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So I noticed we don't have one of these threads and I thought I'd kick this off.
On a whim I decided to buy Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn on Steam. Came out in 2015 and is a reboot of the classic Carnivore game line (think Cabela's Big Game Hunts but released in the late 90's. A lot of their sound effects would later go on to be used by big-budget games actually). While it's not as good as the older games for variety as a lot got cut due to budget restraints it's still a fun trophy-hunter style of game.
Today I'm hunting the last Dinosaur you can unlock to trophy-hunt (you need a license to register the kills properly which costs gems you get by hunting other dinosaurs), The T-rex! This is the first map you can hunt it on - a foggy version of the first map - and it is the absolute fucking worst. Especially given where I am now in regards to points.
Why, you ask?
Well, you see those white spots on the radar? They're the other dinosaurs in this hunting zone. If I could afford all of the hunting licenses to take them all as trophies and the gear I need to stand a chance, I could toggle the M.I.S.T device in my hand to check what they are. But as it is, I can't. While most of them are herbivores, a great deal of them in this zone consist of the only other carnivore in the game - Ceratosaurus.
Like the one you see through the bushes above, vaguely.
They're fast and can kill you in one hit automatically if they get close enough. They've got a good sense of smell and exceptional sight, even in this sort of enviroment. What makes it worse is I'm forced to use the starting weapon - a rifle - on this hunt too because of point constraints and because of a reason I'll touch on later. What that means is, if I fire this thing and any are in range, they'll home in on me and eat me.
I'm not even counting if the wind happens to shift suddenly and they smell me in general.
So to sum up:
Today I'm hunting the last Dinosaur you can unlock to trophy-hunt (you need a license to register the kills properly which costs gems you get by hunting other dinosaurs), The T-rex! This is the first map you can hunt it on - a foggy version of the first map - and it is the absolute fucking worst. Especially given where I am now in regards to points.
Why, you ask?
Well, you see those white spots on the radar? They're the other dinosaurs in this hunting zone. If I could afford all of the hunting licenses to take them all as trophies and the gear I need to stand a chance, I could toggle the M.I.S.T device in my hand to check what they are. But as it is, I can't. While most of them are herbivores, a great deal of them in this zone consist of the only other carnivore in the game - Ceratosaurus.
Like the one you see through the bushes above, vaguely.
They're fast and can kill you in one hit automatically if they get close enough. They've got a good sense of smell and exceptional sight, even in this sort of enviroment. What makes it worse is I'm forced to use the starting weapon - a rifle - on this hunt too because of point constraints and because of a reason I'll touch on later. What that means is, if I fire this thing and any are in range, they'll home in on me and eat me.
I'm not even counting if the wind happens to shift suddenly and they smell me in general.
So to sum up:
- I'm on a map with poor visibility and dense terrain hunting the biggest motherfucker in the game.
- I'm forced to use a loud weapon that will potentially draw the only other carnivore in the game to me when I fire.
- I cannot tell if the white dots are harmless herbivores or carnivores.
- The T-rex always spawns at the very tip of the map.
Now! this isn't the first time I've done this particular hunt but I did want to try and three-star it because hey, why not right? Nets me more points and gems to work on unlocking other maps. The first time I did this I bagged a trophy but it was shit. The second time I did amazing - and a Ceratosaurus heard the gunfire and ran up to eat the corpse which meant I couldn't take the trophy.
Almost there now. It was a fairly easy trip; I got lucky. Now the downside is, usually one or two Ceratosaurus spawn up in this area. One is often asleep and I can get out of earshot of it when I go to bag the Rex, but the second one wanders. I can only hope...
And there it is! The T-rex pops up on radar. No other carnivores, fortunately for my sanity and heart-rate.
The T-rex is by far the most terrifying thing in this game - and that holds true for the entire series. In this game in particular, it has max stats in all three senses. That is to say you have a second or two to correct any mistakes in wind direction, sight or scent you may have or it will be alerted to you and it will fucking eat you. There is no room for error.
To that end, I had to stay downwind and move about an inch at a time.
And there's the big... girl? guy? itself. It's fucking huge. But I have absolute no shot on it so I flank back around that rockface to my right, which leads me to the final thing about the T-rex in the Carnivores franchise.
The T-rex in this series is nigh-on bulletproof. In the original games it had so much health you had to enable cheats to get infinite ammo just to kill it... unless you hit it in the eye socket which will instantly down it - and the T-rex is fast and very, very agile. All dinosaurs in these games have weak spots you can shoot for major damage - usually internal organs. I have a special 'vision mode' unlocked to show these points. The T-rex's still shows the internal organs, not the eye.
Shooting it in the heart or lungs will do exactly jack shit. It will keep on trucking and fist you in the fucking ass.
This also leads me to why I am forced to use a loud-as-fuck rifle; around 100 yards there is no bullet drop to account for - good for a target so fucking small as the eye. The only other weapon I could use is a compound bow - which is how I got my first kill by sheer luck after pelting it with arrows while screaming - but if I miss that single shot I'm going to get, I am absolutely well-and-truly fucked. It will kill me and I will have to restart.
Now, on top of that, this map is foggy and it's head is obscured by foliage. Aiming-down-sights does not help this. I am literally forced to guess where the fuck its eye is when it pauses to peer around and hope I land a shot directly into it. Otherwise, I may as well restart. And low and behold...
I got it! And nothing around to eat it and ruin it for me!
Time to get this bad boy picked up. Not the biggest I've bagged - that honor would probably go to either of the other two kills - but the only one I three-starred and could grab and stuff.
Oh, yeah. Carnivores is set on an alien planet with alien-dinosaurs that a company (DinoHunt Corp) has basically leased out to big game hunting tours like they'd do in Africa. It's pretty cool; a lot of the older games had dinosaurs based off the artwork from the 1900's rather than the up-to-date style.
Hence the weird UFO dropship thing taking the corpse.
And there it is back at my trophy room!
Honestly if you need a good time-waster, pick this game up. It's a lot of fun.
Almost there now. It was a fairly easy trip; I got lucky. Now the downside is, usually one or two Ceratosaurus spawn up in this area. One is often asleep and I can get out of earshot of it when I go to bag the Rex, but the second one wanders. I can only hope...
And there it is! The T-rex pops up on radar. No other carnivores, fortunately for my sanity and heart-rate.
The T-rex is by far the most terrifying thing in this game - and that holds true for the entire series. In this game in particular, it has max stats in all three senses. That is to say you have a second or two to correct any mistakes in wind direction, sight or scent you may have or it will be alerted to you and it will fucking eat you. There is no room for error.
To that end, I had to stay downwind and move about an inch at a time.
And there's the big... girl? guy? itself. It's fucking huge. But I have absolute no shot on it so I flank back around that rockface to my right, which leads me to the final thing about the T-rex in the Carnivores franchise.
The T-rex in this series is nigh-on bulletproof. In the original games it had so much health you had to enable cheats to get infinite ammo just to kill it... unless you hit it in the eye socket which will instantly down it - and the T-rex is fast and very, very agile. All dinosaurs in these games have weak spots you can shoot for major damage - usually internal organs. I have a special 'vision mode' unlocked to show these points. The T-rex's still shows the internal organs, not the eye.
Shooting it in the heart or lungs will do exactly jack shit. It will keep on trucking and fist you in the fucking ass.
This also leads me to why I am forced to use a loud-as-fuck rifle; around 100 yards there is no bullet drop to account for - good for a target so fucking small as the eye. The only other weapon I could use is a compound bow - which is how I got my first kill by sheer luck after pelting it with arrows while screaming - but if I miss that single shot I'm going to get, I am absolutely well-and-truly fucked. It will kill me and I will have to restart.
Now, on top of that, this map is foggy and it's head is obscured by foliage. Aiming-down-sights does not help this. I am literally forced to guess where the fuck its eye is when it pauses to peer around and hope I land a shot directly into it. Otherwise, I may as well restart. And low and behold...
I got it! And nothing around to eat it and ruin it for me!
Time to get this bad boy picked up. Not the biggest I've bagged - that honor would probably go to either of the other two kills - but the only one I three-starred and could grab and stuff.
Oh, yeah. Carnivores is set on an alien planet with alien-dinosaurs that a company (DinoHunt Corp) has basically leased out to big game hunting tours like they'd do in Africa. It's pretty cool; a lot of the older games had dinosaurs based off the artwork from the 1900's rather than the up-to-date style.
Hence the weird UFO dropship thing taking the corpse.
And there it is back at my trophy room!
Honestly if you need a good time-waster, pick this game up. It's a lot of fun.