Potential benefits of multiple servers


Apr 27, 2016
Some communities were successful enough to run multiple gamemodes and see them become populated. Those extra servers started as experiments or revivals, but often they didn't last very long. When the playercount was consistently low, the servers ended, while those that actually worked (however briefly) had felt like part of an empire. A community with high standards could have one of the best servers of a gamemode, even if it was just their side server, because they'd apply those high standards to it.

Gmod biZ had started on Downtown, and through its journey trying HL2RP among smaller servers for Build, Flood, Stranded, Gmod Racer, and Theater, the community actually ended on BizRP long after its Downtown server had died. It had kept its Flood server far longer than it should have, as a legit player waiting for someone to connect would be joined by a player bent on abusing exploits, and with no Flood admins left to ensure fair play it would go straight back to 0 players when the legit player got sick of it and disconnected. Why would anyone apply to be an admin on a dead server?

While the Flood server should have ended earlier on Gmod biZ, the BizRP server was a success and had kept the community going for years longer than if they'd just stuck with Downtown. Killing off their original server was probably a wise move, and perhaps Pulsor Gaming could have done something similar when their playerbase was shrinking while stretched between HL2RP and IWRP.

The core of that IWRP scene was later reborn as WW3RP on LemonPunch, so it seems that there was still some life in it. LemonPunch too had a HL2RP server, and like Pulsor Gaming; had managed to run them both at the same time. Right up until earlier this year nebulous was carrying that WW3RP/HL2RP duo, and despite the decision to end it being the right one (in the state it was in) the benefits of having that second server are now gone.

Having both HL2RP and WW3RP running at the same time made sense. The forum was already there with experienced staff, complete with ban request/appeal and admin abuse sections. It would have been a lot more effort to run them on seperate communities. The WW3RP server had benefitted from running alongside the HL2RP server, as evidenced for example by me finding out about the WW3RP server through knowing the existence of the HL2RP server.

So without the HL2RP server, I wouldn't have engaged with the WW3RP server and made things like montage videos in it. When I started doing things like montage videos for the HL2RP server too, it was thanks to the existence of the WW3RP server, because without WW3RP I wouldn't have even started making the montages. Just from using myself as an example you can see that rather than drain resources from eachother, multiple servers can actually work as a potential boon for eachother.

If a community has a lone successful server with no others running, then they're ready to experiment again with another, perhaps one they've never tried before. Multiple servers are an investment into those potential benefits, they raise the profile of the community, and they expand the experience that members have within that community.
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Apr 26, 2016
Question is, what kind of themes are there to explore for a second server?
  • Much of the medieval era and before would be tricky to do, due to how incredibly painful it would be to implement a combat system. Especially with the current mantra on combat, it'd be nothing short of a massive headache
  • Modern setting would scream boredom and the fact it'd be one of the least escapist-type of settings, unless you manage to write up something incredible
  • WW3RP showed the massive flaws of having faction-based PvP military setting, as a war-based setting with a heavy focus on combat breeds - frankly - vehement elitism and sore sphincters all around
  • FTRP/QZRP showed the massive flaws of a post-apoc setting, aka the extreme demand for constant admin presence to have anything interesting going on. Also the limitations you'd have to put in place would be immense, because 'rape murder burn pillage torture psycho' shit is a pretty big can of worms, both on how much of it needs OOC consent and the fact many who commit these acts do it for OOC giggles
  • Cyberpunk, sci-fi and fantasy of all sort run the risks of abusing and asspulling in many shades: "muh spell/augmentation/other bullchickenery", Mary Sues and Gary Sues with lord knows how many bullshit things stacked one on top of the other. HL2RP is kind of scifi, but in the most mundane ways where one of the most scifi part of it - the aliens - has been abused in so many ways it makes me want to choke on an iron rebar
These are just the bad and the ugly of many genres mind you, they all have appeal for good reasons, and downsides can be remedied. I'm just skeptical for many of these working here.

Regardless, there's also the wonderous problem of
Because Gmod can be severely lacking in terms of good content to form a consistent style. I'd need the hands of all the people living in this apartment complex to count the amount of servers where content from different addons is smashed together because they look kind of similar.

My personal wish? Something proper sci-fi, with aliens that aren't treated like chewtoys. My deeper desire would be medieval fantasy, but that's not gonna happen with nebulous.

But for now HL2RP will probably the only way to go until Helix comes around that enormous corner, and even then I'm skeptical for anything happening.
Then again, who am I to be skeptical when it's 5AM and most of my text is a result of a mind too delirious from tiredness oh fuck I'm gonna regret this when I wake up few hours from now on.


Apr 26, 2016
Question is, what kind of themes are there to explore for a second server?
  • Much of the medieval era and before would be tricky to do, due to how incredibly painful it would be to implement a combat system. Especially with the current mantra on combat, it'd be nothing short of a massive headache
  • Modern setting would scream boredom and the fact it'd be one of the least escapist-type of settings, unless you manage to write up something incredible
  • WW3RP showed the massive flaws of having faction-based PvP military setting, as a war-based setting with a heavy focus on combat breeds - frankly - vehement elitism and sore sphincters all around
  • FTRP/QZRP showed the massive flaws of a post-apoc setting, aka the extreme demand for constant admin presence to have anything interesting going on. Also the limitations you'd have to put in place would be immense, because 'rape murder burn pillage torture psycho' shit is a pretty big can of worms, both on how much of it needs OOC consent and the fact many who commit these acts do it for OOC giggles
  • Cyberpunk, sci-fi and fantasy of all sort run the risks of abusing and asspulling in many shades: "muh spell/augmentation/other bullchickenery", Mary Sues and Gary Sues with lord knows how many bullshit things stacked one on top of the other. HL2RP is kind of scifi, but in the most mundane ways where one of the most scifi part of it - the aliens - has been abused in so many ways it makes me want to choke on an iron rebar
These are just the bad and the ugly of many genres mind you, they all have appeal for good reasons, and downsides can be remedied. I'm just skeptical for many of these working here.

Regardless, there's also the wonderous problem of
Because Gmod can be severely lacking in terms of good content to form a consistent style. I'd need the hands of all the people living in this apartment complex to count the amount of servers where content from different addons is smashed together because they look kind of similar.

My personal wish? Something proper sci-fi, with aliens that aren't treated like chewtoys. My deeper desire would be medieval fantasy, but that's not gonna happen with nebulous.

But for now HL2RP will probably the only way to go until Helix comes around that enormous corner, and even then I'm skeptical for anything happening.
Then again, who am I to be skeptical when it's 5AM and most of my text is a result of a mind too delirious from tiredness oh fuck I'm gonna regret this when I wake up few hours from now on.

Solstice @York @Danny
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
Question is, what kind of themes are there to explore for a second server?
  • Much of the medieval era and before would be tricky to do, due to how incredibly painful it would be to implement a combat system. Especially with the current mantra on combat, it'd be nothing short of a massive headache
  • Modern setting would scream boredom and the fact it'd be one of the least escapist-type of settings, unless you manage to write up something incredible
  • WW3RP showed the massive flaws of having faction-based PvP military setting, as a war-based setting with a heavy focus on combat breeds - frankly - vehement elitism and sore sphincters all around
  • FTRP/QZRP showed the massive flaws of a post-apoc setting, aka the extreme demand for constant admin presence to have anything interesting going on. Also the limitations you'd have to put in place would be immense, because 'rape murder burn pillage torture psycho' shit is a pretty big can of worms, both on how much of it needs OOC consent and the fact many who commit these acts do it for OOC giggles
  • Cyberpunk, sci-fi and fantasy of all sort run the risks of abusing and asspulling in many shades: "muh spell/augmentation/other bullchickenery", Mary Sues and Gary Sues with lord knows how many bullshit things stacked one on top of the other. HL2RP is kind of scifi, but in the most mundane ways where one of the most scifi part of it - the aliens - has been abused in so many ways it makes me want to choke on an iron rebar
These are just the bad and the ugly of many genres mind you, they all have appeal for good reasons, and downsides can be remedied. I'm just skeptical for many of these working here.

Regardless, there's also the wonderous problem of
Because Gmod can be severely lacking in terms of good content to form a consistent style. I'd need the hands of all the people living in this apartment complex to count the amount of servers where content from different addons is smashed together because they look kind of similar.

My personal wish? Something proper sci-fi, with aliens that aren't treated like chewtoys. My deeper desire would be medieval fantasy, but that's not gonna happen with nebulous.

But for now HL2RP will probably the only way to go until Helix comes around that enormous corner, and even then I'm skeptical for anything happening.
Then again, who am I to be skeptical when it's 5AM and most of my text is a result of a mind too delirious from tiredness oh fuck I'm gonna regret this when I wake up few hours from now on.
when did you come back?
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Dutch Ally.
Apr 26, 2016
Hudson save us. I am spending way to much money on games i play for 2 hours and then never touch again. I need a RP server i can spend a lot of time in again.
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Jul 14, 2018
Question is, what kind of themes are there to explore for a second server?
  • Much of the medieval era and before would be tricky to do, due to how incredibly painful it would be to implement a combat system. Especially with the current mantra on combat, it'd be nothing short of a massive headache
  • Modern setting would scream boredom and the fact it'd be one of the least escapist-type of settings, unless you manage to write up something incredible
  • WW3RP showed the massive flaws of having faction-based PvP military setting, as a war-based setting with a heavy focus on combat breeds - frankly - vehement elitism and sore sphincters all around
  • FTRP/QZRP showed the massive flaws of a post-apoc setting, aka the extreme demand for constant admin presence to have anything interesting going on. Also the limitations you'd have to put in place would be immense, because 'rape murder burn pillage torture psycho' shit is a pretty big can of worms, both on how much of it needs OOC consent and the fact many who commit these acts do it for OOC giggles
  • Cyberpunk, sci-fi and fantasy of all sort run the risks of abusing and asspulling in many shades: "muh spell/augmentation/other bullchickenery", Mary Sues and Gary Sues with lord knows how many bullshit things stacked one on top of the other. HL2RP is kind of scifi, but in the most mundane ways where one of the most scifi part of it - the aliens - has been abused in so many ways it makes me want to choke on an iron rebar
These are just the bad and the ugly of many genres mind you, they all have appeal for good reasons, and downsides can be remedied. I'm just skeptical for many of these working here.

Regardless, there's also the wonderous problem of
Because Gmod can be severely lacking in terms of good content to form a consistent style. I'd need the hands of all the people living in this apartment complex to count the amount of servers where content from different addons is smashed together because they look kind of similar.

My personal wish? Something proper sci-fi, with aliens that aren't treated like chewtoys. My deeper desire would be medieval fantasy, but that's not gonna happen with nebulous.

But for now HL2RP will probably the only way to go until Helix comes around that enormous corner, and even then I'm skeptical for anything happening.
Then again, who am I to be skeptical when it's 5AM and most of my text is a result of a mind too delirious from tiredness oh fuck I'm gonna regret this when I wake up few hours from now on.

I do think a serious Cyberpunk RP could work well - there would just have to be clear restrictions on augmentations that are laid out in a document. For instance, different types of augmentations and what they do, how hard they are to get (if they're quite hard, possibly less chance of people abusing them due to the rarity alone), etc. It's probably the best genre/setting to create a workable universe and role play around within the confines of a server like this, although it would indeed take quite a lot of work to set out the boundaries and how far one can go with their characters. It'd also allow for great worldbuilding with the megacorps and the state of the cities, amongst other things.


Apr 26, 2016
I do think a serious Cyberpunk RP could work well - there would just have to be clear restrictions on augmentations that are laid out in a document. For instance, different types of augmentations and what they do, how hard they are to get (if they're quite hard, possibly less chance of people abusing them due to the rarity alone), etc. It's probably the best genre/setting to create a workable universe and role play around within the confines of a server like this, although it would indeed take quite a lot of work to set out the boundaries and how far one can go with their characters. It'd also allow for great worldbuilding with the megacorps and the state of the cities, amongst other things.

Cyberpunk always fails


Roleplay Connoisseur
Apr 26, 2016
I do think a serious Cyberpunk RP could work well - there would just have to be clear restrictions on augmentations that are laid out in a document. For instance, different types of augmentations and what they do, how hard they are to get (if they're quite hard, possibly less chance of people abusing them due to the rarity alone), etc. It's probably the best genre/setting to create a workable universe and role play around within the confines of a server like this, although it would indeed take quite a lot of work to set out the boundaries and how far one can go with their characters. It'd also allow for great worldbuilding with the megacorps and the state of the cities, amongst other things.
Cyberpunk would only work if it was regulated like North Korea and had Rules that would end up ruining the enjoyment of it


Apr 30, 2016
Warhammer 40k Imperial guardsmen vs the world. PK on deaths. 95% of players know nothing about the deep 40k lore and fuck shit up and every dies :D


Apr 27, 2016
talked about an official arma 3 server with some of the fellas but its sadly not possible as much as many of us would like it due to Bohemia Interactive's dumb server monetization policy
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
cyberpunk worked

see gunsmoke 3

that only died because the owner literally stopped giving a shit


Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
We wouldn’t have their sick models

it can be arranged.........

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