Serious Stasiland reflections


she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
@afric handled the insurgents and intelligence
@Angel handled the honeypot op
I handled the vehicles and occasionally shot people up, even had a stolen patrol car and used it.
@kifer patched everyone up and occasionally shot people up
@Danny oversaw everyone

NJSOC was ran like a tight ship and it worked well, until inactivity claimed most of us and @Numbers killed half his own side to prove he was "really" on ours.
I thought there might be some friction initially because as far as I can think, none of us actually played together in a faction/group on any server with each other, or at least not anything big, but it turned out pretty well tbh


Sep 11, 2016
I didn't play much, but I wasn't a fan of the gamemode in general as it wasn't my taste. I think the main issue stemmed from the coinciding release of HLA and WW3RP. It was a bad time to release WW3RP and when HLA released and HL2RP's numbers shot up, the WW3RP server couldn't compete.

I also think the community's gotten so use to just one server between us all, that the new server felt strange and somewhat intimidating.

Plus, I don't think it was what people wanted. The server may have fared better with a different map or if it was released around October when HL2RP was stalling, but head staff don't have a crystal ball and I still think roose did a hell of a job.
you applied for stasi, got accepted, and never once hopped on your character

why lmao

echs dee

Feb 6, 2019
fun break from hl2
me and my homie @Jacksquare stayed togheter till the end.
numbers almost destroyed the entire insurgency
only survived cause i got bored

man i wish it still was here
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And whole beasts of nations desire power
Apr 26, 2016
you applied for stasi, got accepted, and never once hopped on your character

why lmao
90% of the people that say 'feel like pure shit just want Stasi back' are the same people that gave up on it within its first month of launch

pretty easy to spot them, anyone who committed to the server can see them.


May 9, 2016

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smol man rollenspieler
Jul 13, 2017
i wrote a full response but it somehow fucked itself i lost it so ill just answer this funny thing

I told one of my field operatives to infiltrate the clinic and get information from one of the women working there. They did just that, however, they ended up building a rapport with the wrong clinician. They ended up seducing the wrong woman and they straight up ended up with a "surprise" in the "sack". The amount of shame my operatives were willing to put themselves through in order to preserve order in the German Democratic Republic only reflects the amount of patriotism they have for the socialist cause.
Who is this operative and how do I get pics of her????
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May 9, 2016
like i said on the thread about the dying hl2 server

if you gave everyone access to spawn radio and let ppl play some tunes
it wouldn't of died


smol man rollenspieler
Jul 13, 2017
like i said on the thread about the dying hl2 server

if you gave everyone access to spawn radio and let ppl play some tunes
it wouldn't of died
people were allowed to

i had a 15 min long mp3 for radio inside the soviet base with era music and eastern german radio transmissions

stop being a retard ffs


Aug 1, 2016
Sorry for the late response
What were the moments of action like? Were they disruptive? Random? Did they spark more passive roleplay? Were they bloodthirsty?

Action was much more sporadic than previous iterations. In past versions you would guarantee that you when you went out on patrol, you were going to encounter the opposite faction and engage in S2K. Patrols were a lot more meaningful with no direct task of finding enemies and gunning them down for that score. I think they were disruptive in a good sense. Action was a lot more impactful and unpredictable in the same light you would expect real skirmishes to be disruptive to everyday life, or in our case passive rp. It did definitely stimulate passive roleplay, whether that was on the battlefield or afterwards. At the time and even now, I compare it a lot to past versions and there I noticed a lot more passive roleplay, even whilst being showered with bullets. Due to the server having such a small yet dedicated population, it was very likely that RP was more meaningful and more frequent whilst engaging in a skirmish.

I can't remember detailed examples of this, but there was a significantly lot more communication in game as opposed to teamspeak or discord, something that I've always preferred because 1. It is serious RP not CS GO and 2. Because my internet and computer used to be so bad in the days of the old WW3RP that my game would crash if I had anything open other than GMod. Off topic, I remember in the old WW3RP I was using a laptop and it's touchpad to play the game for quite a while, most of the time on the snowy Korea map. The amount of times I had to say "void misclick" or "my dog jumped up on me" because I was playing with a laptop touchpad still gives me nightmares.

MedRP was a lot more detailed as opposed to just slapping a wet paper towel on and joining the next patrol. I would even go as far as to say MedRP was an enjoyable part of playing on the server, something which I never thought I would say. There was definitely a lot more passive rp during patrols like building IC friendships, etc. Me and @Rondal would go out often in a stasi car and talk a lot IC, something which you wouldn't really expect on patrols. The biggest pain about this though was trying to drive whilst typing. If I wasn't driving, I would talk more IC just to get the other person to struggle typing and driving and eventually/usually causing us to crash

Did the experience evolve over the year before it ended? Did the pandemic have an impact? Should anything have been handled differently in hindsight?

I only joined when the pandemic was in full force, late March/early April I think. During the time that I spent on the server, things definitely changed, mostly for the better. I think changing Stasi from an administrative entity to the NVA, a more armed and able faction as well as a clandestine Stasi was a great decision. Although hindsight is a wonderful thing, to counter this, merging the SAF and NVA was absolutely a mistake by the community, something which I was skeptical about before it happened. ICly, it didn't make a lot of sense and it was very noticeable that after this change occured it was extremely rare to see NVA mains come on. I remember resigning from NCO in SAF to help keep the NVA afloat but it just wasn't enjoyable having the factions merged and no others NVA around so I mostly played my civ character and eventually rejoined the Soviets, the faction which I believe improved the most over the time that I was on the server, given how painful it was to take a patrol out when I first joined the faction. The faults of past versions were very much still present in Soviet patrols, including unnecessary sprinting around, completely ignoring your NCO whilst on patrol and just doing what you wanted basically.

RP definitely stagnated on the final map. It wasn't a great map but you can't fault the staff for trying after being pestered to change this, go to this map or that one, only to be shut down when they did it. I pushed for introducing NATO, expecting it to help the playerbase issues but if anything it was the final nail in the coffin.

The pandemic did have a noticeable impact. As most have mentioned above, abandoning the routine of work/school, no longer booting the server up at 5pm but whenever you felt like it really butchered the regularity in playerbase activity. Although I joined when the pandemic started, I think for most people who stay up to early hours in the morning and stay in bed until the afternoon, it hindered the playerbase.

Were there any long term storylines? What was fun about the server, and do any particular highlights come to mind?

Most people that did commit to the server will agree that it was more roleplay rich than other severs. When it did have a good number of people on, it was probably one of the best servers I have played. It's biggest fault was how niche it was. Not a lot of people think to themselves "Oh, you know what? What could be more thrilling than jumping on a 16 year old, declining game to roleplay in an alternative timeline based in communist Germany?". Not many. To those that did think like that, most enjoyed it, but it just wasn't sustainable to last longer than it did. I think the days of creating whatever server you want on GMod are long gone. You have to appeal to a large audience. If there is ever another WW3RP, whether in the unlikely event it is in this community, or more possibly another, I think it would have to be your classic "red vs blue" to attract enough people.

There were definitely a lot of long term storylines. @Mesa and his doings were the hub of a lot of RP I was part of, both as my NVA char and my journalist. The firemen were great to RP with as well, particularly gunning most of them down whilst building an NVA FOB, because communist war crimes are fun.

Most memorable moments have already been stated above but there were definitely a plethora of great times, particularly when enough people were on.

In hindsight one of my greatest regrets was not creating as much RP as I could of and I think this was a common problem for a lot of the server. I think the main cause for this was that the server and it's backstory was so niche and particular that people, myself included, didn't have the absolute understanding of what RP to create on a regular basis for others to enjoy. Others did though, so maybe that is an easy excuse. I was happy with my contribution to the server with my journalist character though. I think that was worthwhile, but I doubt I could have maintained that if the server remained, as it can become dull writing articles, dull for others to read, and work takes up a lot of the free time I had.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
A huge problem was the decision to split the STASI/SAF to begin with.

Having the NVA (which consisted of the Stasi, NVA troops [as auxiliaries], civilian agents and D9) serve as a secondary antagonist faction just meant it and the SAF were constantly fighting over the few players who were active.
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Aug 1, 2016
A huge problem was the decision to split the STASI/SAF to begin with.

Having the NVA (which consisted of the Stasi, NVA troops [as auxiliaries], civilian agents and D9) serve as a secondary antagonist faction just meant it and the SAF were constantly fighting over the few players who were active.
Didn't think of this but it's definitely right. The server didn't have anywhere near enough people to have two fully functional, opposing factions, never mind the stasi and other sub factions. Although I enjoyed having NVA and SAF chars, it didn't help with activity and the NVA had massive activity issues throughout


Aug 1, 2016
Also forgot to add that one of the most memorable moments was being on the server for 14hrs, 6+ kills, the proudest moment of my life, only for @swexs to blow up a truck and kill me during an S2K mini event of sorts. I think he was no clipping and felt the need to literally add fuel to the fire.

I immediately left the server and questioned how I could ever get 14hrs of my life back
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
Fuck me this opens some wounds man, I miss Stasiland. And I wish for damn I would've done more to keep it going.

What were the moments of action like? Were they disruptive? Random? Did they spark more passive roleplay? Were they bloodthirsty?

I think the moments of action at least in the Soviet side that the moments between the action did spark passive roleplay and character development due to the morality of fighting an Insurgency and it being a Western first-world Country.
Moments of action always gave me that rush, made me immersed in the world for that tiny bit.

Did the experience evolve over the year before it ended? Did the pandemic have an impact? Should anything have been handled differently in hindsight?

Definitely. I believe that the CivRP was just at the tipping point of the hill from what we were working behind the scenes with Roosebud.
Even though I blame myself partly for not trying to do more for the community and the RP. I still am glad that I did something, with the Mayor, Brodenstein. Red Cross.. All that conflict and politics and RP. And honestly, If we had a government alongside Stasi. This server would be still alive today. It was truly something unique. And I wish it returned tomorrow.
Pandemic was. .very shaky time for everyone as it was only a month or two after the server launched. Alongside HL: Alyx and such, I think it has some impact.

On hindsight. I don't know honestly what Roosebud could've done differently. He did and picked the people from his perspective that were the right ones for the jobs of leading factions. But I believe that a lot of great Roleplayers, and leaders and people who truly cared about the community, the RP and the world showed themselves. And I hope for the future if Roosebud ever decides to continue this. He'll contact some breath of fresh air onto the team.
But yea, honestly. I don't know, I guess there should've been more transparency between the factions within them and between staff. Some of the major Factions, unfortunately, didn't have a leader for most of the time OOC or IC which really hurt the RP all around D:

Were there any long term storylines? What was fun about the server, and do any particular highlights come to mind?

Red Cross, and the Fire Brigade definitely. And the Moral debate between the Federalists and the Red Cross. Those were some truly fire RP.
I don't know if I can ever thank enough for the people who joined and took part in all the RP between these two factions.. or groups, organizations? I can 100% speak for @Northgate here that it means the world and it was a blast all the way through.
And through all of the faults and hiccups. Stasiland, was some of the best RP, best world, and best community that I took part in.
And just thinking about Stasiland and the time we had on there, the good, the bad, the ugly. It makes my heart sink, to think that we'll never be able to rekindle such passion ever again.
Was it from @Poopship McGee Fischer.
Or @Ceb Wilhelm Knut
@Northgate 's Fire Brigade and Patrick Majerus.
Honestly, every single character the ones that I didn't even list here will forever be memorized in my heart and mind.

And hey, this might be just a last bit optimistic thought. But see you all in Stasiland II. It's only been what, soon half a year?
[doublepost=1611678150][/doublepost]Except you @mert
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