Accepted The cabal has forced our hand - Galunga Application of the Asimos

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May 18, 2016
The hivemind trapped within the calcium cradle known as this being's skull provides you with many greetings on this splendid evening. Certain events have been perceived by us in recent times, and it seems that our splendid isolationism has been disturbed. To this end it is a necessity that we return to this realm to provide you, dear visitor, with the answers you clearly seek.

We will keep this section short, for time is ever fleeting and we are certain you are not sufficiently prepared for the aspirin intake required for the alternative 5 page essay.

It saddens us that our deep immersion into the character known as the Popper has been broken through the machinations of a certain overzealous usurper. For it has taken a long time to truly craft the essence of a never-present apperator dwelling within the fabric of the half-life squared roleplay server. Now our minds require to once again come to the forefront to undo the significant damage inflicted. The new master cracks down into their domain, splintering the carefully woven threads... Their name may shine green, their form may be of kin, they may weave a false narrative within the vortessence to give themselves a seat within the choir... but we know that when we offered to share with them the depths of our minds, we only found a snake's fangs to be thrust into our backs.

Know that even if our exile from these realms is upheld, we will not vanish, for it is our nature to be absent. The Popper will remain within the folds of our mind as the wheels of time tick ever onwards as we await the moment to manifest ourselves once more.
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May 18, 2016
Steam name: Furret No Furry Asimo
Steam ID:
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
My undiagnosed schizophrenia is all that I need. (A little)
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?

Man, my head is so fucked up from reading both the extended vortlore form WN and Neb over the years I don't fucking know what's what anymore. Apparently vorts have a cloaca so do with that information what you want. Also there's no lungs. There's just tubes. Kinda like a fish. I have a credible source OK?

Character Name:
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species? +
Brief Backstory

Make sure to read the old post, it is the same character after all.

The human means to say that by translocating this tubular object across the paper, we are able to record the knowledge we wish to grant upon you in a more permanent matter? Easily shared between your kin? Truly human... This implement may mirror our bonds within the vortessence to a degree... but far cruder...

Allow us to commence the narration... To convey what and who we are by means of this white sheet is a task that goes beyond our means. Allow us to instead extend the given moniker to this form; The Popper. We have walked between the dimensions for many cycles, often in chain, sometimes without. The principle of our existence has formed around the everflowing streams of energy passing through the realms in which we roam. These winds provide us with the clearest path of all; a path without interference. The winds carry our form without reason, without seeming purpose. It brings us places of joy, places of grief and all other possible destinations. It is not something we expect our kin to understand. But whenever the winds guidance deposits our form near a congregation of the kin, it may hold meaning. As such, we fall in line until the time comes where the winds once more see fit to carry us adrift.

So it comes that our form often appears and dissapears from a certain location for an outside observer. Some may call it fleeing, some may call it recklessness and yet another may define our ways as deranged... But we expect not them to understand. In times past we toiled without end, holed oureslves up, hidden within the darkness. When time came to emerge we made battle within the desert. Those days we were bound by chains, then bound by fear, and then bound by combat. Now we are free. There is no thing that binds us. There exist no restrictions in our mind and body. We have found our liberty.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
Anyone who is not hostile or tries to bind me down with responsibility will be considered neutral. Of course, as a Vortigaunt they will always hold a certain preference towards their Kin. Even if they cannot grasp the philosophy of the winds, they still share a bond through the vortessence.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
Maybe some extremely vague mystic wind stuff on the same level as your typical weather stone. Can be completely random. Besides that I want the one time ability to summon "The Gift from Azov" back... I am emotionally attached to that item...
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
God damnit Asimo.

As you've been popping up even after you were removed for inactivity. Nobody has complained about your roleplay or your character.
So I've decide that you will be Accepted on trial.
If your activity doesn't improve at the end of December, I will need to let you go to make room for other people.
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