Why I buy people things. *VENT THREAD*


Dig Down, and find faith.
Apr 26, 2016
I'm not gonna lie.

While you and I have had our disagreements in the past, it doesn't make me feel good to see you like this after I shat on you a couple weeks back.

It became clear to me that you and I exhibited behaviours which the other didn't like, resulting in it getting increasingly difficult for us to get along. If it makes a difference, or even matters to you at all, I don't hate you. And maybe I'm paranoid and stupid.

It's just that all those things happening one after the other in such short succession in WW3 (we both know what I'm on about) and how it all turned out in the end, it all made me feel very insecure about my position in the community, and I felt so backstabbed. @Stalker can corroborate this, I was convinced you had been out to backstab me.

More recently I vented and removed you from steam, because of memes. Yeah boys, I shat down someone's throat over memes. I was stressed, not thinking clearly, and you happened to be the first one to press a button, so I went nuclear.

I'm not saying anything I did was right or wrong, because I myself still don't know how I feel about some of the things that happened during my time working with you, but I will say I'm sorry if anything I've said or done has contributed in any way to making you feel worse about yourself. That has never been my intention, and I wholeheartedly apologize. I wish you the best, both here and in real life, and I hope you achieve great levels of self confidence.

After all, the first step to picking yourself up, is realizing why you've fallen down.
I meant to apologise because I essentially let everything build up over time and I guess I took everything too far. I hope you can forgive me and I hope your community has a great and successful launch of BSRP. I'm sorry.
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Apr 28, 2016
As I told you, you can talk to me, whenever, about whatever, It helps talking to people who've been through something /very/ similar. I'll be here if you ever need to talk. You're an amazing person, and you never even spent a penny on me.
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Apr 26, 2016
still waiting for my copy of dark souls 3.. . .

have a happy life focus more on the people not the materialistic and artificial things this place isnt gonna help ur woes
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Apr 27, 2016
The only people who can help you are people who are educated and knowledgable in fields such as psychology. Venting on these forums will only do as much good as walking into a Tesco's and telling them the exact same thing you told us. We are, in reality, total strangers that will never know each other outside of a few specific scenarios and getting help from us is next to impossible.

This isn't an attack on you or anyone in this thread, rather an encouragement to get help from someone who can make an impact. Talk to your parents or family if all else fails.


stoner rp
Apr 26, 2016
I think no more nor no less of you despite what your state is.

The fact you buy people things isn't so much a bad thing, it's just there are some that will abuse that kind of thing.

I don't really know you but if you give people shit for nothing, then clearly you're not a bad dude, but calm it down a little, yeah?
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Apr 27, 2016
The fact you buy people things isn't so much a bad thing, it's just there are some that will abuse that kind of thing.
Sacrificing your personal economy for complete strangers due to wanting to fill the void of a desperate urge to feel good is nowhere near good nor healthy, saying it isn't a bad thing is very wrong. It doesn't help in the long term and only causes more damage due to him (apparently?) being convinced that doing this will make him likeable when it isn't needed in any way shape or form.

I don't really know you but if you give people shit for nothing, then clearly you're not a bad dude, but calm it down a little, yeah?

He is not a bad person, no. He just goes about it the wrong way and is encouraged by people to do it. I personally wasn't aware that there actually was a more serious issue behind these purchases for random people.

There wasn't a contract you needed to sign when you went on Nebulous that said "You have to personally fund your friendships via hard earned money" was there?

Or is there just something I'm missing here


And whole beasts of nations desire power
Apr 26, 2016
I don't think the pizza counts if the pizza delivery guy stole it, but It's the thought that counts?

Jokes aside, behind the people that abuse your generosity, you're a genuinely nice and hard-working person, I find myself jealous of people who find the time as an 18 year old, or any age older than be to be able to spare time to be able to dedicate themselves enough to a community that they can earn the friendship of most people within it. It's a dead shame that some people in this community have created a facade of friendship to you and I hope you find a way around it, if you want to talk I'll be here, I'm sure many others will be too.

And because I have competed with you as of recent with lyrics, here's some song suggestions:

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she/her/they nonbinary transfem
Apr 26, 2016
Well, now we know who's friendship you deem important to get...

On a more serious note, don't buy people shit.
It's a waste, especially when it goes to stuff like shadbase..................... :heyzeus:


Apr 26, 2016
I said all that I need to say over Facebook. You know I'm here for you whenever you need, and that you genuinely are the nicest person I've met.

The money you spend is nothing compared to what you do to be there for me, checking up on me and tagging me in things when I was sick to cheer me up. Time for me to do the same for you so buckle up for 99+ notifications.

You know I'd rather you donate the money to otters anyway.

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
i hope in the future you find yourself in a better position regarding your depression. depression sucks.

i'm just saying, invest in some cats. trust me on this, i'm not even shitposting. with the shit i deal with in my line of work life can get pretty rough but a couple of cats makes it easier alongside a good support system. if you need to vent or whatever, hit me up, i can understand the shit you're dealing with.


the silent moderator guy
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
So why do I buy people things? Because it helps me feel better about myself knowing that I (hopefully) put a smile on people's faces, and that I (hope) that I am helping them avoid what I feel
I've been on the same boat before, trust me, it happens to the best of us.

Kindness, compassion, being outwardly friendly, are all qualities that can rarely be bought by money. When you're trying to make others happy by buying them a game, I understand where you're coming from, I know why you do it. But there's nothing good about draining your own pocket for other people. It might put a smile on them, but it might also give them the capacity to keep asking.

There are other ways of making other people happy.

For example, I used to staff on LP for about a year, solely because it made me happy, knowing I could make other people's experiences on HL2 go significantly better. And also, you'd be surprised but being friendly could achieve an equally satisfying result.

But of course, it's up to you on what you do. It sucks that you're stuck in that mindset, and I hope you grow out of it in time. Like I said, I've been there. It's a difficult period. If it means anything, in the time I've spent on WW3, I've enjoyed speaking to you on ts (however brief that was). But you seemed dedicated and openly friendly to everyone else on TS and that's something I can internally appreciate about a person.

You're a good guy Lynx, and that's far from an artificial comment, I mean it. Keep your head up, and carry on with life. Things will get better in time.
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Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
you could suck dick for free :wink:

on a serious note, if you're going to invest money into something, don't let it be people over the internet, but financial investments for your future.

at the end of the day, you want to give someone your heart to somebody, not your money.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
you could suck dick for free :wink:

Sure! And you could teach him!

In all seriousness: I had a friend that I had known since L4D1 was new, back on Xbox. I was this guy's fucking BFF until 2015, almost every game, we played together. We'd had about 12 fall-outs over the years, because both he and I overreacted to different things.

One day, Early 2015, after christmas, I gifted him Arma 3. £15 spent, which for me is 6 month's pay, because my parents gave me £30 a year to spend on Steam.

6 months later, he went on to hack my Steam, facebook, skype, gmail, twitter and youtube account. He posted slanderous things in facebook, things along the lines of "I saw this :heyzeus: working in mcdonalds, I was glad he wasn't serving me food" and "I like shoving pens up my bum"

He returned my Steam account after spending the other £15 gifting himself games about a month later. I was pretty depressed at the time, and my entire family was panicking over the breach in security. When I got my Steam account back, he asked "We're still friends, right?"

It was heartbreaking to see someone I had known for 10 years stab me in the back. I said yeah, we're still friends. After a few months, I quietly defriended and blocked him, haven't spoke to him since.

Don't give people free shit.
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May 15, 2016
Man. Brings a tear to my eye, this really does.
Some of us have been in the same boat, I'm sure you know that by now.
You can always talk to me, ok? I know a lot of people have probably said that already, but I really do mean it.