shitpost thread - fuck blackquill


Dec 30, 2016

if this post gets at least 10 bad idea ratings within 24 hours i will request for it to be deleted
if it does not, i will vore @Powley


community bear
Jan 15, 2018
Context pls bro
Overpriced skins?
The Makoa plushie skin from Paladins, for example right. A normal skin you'd just buy it for like a few quid and be done right, but no these :heyzeus: hit us with a clean chest with 50 items in it, with one of the items being the plushie makoa skin. So if you want this thing you need to open this chest up to 50 times, probably more if you can get dupes (it's been a while since i played, don't remember perfectly) to get this single skin, and that being the /only/ way to get it. The same thing was in Smite I remember, with certain skins being exclusive to chests. The panda Odin, for example. So in getting a skin, you can be spending probably hundreds of pounds rather than a few quid for a skin that you want

RIP @AdamGarrick who spent about a million quid on smite

Making false promises?
Advertised a one million dollar prize pool for a tournament a while back, turned out it was about 315,000 dollars or somewhere along that. It was just marketing because one million sounds really cool, I imagine.

Abandoning your fanbase?

Biggest one for me. Hi-Rez have a habit of completely bumming their fanbase for money, if you look at their attitude towards them over the years.
The most recent example being when Paladins began dying (A game released at the peak of Overwatch's hype, and despite it being developed before Overwatch they literally released it before it was finished to join the hype train), and only recently has it started "Dying" mostly because of a complete buttfuck awful update, which encouraged a P2W approach to the game, essentially forcing players to have certain cards to do well. Think of it like League, or Smite, but you have to pay for certain items with a paid for currency before you can buy it in matches. It's shit.

This was their first part in milking the fans dry before abandoning them, which happened lately when they literally turned the game into a more recent and current genre, battle royale - Instead of the once popular genre it had PREVIOUSLY jumped on, hero shooters.

In short, Hi-Rez are more interested in grabbing their money from the current popular genre than actually keeping fans happy. Mostly by a system of: Releasing a game in the peak of that genres hype, keeping it going for a few years - providing its still popular, release skins and other cosmetic items, and when the game comes to its end milk them as hard as u can of all cash before turning to a new genre
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
Hi-Rez are more interested in grabbing their money from the current popular genre than actually fans happy
you just described how the modern triple-a video-game industry works in one sentence

thank the lord for cd projekt red
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community bear
Jan 15, 2018
you just described how the modern triple-a video-game industry works in one sentence

thank the lord for cd projekt red
oh shit pubg's doing pretty good
oh dang look at this f o r t n i t e game


hello everybody. you know here at hirez, we're all about making the games fun. introducing:

paladins 2: the battle royale game

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