News Preview/Discussion - WW3RP: STASILAND

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Jul 9, 2016
IDEA - Phones and Radios

Not the usual music radios, but stuff like talkshows, pirate stations that set out encoded broadcasts, propaganda speeches and pro-communist rhetoric. People running the stations could wait for people to tune in, have a way to play some music, then speak icly through the radio stuff like 'Hans has picked up half a dozen eggs and is home safely. Ana has donated to the local food drive and wishes for more people to eat.' stuff like during the German occupation of France where the BBC would broadcast those messages disguised as personal messages to their friends and others.


Land lines people can have set up where you can dial numbers and get stuff like - Stasi/polizi HQ, offices of Officers and Stasi officials (reserved for communications over the phone instead of in person), anonymous tip lines about pro-western activity. This could add the opportunity for secretaries, phone operators, give a way for civilians to call in activity without being seen going to a stasi/policeman and dropping their info, and also a way to privately do such and maybe get an extra ruble/mark or ration thrown your way. This could also have phone booths, engineers and civilian contractors that install landlines/maintain telecommunication infrastructures for radios and phones, raids on pirate radios, anonymous threats.
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Apr 28, 2016
it is a big if but i hope it works out with the vetting and shit. honestly, i dont want soviets filled with old soviet players at least not most of them
I also expect that Roose & co will put a lot of work into authorizations for nato characters.

They'll probably do a combo of log sifting for char names, and checking the player's behaviour.
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Apr 26, 2016
it is a big if but i hope it works out with the vetting and shit. honestly, i dont want soviets filled with old soviet players at least not most of them
yeah but it’s pretty much set up for success with it being a whitelist (as far as we know) anyway
the soviets and coals weren’t really known for their really cool roleplay so lmao

the entire server wasn’t, but imo those people gravitated there because they just weren’t as strict


Apr 26, 2016
with ooc mates forming lynch groups instead of detailed military orientated rp
Tbh this happens in just about any-and-all servers to a degree, because lets be honest - some people, especially people returning to WW3, will want a server they can fuck about and S2K on like the old times while sitting in TS.

The biggest problem is breaking the mentalities that allowed that to happen last time. I kinda view it like HL2 in that regard; while it does crop up it certainly isn't the norm and I'm confident WW3 can go that route too.
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cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
Tbh this happens in just about any-and-all servers to a degree, because lets be honest - some people, especially people returning to WW3, will want a server they can fuck about and S2K on like the old times while sitting in TS.

The biggest problem is breaking the mentalities that allowed that to happen last time. I kinda view it like HL2 in that regard; while it does crop up it certainly isn't the norm and I'm confident WW3 can go that route too.
I think both char and roose are working like mad hard to distance themselves from this mentality and honestly i hope it works. some of the old lads are alright to fuck around with and chat shit but not roleplay
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Deleted member 1381

agreed tbh
honestly if the concept flops I have my money on it being because of the players, since @Roosebud is clearly putting a lot of effort into making it all work
i said this to myself a few hours after this thread was made

if the server goes to piss in a kettle then the players are to blame

the amount of effort that's been put into this project is astounding, it's impossible for it to fail due to roosebud or char's tuition

the server is adapted for actual roleplay now, the people who don't like that are the people who were the original problem on older variations of WW3
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Apr 26, 2016
IDEA - Phones and Radios

Not the usual music radios, but stuff like talkshows, pirate stations that set out encoded broadcasts, propaganda speeches and pro-communist rhetoric. People running the stations could wait for people to tune in, have a way to play some music, then speak icly through the radio stuff like 'Hans has picked up half a dozen eggs and is home safely. Ana has donated to the local food drive and wishes for more people to eat.' stuff like during the German occupation of France where the BBC would broadcast those messages disguised as personal messages to their friends and others.

We have the typical 'set-your-own-frequency' radio handhelds and stationairies that can be acquired a number different ways, nothing stopping certain groups from setting up their own news outlet or informal networks.

Land lines people can have set up where you can dial numbers and get stuff like - Stasi/polizi HQ, offices of Officers and Stasi officials (reserved for communications over the phone instead of in person), anonymous tip lines about pro-western activity. This could add the opportunity for secretaries, phone operators, give a way for civilians to call in activity without being seen going to a stasi/policeman and dropping their info, and also a way to privately do such and maybe get an extra ruble/mark or ration thrown your way. This could also have phone booths, engineers and civilian contractors that install landlines/maintain telecommunication infrastructures for radios and phones, raids on pirate radios, anonymous threats.

We tinkered with this but ultimately came up short seeing as;

A) The system we had in mind for payphones around the map turned out to be either too complicated code-wise or too much of a strain on the server
B) Adding early cellphones would require an entirely new coded system for communication between phones and dialing, which is just something I dont have the expertise or time for
C) In addition to B, adding items that would exclusively allow you to contact 'the government' would either just be a request device, a tool for people to 'prank call' / lead people into slaughter, as well as Stasiland being a defunct society / warzone, meaning the police probably wouldn't care about your typical calls.

Tbh this happens in just about any-and-all servers to a degree, because lets be honest - some people, especially people returning to WW3, will want a server they can fuck about and S2K on like the old times while sitting in TS.

The biggest problem is breaking the mentalities that allowed that to happen last time. I kinda view it like HL2 in that regard; while it does crop up it certainly isn't the norm and I'm confident WW3 can go that route too.

While it's not something we'll know for certain until we see people interact on the server, I reckon removing the WW3RP dynamic of death-without-consequences, casual interactions and free guns at all times would go a long way in hindering the people who'd only join for a quick s2k without rp
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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
the worst part of ww3rp was always the players and I say that as one of the people who were the problem in the past

most of us here were the problem but hopefully we can get past that

cns - he/him/his

The Winner
Apr 26, 2016
the worst part of ww3rp was always the players and I say that as one of the people who were the problem in the past

most of us here were the problem but hopefully we can get past that
i was a fucking retard but right now all i wanna do is roleplay. i come to a roleplay server to roleplay. if i want lads panter shooting shit ill boot up apex or siege
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Sangheili Bias
Apr 27, 2016
i was a fucking retard but right now all i wanna do is roleplay. i come to a roleplay server to roleplay. if i want lads panter shooting shit ill boot up apex or siege

the amount of dumb shit i pulled to impress internet roleplay bros honestly disgusts me when i look back on it
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Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016

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