[W.I.P] nebulous forum poster terminology guide


Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
Open up the thread with, its me dan, whom ALL OF YOU KNOW
I'm kinda known famously on neb as the local crazy guy 🤪Dan
sigh.... guess we're goin to be here for a while. make sure you listen to this to get in the mood for a mf takedown

I can already see that this WHOLE THREAD is gonna turn into a DISASTER (ala chechnya)
(That's a war reference for all you non-readers out there.)

*WELP*. It's another "@Dan Posts A Post" Episode, By and ACcredited to @Dan™. I guess you all knew this was coming...... yeah, so somebody pinged me in a 'discord' that doesn't 'exist' if you k now what i 'mean'. in order to let me know about this post since i wouldn't see it otherwise cuz i don't look at this crap, but i apparently am supposed to diagnose the problem, This is DAN here, pretty well renowned, kinda well known, i think you all know me for that time i did something a few years ago. Also, I was an admin? So that kind of means I'm a big deal and my opinion matters.. Least I can do is shut down this discussion once and for all since you all want to die on this HILL for hours on end.

Alright, I'm sure you guys all know ME, @Dan, who ALL OF YOU KNOW, very noteworthy, remember that time in 2016 i did the thing that lead to all those influential PKs? ( @Mute )
so it's another one of *These* posts from me, the posts you know me for, me who you might know famously as the local crazy neb man, super famous, infanmous, really well known: I really think you should KNOW me, or at least know OF me, because the things I say and contribute have had some impact around here

I mean I keep telling you how to fix this but no one wants to listen until pompeii has fallen. instead you act like nero as rome burns, striking down roleplay pioneers like you're the khmer rouge then dying in the battle of teutoberg like the meiji restoration just named you holy roman emperor charlemagne on the field of agencourt... since we're naming names now I think i should call this one to the attention of @Revanox @Gary @OneClassyBanana @Appetite Ruining Kebab do you guys want to even do anything about this or do you want to sit on your ass? like has no one ever pointed out that its Very unironic that you of all people would write rhis thread @Numbers. I remember 8 years 2 months and 16 days ago when we were on i17 under the bridge, I'm sure I DONT need to continue...
(Side note, this was the same timeframe during which I famously assassinated @Tinbe 's character during the conflict between my group and that cringey femchar group who sucked, and he thanked me for the great IC roleplay.) actually @Numbers, do you remember when, during the graveyard hours of i17 2017 from the June to August period you and I would MINGE, and deliberately break the rules, and behave inappropriately on an IC and OOC level? I'm sure I don't need to remind you, we did commit these crimes together, Six real life years ago.. remember when you confided in me about that incident we don't talk about?

you all know what happened, I'm not gonna EMBARASS you by bringing up the details. but I'm pretty sure @Trains and @Appetite Ruining Kebab could testify for me - nudge nudge, wink wink, something something Sammy Gravano Trial l (real neb men know what I'm talking about)(DO NOT INVESTIGATE).

edit: I just got done going to work at my life job, and then going home and exercising and doing other hobbies, let me continue this post from there.

This is n9t a jab, NOT A JAB but fuck none of you are NEARLY as creative as me. Not to name names but Huh, funny that @Numbers of all people makes this frankly stupid, firm crap of a post decrying bad behavjoe when he and i actually minged at graveyard hours in CLOCKWORK, all the way back then when YYOU KNOW WHO was still around and it sucked because of YOU KNOW WHO(You know who you are!). Still props to you for the post, after all It was posts just like this that drove really creative people out of this server, AND WE ALL KNOW WHO IM TALKING ABOUT this time. My friend in my well known influential resistance group that took inspirations from Machievallian political characteristics like we do today. There were kings, government officials, city-states, and centralized governments. Systems were developed to run the civilization efficiently. You might remember a little rebel group called The Snowpiercers? That was me 8 years ago. My friend helped me lead that group and you banned him even though he was a way better writer than you. He wrote so many thigns before his meltdown that would have made you doubt your own ability and mine, the movies he watched were incredible and he was such a big deal, not to nam enames but we know who im talking about, the legend!

So like another thing that tickled me about this whole cluster @Numbers .... Ineu Pass? Really?
Funny that on my private server, where iconoclastic rp geniuses romp in the sandbox of human expression, we use the same maps you guys do BEFORE you do which is just strange lol wonder what explains that lmfaoooooo! Makes you think. Why is it that the map is EXACTLY the same as the one I used and I also had cars, on mine, I mean imitation is the best form of flattery right? Like I'm not trying to start anything here but maybe at least list your inspirations and what practical purpose it serves to use ineu valley when i actually did the lightning bear thing in ineu valley first, before you did, and i did a plot that was pulling from some movies, before you did, in the same setting? Uhhh ROMANIA, oh very creative where did you get that exactly? very funny to me that you would use ROMANIA given I JUST WATCHED a romanian movie and that was going to be the basis of my whole next shit lol very original Mr Phony, I JUSTused the Dacian period of Romania as inspiration for my neonoir Burebistanian-inspired alt history Transylvanian setting and did it much better justice than you.

On another subhject this anecdotally reminds me of ANOTHER server that was bad, one that shall not be named, run by those people who ignored all my genius ideas in favor ofthe same old same old sigh..... such is the woeful life of an artiste. I did everything i could to save them from their fate bute they turned me away and now their population is sinking, sad same old bog standard bog standard, pos server
they basically fainted when they heard my brilliant ideas (look up the rite of spring and you will get some idea of the reaction I recieveed)

In fact, I know some people I could work with to help out with your situation here, we could reluanch the server and build it from the ground up and breathe new life into it instead of the same old guard cookie cutter patterns, i would volunteer but I'm just the advisor here lol I previously had all sorts of plans on the way but they were sabotaged by the absolute state , uhhh also I don't really care, you were all played for fools when i saw the way the tide was turning i knew no one would actually APPRECIATE my gamechanging approach for what it was, your loss. so I'm not gonna bother again thist ime, just tell you what you CAN do and with that informatoin you can do what u want i guess..
until you get your shit together I will not be flagging on my character antonio and the whole server will be worse for it so get your shit together. until then I am withholding my roleplay from you. yeah! I'm gonna do something else instead lol sorr not sorry but life goes on without me right? Let me know how THAT goes. Maybe you can come crawling to the gates of my whitelisted server for advice again, @Blackquill

edit: also since i know you will be reading this thread I see that you used a char ref from the movie I watched first and then you got the ref pic after I watched it lol you know who you are. good thing I don't use ref pics since I think thats cringe, you shouldnt do it either but if you do it should be from a movie I didnt use already, you know who you are

Edit: thanks for all the dumb votes lol its actually FUNNY to me i gave you the tools to fix it your choice what you do with em

edit: didn't really care for most of u anyway lol lolol. cope and seethe boys!

EDIT: I don't actually care about ratings on a stupid roleplay forum following this post you can consider me RESIGNED from all my whitelists and admin and faction lead positions which I never actually cared about at all and good look picking up the pieces lol I'll be watching the forums to see what happens and it's going to be so funny because i DO NOT CARE. I just want to see what happens after LOL! Keep in touch @Blackquill youre on a sinking burning ship and youre the only good one here so I guess that makes you a SUCKER, buddy.. At this very moment I am drinking wine and dark beer , i only drink darkest of dark beers but i think ipa is icky and cringe and i'm ordering a fresh meal in my grown up home after working a working man's day at my JOB so forgive me if I don't respond to any of you basement dwellers for a while! i'm gonna take an adult dosage of anti depressants! adios!

Apr 26, 2016
Personally, I think it’s awesome that the workers at Dr. Breen’s Private Reserve have unionized. I hope the Combine doesn’t crack down on them, though!
this camera shoots anyone who doesnt drink breen's private reserve