The Current State of Civil Protection: A Critique

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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016

can we talk about shit that matters instead of something that happened 2 months ago x
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
I'm seeing a lot of IC issues being taken OOC and a lot of good old historical revisionism
Not sure how can @'77 East claim to have been threatened when it was him himself threatening the cops lol
Councillor Darius Estrada says "Thought crime *aside*, there is the real crime of puncturing our negotiations with a bullet. It is *exceedingly* lucky that the insurgents were too inept to notice where it came from."
C39:RL.DEFENDER-3 says "<:: If you provide me with actionable evi-- Do you know who fired the shot? ::>"
C39:RL.DEFENDER-3 says "<:: Because we do not. ::>"
C39:RL.DEFENDER-3 says "<:: I am very eager to hear. ::>"
C16:RL.DEFENDER-6 says "<:: You speak like you have information Darius. ::>"
Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Hey, hey."
C16:RL.DEFENDER-6 says "<:: Something to share with the rest of the room perhaps? ::>"
Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Ease up, Estrada. We're already confident it wasn't them."
C39:RL.DEFENDER-3 says "<:: This is a very serious accusation to put forward, with nothing of value to reinforce it. ::>"
Councillor Darius Estrada says "Oh, I'm quite confident we'll have our man in due time. I *suggest* you listen to your orders in the meanwhile."
C16:RL.DEFENDER-6 says "<:: Here I thought the threats would stop. ::>"
C16:RL.DEFENDER-6 says "<:: Guess not. ::>"
C93:RL.DEFENDER-1 says "<:: Are you privy to information about the shot that we aren't? If you want us to handle it, you need to offer information over rather than your threatening comments. ::>"
*** Councillor Katerina Kuskova turns back to the trio with a wince, waving her palms about.
C16:RL.DEFENDER-6 says "<:: Guess you have a leadership problem yourself Katerina. ::>"
C93:RL.DEFENDER-1 says "<:: Perhaps you should let your more level headed partner do the talking. ::>"
Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Guys, guys - *no orders*."
Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "We'll talk about this on the way back, Estrada."
Nov 27, 2022
The OSC segment was part of a greater effort to conceptualize an issue in mentality afflicted by the unwillingness to adapt to novel ideas owing to an idea of how things ought to be done derived from experiences in previous, conceptually different, iterations. I believe furthering this discourse based solely on experiences in Geneva is negatively impacting this discussion. The entirety of the OP should be accounted for as opposed to one aspect meant as a supplement to the overarching argument.
May 18, 2016
I'm seeing a lot of IC issues being taken OOC and a lot of good old historical revisionism
Not sure how can @'77 East claim to have been threatened when it was him himself threatening the cops lol

to be fair it did turn out that one of your RLs was guilty in that instance and you did end up avoiding the question in several attempts to give us the tagline of the RL responsible

not related to the larger point or the current argument, just saying that CPs did take action against OSC and were absolutely not victims in any way
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Don't care about the rest but let me point this out.

If it was good enough for being the only thing able to remove Pumpkin, it's good enough for the next line of clowns.

Took way longer to remove him because these kinds of mobbings and public shamings feel more like a way to remove people you don't like personally rather than someone who is legit a problem for the community.

Sure it worked, when after enough time it became more obvious it wasn't a case of wanting to remove and isolate someone from the community but a real issue with evidence. Would've taken way less if it was properly presented and it didn't look like a witch hunt.

And yeah, you're a bit too tense right now, issue has to be addressed seriously doesn't mean you can label people or have an attitude because that will net you nothing. I honestly want to believe these things happen out of tiredness of unresolved situations and not malice, but it doesn't change the fact that all of this is but a waste of time when it can be done way more efficiently.

To put you into perspective, instead of threatening people to post logs, actually post them to use them (to point out failures accordingly, not to throw shade, of course). You're not forced to make this private, because putting it out for the public to see obviously helps for transparency, but if you do make it public, help your case by being proper and making your discourse efficient and good willed.

The dismissive reactions of people who half-read my OP in the RL discord chat are telling. The best that comes of whispers is a half-solution half-addressing the problem thanks to a lack of public accountability.

Yes and no - While some things have to be presented publicly as a way of protest when private conversations don't work, getting overly personal kills the purpose. If it was me I'd start shifting responsibilities but only if things are done wrong, not merely because a sector of the community thinks it's being done wrong. If so I'd take my time to investigate and reach a conclusion, for which purpose having private threads or such containing more information and fact than bashing would help a lot for ease of access and impartiality.

That is, if anyone was making sure to dish out active correction for people who intentionally jeopardize the server or abuse their freedom/authority.

TLDR; if anybody seeking to solve this situation and potentially dish out correction towards the guilty parties has to go through this mess of a back and forth where no actual evidence is posted, nothing will happen and it will just look like you don't like each other and that's it. By all means make it public, but post fact with evidence, not opinionated claims, and be fair and square about it instead of getting personal.

You are all wasting time by bashing each other, there are 5 pages here that could be summarised in one. Up to you with what you guys do, and I only quoted you guys because you seem more capable to reason around this, I don't have an issue with this as long as you keep it proper and respectful, I'm only saying this for your own self benefit.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
how can @'77 East claim to have been threatened when it was him himself threatening the cops lol
historical revisionism

Hahahaha, nice to see you're doing what you project on me.
Where's the previous eighteen minutes of that conversation, coward.

(11:40:16) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: If you let them wander free, every single of those generators will be gone within four days, with no suspects to name. ::>"
(11:40:52) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "You're right about that. I appreciate your emphasis on security."
(11:41:01) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Which is why I think you'll appreciate this -"
(11:41:34) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "It should be noted that everything discussed regarging our overarching strategy with the blockade - it stays in this room. If it trickles down to your ranks, and the resistance attains chinese whispers of it -"
(11:41:47) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova raises a hand to the elite soldier in the room.
(11:42:04) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova doesn't say any more.
(11:42:22) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "-If it stays between the Rank Leaders, everything'll go smoothly, alright?"
(11:42:47) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Why is it every meeting we have with the SA they always jime in threats at the end? ::>"
(11:42:50) *** [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] cants their head to briefly glance at the Transhuman. "<:: On our side, yes. I expect disturbances to stem from the enemy. ::>" they reply.
(11:43:59) Councillor Darius Estrada says "Because this is *serious*, this ceasefire exists to our potential -- and squandering it through lax security standards only screws us *all* over."
(11:44:08) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Jesus, I mean - what do you expect? This is standard procedure. We trust you to keep your shit in check, but we'd rather you knew what would happen if something went tits-up."
(11:44:14) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "What he said."
(11:44:16) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "This is bigger than you."
(11:44:43) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "When a couple of loose lips can sink a blockading city, we can't afford to take any chances."
(11:44:46) *** [A new-era CP standing at a relatively...] laughs.
(11:44:48) [LOOC] Councillor Katerina Kuskova: blockaded*
(11:44:57) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "That's all - we're not here to swing anything."
(11:45:07) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I believe the complaint of my colleague stemmed from the fact you just attempted to threaten him. ::>"
(11:45:08) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "We know you'll act in the best interests of our foothold here."
(11:45:17) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Oh, not him."
(11:45:37) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Heads would just have to roll with the perpertators of the leaks."
(11:45:55) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "We don't really deal in purging entire command structures."
(11:45:58) RedMan has disconnected from the server.
(11:45:58) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "It's stupid."
(11:46:18) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "And we'd rather not, in the first place."
(11:47:06) [Typical Civil Protection unit wearing...] says "<:: Considering we're under siege and have been taking the brunt of it, it would be. Regardless, you can be assured that the three of us aren't going to go around telling everyone. ::>"
(11:47:59) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Thanks. And I can assure you this, we're *not* bringing the big boys over, the second something goes wrong on that end. We'll confer with you first and foremost about issues relating to your end of the garrison."
(11:48:36) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Speaking of which- two things."
(11:48:53) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "One - someone fired a shot during the meeting. A Vortigaunt died. Was it someone from your end?"
(11:49:31) *** [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] shrugs their shoulders. "<:: I heard the shot, but I was on the ground. ::>" they reply.
(11:49:43) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: A lot of units heard the shot. ::>"
(11:49:47) [Typical Civil Protection unit wearing...] says "<:: I was speaking with H-0 and V-3 when the shot went off. ::>"
(11:50:06) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Alright. Safe to say it happened on the opposite end of the bridge."
(11:50:22) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Okay, two -"
(11:51:08) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Some of your people don't have the *greatest* of feelings about this. And they'll continue to be unhappy with it for as long as we keep the big picture from them."
(11:51:25) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Does this surprise you? ::>"
(11:51:29) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Some of us have been fighting though four different war zones. ::>"
(11:51:30) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Not really, no."
(11:51:34) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: And you're expecting us to just. ::>"
(11:51:35) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: They were shot at, in the streets, on a daily basis. ::>"
(11:51:37) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Lay everything down. ::>"
(11:51:40) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I, myself, expect this to continue. ::>"
(11:51:41) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Hey, hey. Relax."
(11:51:46) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: For a treaty that will inevitability fail. ::>"
(11:51:46) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Nobody said we're expecting anything."
(11:52:09) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: I am curious which among the council was the first to suggest this. ::>"
(11:52:20) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: You will not find support among those who actually fought in the war. ::>"
(11:52:44) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: All among the force supporting it... Paid actors, if I were to state my opinion. ::>"
(11:52:46) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: As if punishment is to be dealt on us for what you've described I think it's only fair for heads to roll when this entire thing collapses like a stack of cards. ::>"
(11:52:56) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Wouldn't you say? ::>"
(11:53:25) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "You want to deal with us without *threats*, when this is the welcome mat you roll out?"
(11:53:40) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "For people who've just saved you from starvation and the complete depletion of your arsenal by the weekend?"
(11:53:45) Councillor Albert Reed radios on ca: "I will begin investigating the incident soon, particulary to find who was involved. I'll try to use the rapport I had established with some officers to get them to divulge information."
(11:53:46) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Hey, I didn't pull this card first. ::>"
(11:54:18) Councillor Albert Reed radios on ca: "Please do not hesitate to aid me in this, I know you're meeting with them right now. I'd tell you to try and paint me in a picture that makes me seem sympathetic to their cause, or something along those lines."
(11:54:25) Head Councillor Mearsheimer radios on ca: "They're tricky. Don't let them scapegoat an innocent."
(11:54:40) Councillor Albert Reed radios on ca: "Of course."
(11:55:28) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "No, but this is the *last* time *anyone* is pulling out this card. You're soldiers. Part of that is upholding your orders. Maybe you've forgotten that somewhere among the second-or-third wasteland you've been through, but you're back in the cities now. Your men need to understand this."
(11:55:52) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I'm asking you earnestly to take disciplinary action on any insubordinate attitudes regarding this treaty."
(11:56:37) Mr.Pie-row has connected to the server.
(11:56:43) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Factual instigators will be dealt with. I will not police the thought crime of... Being hostile to the enemy. ::>"
(11:56:47) *** [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] glares his head to the unit to his right, then to his left, before locking that emotionless masked visage back onto the council women.
(11:57:10) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Being hostile to Councillors over it is a different matter entirely though, wouldn't you say?"
(11:57:36) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I recall no hostility towards the Council. ::>"
(11:57:48) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I recall one. Can I trust you to deal with it?"

(11:58:06) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "It'd be a good opportunity to make a quick example of it."

Then, we get into the log you posted.

(11:58:12) Councillor Darius Estrada says "Thought crime *aside*, there is the real crime of puncturing our negotiations with a bullet. It is *exceedingly* lucky that the insurgents were too inept to notice where it came from."
(11:58:30) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: If you provide me with actionable evi-- Do you know who fired the shot? ::>"
(11:58:34) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Because we do not. ::>"
(11:58:38) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I am very eager to hear. ::>"
(11:58:45) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: You speak like you have information Darius. ::>"
(11:58:49) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Hey, hey."
(11:58:50) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Something to share with the rest of the room perhaps? ::>"
(11:59:10) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Ease up, Estrada. We're already confident it wasn't them."
(11:59:37) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: This is a very serious accusation to put forward, with nothing of value to reinforce it. ::>"
(11:59:39) Councillor Darius Estrada says "Oh, I'm quite confident we'll have our man in due time. I *suggest* you listen to your orders in the meanwhile."
(11:59:53) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Here I thought the threats would stop. ::>"
(11:59:54) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Guess not. ::>"
(11:59:56) [Typical Civil Protection unit wearing...] says "<:: Are you privy to information about the shot that we aren't? If you want us to handle it, you need to offer information over rather than your threatening comments. ::>"
(12:00:02) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova turns back to the trio with a wince, waving her palms about.
(12:00:06) FieldersNL has disconnected from the server.
(12:00:07) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Guess you have a leadership problem yourself Katerina. ::>"
(12:00:08) [Typical Civil Protection unit wearing...] says "<:: Perhaps you should let your more level headed partner do the talking. ::>"
(12:00:11) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Guys, guys - *no orders*."
(12:00:23) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "We'll talk about this on the way back, Estrada."
(12:00:30) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Out of sheer curiosity-- What caliber is that pistol? ::>"
(12:00:36) numricjarl5519 has connected to the server.
(12:00:38) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Uh -"
(12:01:05) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I have.. *no clue*. I only know how to hold and shoot it, compulsory training. And I'd probably mess *that* up if I really had to."
(12:01:15) Mr.Pie-row has disconnected from the server.
(12:01:21) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova slips it out out of the holster, maintaing the appropriate grip, though with a clear unfamiliarity.
(12:01:42) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "It'd probably tickle your vest."
(12:01:51) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I thought so. ::>"
(12:02:12) *** [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] fingers tighten around the textured grip of their weapon, squeezing the handle as he glares back over at the other suited man. "<::Hmpf.::>"
(12:02:38) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I *do* have this 'challenge coin' from one of Heckler and Koch's shooting competitions. There's that."
(12:02:52) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Impressive, very nice. ::>"
(12:02:57) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "You want it?"
(12:03:01) [Typical Civil Protection unit wearing...] says "<:: Where is the representative for them at? ::>"
(12:03:12) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Ah, right. The one we rescued from the sewers. ::>"
(12:03:26) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova slips it out of her pocket, chuckling as she shows it off, her demeanor loosening in the meanwhile. ''I have no idea. Keller lives under a sewer at this point, or something.''
(12:04:15) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Might be nice to toss this to your men. ''Highest Xenian kill-count by the end of that.''."
(12:04:20) FreeSpy has disconnected from the server.
(12:04:21) [LOOC] Councillor Katerina Kuskova: end of the week*
(12:04:36) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Here."
(12:04:40) numricjarl5519 has connected to the server.
(12:04:42) A Sneeding Imperialist has disconnected from the server.
(12:04:50) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova flicks it over with her thumb and a brief grin.
(12:05:07) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Now-- Regarding the offer, about food. ::>"
(12:05:11) *** [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] outstreches his hand, catching the coin in the palm of it before wordlessly shifting it into a pouch.
(12:05:43) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Yeah. This Due North girl. We source from her privately, tell her we're feeding refugees- slip it to you instead. On top of Reed's emergency supplies."
(12:05:48) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: If you are able to test it for tampering through reputable means, we would be open to such an offer. ::>"
(12:06:15) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Not much of an offer when you're starving, as you say, but hey. Sure."
(12:06:39) Councillor Darius Estrada says "Any tampering to the food supplies is beyond stupid, even by their merits. It's the easiest P.R spin for anything they could do."
(12:06:46) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Reed will keep you topped off with the essentials. I'll get back to you about the better stuff soon."
(12:07:04) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Yes, when we tell them it's going to the *refugees*, they'll be even less liable to try anything."
(12:07:09) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I want it tested. In writing. Results with each delivery. ::>"
(12:07:18) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova blinks.
(12:07:32) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I'm sorry to do this to you, Rank Leader, but I don't think you're in a position to want anything right now."
(12:07:48) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "What're you gonna do, exactly? Starve?"
(12:08:10) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "We can't afford this right now. We'll have- goddamn *taste testers* if you really want."
(12:08:12) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I cannot, with clear conscience, poison the entire garrison. ::>"
(12:08:19) Mr.Pie-row has connected to the server.
(12:08:27) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Knowing that I could have prevented it. ::>"
(12:08:53) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "There are some in the resistance who are a lot more naive than you think."
(12:09:09) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "We'll make time to be careful if we can."
(12:09:25) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Mhm. ::>"
(12:09:30) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Okay, one last thing."
(12:09:47) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "On our way back, one of the officers holding near the thumper made a remark akin to..."
(12:09:53) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova rubs her brows and glances to Estrada
(12:09:54) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "-What was it?"
(12:10:19) Councillor Darius Estrada says "Asking if this was the next step on us *throwing* down our weapons, yes."
(12:10:47) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "''Boo-hoo, you're just making us surrender, you goddamn wimps.''. No. Not the message we want your guys to feel comfortable airing out loud."
(12:10:52) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Have I not told you before that you will find no support for this move among those who truly fought in the frontlines? ::>"
(12:10:56) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Definitely not to the Councillors responsible for these negotiations."
(12:11:14) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Are we gonna do this again? If you can't get your men in order, you've got a leadership problem."
(12:12:04) numricjarl5519 has disconnected from the server.
(12:12:05) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Firstly, they *are* in order. They know who and where their enemy is. ::>"
(12:12:34) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: They fought them in Azov. Odessa. The tunnels of City Seventeen. They have lost countless comrades to biotics and anti-citizens alike. ::>"
(12:12:39) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "There's a difference between disagreement and dissent. It's in when, where and how these thoughts are shared. They can keep it to themselves."
(12:12:53) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: There is not a force in the world that will make them consider peace. ::>"
(12:12:59) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Not anymore. ::>"
(12:13:01) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: You want everything wiped away because you flung a pen on a piece of paper, it will never happen. ::>"
(12:13:07) Gyarik has disconnected from the server.
(12:13:13) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "It will when you're willing to punish them for it."
(12:13:22) numricjarl5519 has connected to the server.
(12:13:30) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: All it will do is earn me *another* knife in my throat. ::>"
(12:13:33) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: We're not going to punish them if they voice they disagree with it. ::>"
(12:13:34) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Actually, no , I don't want *everything* wiped awa.y I just want basic respect."
(12:13:46) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Or do you punish each other in meetings when somebody votes the otherway? ::>"
(12:13:50) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Have them keep it to their bars, their barracks."
(12:13:59) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "No, we don't, because they have the maturity that your grunts don't."
(12:14:01) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Now, moving on to the crux of the issue-- The unit in question is outside my jurisdiction. ::>"
(12:14:12) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "How?"
(12:14:24) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: This should be self-explanatory. ::>"
(12:14:29) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Explain it anyway."
(12:14:41) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: There is nothing I can legally do about it. ::>"
(12:14:51) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Okay. Why?"
(12:15:00) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Because they are outside my jurisdiction. ::>"
(12:15:06) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I believe I stated this before. ::>"
(12:15:08) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Explain why they're outside of your jursidiction."
(12:15:15) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: It is not my choice. ::>"
(12:15:16) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: I believe this meeting has come to its conclusion. ::>"
(12:15:24) numricjarl5519 has disconnected from the server.
(12:15:41) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Direct this issue to an Ordinal, if you feel truly touched. ::>"
(12:16:01) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "You know we have access to your records, right? This isn't classified to us. We just can't identify people in-the-moment, that's our only limitation."
(12:16:13) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: You have my blessing. ::>"
(12:16:27) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Look, you're not doing much to reassure me that you're cooperating."
(12:16:32) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I'm not asking for much."
(12:16:46) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: I suggest you wrap up and go back to your palace. ::>"
(12:16:51) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I told you already I cannot do anything. Other than... Speak to them about the way they formulate themselves, I suppose. ::>"
(12:17:09) Councillor Darius Estrada says "Very well, if you wish to obstruct this inquiry then we will take the necessary measures elsewhere."
(12:17:15) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Obstruct? ::>"
(12:17:19) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: I am simply unable to act. ::>"
(12:17:20) Councillor Darius Estrada says "As you said, this meeting has concluded."
(12:17:21) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "So speak to them. We don't have to jump to extremes."
(12:17:24) [An anonymous Civil Protection officer...] says "<:: Very well. ::>"
(12:17:26) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "*Guys* -"
(12:17:31) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: On a roll with the threats today aren't you Darius. ::>"
(12:17:33) [Typical Civil Protection unit wearing...] says "<:: Door is right there. ::>"
(12:17:41) *** Councillor Darius Estrada nods once to the Elite, turning towards the door. He waves a palm across the biolock.
(12:17:44) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Make sure not to trip down the stairs there sheriff. ::>"
(12:17:59) Councillor Darius Estrada says "I'll be sure to exercise due caution, thank you *very much*."
(12:18:12) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Time for you to go Katerina. ::>"
(12:19:01) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I appreciate that you're not in the best of minds about this, and it's not my intention to make you feel threatened - but if you keep giving us *constant* reasons to question your reliability, we're gonna have bigger problems than a bunch of militias who've only discovered the power of artillery a month ago."
(12:19:09) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I don't think you realize that the Elite Arm enforces everything we enact."
(12:19:24) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "And I think I read a couple of things about what happened to you on your way to Odessa."
(12:19:30) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I don't want that."
(12:19:35) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "*Please*."
(12:19:38) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "Don't make us do something stupid."
(12:20:08) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Something, something dumb is going to happen eventually if this talk keeps going. ::>"
(12:20:31) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Go home. ::>"
(12:21:13) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "All I know is, if every reminder of authority can only be perceived as a threat, and if no reminders at all makes you feel comfortable in playing hard-ball- I'm not the one doing anything wrong."
(12:21:20) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "I'm done."
(12:21:36) [A phase one Overwatch soldier, their ...] says "<:: Been fun Two. ::>"
(12:21:39) [A new-era CP standing at a relatively...] says "<:: See ya. ::>"
(12:21:41) *** [A balding face of many years in age. ...] had his eyes aim to his hands, or well, the gloves, they are not dirty, yet they feel... Stained, with something, something he cannot see yet.
(12:22:41) [Cyclopean transhuman clad in grimy ve...] says on radio: "<:: Fourteen, one, six, three, eleven... and your turn, over. ::>"
(12:22:50) [A phase one Overwatch soldier, their ...] says on radio: "<:: One, fourteen, three, six, eleven, check. Annnd all clear on Echo-4, your turn, over. ::>"
(12:22:57) [Cyclopean transhuman clad in grimy ve...] says on radio: "<:: Transmission clear, negative on condition QUICKSAND, radials clear, over. ::>"
(12:23:08) [A phase one Overwatch soldier, their ...] says on radio: "<:: Copy that. Sustaining viscon at sector kilo-three-dash-six. ::>"
(12:23:13) [Cyclopean transhuman clad in grimy ve...] says on radio: "<:: Nothing to report, over. ::>"
(12:23:25) [A phase one Overwatch soldier, their ...] says on radio: "<:: Area clear moving now. ::>"
(12:23:26) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova gives a nod to the delegation and continues on.

@Appetite Ruining Kebab asking you to simply keep things hushed equaled you and your bretheren making all sorts of slights, you knew that, fuck off with the excuse.


remove bias
GTA RP Playtester
Sep 13, 2016
i have a creeping feeling this is being intentionally steered into a personal fight in order to take away from the actual problem and bury the good few pages of info. Can't happen

THERE ARE ISSUES TO FIX. Do not forget about the facts. Two months ago was two months ago, we need to fix today, too.

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
i have a creeping feeling this is being intentionally steered into a personal fight in order to take away from the actual problem. Can't happen

THERE ARE ISSUES TO FIX. Do not forget about the facts. Two months ago was two months ago, we need to fix today.

Two months ago may be still relevant to the case at hand

It's not about how long ago it happened, but about how related to the case it is and the way it is presented.
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
This threat is turning into a shitpost, y’all are just being toxic and pointing fingers at each other. Went from having great points to just being a shitshow. Close the thread if y’all can’t behave 🤡
well it proves the fucking point doesnt it

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
i have a creeping feeling this is being intentionally steered into a personal fight in order to take away from the actual problem. Can't happen

THERE ARE ISSUES TO FIX. Do not forget about the facts. Two months ago was two months ago, we need to fix today.
Remove RL protections and everything will be fixed.

Civpro command will cease being a static mess of people who can't be fired; the spiteful fuck-ups who keep dragging people down can be removed without their mass resignation threats accomplishing anything, and the bulwark of S2K mentality will die down as there will now be risks to constantly running off to engage in conflict elsewhere.

If every % is subject to the same PK risk, why should they have an exception? I die, I start at a 25%, same should go for them.
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
(11:41:34) Councillor Katerina Kuskova says "It should be noted that everything discussed regarging our overarching strategy with the blockade - it stays in this room. If it trickles down to your ranks, and the resistance attains chinese whispers of it -"
(11:41:47) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova raises a hand to the elite soldier in the room.
(11:42:04) *** Councillor Katerina Kuskova doesn't say any more.
I didn't even remember this part of the conversation but you just completely invalidated your complaint about us not disseminating the plan to the rest of the faction when you guys explicitly told us NOT TO do that
Have you even read through what you just posted? Becausing at just the eight line you can very clearly see that there must have been yet another threat coming from you
(11:42:47) [A masked, moderately equipped protect...] says "<:: Why is it every meeting we have with the SA they always jime in threats at the end? ::>"
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Nov 27, 2022
Yes and no - While some things have to be presented publicly as a way of protest when private conversations don't work, getting overly personal kills the purpose. If it was me I'd start shifting responsibilities but only if things are done wrong, not merely because a sector of the community thinks it's being done wrong. If so I'd take my time to investigate and reach a conclusion, for which purpose having private threads or such containing more information and fact than bashing would help a lot for ease of access and impartiality.

That is, if anyone was making sure to dish out active correction for people who intentionally jeopardize the server or abuse their freedom/authority.

TLDR; if anybody seeking to solve this situation and potentially dish out correction towards the guilty parties has to go through this mess of a back and forth where no actual evidence is posted, nothing will happen and it will just look like you don't like each other and that's it. By all means make it public, but post fact with evidence, not opinionated claims, and be fair and square about it instead of getting personal.

You are all wasting time by bashing each other, there are 5 pages here that could be summarised in one. Up to you with what you guys do, and I only quoted you guys because you seem more capable to reason around this, I don't have an issue with this as long as you keep it proper and respectful, I'm only saying this for your own self benefit.
Your phrasing makes it seem as if you're speaking to me directly. I have chosen not to name names, save for RedMan's in a positive light, only incidents. As to avoid naming and shaming, I have, again, only named incidents, which makes it somewhat hard for me to provide evidence without compromising peoples' identities. However, most incidents are public knowledge and are known to most people actively participating in the community.
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
I didn't even remember this part of the conversation but you just completely invalidated your complaint about us not disseminating the plan to the rest of the faction when you guys explicitly told us NOT TO do that
telling people the exact specifics of an armistice =/= telling people that WE HAD REASONS FOR IT and to do their jobs, which you couldn't be bothered to do

good one

Becausing at just the eight line you can very clearly see that there must have been yet another threat coming from you
Put some glasses on, that was directed at Kuskova's statement, and even the more hilarious for it.

But, sure, blame me again. That's your one trick pony so you might as well ride it off into the sunshine.

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Your phrasing makes it seem as if you're speaking to me directly.

Not at all, only time I say "you" is "you are all" and when I say that I quoted you guys because you seem like you're more capable to reason around it, which is the only case I meant you specifically (and East).

The rest of that piece you quoted is very obviously a general recommendation, I did say you're allowed to point out specifics so long as it's made in a constructive way.

You don't even need evidence if you don't want to go into specifics and just want stuff to be looked at, but then East's attitude and way to present his points don't align with yours, as he does seem less passive. Not my issue as I said, this is all up to you players, my entire post was just a recommendation and an information bloc to tell you guys how things usually go and warn you that this won't go too far if it develops this way.

So yeah, if the argument between people here is derailing the thread, then:
I am politely asking that we deviate from the OSC discussion and loop back around to the greater question at hand.
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Apr 26, 2016
The bad egg RL's need to change, and ideally at the same time we need to identify the people/circles in RebelRP who antagonize cops and piss them off to the point they feel the needed to 'get even' OOC.

Because unfortunately it does go both ways.

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
The bad egg RL's need to change, and ideally at the same time we need to identify the people/circles in RebelRP who antagonize cops and piss them off to the point they feel the needed to 'get even' OOC.

Because unfortunately it does go both ways.
I've told people right from the start that if they want to press their "rebelRP has faults too!!!" stuff, make a thread for it.

I have complaints, most people have complaints, but the people who throw whataboutism to try and claim civpro's failings are just 'something that happens' never want to air theirs in public, for some strange reason...
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