We need more people running Nebulous

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Apr 26, 2016
i just dont like being around the bush and lying like most the snakes in nebulous
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016

Blackquill has been left near alone to manage the server, since Rabid and Ronald left. Infact, a lot of great staff members who made massive impacts on the community and server have left. Take Atle for example. He made City 24. HE MADE CITY 24! He made one of the most acclaimed, amazing HL2RP maps to ever exist SPECIFICALLY for nebulous. And you know it was specifically for nebulous, because of how large it was. The map is huge, but that doesn't make it bad. The people who shat on Atle for making it a big map should genuinely fuck off. The map was made for the server, a server that regularly kept a playercount of 60-100 players during prime time. Having that many people on a small, shitty map were 45/70 players online are Rebels would cause chaos. And it DOES cause chaos already! District 47 is shit, Industrial 17 is barely better, City 17 is absolute tripe for RP, City 8 made efforts, the Outlands maps were never meant for proper HL2RP, but City 24. That map was DESIGNED for an equal roleplay between both of the major player factions, and included a fuckton of amazing designs and locations for the other factions. He made a map designed for us, and what did we do in return? We took a flaming shit on his map and criticised it until the map change.

Are we proud of our efforts? Are we happy that he left, in order to pursue a better life and career outside of our toxic community and site? You tell me. I'm not an LP veteran, but I've seen communities fall in on themselves due to toxicity and corruption among staff. Origins, anyone? What a shitshow. How about a lesser known fallout server, Prime Gaming? Owner of that tripe stole the money and ran. I know what the shit we produce can fucking do to communities.

"You either have your community die off, or it lives long enough to become the murderer."

We can fix our problems, but we can't have one man be the one to guide us to greatness. We need more people to help guide us, people that are very well known and respected.

@Dallas @Elizabeth @Twar @Knight
The people above are the people who should really be the ones helping Blackquill.
They know their shit, and they've been around a while.
Let's make a change, for the better.
Let's change

Right, while Atle left and I'm well informed about why and how and such, and I can't tell you about it, what I can say is it wasn't because of this. Besides, honestly, I don't think you understand with this kind of thread you add to that "toxicity".

Atle did not make C24 for Nebulous - even if it was adapted to us when it came to necessities - nor it worked fine. I loved the aesthetics, and it was greatly optimised. Regardless, there was no way it worked with the mindset we had or the situation back then. Nowadays? It would still not work with us. It's sad but it's like that, it just doesn't fit us in terms of gameplay.

Am I happy he left to pursue what he liked to do? Of course I am! This is a community, we all work for the best and in the end we have to enjoy, and if you stop enjoying it then you have to leave. I had to take Atle's place running WI, and thankfully enough I've had @Gino :3 @Kurumi Nya @Nicrobe @Tarannus and @Mirukihoshi among others to help me, earlier or later in the reforms. It was hard, but it was fine.

Do you think this community will fall? Go ahead and think about it. It will fall like everything else, nothing lasts forever and surviving an a game like GMod is hard, very, even more with a gamemode like HL2RP. HOWEVER, we're still here and I prefer to enjoy that. The owner of LP also took the cash and ran away, shall I remind you. Regardless, nebulous was born from that situation, and I highly doubt @alex will do the same.

We have issues, like any big community. We have fans, and we have haters. We have allies and "enemies", although it's stupid to call anyone an enemy unless they openly decide to attack the community itself. (Except a certain someone...)

Now onto the SD stuff. Yes, @Blackquill is a busy person, I myself can vouch for him, he is someone who is running a whole server and also working on the community, while doing a lot more things. But he's organised, responsible, and of course, the most important of it all: Extremely competent.

So, if he says he does not need another SD, then I'll respect his decission and his judgement, like I've always had, because I feel he's someone smart, and if even he can make mistakes, I'm sure he is way more right than I am when it comes to running a community. So if he needs help, I'm here to help, and if he asks for something I go and do it if I can, because I know that'll take some work off his shoulders. Do I need to be a SD for it? The answer is no. You do not need to be up there to help, there's many ways to do so. When you join staff you learn someone has put trust in you, since even if it's voluntary, it's still some sort of work, and you have to be responsible. We, the staff, are here because we know as well as BQ he can't be the admin of everything, eventually you need to delegate. However, are we all SDs? No we are not, at all. Just so you understand it better, take the SA team as some sort of "council". They're Quill's right hand and will help him with a lot of stuff. And if he feels one should be there or one shouldn't be, he'll make the adjustments necessary so he gets the best people to help him directly. The Admins and Operators usually take care of the server mainly, but we're also here to help if it's necessary. However, once again, we're not all SDs.

Also I have my own reasons to believe the case of @Elizabeth is similar to @Powley's (even if the timespan wasn't as long as his, since he comes all the way from LP), and yet here you are believing he could make a good SD. Things change, and we're here to ensure the change is smooth, to keep things under control, and of course, give a hand to BQ whenever he needs it.


internet therapist
May 5, 2016
Why was this thread made? It does nothing but spew untrue facts, and brings up things that don't need bringing up. If Blackquill needed help, he'd ask. Sometimes, people work better alone in these settings, and I know that from experience. While, it is nice to have someone else helping you, in the case of HL2RP, I think BQ is good.
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Apr 26, 2016
I Powley shall be made [server director] at the end of next week, accepting payments to my PayPal shortly for staff positions
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