Star Wars : The state of the recent movies.


Deleted member 1381

they're clones

but they're fucked up, who says they're going to obey grandpas burger king order
  1. they dont like regular clones to begin with
  2. they probably dont have chips because theyre fucked up
theyre probably going to disobey or join some rebel squad and some group of endor rebels in ROTJ will get retconned as the bad batch

I'd much rather give the funding and screentime to the kenobi series


Dec 5, 2018
Ima just say it, poo poo. Anyone else share the same sentiment and is waiting for Kenobi a Star Wars Story?


Actually Terrible.

But waiting for more of these Mando episodes to come out, baby yoda is awesome


Feb 25, 2020
A bit of necro, but yeah. The new ones were absolutely terrible, and it was definitely due to Disney not knowing anything about Star Wars themselves. The only good things to come out from Disney's ownership of Star Wars were Mandalorian and the newest season of Clone Wars. Mandalorian looks good, however, I never got to watch it, since Disney+ isn't even available in my country lol.
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Deleted member 1392

im so sad over what star wars has become. I completely love and admire both the prequels and the original trilogy, as well as clone wars and the mandalorian. It's all perfectly pieced together, utter masterpiece and beauty.

The sequels can go suck my cock because holy fuck that it's really just an "ok' trilogy at best and that's only because I get quite the hard on for Star Wars material. Like, who cares about Finn or Rey. Ah, yes, in a day, Rey is the best Jedi who shoves her mighty cock on Palpatine's clone (who somehow appeared!). Not to mention Finn, who is a special forces cunt that pooped out of nowhere after seeing the first battle roll out. Such a skilled marksman for an ordinary cleaning staff and stormtrooper.

Honestly, the only thing good out of the sequels was B-8 and that other famous pilot guy which he sure had his charm as a character and was overall funny.

Only really three scenes were ever cool or interesting to witness, but even then, meh. And that was Han Solo's death, when both Rey and Kylo Ren join forces to kill Kylo's master and Luke fighting off Kylo in the end.

The remaining was shit and just a big fat no. There was no good character development. It was all so unnatural and uncanny. It was just gross.

The prequels, which are my fav, on the other hand did a great job. You see Anakin turn to a bitter guy due to his fear to lose Padme like he lost his mom. You can see his hatred for slaver scum and how he felt about his padawan, Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Here's some moments I really enjoyed from the Clone Wars. Here you go.

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el malman

Apr 26, 2016
there are only six starwars movies. change my mind.
What do you mean?

Return of the Jedi was released in 1983.
Georges Lucas died the following day.
The Star Wars franchise was short, but ended before becoming mediocre.
Just some good science fiction movies from the 70s and 80s, nothing more.


a bad memer
Apr 26, 2016
What do you mean?

Return of the Jedi was released in 1983.
Georges Lucas died the following day.
The Star Wars franchise was short, but ended before becoming mediocre.
Just some good science fiction movies from the 70s and 80s, nothing more.
1-3 were the only good parts

The remaing og trilogy looks like it was held together by glue


Apr 26, 2016
Kylo was by far the most enjoyable character, really more a show of Adam Driver as an actor.

I can dismiss Poe and Finn down to an awkward writing team

But Rey wasn't really my cup of tea.

Love star wars, wish they did more Old/High Republic cinema or TV shows
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Apr 26, 2016
i swear to god there was gonna be a gay romance between them and then they dropped that because of china or some shit

I think cinema in general tends to pander, I mean they did market star wars as an adventure for the WHOLE family.

Fun fact: No blood in star wars to my knowledge
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Deleted member 1381

absolute shit

i dont know how or why you would even consider being the lead writer or director for a new star wars trilogy when you don't know anything about the franchise

there was no story to be told and disney knew they'd cash in on the new generation who grew up on the prequels and had yet to properly see a new trilogy in cinemas. luke, who refused to kill his dad because of the modicum of good in him, tried to slaughter his sleeping nephew for having a bad dream

rian johnson is acc a crackpot and jj abrams is a clown

mando looks alright but never grew on me, cw season 7 was the best thing they did


I s2k with fists
Oct 18, 2020
They're victims of a different school of directorship than what George Lucas subscribed to.

Decades of brainless action flicks still making boatloads of money taught this batch of directors all the wrong lessons, and Star Wars is considered to be one of the "greats" of action film and sci-fi. Of course they can just cookie-cutter this stuff.

Rey is what happens when you don't do the hero's journey. Rey is able to just... win. Even when she loses, she is immediately put in a position to win even more bigly. It was kind of over the moment she beat Kylo Ren in their first lightsaber battle. As soon as that happened, a guy who had been training for actual literal years, was able to wipe out an entire school full of people at his rough skill level, and was presumably gearing up for one big climactic fight with his uncle, got punked by some junkrat from a planet in the actual middle of nowhere... who is later revealed to be his cousin. (Assuming messing with the midichlorians also counts as "fatherhood" for Sidious, but that would make Rey's decision to take the Skywalker name just her taking after Anakin and Luke... if not for the fact that she would have zero knowledge of any of that stuff.)

Here's an example. Take a look at the Dwayne Johnson vehicles that got dropped. The Rock is a total chad in them, bordering on Mary Sue (skilled, all the "good" characters like him, his rivals get their butts whooped). Nobody cares, it's an action flick. The creators were trying to replicate that exact effect, only to try to pull that stuff in an already existing character-driven franchise.

(obligatory "pk appeal denied, she was rebel and risked fighting the evil emperor" meme)
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Toast Lord

Oct 21, 2017
The Force Awakens was a little better than the rest of the trilogy since it was the first Star Wars movie we got since Revenge of the Sith (I guess you could also say since the Clone Wars movie but in terms of live action.) We got to meet our new characters. Kinda bummed that Han was suddenly offed, but thats most likely because Harrison Ford just wants to be done with Han since he's really not into star wars. Also the Clone Army was mentioned, but never again after that point. I wish it was the case it was a clone army tbh

Then Rogue One came out and got me actually kinda hype that Disney could make good Star Wars movies. The occasional hint of the original trilogy characters, and even Bail Organa mentioning to call Obi-Wan into service. It was really neat and nothing really felt like it overstayed its welcome (The space battles were the absolute pinnacle of the movie IMO)

Once The Last Jedi came out, I was sort of disappointed, but not in an absolute rage like some people I knew when they saw the movie. It was okay for the most part (Really wish it was Ackbar that made the hyperspace ram, rather than some asshole in pink hair that we only know for a total of 15 minutes) but I haven't really done much in terms of re watching it. Good characters and ships got offed off.

Then Solo came around, which was meh. It wasn't really disapointing for the most part, but honestly it wasn't something I ran to the theatres to see when it came out, the actors portraying Han and Lando did a pretty good job for the most part. The female droid who I can't really bother to remember could have fucked off and the movie since she was kind of ham fisted at times with her ideology.

Once Rise of Skywalker came out, honestly it felt like a schlepp. It was pretty obvious they wanted to get Palpatine on screen for the sake of fixing the fact The last Jedi suddenly got rid of Snoke unceremoniously, and also for having people cheer at the fact Ian Mcdiarmid was reprising his role for palpatine, even got him to redub Sam Witwer's role as palpatine in the first season. Everything just felt rushed, the knife thing didn't make fuck all sense, Finn is hinted at he's possibly force sensitive and never really much delved into, random teleportation which made me confused as hell, and for the forth time Palpatine gets fucked over by his own force lightning (You would think after Mace, Yoda and Vader he would stop using it and stick to lightsabers) Honestly I'm okay with Palpatine returning in some capacity like in the Dark Empire comics in legends, but I wish he came back a little less suddenly, more built up. It was pretty clear that the aftermath of The last Jedi caused J.J Abrams to be pissed at a good portion of his character building was tossed aside, and he didn't really want to do much with it anymore so he just closed it as much as possible (Knights of Ren, Snoke, and Captain Phasma had SOOOOO much possibility but they were all just thrown aside.) They should have stuck with the 'Duel of the Fates' script, it would have been a fantastic send off while having alot of call backs to the previous movies, but unfortunately the only remnant of that script is the one trailer using the Duel of the Fates music, and the latest Darth Vader comic

Vader Comics are fucking based. They reused the antagonist from the Duel of the Fates scripts, and theres ALOT of call backs to vaders past. its awesome, I really suggest people read it. All the Vader comics from the past 5 years have been stellar.

For the most part though, the last Clone Wars season, and the Mandalorian were pretty fucking stellar thus far. Dave Filoni is probably the best thing to happen to Star Wars since Lucas stepped away from making the movies, and I REALLY hope he takes over LucasFilm sometime in the future. The guy really goes in depth with Star Wars, and even goes as far as to ask George Lucas for some advice.
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And whole beasts of nations desire power
Apr 26, 2016

With the end of the latest season, I'm honestly interested in what they choose to go with next. The Mandalorian show as a concept was brilliant, and the first of many steps away from the Skywalker saga that Disney want to do. I was slightly dissapointed at the reveal of another Luke Skywalker CGI'd up young version, because It's been used so much by Disney at this point that it's become a motif for any Star Wars content produced by Disney.

My experience with Star Wars

Star wars as a concept to me was always interesting. I originally watched the prequels before the sequels, so I didn't garner any foreboding for Order 66, Darth Vader's reveal as Luke's father. I was introduced to the Star Wars universe by the Clone Wars, and that's naturally my favorite trilogy.

Star Wars content has been recently pushed so heavily by Disney, and I appraise the recent films for their technological and artistic talent. The Cinematography of the sequels is one of the best I've seen, especially when you compare it to the somewhat comical CGI from the prequels. I personally think that the Prequels are good, but were not produced at the right time. Had the prequels been created now, with the technology we have now, I'm sure the public opinion on them would be so much higher than it currently is.

Sequels - A symptom of bad direction

My hot take on the sequels as a whole is that they're massively let down by what is an attempt at progressive writing. Disney offered up three directors originally, which was a horrible way to approach a continuous story because the directors will have difference in character design, they'll have favorites for sure and this was clearly the case. I actually really liked The Force Awakens, and I think a lot of other people do too. It's certainly the favorite to many of the three sequel films.

The mistake Disney made wasn't just appointing Rian Johnson to direct the second film, but just the system of a different director per film interrupted the continuity of the new trilogy, and resulted in drastic jumps from one plot point to another. with new characters constantly being introduced as main characters, when in reality they should be complimenting the characteristics of our three (four including kylo i guess?) protagonists.

I don't hate the actors/actresses of these new roles, but I don't enjoy the direction of including politics in film making. Personally, I believe that politics should remain separate from film-making, except relevant. To hire someone based on their gender, race or religious belief does not create equality, but further causes divides. A character I believe is exempt from this and starts off a good character (but again, is trampled on by the director gambit) is Finn. Finn's character received criticisms as he was the first of the new content we saw, being the first face to appear in the trailers at his crashed TIE fighter on Jakku. Finn's character contradicts both the people criticizing Disney for being forcefully inclusive, and Disney if that was their attempt at doing so. Finn as a character is never given special treatment because of his race, and this humanizes him because in a film about aliens and space Nazis, why the fuck does race even matter? To anyone?

But that's my two cents, I have a lot more to talk about on Star Wars but I'm generally excited for the new content, especially Bad Batch (we get to see more immediate order-66 and post-66 content!!!)


Jul 21, 2016
I just want them to retcon the entire new trilogy.
It's just harbored this toxicity in the Star Wars community imo
Even the prequels, with how bad they were, didn't cause as much chaos as the New Trilogy did.
If you like the movies you're a dumb fucking idiot poo poo stinky head brainlet that should jump off a bridge, and if you don't like the movies, then you're a sexist, racist, whatever-can-be-put-here-to-make-it-discriminatory-ist stinky poo head brainlet that should jump off a bridge.
All because of bad direction.

Also fuck JJ Abrams
Kelly Marie Tran went through some undeserved mass wave of bullshit and abuse and got repaid by him through her entire role being cut down to what's basically a fucking cameo. Rose was the only part of The Last Jedi I could sort of get behind and enjoy, and he fucking scrapped her. If you roleplay on nebulous JJ, fuck you buddy.
If i see you irl im gonna break your ribs

Deleted member 61

donator without a cause
Apr 26, 2016
Finn was deliberately made as bait for anybody invested in the original trilogy and the power of those who fight with light sabers wielded.

But to be fair, its also retarded to think that these Jedis can reflect all these laser shots EZ PZ without one missing, Jedis are kinda' fucking lame too.

To be honest, I kind of like the idea of a stormtrooper kicking a Jedi's ass. Kind of like how Brad Pitt's character kicks Bruce Lee's ass in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.


a bad memer
Apr 26, 2016
fuck everyone else

Filoni and Favreau rock