Serious P2L


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
i wouldnt mind a stat-based rolling system


LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
I'm honestly quite fond of P2L personally, and I'd loooove for it to stay the norm on the server. However, I am fully aware that most people don't do the Lose part of Play 2 Lose. It's literally a third of the words. Most people think that they simply don't have limits, which is quite silly. I'd personally prefer to see more of a crackdown on the P2W type of P2L ("I punched you in this super specific spot which means you get knocked out NO MATTER WHAT, FALLOVER OR ADMIN IS CALLED UHH DURR")

The thing with a roll system is just that, it can be such a fucking meme. One example was an event that I helped run, I forget the name now, but because of the crappy roll of whoever was attacking, and the good rolls of people defending, there was a solid 10 minutes of nobody hitting eachother at all. Do we also really want it to be possible for a random bluesuit without any combat experience to dunk on a full squad of cops just because of the RNG gods as well on a separate note?

Long and short of it, there is no perfect system. P2L has it's flaws, as does rolling. With rolling, it can be a lot of bullshittery because of the RNG, and with P2L it can also be bullshittery because of people. My personal opinion is that it should stay a P2L system, but a decent P2L system, were they ACTUALLY have to Play To Lose (Looking at you, barely five foot malnourished woman trying to take down a six and a half foot RL)

TL;DR: Rolling is shit. P2L is shit. I prefer if we were able to control P2L quality in some way to ensure no types of bullshittery going down, and my personal liking is with P2L, so I might be bias


LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
idk dnd works pretty well as a system

Hey, I'm a massive D&D nerd, I want to start playing more of it ASAP, but, the server isn't D&D. People are still going to stall, people will still try this and that. It works in D&D because it's a different (magnificent) game. However, I do not think the same system that can be applied to that can be applied to this. Do we really want fights lasting for an hour like in D&D? I just, honestly can not see this sort of thing working here, people will just find new ways to game the system however they can, just like minmaxers for example