XXXTentacion just got shot in a driveby

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Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016
Never said he had to. I would have rather he had been tried fairly, but I'm still glad this disgusting POS is dead. You're still defending a (very likely) domestic abuser.
Okay one, the man could've gotten redemption later down his life. Could've changed his ways.


Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016
Also X had mental illnesses which didn't help his situation


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
there's a big difference between domestic abuse and murder

x didnt kill anyone and unless he did; he didn't deserve to die, nor is it justified for people to say 'ahahah glad he's dead' because you're making yourself look like an even bigger twat

if he had mental issues, he should've been given help to combat them, not fucking shot

if you're gonna post facebook level 'glad the fucker's dead would've shot him myself xDDD' shit then piss off
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Apr 30, 2016
Okay one, the man could've gotten redemption later down his life. Could've changed his ways.
Tell that to his girlfriend. You could say this shit about anyone. "Why did they execute Saddam Hussein? He could have changed his ways. Why did they execute Benito Mussolini? He could have changed his ways. Why did they execute Ted Bundy? He could have changed his ways." Of course, these are obvious exaggerations in comparison, but you get the point.

Seriously, you are straight up defending a dude who beat up a gay person for looking at him, and a dude who beat the shit out of his girlfriend. Its no use playing "What-Ifs". He needed both punishment and rehabilitation. He didn't get it. If I could choose between him getting a fair trial or murdered, I would choose fair trial. If I had to choose between nothing happening to him, or him getting murdered, I'd easily choose the scumfuck getting murdered.

there's a big difference between domestic abuse and murder

x didnt kill anyone and unless he did; he didn't deserve to die, nor is it justified for people to say 'ahahah glad he's dead' because you're making yourself look like an even bigger twat

if he had mental issues, he should've been given help to combat them, not fucking shot

if you're gonna post facebook level 'glad the fucker's dead would've shot him myself xDDD' shit then piss off

It is justified for people to say "ahahah glad he's dead" because he was a piece of shit scumbag that beat his girlfriend. Should we let school shooters off the hook because they have mental issues? (Of course, there's a huge difference from someone with violent tendencies and someone that is straight up fucking insane, which XXX was obviously not) If you have the urge to beat the shit out of your girlfriend, you go get help. If you beat the shit out of your girlfriend instead of getting help, you're a scumfuck. He didn't deserve to die, but I'd rather him be dead than be let loose to beat the fuck out of other people for no reason.

I'm glad he's dead, because there's no way in hell he'd ever be punished under the law.
oh yeah and reddit armchair detective are trying to identify the murderers and it's so fucking cringy lmaoooo

maybe they'll save the world just like they did with the boston bombing


Mar 26, 2017
right and wrong is a creation of man

lock thread

also reminder that reddit is entirely at fault for making everyone think the boston bomber was an innocent student causing the actual bomber to panic and shoot and kill a security guard on his escape from campus which never would've happened if it wasn't for the internet
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
It is justified for people to say "ahahah glad he's dead" because he was a piece of shit scumbag that beat his girlfriend. Should we let school shooters off the hook because they have mental issues? (Of course, there's a huge difference from someone with violent tendencies and someone that is straight up fucking insane, which XXX was obviously not) If you have the urge to beat the shit out of your girlfriend, you go get help. If you beat the shit out of your girlfriend instead of getting help, you're a scumfuck. He didn't deserve to die, but I'd rather him be dead than be let loose to beat the fuck out of other people for no reason.
Comparing school shooters to domestic abusers. Okay.

Had it ever crossed your mind that people don't feel comfortable getting help? Had it ever occurred to you that most people were probably just sat on their asses being armchair warriors, bagging the shit out of him instead of insisting he get help? Not everyone has the mentality of repairing themselves, they require someone to encourage them or even outright force them.

I might sound like a bit of a cunt here, but; his girlfriend isn't dead. She still has a life to live. She still has the ability to live the next 60-70 years of her life. You're saying that just because x gave her a couple of black eyes, it's good he doesn't have that? It's good that he died at such a young age? It's good that he missed out on all those years of his life, just because he made bad decisions and had issues?

It'd be totally different if he killed someone, dude; but he didn't. But, of course, instead of getting him the help he needed; people just bagged the shit out of him and what have you. Don't get me wrong here mate; I'm not at all defending him, domestic abuse is absolutely horrible and can scar someone for life, and she probably didn't deserve any second of it; but as I said, she's alive and he's not.

Until someone takes another person's life, they should still be able to live their own. If they have the potential to kill, then they need to be locked away and rehabilitated.


Apr 30, 2016
Reddit hasn't done shit and yet still takes all the praise
it was a joke. i hope the "save the world" part would have communicated that, but apparently not.

Had it ever crossed your mind that people don't feel comfortable getting help?
Oh no, he's not comfortable getting help, I guess its okay for him to beat the shit out of his girlfriend then. Fuck off, you're straight up defending this contemptible man that the world is better off without.

I might sound like a bit of a cunt here, but; his girlfriend isn't dead. She still has a life to live. She still has the ability to live the next 60-70 years of her life. You're saying that just because x gave her a couple of black eyes, it's good he doesn't have that? It's good that he died at such a young age? It's good that he missed out on all those years of his life, just because he made bad decisions and had issues?

You do sound like a huge cunt here. The point isn't only what he did to his girlfriend, the point is what the fucker would have the potential to do. With the shit domestic abusers do, he could have permanently crippled his girlfriend and left her blind or some other shit. Is that really worth him still being alive? I don't think so, considering he's a scumfuck. Not all human lives are equal. His sure isn't equal to his girlfriend's, considering what he's done to her. Making bad decisions is an understatement, he literally brought harm to another human being that could have ruined their life, multiple times.


Apr 26, 2016
it was a joke. i hope the "save the world" part would have communicated that, but apparently not.

Oh no, he's not comfortable getting help, I guess its okay for him to beat the shit out of his girlfriend then. Fuck off, you're straight up defending this contemptible man that the world is better off without.

You do sound like a huge cunt here. The point isn't only what he did to his girlfriend, the point is what the fucker would have the potential to do. With the shit domestic abusers do, he could have permanently crippled his girlfriend and left her blind or some other shit. Is that really worth him still being alive? I don't think so, considering he's a scumfuck. Not all human lives are equal. His sure isn't equal to his girlfriend's, considering what he's done to her. Making bad decisions is an understatement, he literally brought harm to another human being that could have ruined their life, multiple times.
you do understand that the girlfriend said she lied right
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
Oh no, he's not comfortable getting help, I guess its okay for him to beat the shit out of his girlfriend then. Fuck off, you're straight up defending this contemptible man that the world is better off without.

You do sound like a huge cunt here. The point isn't only what he did to his girlfriend, the point is what the fucker would have the potential to do. With the shit domestic abusers do, he could have permanently crippled his girlfriend and left her blind or some other shit. Is that really worth him still being alive? I don't think so, considering he's a scumfuck. Not all human lives are equal. His sure isn't equal to his girlfriend's, considering what he's done to her. Making bad decisions is an understatement, he literally brought harm to another human being that could have ruined their life, multiple times.
Jesus christ dude, calm your shit.

Did you not read the rest of my post? I never once said it was okay for him to beat the shit out of his girlfriend, I said that instead of people branding him hitler and hailing him with bullshit they should have encouraged him to fix his mental issues so it wouldn't happen again.

I never once said that he didn't deserve something. Toss the guy in prison for a few years or some shit.

The fact of the matter is mate; if a loved one of yours did what x did, you wouldn't be saying what you're saying now. You're saying what you're saying because it's common opinion and because it doesn't bother you; you're the armchair warrior type I mentioned.

Nothing of what I say is getting through to you, so I'll just stop it here - and yes, it's probably worth locking this thread.

you do understand that the girlfriend said she lied right
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Mar 26, 2017

man im glad this heyzeus died a slow death he deserved it for slinging crack to people the world is a better place without him


Apr 30, 2016
The fact of the matter is mate; if a loved one of yours did what x did, you wouldn't be saying what you're saying now. You're saying what you're saying because it's common opinion and because it doesn't bother you; you're the armchair warrior type I mentioned.
Sure, maybe I'd face some cognitive dissonance about my family member beating someone, but that doesn't mean they deserve a chance to fix their problems considering they already made the choice to assault another person instead of find help for their problems.

Take the case of a pedophile. Do you think they should be encouraged to go to therapy and sort out their sexual issues after they've raped a child? The crime is different, sure, but the premise is the same.

I still don't see how I'm an armchair warrior for saying a man's actions are despicable and that the world is better off without him, but whatever validates your opinion about this scumbag, I guess.

you do understand that the girlfriend said she lied right
What is this then?


Even if he didn't, he still admitted on camera to beating the shit out of a gay man for looking at him wrong.


Apr 26, 2016
speak english, please
i am speaking english, just can't be bothered speaking formally to you because you dont seem worth the time to structure fucking paragraphs on, good on you for changing your avatar because it was even harder to take you seriously with that filthy frank one


Mar 26, 2017
The fuck does that matter? You realize that the whole "reaching for the soap" thing is a stereotypical joke that doesn't happen as often as you think, right?

if i grew up in the ghetto and hit a point where i got used to hearing gunshots at night and have had more than one friend and family friend disappear either because 'you won't be seeing them anymore' or the grim reality when you're nine and realize they went to prison for a crime they commit or were shot

you bet your fucking ass when i'm in prison, a hellish, stressful environment and i get out of the shower and see someone eyeing me i'd flip my fucking testicles and woop his fucking ass

because i've been broken down and have had deep-seated emotional and mental issues because of my upbringing and the area i grew up in

be humble with what you have
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