Serious [Review] Art of The Week

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
im not even gonna post this week this shit too good
ought to be multiple winners occasionally otherwise it's just going to go to whoever pulls out blender or maya
[doublepost=1611634635][/doublepost]anyway this week I figured I'd try making a basic scene without using 200+ props

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Oct 21, 2016

Fyi, there's no Combine horse model. Had to manually Photoshop half of the horse in. It looks /realistic/ with a blur and when you don't zoom in. Made with SFM as usual.

I'm going to fix some aspects of this tomorrow e.g the flying xen things and maybe add more to the foreground.

and that rock looks out of place, don't know if I like it

Plugging the thread if you're interested in what inspired the whole artwork.’s-second-self.53822/#post-1241085
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Visual Powerhouse
Apr 26, 2016
AOTW 5 of 52, 2021
Wow! What a week for submissions, I had not realised there were so many.
Sorry this is late so lets get on with it


Richard Smith, Lithograph on papers and 4 metal paperclips (1978)

What a great picture. What I like the most about it is the natural and believable environment with the lighting that is blended so well together. It doesn't have any complex scene building on top of it and is just a raw landscape that I honestly haven't seen so well done as this before. While also including a loose narrative of these former soldiers left to die out there, I think some continuation or more fleshed out narrative in mind could elevate it: otherwise as just a picture, it's brilliant.

Theatrical is a good word to use here I think, it's a well composed image and the lighting is that of maybe a comic strip. If we wanted to elevate this image a little; I personally would've put an effort into making that glowing sign above more prominent: i.e. could have an extra light or lamp hidden to give a glow to the edge of characters that are otherwise in shadows anyways - maybe even of the car. It's a huge part of the picture (even if it isn't the focus) and I think that glow could've added that extra bit of atmosphere. Great pose and structure as well :^)

I do love me a bit of signage, and this is done pretty well - I like the layering and texture of the board the sign is on but I think there are a few ways to improve this: firstly, I'd either shorten the sign width-wise or twist it on it's side so it's taller vertically as the empty space around the whole thing is kind of un needed (unless it was a flag). Second, I'd make that text bigger and maybe even make it a brighter colour... say if it matched the color of the skul, it could have a thin black outline to help it stick out? It would suit the skull a bit more too. Some great ground works here tho

Alotta skeletons this week - this is good, looks very loading screen esque with the slightly slanted camera angle and use of bright light. The scene is built up enough to know we're in the home of a family that's no longer knocking about for xyz - personally I assumed the big flash is a bomb but that's just a (game) theory. I have not got much to add onto this, this is a good pose bruda.

I'm liking the wide angle, and sometimes less is more as what you're going for but I believe you gotta capitalise on what is there if that is the case. For example, the car lights are a great touch and you're making something out of that car. Now the campfire, I know it's smoldering and in embers but think of the character that could've been added if there was a glow reaching to the top of the boulders behind it or lighting up some of the car. Maybe you could add in some guys sneaking up behind the car too. Could have had a very DayZ energy to this screenshot

This is hella cool and looks great. I love the way the Americas is on the combine symbol too that's a great touch. The details on the jackets, masks, backpack - superb. As a simple concept piece: that horse is as good as or even better than what's already out there for combine horseback. Would be awesome to see a full body concept of the kind of robe that the one on horseback is wearing. Fabulous work.

Highlights of the week go to @Viper and @Dicknose,
for their skeleton escapades



Adios amigos
Sorry this was late again
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Visual Powerhouse
Apr 26, 2016
UH did I make an oopsie at 5am?


Not my image, didn't make it and don't know how that got here lol

here is my image v

Oops, the picture did not load for me so I just went on thread and assumed it was the red one as that's the only one that showed for me at the time... sorry!

Got a good tone on the lighting at the front of the image but I think it could probably be brighter going further forwards into the fog - the only thing that I think throws it off is the narrow sun/moonlight coming in which looks like it should be bighting things up more than it actually is. The scene itself is pretty cool, horse is super well done! Would be nice to see more focus or light on the skull and revolver but that's just a personal take. Lastly, the ships or whatever in the distance are a bit too blurry to quite make out. Maybe if they were soaring at an angle going to the right so we could see the full body it would look more menacing.
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Deleted member 5162


The IRA has had enough of the combine occupation.

my guy about to witness his RPG round do jackshit because the arming distance is 50 meters not 20

a very good scenebuild and especially the lighting, though the resolution I think, is a bit small.
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Jan 23, 2021
my guy about to witness his RPG round do jackshit because the arming distance is 50 meters not 20

a very good scenebuild and especially the lighting, though the resolution I think, is a bit small.

I render it in 4k, then downscale to 1080p to fake anti-aliasing. though this one didn't produce a good result because I forgot to run poster_aa as well.

my previous artwork I posted here is a good example of how it fakes anti-aliasing when poster_aa is turned on.
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Visual Powerhouse
Apr 26, 2016
AOTW 6 of 52, 2021

The angle is superb, I like the selection of what's on show and how everything has a reaction to an action going on elsewhere. Lighting is great too, though maybe the shield the soldier is carrying is a bit too bright imo and could use a little less contrast to match the warm surrounding. If I coulda add anything myself; in post I woulda considered adding some ricochets to the APC - not giant ones but like, subtle. Gives off a larger action vibe. Great work Viper

Till next time folks
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Deleted member 5162


inspired by ANTIQUITY poster
made an event poster for another server
waiting for the event guy's name input

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