is running about not /me'ing anything he does, being a general meme without being reprimanded in any way, be sure that every rank below him and maybe even above him will try that out himself to test the boundaries.

The reason why it worked so well with @Wulfeh was because he choose people that were mostly focused on RP. You had like 90% who were kind of shit at leading teams but were decent at RP'ing and then the 10% to try and make up for the 90% else so we didn't get constantly fucked on the S2K element. But those S2K'ers were mostly down in the lower ranks as the higher ranks should be reserved for those who promote RP.

So a TL;DR on that part, promote the right mindset, be the kind of person you want people to be if you are a NCO / CO and it should start taking shape relatively fast.

Oh and be consistent. Being a faction lead often means you're going to be putting yourself up in a conflict with a friend, he might want a high rank but you don't think he's suitable. Well, shape up and take the blame. The reason why a lot of people hated Wulfeh was because he did what he thought was best for the faction, not what was best for his friendships. I don't think anyone ever got promoted for just being a friend with Wulfeh.

The stabilization kit is honestly something that made me worried when I read about it but it does pose some solutions to points that @Roosebud did bring up. Stalling used to be a frustrating problem and it's not all that easy to judge at times. In my opinion, S2K and RP don't cope well, S2K is fast-paced because people don't give a fuck about their characters so they just run straight in and either wipe an entire platoon or they die themselves and come back after 30 minutes (10 now?) to do exactly the same. You are NEVER going to be able to provide decent RP on the field as long as people are still rushing head first with a death sentence to just get as many kills as they can get to boost their gametracker. You could make S2K slow-paced by actually adding disadvantages to dying and thus make more chance for RP to be present but that would need be regulated and cleared up a lot.

But I do understand the points @Oxy[Morons] brings up and I agree with that aswell, with the stabilization kit you kind of remove RP from the field entirely and kind of give the notion that RP is optional once you exit the gate. Many situations, however, have shown that RP on the field is often met with a SEVERE disadvantage and puts you in a situation you don't want yourself to be in so people avoid it.

Basically, the mentality of the majority of the people needs a drastic change if you want it to become serious again (judging from how a lot of people are complaining about how unserious it is) and that is not something easily done. You can't change the way how some people think but you can regulate their behaviour by doing what I said in my first point. You just need to show that this is a RP server rather than a S2K server and you have to make sure that nobody is exempt from the rules. It's easy to keep an eye closed for a friend and everyone does it, either conciously or unconciously, though by letting your one friend consistently do retarded /me's, someone else will start doing it and if he gets banned for it then you create an inconsistent way of upholding the rules with the typical "double standards" shit.

Its your opinion you can yell this is an rp server all you want but many people play here mainly to s2k and me included.
You can RP and no one will force you to s2k and I can s2k and no one will force me to RP.
Seal's leadership has been exemplary in my opinion in my time I have seen faction leaders and he is one who is open minded who does everything a faction leader is supposed to do , he takes care of the enlisted and assigns NCOs based on their traits some roleplayers and some s2kers and thats why his faction is doing great right now.

You, my friend, are part of the wrong mindset that a lot of people have here. Here's an example:
You can remove S2K from the server and replace it with S2M / S2RP and the name WW3RP would remain the same. If you remove RP and keep S2K, the name WW3RP is prone to be changed as you would be advertising the wrong thing.

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion and what you find fun. But, as a lot of people have already mentioned, this is a RP server, if you don't want to RP then why even join? To just dink some nerds and to hear them cry? I'm doing that in CSGO and it runs much better than WW3RP with its glorious 20 tick rate.

You can't make the excuse of it being 'part of your character' because, trust me, I know what that looks like, and what you do on a daily basis, isn't that, so don't try cover up your terrible existence with the pretense of it all being 'IC', that's such bullshit it transcends the realms of normal bullshit and becomes a big fat pile of fucking manure that the whole server has been bathing in for years and it needs to stop.
Please forgive me but I just couldn't resist myself...



One true Morty
Jun 30, 2016
Seeing as a lot of old people have been coming back to the thread to share their thoughts and opinions, I've been kind of urged to do the same. So here it goes. Before anything to add, I must say, I haven't played on the server since I last left it so I'll try to refrain from talking about certain people's behaviour and whatnot, if I do bring it up, please take it with a grain of salt. I'll try to keep it in general to try and give my two cents on how to fix certain problems and how we (Wulfeh and I) tried it in the past.

The general unseriousness in factions is easily managed, in my opinion. It just requires a form of leadership that promotes being serious rather than anything else. As a NCO / CO you are a rolemodel to anyone below you. As the leader of the faction you serve as a rolemodel for EVERY SINGLE subordinate under you. If you are seen being unserious often on the server, even if it's once, people will mimic it. Though, of course, being unserious from time to time isn't all that bad and can show people that you do have a sense of humor, but it should remain limited. Though, the lead isn't the only person prone to being a rolemodel. As I said, every NCO / CO is a rolemodel. If your First Sergeant is running about not /me'ing anything he does, being a general meme without being reprimanded in any way, be sure that every rank below him and maybe even above him will try that out himself to test the boundaries.

The reason why it worked so well with @Wulfeh was because he choose people that were mostly focused on RP. You had like 90% who were kind of shit at leading teams but were decent at RP'ing and then the 10% to try and make up for the 90% else so we didn't get constantly fucked on the S2K element. But those S2K'ers were mostly down in the lower ranks as the higher ranks should be reserved for those who promote RP.

So a TL;DR on that part, promote the right mindset, be the kind of person you want people to be if you are a NCO / CO and it should start taking shape relatively fast.

Oh and be consistent. Being a faction lead often means you're going to be putting yourself up in a conflict with a friend, he might want a high rank but you don't think he's suitable. Well, shape up and take the blame. The reason why a lot of people hated Wulfeh was because he did what he thought was best for the faction, not what was best for his friendships. I don't think anyone ever got promoted for just being a friend with Wulfeh.

The stabilization kit is honestly something that made me worried when I read about it but it does pose some solutions to points that @Roosebud did bring up. Stalling used to be a frustrating problem and it's not all that easy to judge at times. In my opinion, S2K and RP don't cope well, S2K is fast-paced because people don't give a fuck about their characters so they just run straight in and either wipe an entire platoon or they die themselves and come back after 30 minutes (10 now?) to do exactly the same. You are NEVER going to be able to provide decent RP on the field as long as people are still rushing head first with a death sentence to just get as many kills as they can get to boost their gametracker. You could make S2K slow-paced by actually adding disadvantages to dying and thus make more chance for RP to be present but that would need be regulated and cleared up a lot.

But I do understand the points @Oxy[Morons] brings up and I agree with that aswell, with the stabilization kit you kind of remove RP from the field entirely and kind of give the notion that RP is optional once you exit the gate. Many situations, however, have shown that RP on the field is often met with a SEVERE disadvantage and puts you in a situation you don't want yourself to be in so people avoid it.

Basically, the mentality of the majority of the people needs a drastic change if you want it to become serious again (judging from how a lot of people are complaining about how unserious it is) and that is not something easily done. You can't change the way how some people think but you can regulate their behaviour by doing what I said in my first point. You just need to show that this is a RP server rather than a S2K server and you have to make sure that nobody is exempt from the rules. It's easy to keep an eye closed for a friend and everyone does it, either conciously or unconciously, though by letting your one friend consistently do retarded /me's, someone else will start doing it and if he gets banned for it then you create an inconsistent way of upholding the rules with the typical "double standards" shit.

You, my friend, are part of the wrong mindset that a lot of people have here. Here's an example:
You can remove S2K from the server and replace it with S2M / S2RP and the name WW3RP would remain the same. If you remove RP and keep S2K, the name WW3RP is prone to be changed as you would be advertising the wrong thing.

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion and what you find fun. But, as a lot of people have already mentioned, this is a RP server, if you don't want to RP then why even join? To just dink some nerds and to hear them cry? I'm doing that in CSGO and it runs much better than WW3RP with its glorious 20 tick rate.

Please forgive me but I just couldn't resist myself...

I know i keep going back to this point but i still feel people are ignoring it for some reason.

The admin team needs to be fixed

The end goal is for us to have people RP properly right?

Okay well it should go like this.

Enforce rules, punish people for breaking rules
Because of that value will build up in characters, causing people to be more cautious in the way they act and the shit they say
People will respect the rules and because of the newfound value will be able to enjoy a much more indepth and structured roleplay, with room for expansion.

I feel like people in this thread are trying to mold a piece of turd into a piece of fine pottery. You need to change the material you're working with to actually achieve the end result.
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And whole beasts of nations desire power
Apr 26, 2016
I know i keep going back to this point but i still feel people are ignoring it for some reason.

The admin team needs to be fixed

The end goal is for us to have people RP properly right?

Okay well it should go like this.

Enforce rules, punish people for breaking rules
Because of that value will build up in characters, causing people to be more cautious in the way they act and the shit they say
People will respect the rules and because of the newfound value will be able to enjoy a much more indepth and structured roleplay, with room for expansion.

I feel like people in this thread are trying to mold a piece of turd into a piece of fine pottery. You need to change the material you're working with to actually achieve the end result.
Please don't devolve this to the staff.

Right now, staff are actually working really hard to ensure everything goes to how they should. Honestly, as someone who was an SA and who did listen to people asking for spawning/etc, its really de-motivating because you're spending 90% of your time spawning shit for a guy who is taking the piss by constantly crashing or who just seems to want to long out a conversation as long as you can.

Then there's the constant need to make sure arguments don't break out and, if they do, keep them constructive. Staff have the hardest role on the server, and the least they need right now is to be labelled the issue on the server.

I've seen every single member of the staff team try to experiment with new things to entice players to have fun, and its honestly horrible that they go through giving up their own fun just to try and give players a good time, and simply end up getting slandered for being the issue?

Staff have been the issue in the past, yes, but to assume that any problems mean the staff is defunct just eliminates any consideration I would make to a point you made, I don't trust your word from that.


Jul 16, 2016
I know i keep going back to this point but i still feel people are ignoring it for some reason.

The admin team needs to be fixed

The end goal is for us to have people RP properly right?

Okay well it should go like this.

Enforce rules, punish people for breaking rules
Because of that value will build up in characters, causing people to be more cautious in the way they act and the shit they say
People will respect the rules and because of the newfound value will be able to enjoy a much more indepth and structured roleplay, with room for expansion.

I feel like people in this thread are trying to mold a piece of turd into a piece of fine pottery. You need to change the material you're working with to actually achieve the end result.

Oh yeah I definitely agree with you. I forgot to bring that up aswell, it essentially is kind of the same as my first point about faction management as it stems to the same root. You, as an staff member, are a rolemodel, don't do things you don't want others to be doing. Being unserious is okay, of course, but keep it away from the public.

One thing I will never forget is what @Moon said back when I was a HL2RP staff member and I, loosely, quote: "fuck around all you want but do it somewhere people cant see it". And he's right, if you are seen dicking around in public, people mimic it because as a staff member you are another rolemodel.

Admins should be consistent in their punishments aswell. If you're going to ban a random person for minging, do it to your friend aswell. Set examples, make sure people understand that it's time for a change for the better if you want the change to happen. If the means you are going to have trouble with your friends, resign from being a staff member and give that responsibility to someone that will do the things that need to happen.

Please don't devolve this to the staff.

Right now, staff are actually working really hard to ensure everything goes to how they should. Honestly, as someone who was an SA and who did listen to people asking for spawning/etc, its really de-motivating because you're spending 90% of your time spawning shit for a guy who is taking the piss by constantly crashing or who just seems to want to long out a conversation as long as you can.

I don't intend to bash on anyone with what I said. I'm sure you're all doing your best but it's just something to bring up that is a must for the server to take a turn for the better.

<3 you rondal #nohomo
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Deleted member 22

Seeing as a lot of old people have been coming back to the thread to share their thoughts and opinions, I've been kind of urged to do the same. So here it goes. Before anything to add, I must say, I haven't played on the server since I last left it so I'll try to refrain from talking about certain people's behaviour and whatnot, if I do bring it up, please take it with a grain of salt. I'll try to keep it in general to try and give my two cents on how to fix certain problems and how we (Wulfeh and I) tried it in the past.

The general unseriousness in factions is easily managed, in my opinion. It just requires a form of leadership that promotes being serious rather than anything else. As a NCO / CO you are a rolemodel to anyone below you. As the leader of the faction you serve as a rolemodel for EVERY SINGLE subordinate under you. If you are seen being unserious often on the server, even if it's once, people will mimic it. Though, of course, being unserious from time to time isn't all that bad and can show people that you do have a sense of humor, but it should remain limited. Though, the lead isn't the only person prone to being a rolemodel. As I said, every NCO / CO is a rolemodel. If your First Sergeant is running about not /me'ing anything he does, being a general meme without being reprimanded in any way, be sure that every rank below him and maybe even above him will try that out himself to test the boundaries.

The reason why it worked so well with @Wulfeh was because he choose people that were mostly focused on RP. You had like 90% who were kind of shit at leading teams but were decent at RP'ing and then the 10% to try and make up for the 90% else so we didn't get constantly fucked on the S2K element. But those S2K'ers were mostly down in the lower ranks as the higher ranks should be reserved for those who promote RP.

So a TL;DR on that part, promote the right mindset, be the kind of person you want people to be if you are a NCO / CO and it should start taking shape relatively fast.

Oh and be consistent. Being a faction lead often means you're going to be putting yourself up in a conflict with a friend, he might want a high rank but you don't think he's suitable. Well, shape up and take the blame. The reason why a lot of people hated Wulfeh was because he did what he thought was best for the faction, not what was best for his friendships. I don't think anyone ever got promoted for just being a friend with Wulfeh.

The stabilization kit is honestly something that made me worried when I read about it but it does pose some solutions to points that @Roosebud did bring up. Stalling used to be a frustrating problem and it's not all that easy to judge at times. In my opinion, S2K and RP don't cope well, S2K is fast-paced because people don't give a fuck about their characters so they just run straight in and either wipe an entire platoon or they die themselves and come back after 30 minutes (10 now?) to do exactly the same. You are NEVER going to be able to provide decent RP on the field as long as people are still rushing head first with a death sentence to just get as many kills as they can get to boost their gametracker. You could make S2K slow-paced by actually adding disadvantages to dying and thus make more chance for RP to be present but that would need be regulated and cleared up a lot.

But I do understand the points @Oxy[Morons] brings up and I agree with that aswell, with the stabilization kit you kind of remove RP from the field entirely and kind of give the notion that RP is optional once you exit the gate. Many situations, however, have shown that RP on the field is often met with a SEVERE disadvantage and puts you in a situation you don't want yourself to be in so people avoid it.

Basically, the mentality of the majority of the people needs a drastic change if you want it to become serious again (judging from how a lot of people are complaining about how unserious it is) and that is not something easily done. You can't change the way how some people think but you can regulate their behaviour by doing what I said in my first point. You just need to show that this is a RP server rather than a S2K server and you have to make sure that nobody is exempt from the rules. It's easy to keep an eye closed for a friend and everyone does it, either conciously or unconciously, though by letting your one friend consistently do retarded /me's, someone else will start doing it and if he gets banned for it then you create an inconsistent way of upholding the rules with the typical "double standards" shit.

You, my friend, are part of the wrong mindset that a lot of people have here. Here's an example:
You can remove S2K from the server and replace it with S2M / S2RP and the name WW3RP would remain the same. If you remove RP and keep S2K, the name WW3RP is prone to be changed as you would be advertising the wrong thing.

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion and what you find fun. But, as a lot of people have already mentioned, this is a RP server, if you don't want to RP then why even join? To just dink some nerds and to hear them cry? I'm doing that in CSGO and it runs much better than WW3RP with its glorious 20 tick rate.

Please forgive me but I just couldn't resist myself...

Hello @DenZ It's me I missed you please come back on yoour 2lt friend


One true Morty
Jun 30, 2016
Please don't devolve this to the staff.

Right now, staff are actually working really hard to ensure everything goes to how they should. Honestly, as someone who was an SA and who did listen to people asking for spawning/etc, its really de-motivating because you're spending 90% of your time spawning shit for a guy who is taking the piss by constantly crashing or who just seems to want to long out a conversation as long as you can.

Then there's the constant need to make sure arguments don't break out and, if they do, keep them constructive. Staff have the hardest role on the server, and the least they need right now is to be labelled the issue on the server.

I've seen every single member of the staff team try to experiment with new things to entice players to have fun, and its honestly horrible that they go through giving up their own fun just to try and give players a good time, and simply end up getting slandered for being the issue?

Staff have been the issue in the past, yes, but to assume that any problems mean the staff is defunct just eliminates any consideration I would make to a point you made, I don't trust your word from that.

Well no. When I was in the admin team with you I could rely on you for a lot of stuff, you were pretty good at what you did. Yeah, they have the hardest role on the server, I know how it is to do a lot of stuff and feel under-appreciated, I get it at work as well.

You can reform factions all you want and ban people all you want with the current mindset, but nothing is going to change unless people become more strict and start enforcing stuff properly. Servers need discipline, even more so with game servers.

EDIT: I highly doubt from the time i left that people have become stricter on punishing idiots. Even i was a tad bit lenient due to my non-arguementitive nature, however i still made a good effort.
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Deleted member 22

If you want me to be an honest injun here I think there are a few big problems going on. Number one is probably map fatigue. I personally uav3nt been enjoying the maps lately because they are large. These large maps do a good job of separating players from eachother within their own faction greatly, it may sound dumb but it's a theory I hold, if you have people jammed in a group together because it's a really tightly wound FOB, it's possible more roleplay can happen because you are sorta forced to see more than just one random private, you see a lot of different people at once.

Other thing is nlr, it's gotten too short. The games pacing feels too fast and the relaxed roleplay setting is almost 100% Big thing I miss is the ability to partially base attack. I mean firing into enemy guard posts. If you add the actual option of a defensive measure with a chance of s2k, it's going to probably promote people to guard on the towers because there's a large probability that if someone needs their s2k fix they'll dump a mag into your tower and you can take a shot back.

At this point I'm annoyed most roleplay has turned into a getting the enemy to f2 you simulator with the roleplay going along the lines of
"grrrrrr I'm special forces"
"Aaaggg I'm Soviet!!"
"Give me name of all people on base and hand write their full physical descriptions onto a clay tablet
"Never! Ur DUM!"
"/me hit
"You can't break me comrade!"
"/me hit again
"Deep philosophical nonsense recycled from some TV show about whtw we fight"

And I'm surprised you view me as a good role model @Legolas my characters have degraded into a point where I RP them as soulless punks that just do shit for fun lmao, @Rondal is a much more stable example. He focuses on shit being realistic and everyone being stable, I'm more of the cool uncle but in NCO form.
Well no. When I was in the admin team with you I could rely on you for a lot of stuff, you were pretty good at what you did. Yeah, they have the hardest role on the server, I know how it is to do a lot of stuff and feel under-appreciated, I get it at work as well.

You can reform factions all you want and ban people all you want with the current mindset, but nothing is going to change unless people become more strict and start enforcing stuff properly. Servers need discipline, even more so with game servers.

EDIT: I highly doubt from the time i left that people have become stricter on punishing idiots. Even i was a tad bit lenient due to my non-arguementitive nature, however i still made a good effort.
See @Leadcolt a big issue for me is at this point if I start banning people who do the occasional unserious /me I'll end up making the server uninhabital, because only like 5 people would be left. He'll I'd even get banned myself LOL
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Make no mistake, this is a one-way trip.
Apr 26, 2016
See @Leadcolt a big issue for me is at this point if I start banning people who do the occasional unserious /me I'll end up making the server uninhabital, because only like 5 people would be left. He'll I'd even get banned myself LOL
Well that's their fault if they can't restrict their unserious /me's to private places, and it's your job as a staff member to up-hold the rules, Leadcolt is correct in saying that staff need to start being much more strict, as much as the playercount might take a hit, wouldn't it be better for undesirables to leave rather than stay? Weeding out undesirables will leave more room for those who actually want to roleplay?

Deleted member 22

Well that's their fault if they can't restrict their unserious /me's to private places, and it's your job as a staff member to up-hold the rules, Leadcolt is correct in saying that staff need to start being much more strict, as much as the playercount might take a hit, wouldn't it be better for undesirables to leave rather than stay? Weeding out undesirables will leave more room for those who actually want to roleplay?
Ok you asked for a roleplay revolution friend and you'll get it. @Rondal get your coat.
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