We need more people running Nebulous

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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016

Blackquill has been left near alone to manage the server, since Rabid and Ronald left. Infact, a lot of great staff members who made massive impacts on the community and server have left. Take Atle for example. He made City 24. HE MADE CITY 24! He made one of the most acclaimed, amazing HL2RP maps to ever exist SPECIFICALLY for nebulous. And you know it was specifically for nebulous, because of how large it was. The map is huge, but that doesn't make it bad. The people who shat on Atle for making it a big map should genuinely fuck off. The map was made for the server, a server that regularly kept a playercount of 60-100 players during prime time. Having that many people on a small, shitty map were 45/70 players online are Rebels would cause chaos. And it DOES cause chaos already! District 47 is shit, Industrial 17 is barely better, City 17 is absolute tripe for RP, City 8 made efforts, the Outlands maps were never meant for proper HL2RP, but City 24. That map was DESIGNED for an equal roleplay between both of the major player factions, and included a fuckton of amazing designs and locations for the other factions. He made a map designed for us, and what did we do in return? We took a flaming shit on his map and criticised it until the map change.

Are we proud of our efforts? Are we happy that he left, in order to pursue a better life and career outside of our toxic community and site? You tell me. I'm not an LP veteran, but I've seen communities fall in on themselves due to toxicity and corruption among staff. Origins, anyone? What a shitshow. How about a lesser known fallout server, Prime Gaming? Owner of that tripe stole the money and ran. I know what the shit we produce can fucking do to communities.

"You either have your community die off, or it lives long enough to become the murderer."

We can fix our problems, but we can't have one man be the one to guide us to greatness. We need more people to help guide us, people that are very well known and respected.

@Dallas @Elizabeth @Twar @Knight
The people above are the people who should really be the ones helping Blackquill.
They know their shit, and they've been around a while.
Let's make a change, for the better.
Let's change


May 1, 2016
I'm not sure why you're putting people on the spot, but your facts are wrong. Atle did not leave (solely) because of map criticisms, he left due to severe disagreements with community members, specifically CAB leaders. Ronald left for similar reasons. The driving factor that caused them to leave has been removed by now.

Anyways, we have this map conversation every few months, and it's always the same thing. I enjoyed City 24, with its excellent CAB area, but I understand why some found it jarring to see such a large map (and I suppose those who couldn't even run it were unhappy also).

It's also curious how you don't mention people like @Jaydawg, who does an immense amount of work in the character authorizations side (Tinpan as well), or @key and @Pumpkin who must manage a 90-man faction.

Blackquill has stated in the past that he is/was not searching for a fellow SD, and we should respect such a decision. If he so chooses, there's little stopping him from getting one. No one's opposed to more effective management.

I believe this is caused by hoovie's latest post, and I really think you should take some time to process instead of pushing this sudden change.
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
I'm not sure why you're putting people on the spot, but your facts are wrong. Atle did not leave (solely) because of map criticisms, he left due to severe disagreements with community members, specifically CAB leaders. Ronald left for similar reasons. Anyways, we have this map conversation every few months, and it's always the same thing. I enjoyed City 24, what with it's excellent CAB area, but I understand why some found it jarring to see such a large map (and I suppose those who couldn't even run it were unhappy also).

I believe this is caused by hoovie's latest post, and I really think you should take some time to process instead of pushing this sudden change.

I didn't say he left solely on map criticisms. I tried to make it clear that it wasn't what I meant.

And with the CAB leader corruption and disagreements, that's stirred from the toxicity that our community hosts. One that I am apart of, but it's one that almost all of us are apart of.

It's not even a sudden change anymore. Blackquill's basically been on his own to support one of, if not the biggest HL2RP Community out there for a while now. Several months, even. And think about it. If we had more people running the community as Head Staff, how much more helpful do you think our community and less toxic do you think we'll become?
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Sep 17, 2016
I appreciate the optimism, but Atle never specifically made City 24 for Nebulous. Alex has said many times that it was his own pet project and Atle didn't want other headstaff or Neb devs to help out with it.

Not to say that your entire post doesn't have at least some merit to it, specifically the one-SD problem, but I really wouldn't put people on the spot in this sort of public setting for it, the players' opinions aren't what comes down to getting an SD on-board. Plenty of staff members have no aspiration to ever become SD because of the sheer amount of stress that comes with it.
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
I appreciate the optimism, but Atle never specifically made City 24 for Nebulous. Alex has said many times that it was his own pet project and Atle didn't want other headstaff or Neb devs to help out with it.

Not to say that your entire post doesn't have at least some merit to it, specifically the one-SD problem, but I really wouldn't put people on the spot in this sort of public setting for it, the players' opinions aren't what comes down to getting an SD on-board. Plenty of staff members have no aspiration to ever become SD because of the sheer amount of stress that comes with it.

If it is a group of people running the server as a cabinet of sorts, then the stress can be divided between them and overall reduce the stress that can come with it. I chose the people who I thought would be best fit for SD, but that doesn't mean everyone has my opinion.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Your thread infuriates me, because you don't actually have a clue how things actually went down between Atle, Myself and the other people involved

If you take issues with me, that's fine but be constructive.

I'd also say your attitude is somewhat ungrateful but I'm not willing to go there.
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
Your thread infuriates me, because you don't actually have a clue how things actually went down between Atle, Myself and the other people involved

If you take issues with me, that's fine but be constructive.

I'd also say your attitude is somewhat ungrateful but I'm not willing to go there.

I have no issues with you running the server and community, but I believe that if more people worked together as Server Directors, the server could have a reduce in toxicity and overall mentally jarring effects. I've been turned into a stoic asshole, and nebulous has had quite an assistance in that. I'd still play nebulous, and I'd still play on the server, but the toxicity needs to seriously be worked on.
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Apr 26, 2016
There's two sides to every story. Atle was far from innocent in regards to his behavior behind the scenes; but obviously in a community that is very 'who you are' focussed, a lot of that never came to light or was swept under the rug because at the time he'd just made a map and the idea he wasn't innocent was heresy to some people.

As for BQ being a lone SD - trust me when I say being an SD is not a walk in the park. It is, without sounding cheesy, the ultimate sense of trust. If BQ happened to pick wrong or pick someone who had even the slightest bit of intent to abuse it could fuck the entire server over in ways that couldn't be fixed. If there's ever someone BQ wants, he'll ask 'em.


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I have no issues with you running the server and community, but I believe that if more people worked together as Server Directors, the server could have a reduce in toxicity and overall mentally jarring effects. I've been turned into a stoic asshole, and nebulous has had quite an assistance in that. I'd still play nebulous, and I'd still play on the server, but the toxicity needs to seriously be worked on.
Do you honestly believe Toxicity is the fault of the SD and not the actual people and their attitudes
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Apr 26, 2016
You're the people who run the people in this community. You have the option to edit the rules, and to cut down the toxicity with the click of a button.
There's only so much you can do as an SD to cut down how people treat one another. LP wasn't better - no community is free of it. Neb is large and popular; it draws people for better or worse and their attitudes with it.

Not to mention the fact that imagine if people started getting banned en-masse over banter? You think the backlash wouldn't be massive? The majority of toxicity comes on places you can't regulate as easily, like TS and stuff. Serious shit gets you banned on-server and forums.


Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
You're the people who run the people in this community. You have the option to edit the rules, and to cut down the toxicity with the click of a button.
We can stop people being toxic in game and on the forums by being authorative sure

But that doesn't fix the problem, people will still be cunts privately; it's the internet

We have to be realistic. We do enough about toxic cunts by punishing them depending on the situation and what causes it and we're not going for a sterile community where people only pretend to be happy and friendly for popularity sake


May 1, 2016
You're the people who run the people in this community. You have the option to edit the rules, and to cut down the toxicity with the click of a button.
I don't know how you expect him to monitor every player and see if they meet a specific definition of 'toxic'. I hardly think BQ is doing anything to encourage that kind of behavior. As staff, we have issued bans in the past for such behavior, so don't say nothing is being done either.


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Blackquill has been left near alone to manage the server, since Rabid and Ronald left.

That's completely untrue, Blackquill has always had the backing of other head staff and more importantly his entire staff team.

Take Atle for example. He made City 24. HE MADE CITY 24! He made one of the most acclaimed, amazing HL2RP maps to ever exist SPECIFICALLY for nebulous.

Atle has no relevence to your point? He contributed a great map which unfortunately was unfit for purpose and we were not allowed to fix the issues such as the fact a good amount of people were literally unable to join the server because of the map and their GMod crashing.

You aren't involved in the daily behind the scenes activity or decision making so I'm not sure where you're basing any opinions from. We are a community which has grown in a really short timespan which involves a shitload more work than you're giving anyone credit for.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I don't know how you expect him to monitor every player and see if they meet a specific definition of 'toxic'. I hardly think BQ is doing anything to encourage that kind of behavior. As staff, we have issued bans in the past for such behavior, so don't say nothing is being done either.
I'll say one thing, I've not been the best myself - I've snapped at people and been less than polite to some people over the past month or so


Dig Down, and find faith.
Apr 26, 2016
They know their shit, and they've been around a while.
In that case, why not @Powley, @harry, @egg and many more?

If you're picking people based on how long they've been here and how much they know about roleplay, there's easily fifty more people whose names I can put forward. I don't see where you're really going with this.


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
We can stop people being toxic in game and on the forums by being authorative sure

But that doesn't fix the problem, people will still be cunts privately; it's the internet

We have to be realistic. We do enough about toxic cunts by punishing them depending on the situation and what causes it and we're not going for a sterile community where people only pretend to be happy and friendly for popularity sake
I don't know how you expect him to monitor every player and see if they meet a specific definition of 'toxic'. I hardly think BQ is doing anything to encourage that kind of behavior. As staff, we have issued bans in the past for such behavior, so don't say nothing is being done either.

Encourage people to report toxic behaviour with that fine Report button. If people make posts and they insult people, in an obvious manner and not a comedic or satirical manner, and warn them. If it continues, give them a chatban for a week or so. If it continues further, give them a permanent chatban. Sure, people'll be cunts in private and it won't be easy to monitor that, but you can atleast reduce it on the forums. There's enough staff members to assign people to monitor the forums for toxic behaviour, and to deal out adequate punishments. I'm also fairly sure the forums have a Warn system, which I presume is logged.


Lord of Ineptitude
Apr 26, 2016
Atle did not leave solely for the reasons you have mentioned.

None of the people you have tagged would either want to become SD or are eligible for one

BQ is an insane maniac who has managed to balance his life responsibilities and server perfectly for the last few years, and I'm starting to think he's gonna die at the age of 25 from stress

Toxicity is a problem with young and/or immature people not being able to comprehend the meaning of "Tolerating" or "Accepting", taking every little opportunity possible to turn even the slightest chance into a popularity contest.

No, nothing is innately wrong enough to call for a second server director yet. Blackquill is doing his work perfectly, and we trust him to come to us if he starts having trouble handling the work himself.
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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Encourage people to report toxic behaviour with that fine Report button. If people make posts and they insult people, in an obvious manner and not a comedic or satirical manner, and warn them. If it continues, give them a chatban for a week or so. If it continues further, give them a permanent chatban.
Implying we don't already do that

I don't know what your deal is but we've forum banned and muted a lot of people
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Sep 13, 2016
You're the people who run the people in this community. You have the option to edit the rules, and to cut down the toxicity with the click of a button.

bro i need you to take a quick moment to understand that nebulous is just that, a community.

quill puts in a fucktonne of work already to make sure that this server actually remains even partially functional and for all the shit we give him that's incredibly impressive, i'm gonna let you in on a little secret: if it were myself in the same position, i'd have stopped giving a shit about a year ago.

the reason quill's worked so well as an SD on his own is because unlike most of us he genuinely has the mental fortitude to deal with the genuine fucking headache that is this community day in day out and still manages to hold back when people like yourself make threads like these.

you need to stop antagonising the guy that's actually trying to help shit change, i of all people know that best cause at the end of the day quill wants what's best for the server and tries his damnedest to make it happen, but as with all things, change doesn't occur instantly and requires EFFORT and WORK of which only a few people on the server are willing to TRULY put in.

people need to think twice before they post shit like this.
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