What is your Favorite President ?


Apr 27, 2016
Post a Picture of your Favorite\The Best
Perhaps make a top 3 if you don't know like example my top 3 :


1.)John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Why because He wanted to fund education, housing, medical care for the elderly, and more. In terms of what he was able to get through Congress, they passed an increase in the minimum wage law, Social Security benefits, and urban renewal programs. In addition, the Peace Corps was created. Finally, he set the goal that America would land on the moon by the end of the 1960s.


2.) Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Much to Eisenhower's dismay, Congress amended the bill and critically weakened its effectiveness.
He Sponsored and Signed the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956.
Eisenhower worked hard to get the bill passed and it was his favorite piece of legislation.
He Balanced the Budget, Not Just Once, But Three Times.
Despite much pressure to do otherwise, he also refused to cut taxes and raise defense spending. His fiscal policy contributed to the prosperity of the 1950's.

He Ended the Korean War.


3.) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Because Roosevelt in early 1937 proposed expanding it from nine to as many as 15 justices. Under this so-called “court-packing” plan, which critics derided as a separation of powers violation, a new justice would be added for each sitting justice above the age of 70 who refused to retire. But although FDR’s fellow Democrats held large majorities in both houses of Congress, they for once balked at supporting his agenda. In losing the battle, though, Roosevelt won the war


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Whew boy you really are asking for trouble with this thread...

But from an outsider's perspective, my favourite American Presidents have to be of course;


1) Abraham Lincoln

As if I even need to say why this guy is without a doubt one of the best presidents of America.

Ended slavery, guided America through its Civil War, modernized the American economy and strived for equality. I really don't need to explain this man.


2) Barack Obama

The first black president, and a literal pillar of equality. This glorious man brought marriage equality to one of the most ignorant countries in the world. He's also massively improved the American economy, produced 8.7 million jobs, created ObamaCare and expanded Medicaid. Oh and he managed to kill Osama bin Laden. He's also finally starting to pry the crazy need for guns out of the American minds.

He is a pillar in our world and I truly hope his successor does not tarnish the progress this man has made. In all honesty, I'd give anything for him to come over to England and become Prime Minister... If only...

That's about it for my list. I'm not overly adept with American politics, but I have the common sense to see the obviously good choices. I'm ready for the stupidity to flow against me...


Bringer of Sales
Apr 26, 2016
Whew boy you really are asking for trouble with this thread...

But from an outsider's perspective, my favourite American Presidents have to be of course


1) Abraham Lincoln

As if I even need to say why this guy is without a doubt one of the best presidents of America.

Ended slavery, guided America through its Civil War, modernized the American economy and strived for equality. I really don't need to explain this man.


2) Barack Obama

The first black president, and a literal pillar of equality. This glorious man brought marriage equality to one of the most ignorant countries in the world. He's also massively improved the American economy, produced 8.7 million jobs, created ObamaCare and expanded Medicaid. Oh and he managed to kill Osama bin Laden. He's also finally starting to pry the crazy need for guns out of the American minds.

He is a pillar in our world and I truly hope his successor does not tarnish the progress this man has made. In all honesty, I'd give anything for him to come over to England and become Prime Minister... If only...

That's about it for my list. I'm not overly adept with American politics, but I have the common sense to see the obviously good choices. I'm ready for the stupidity to flow against me...

Interesting Fact: Senetor Mitch Mcconnell (Of my state, of course) actually requested he showed them his birth certificate because, you know, he is black and apparently because we are southern we can't stand this black guy in office, and they thought he was foreign. Because he is black.

Gotta love the south...
Disclaimer: I am NOT a racist. He is one of our best presidents by far. God hope Trump does not fuck all of his policies and such up.