robbie rotten's actor isn't doing well

Sep 13, 2016
And I was distraught when we lost David Bowie, the man who was a legendary musician who also contributed to the world by spreading positivity.

However, you know who I don't care about? Some random dude on the street who got bum-fucked by life on the other side of the world. It's unfortunate, true. But can I do something about it? No. Has his death somehow influenced me or anyone around me? No. So why should I care?

For the record, by "Don't care" I don't mean I'm indifferent to the unfairness of life, I'm saying that you won't find me crying or sobbing for a death of a complete stranger.

If this concept is that hard for you to grasp, perhaps go back to watching that Sonic of yours.
I wasn't even talking about Karl then. You dismissed 2/3 of my post. Imagine you wouldn't know him, as you don't know the victims of wars, and tell me if you'd grieve over them or him.

At this point, if anyone wishes to go on arguing, read what I had to say and send me a PM, this has gone off topic long enough.

this is why lithuania is a second world country, lack of compassion for the less fortunate

Sep 13, 2016
Coming from a guy whose country elected a bigot and a racist into the whitehouse who, surprise, doesn't have a sense of compassion for anyone not of a white colour.

i got pulled over for speeding as a minority in los angeles a few weeks back and didn't get shot so it's clearly very situational.
Jun 3, 2017
i got pulled over for speeding as a minority in los angeles a few weeks back and didn't get shot so it's clearly very situational.
Wow, very lucky indeed.

I love how everyone opposing me is agreeing(Based on how you rate) with Blackquill, but that's exactly what I've been saying from the start. We're not composition less bastards, it's just unless we can bring change or help, we don't let ourselves be stopped in our tracks from going forward by a death of a stranger.

Literally no one tried to go against most of my arguments, instead you all repeat the same thing Warwick or Blackquill says in different words(Or you shitpost as did Dreamer). Seriously, you want to discuss this, actually come up with counter arguments, refute mine, or it's a waste of time.

Rate me dumb all day long, unless you can come out and support your own opinion, you're pretty spineless.
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Apr 27, 2016
I wasn't even talking about Karl then. You dismissed 2/3 of my post. Imagine you wouldn't know him, as you don't know the victims of wars, and tell me if you'd grieve over them or him.

At this point, if anyone wishes to go on arguing, read what I had to say and send me a PM, this has gone off topic long enough.
no, youre trying to say Stefan wasnt known without the meme and as such people wouldnt feel any sympathy toward him if it was announced he had cancer when in reality he actually was known, and stop bring up all this shit about "you dont care about war victims and dying people" as its fucking ridiculous and makes you sound even stupider than you probably are
Jun 3, 2017
no, youre trying to say Stefan wasnt known without the meme and as such people wouldnt feel any sympathy toward him if it was announced he had cancer when in reality he actually was known, and stop bring up all this shit about "you dont care about war victims and dying people" as its fucking ridiculous and makes you sound even stupider than you probably are

I quote: "Nobody would've cared about him if he wasn't made into a meme."

Let's put up definitions so there's no more twisting going on:
>>Nobody- Who are those nobody? The people who, without the meme, otherwise wouldn't have known of Rotten Robbie, or rather Karl.
>> Care- To care would mean(in this context) to provide concern beyond sympathy, also known as to grieve or feel great sorrow.

Back to what you were saying:
1)Let me quickly refute what you've just accused me of: Since when have I said he wouldn't be known at all? I've kept on saying that those who hadn't known him prior to the meme wouldn't care as much as those who did. That's the problem of this discussion, you're making it out as if I'm shitting on dying Karl, when in reality I'm talking about sympathy vs grieving towards a single human death when it holds no relevance to you or those around you.

Moreover, how does "you don't care about dying people" makes me stupid? Do you ever care about those who died in hellholes besides the times when you hear about it from the news? Do you really mate? Sympathise, sure we all do. But do we care?

And to prove my point that you can't fucking read apparently, I asked politely to continue this topic in PMs, as not to go off topic even more here. I'm not afraid of public opinion, hell we can start a separate thread, as long as we don't post here.
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