TerminatorRP Compendium


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016






the story so far.

  • 1997
    • Judgement Day
    • Large population of humans disappears into the underground to escape the fallout
    • Humanity tries to pick up the pieces to no real avail
  • 1998
    • Humanity observes first SkyNET facilities being built, warded off by built-in defenses
  • 1999
    • Early HK's appear; AERIAL's, early (now redundant) HK models
    • War begins, tens of thousands die by the week
    • HK-DRILLER's enter mass production for early resource gathering
  • 2001
    • T-600 enter stage, tide of war turns
    • Official resistance organisations are established
  • 2003
    • War is mostly fruitless, humans still using conventional weaponry
    • Majority of population interred in labour camps (before SkyNET becomes 100% self reliant) or experimentation laboratories
    • SkyNET begins to employ first plasma weaponry, mainly in HK's or facility defenses
  • 2006
    • Populations from below begin to resurface, link up with existing survivors on the surface
    • Resistances once again formed
  • 2007
    • Several coordinated attacks lead to thousands being freed from camps
    • T-700 enter stage
  • 2008-2014
    • T-700 once again turns the tides of war
    • Resistance cells heavily fractured, most die off
    • SkyNET places heavy emphasis on new HK models (HK-200, HK-100, HK-70, etc.)
    • Automated facilities begin to crop up
    • Most terminator/hunter-killer models now equipped with some form of plasma
  • 2014-2016
    • Whole regions begin to disappear thanks to SkyNET terraforming
    • Annihilation Line is formed, SkyNET gains massive ground
  • 2017 (Current)
    • 800 series in production
    • Humanity begins reverse engineering plasma weaponry, still incredibly rare
    • Humanity on an extreme backfoot
The year is 2020; 23 years after Judgement day. For 18 years, humanity lived mostly underground following the nuclear strikes launched by an artificial intelligence known as 'SkyNET' which decimated a lot of the world, killing three billion in the process. In 2015, humanity begun to ascend from the depths, only to come face to face with the machines the A.I. had developed over the course of those 18 years. During the 18 years, SkyNET mostly spent its time gathering resources, intelligence, designing the first Terminator models and exterminating any humans still on the surface.

Humanity's first attempts to oppose the armada were catastrophically unsuccessful. Hundreds of thousands were killed. Soon enough, humanity chose to retreat, hide or simply die - what was the alternative?

Two years on, it's not any better. While the East Coast wasn't seeing nearly as much activity than the West, it's no surprise that it means nothing in the grand scheme of things; humanity barely has a foothold, SkyNET always dozens of steps ahead at every turn. Hundreds, even thousands, die every single day and humanity isn't able to do much to oppose it.

We find ourselves in Maryland; swamps, forests and mountains - the terrain is the only reason humanity has ever stood a chance out here. The earlier model Terminators are continuously held back by the restraints of the land, even permitting resistances in the area to strike occasionally with mostly guerilla-style tactics - but nothing is concrete.

Advancing on us almost consistently is the Annihilation Line; an utter onslaught of machines of all sizes, types and dangers. In its wake, regions are razed and people are mercilessly killed; the land behind the Line is said to be barren, quiet, deathly and grey. The Line moves outwards, always; machines do not rest, they do not tire. We do.

There is no large resistance.
The name 'Tech-Com' doesn't exist and won't for years.
The name 'John Connor' means nothing to anyone.
Humanity has no saving grace this time; they're on their own.
That isn't looking like changing any time soon.

It's fight or die. SkyNET has no interest in taking humans alive.


the machines.


Over the years, SkyNET has developed many drones; from massive support drones weighing in at hundreds of tonnes, to humanoid drones, to tiny infiltration drones. All of them serve their own purpose; their own methods of death, their own flaws, their own perfections and their own dangers.

At this point in the timeline - and likely at no point we'd ever see - extremely advanced drones, such as the T-1000 and beyond, do not exist and won't exist for well over a decade. Even if utterly pile-driving humanity, SkyNET is still basic at this point.

Each drone will be labelled with a ✔️ or a ❌; the green tick denotes that it is currently operational, and the red X denotes that it is not currently operational - but it will, or may, be operational sometime in the near future.

All of these pictures, and the original concepts (albeit altered here and there), are taken directly from TnB's SkyNET Megathread. I credit them for the pictures and the original concepts.

SkyNET's attempt at dehumanisation.

The T-600 - ✔️

The T-600 is the first instance of a successful humanoid model that SkyNET chose to produce en-masse, having been the subject of experimentation as early as 2000, after SkyNET sought to begin its line of humanoid drones due to the increased human resistance. It wasn't until 2001 that the complete T-600 model was conceived and begun mass-production, meaning hundreds of thousands of units had already entered the battlefield before the majority of humanity resurfaced. As of 2016, however, the T-600 is no longer being manufactured as the T-700 became the dominant mass-production humanoid unit. That being said, there are still well over a million fielded T-600's despite their number dwindling day by day. The T-600 is almost most notable for being the first instance of psychological warfare against humanity, as it begun to believe that human-looking drones would cause psychological detriment to humanity; it was right, too.

A T-600's entire figure is composed of a titanium alloy, which was SkyNET's first attempt to harden such a small chassis - in comparison to the larger units it had already produced. It stands exactly 7 feet 3 inches tall and that only waivers in cases of model variants or occasional tweaks made by SkyNET. This titanium alloy has proven mostly fruitless against plasma fire, which has been proven in a few instances where human aggressors were wielding low-wattage energy weapons; this is why the T-700 was conceived, and the T-600 was gradually phased out. A T-600's typical curb weight - weapon and ammunition not included - typically sways around the 1,000lb mark. A T-600 is powered by a singular electric battery that has an 8 month (longer, in newer T-600 units) lifespan, meaning the unit can be fielded for almost a year at a time without needing any form of recharging.

Most T-600's wield some sort of repurposed minigun; only the later units begun to carry SkyNET-produced miniguns, as the availability of pre-war weapons begun to dwindle the more T-600's were produced. This minigun is fused with the unit's right arm, making it impossible to take unless detached. The type of minigun a T-600 can wield is widely varied otherwise, though primarily consisted of many different M134 variants due to the wide usage of them by the United States Military. Alongside this, T-600's are known to wield low-wattage plasma SMGs, which are attached to their left leg; they are designated as a sidearm and will only be used should the unit run out of ammunition for its minigun, or the minigun become damaged in some way. There are rare instances of earlier T-600 models using GAU-19's or even M61 Vulcans, although the scarcity of these weapons meant they were very rarely ever used purposefully - more out of necessity. A T-600 is equipped with a general low-capacity CPU stored in a hardened titanium case in its cranium, with exposed wires at the back of the neck that run down into the rest of the chassis; this has been exploited many times in combat. Its targeting system is rudimentary, able to detect movement and heat sources with moderate effectiveness; hiding from a T-600 isn't hard as a result, especially given it isn't able to pick up low noises.

With its tremendous curb weight, the T-600 is not known for manoeuvrability; rather it relies on extremely slow, heavy movements which have been its downfall since its first reported battles. Naturally, it isn't quiet either. A T-600's combat methods are extremely narrow-minded and typically consist of 'move forward and shoot until its dead', which can be fairly effective given the unit has no sense of self preservation whatsoever - it will walk, fire and shoot until it drops dead or its target does. Otherwise, a T-600 has no other tactics and is typically provided tactics by another nearby drone of higher quality; a T-700, for example, may provide it with specific orders to do something outside of its original combative programming. A T-600 does not utilise R/W in any way (see: READ/WRITE below) and so relies on baseline code to respond to situations, making its reaction time non-instant but still relatively quick. T-600's are typically deployed alongside T-700's and can even be used as shields by superior units; although it's rare with T-700's and is more of an attribute of the soon-to-be T-800. This being said; T-600's can also be deployed alone, or in squadrons.

Over the years, humanity has learned how to combat these sluggish powerhouses quite well; from hit and run tactics to traps and even continuous heavy fire, the T-600 - while still incredibly dangerous to humans on the field - has seen its time spent in the fight and as such, humans have adapted to seeing it.

The T-610 - ✔️

T-610's are far rarer than their original counterparts. Almost identical in every field, the T-610's only differences are in two areas; its armour and its weaponry.

The T-610 chassis features an extra layer of titanium alloy over its existing chassis, elevating its curb weight right up to 1,200lb on average. This not only means that the unit is far more suited to tanking damage over the standard variant, but also means it's a lot slower than the original variant as well.

Weapon-wise, many early T-610's utilise dual XM214 Microguns which are fused with the drone's arms, much like the standard variant. This also means that the unit cannot switch to a sidearm and so isn't equipped with one; as a result, it carries a far larger ammunition deposit than the standard variant does, meaning it can sustain fire on a target for far longer and is programmed to fire in far larger bursts.

T-610's are deployed primarily as heavy suppression alongside other units; its incredibly rare to encounter a T-610 alone and you will typically only ever encounter one alone if it is in transit to a local facility or re-routing to another location.

The T-700 - ✔️


Beginning mainstream production in mid-2007, having seen copious field testing (primarily on the Western front) in late 2006, the T-700 is the overall successor of the far less capable T-600 unit. Despite the T-600 now being completely outclassed and no longer in production, the number of fielded T-700 units is still only half that of the fielded T-600 series; reason being that the T-600 was far easier to produce. The T-700's sudden emergence en-masse occurred due to the several strikes on SkyNET labour camps in 2006 and 2007, which led to SkyNET pushing forward the T-700 program in an attempt to combat humanity earlier than first anticipated; as a result, the initial T-700 drones were fielded with several flaws that were exploited by humans, such as their patchy intelligence and inconsistent movement thanks to haphazardly designed structures. These issues were ironed out in mere months, with flawed drones having been scrapped and rebuilt.

The chassis of a T-700 is layered; within the chassis primarily sits hardened titanium, not unlike the T-600's chassis - although, the mixture had been perfected by this point after data retrieved from thousands of T-600 encounters with human combatants wielding various types of weapons. This also means that the hardened titanium inner chassis is also far more durable. On many of the T-700's appendages, spots on its torso and most of its head lays the first instance of hyperalloy ever recorded on field drones; while they had been noted within SkyNET facilities by this point, the T-700 was the first unit to ever employ any amount of hyperalloy at all. The hyperalloy within a T-700's chassis consisted of; most joints, layers on the forearms, thighs, shins, chest and head - at this point, SkyNET was unable to produce large quantities of hyperalloy and so it only utilised it on key areas of the drone. This proved to be insurmountably valuable, as T-700 fatalities were incredibly rare for the first few years of their deployment. In terms of specifics, the T-700 stands at 6 foot 8 and weighs 800lb; a massive difference to its predecessor.

With SkyNET now equipping most of its worth-while drones with plasma, the T-700's equipment varied greatly from its predecessor model; each T-700 is equipped with a standard SkyNET-manufactured 40-Watt plasma rifle, which - to this day - fairs incredibly well against almost all types of armour, making short work of the crude titanium plates humans often utilise. The 40-Watt plasma rifle would become one of SkyNET's staple firearms and undoubtedly its most produced firearm. Alongside this, T-700's are equipped with leg-mounted 30-Watt secondary SMG's which can be unlatched in the event of their primary not being usable. Despite the emphasis on plasma, however, some T-700 were deployed with ballistic weaponry of a singular type; a minigun. Not just any minigun, though; SkyNET's purpose-manufactured 5.56 minigun, which it based heavily off of the M134. These miniguns are not fused to the drone's arm unlike the T-600's miniguns often are; instead, the drone wields it normally. This allows for the retrieval of a secondary, should the minigun be otherwise unusable. A T-700's CPU is encased in a hyperalloy compartment located in its skull, with no exposure to permit easy access without the correct tools; unlike the T-600, there is also no exposed wiring. This makes reprogramming quite irritating. A T-700's targeting system is a massive step up from the T-600, permitting it a large amount of data of the battlefield and awareness that morphs its predecessor in every way; hiding from a T-700 is surprisingly hard and only truly accomplished in very rare situations.

SkyNET's largest problem faced with the previous T-600 unit was that of movement; with the old model's tremendous curb weight and primitive joint design, it was unable to manoeuvre itself in any impressive way; this has been corrected, quite noticeably, with the T-700 model. Boasting far better joints than its predecessor, the T-700 is not only twice as fast but able to achieve far more in tactical situations, especially when it comes to utilising cover and being proficient in hand-to-hand combat. A T-700's method of combat isn't entirely unlike the T-600, however, as it still utilises the typical 'advance and kill' method of attack; that being said, the T-700 is far more capable of tact, allowing it to choose suitable cover before advancing and even taking different routes to flank a human combatant. While its tactics are usually fairly predictable in the eyes of a human, it's still a massive upgrade from the previous drone's 'walk forward, shoot until dead' mindset. The overall intelligence of a T-700 is also a large step up; capable of moderate speech - although still 'robotic' - many T-700's have been recorded ordering humans to surrender, asking their name, their birth date, their purpose and other interrogation-related inquiries. A T-700 is also the first ever SkyNET drone to employ moderate R/W (see: READ/WRITE below), having been the flagship model for testing of the new program; while incredibly barebones, the T-700 is capable of learning the opposition's own tactics should they be relatively rudimentary; while it certainly couldn't learn the tactics of a fully trained soldier in any rush, the average scavenger will have a hard time outsmarting this thing after a few minutes of fighting it.

T-700's are typically deployed in squadrons of a few or more, with T-600's as back up; although, much like the T-600, T-700's are also frequently deployed as singulars. T-700's may also issue close-link orders to individual T-600 units in combat, as T-600's are not inherently capable of any substantial tact. T-700's are very often utilised in the protecting of facilities as well.

To this day, humans have found no real exploits to combat T-700's; while their still-moderate intelligence may naturally be exploited in the field, the units' limited R/W has proven this method to be inconsistent and many warn others not to rely on it. Typically humans have simply resorted to 'shooting until its dead' type methods, which has proven to be an incredible drain on resources but an entirely necessary one. Otherwise; explosives have proven extremely useful against T-700's, as the connections between hyperalloy joints and their hardened titanium connectors don't usually fair well against explosions.

The T-704 - ✔️


Unlike the step-up between T-600 and T-610, the T-704 is actually quite a highly superior unit to its younger T-700 brother.

Produced solely for the purpose of reconnaissance, hit-and-run tactics, marksmanship and several-week-long missions, the T-704 was one of the first drones to be considered an utter Grim Reaper on the field. With their purpose in mind, it comes to no surprise that the T-704 is often seen in ruined skyscrapers or at a general long distance from its target; it's capable of firing on targets from as far as two miles away, in fact.

The chassis of a T-704, however, is far lesser than a T-700; featuring no hyperalloy whatsoever and only a lightened titanium mixture, it is incredibly susceptible to even moderate ballistics fire. This strip-down occurred to make the drone far more light on its feet, only weighing in at an astonishingly low 550lb on average.

Equipment-wise, a T-704 is equipped with a rarely-seen 65W marksman rifle; a semi-automatic infantry-demolisher of a rifle, capable of ripping through any body-worn armour and even relatively thick walls that aren't made of pure metal. Alongside this, it has the standard 30W SMG as a sidearm.

A T-704's intelligence is where it truly shines; being the base for the future T-800's CPU, the T-704 has a CPU capable of incredible calculations in the face of its slightly older brother. In combat, a T-704 is able to learn its opponent incredibly quickly, only taking a few shots before it's able to begin predicting likelihoods and other statistics. This means that - once caught in an engagement with a T-704 - it's either you kill it, or it kills you; it's rare that there's ever a third option and for that reason, the T-704 is able to lock down entire areas purely by noting its presence to any would-be attackers.

Naturally, a T-704's targeting sensors are impeccable.

The T-720 - ✔️

With the 6xx series having its own 'heavy hitter', it's only befitting that the 7xx series does as well.

The T-720 is an expensive unit to produce (at least, for the 7xx series' level of worth) and so is far rarer than the baseline T-700 unit, but far more common than the T-704; this due to the complexity of the T-704's processing unit and the eventual phasing-out of the T-704 in favour of the devil-sent T-804 in the future.

While no smarter than its standard counterpart, the T-720 does share something in common with the 6xx series; walk, shoot, kill. Naturally yes, it does tend to utilise cover far more than the 6xx series does, it is built to take punishment and dish just as much punishment in the process. Reason being; unlike the limited use of hyperalloy on the baseline T-700 chassis, the T-720 is not only equipped with solid hyperalloy joints, but a hyperalloy coating over its entire chassis. While this coating is only thin and may not survive an utter abundance of punishment, it sets the variant apart from the standard T-700 quite considerably.

Atop this, the T-720 is equipped with SkyNET's first hand-held LMG; the 60W, high-RPM LMG produced (at the time) exclusively for this unit alone - marking it as the first unit to ever receive a weapon solely built for it. That is, until the 8xx series arrival. With this LMG it is capable of dishing thrice the punishment it receives, without question. The T-720 is also equipped with a 30W SMG sidearm.

Typically these units are deployed with the mindset of their destruction; meaning, they are purpose-built to charge head on and deal as much damage as they possibly can. This is only amplified when they are deployed with other humanoid drones.

The T-800 - ❌

The beginning of an era.

The T-800 chassis will not only become the most used, varied and deadly chassis of SkyNET's arsenal, but will become the devil incarnate for all who oppose the machine. While still currently in late-production to this day, there has been several whispers among the resistances of the West coast - which has slowly made its way to all other corners of the country - that a 'new drone' has been seen among the masses, described as something 'fast, strong, unbelievably smart and beyond human prevention'. Much of this is hearsay, as it's widely believed SkyNET - while catastrophic in its own right - isn't nearly ready to begin producing units of that calibre. It goes hand-in-hand with the claims of several SkyNET facilities seeing upgrades to their defenses with seemingly no instigation, which is highly unlike the A.I. to do so suddenly. To this day there have been no direct sightings of the T-800 chassis, in any form, on the East Coast and the simple mention of a 'T-800' is sure to bring about the sarcasm of all those listening; all those who don't want to believe what they're hearing.

Unlike all the chassis' before it, the T-800 series is entirely composed of hyperalloy; hyperalloy isn't foreign to humanity given the 7xx series' partial use of it, but they widely assumed that SkyNET was being cautious in its use given the scarcity of it; the T-800 will disprove that theory. With it being made of solid hyperalloy, the T-800 is far lighter than its grandparent models; only 450lb. Alongside this a T-800's general frame is far more streamlined and aims to move away from the large, bulky, abhorrent design of the 6xx and 7xx series chassis; rather, the T-800 is sleek and only stands at a shockingly human-sized 6 foot 2 - in general, this unit bares the most striking resemblance to its human prey than any before it. One of the most noticeable upgrades about this unit is that SkyNET has made off with the old batteries that powered the previous units; instead, the T-800 features a nuclear power cell which can last for an estimated 120 years before needing any form of replacement - this can also be quite catastrophic, if the unit wishes for it to be.

The T-800's weapon layout is equally as unlike any before it; a wide variety of weapons may be afforded to such an extensively efficient and powerful unit, ranging from a standard 45W plasma rifle to a 60W LMG, as well as several options when it comes to sidearms - although most are given a pair of 30W SMG's which they can dual-wield to put down some dangerous high-speed fire on its targets. Rarely, a T-800 unit may be equipped with a two-handed plasma-repeater, although this is very circumstantial and often seen as wasteful in the hands of such a lightweight unit when it could be instead given to the more clunky, single-minded 7xx series. Every T-800 unit is equipped with its own HK-WIDOW unit which it may deploy in a multitude of situations; a custom-made HK-WIDOW at that, given its considerably smaller size and the lack of any kind of weapon - thus, it's primary use is scouting or identifying the locations of targets on behalf of the T-800 who deployed it.

Naturally, the T-800's movement has seen a considerable upgrade from the chassis' before it; fluid and fast, the T-800 can not only move almost like a human can but it can run at speeds not even pre-war record breakers could ever hope to achieve - specifically, a top-speed of 32.5mph (or 52.3kmh), meaning there's zero chance anyone could ever hope to escape from it on foot; or even in a car, half the time. For the first time as well, a humanoid chassis' vertical movement was addressed; with all new hydraulics in the unit's legs, it is able to jump almost two and a half times its own height and can even manage a two-story jump if it doesn't mind grappling the rest of the way up.

In battle, a T-800 is unmatched; devilish, even. Capable of calculations dozens of times faster than any drone before it, a T-800 is most likely to have worked you out before you've worked it out; only the smartest of tactical minds could ever hope to do something that a T-800 hasn't thought you'd do - in terms of tact the T-800 is almost on par with military specialists, capable of coordinating its own ambushes on its own volition at any time, as well as directing lesser units - including many HK's - to assist it in whatever its plan is. The T-800 is also the first drone capable of retreat; if it concludes that its enemies are about to destroy it, it will - without a lick of hesitance - retreat, sometimes to gain an advantage and sometimes fully. With all of this tactical prowess it isn't surprising to hear that a T-800 is installed with baseline human psychology programs; while they certainly aren't flawless by any means, a T-800 could engage in interrogative conversation with a captive if it needed to and is not bound to pre-set inquiries like the 7xx and 6xx series' are. Speech can be frequently utilised in battle as well, if it feels its foe may succumb to verbal downplaying. All this said, it also goes without saying that the T-800 has an R/W program unlike any other, capable of reading information astonishingly fast in comparison to its predecessor units and is trusted to re-write its existing code in far more capacity than any before it as well; meaning, 8xx drones that see extensive deployment without destruction only become more and more intelligent, cataloguing human interactions - both combative and otherwise - in what can only be described as the ability to learn at an advanced rate.

T-800's are typically deployed in the field alone, as singulars or pairs with smaller patrols, or in squadrons of their own which often proves the deadliest. With their enhanced tact, any drone below it will undoubtedly see custom orders routed from the present T-800 during combat meaning that not only is the T-800 itself dangerous, but it is capable of making lesser drones around it more dangerous than they originally were.

The 8xx series will go on to become SkyNET's flagship chassis and will see the most varieties out of all others. It is, by all means, the beginning of the end for humanity.

The T-804 -

Some would come to see the T-804 being the 'true form' of SkyNET marksmen. While the T-704 is most certainly an utter devil on the field, it pales in comparison to the T-804's sheer ability.

With a streamlined design, the T-804 forgoes a lot of its defensive measures that the baseline T-800 exhibits; thus, the T-804 only weighs a projected 390lb in comparison to the baseline T-800's 450lb. Atop this, the drone only stands an astonishingly low 5'8, which better allows it to utilise cover and hide away in various vantage points. Alas; this does mean that a T-804 is a little less resistant to damage than the standard T-800 chassis.

Unlike its predecessor, the T-804 is equipped with something far more deadly; an experimental prototype sniper rifle dubbed the '80-W Precision Rifle'. Despite the wattage mentioned in the aforementioned classification, it fails to denote why the rifle is experimental; rather than being prohibited to an 80W bolt, the Precision Rifle is capable of being fine-tuned on the fly to emit anything from a 50-W bolt to an 80-W bolt at the user's leisure. This does make sense in some capacity, as an 80-W bolt is theoretically capable of chewing a human being into two halves and punching through the armour of any modern day tank. Equipment-wise the T-804 foregoes the standard HK-WIDOW unit for the all-new 'HK-SPOTTER'; a drone purpose-built for the T-804 and the T-804 alone - a small aerial drone with no offensive capabilities, sent in whichever direction necessary to spot for the sniper. The drone can fly some ten kilometers away from the T-804 before it loses contact, meaning the T-804 can track almost anything.

Another unique feature about the T-804 is its CPU. While the T-800 itself is an incredibly intelligent unit, it truly cannot live up to the tactical prowess of a T-804; with its tracking capabilities, knowledge of the land, zeroing abilities and knowledge of human tact, going head-to-head with a T-804 is surely a death-sentence unless you have a massive ace up your sleeve. Contrary to belief, however, the T-804 does not come standard with such an advanced knowledge of human tactics; rather, due to the fact the unit is equipped with the standard 8xx series R/W, it instead builds that knowledge all on its own - see; a T-804 is very rarely ever decommissioned and as such, a T-804 has very many encounters with humans and records a lot of data in comparison to the usual T-800. Thus, it develops a far greater understanding of humans in battle.

Atop all of this the T-804 is far more adept at alternative methods of combat; ambushing, hit-and-runs, sabotage, you name it - a T-804 is capable of it. Unlike the simplicity of its predecessor's 'point and shoot, big surprise', a T-804 may go as far as to set traps for entire convoys, hide in place for weeks or even months in anticipation for the arrival of something or even have the gall to directly assault resistance hideouts without any form of backup.

There have been no reported sightings of T-804's so far; that being said.. it's a wonder if that's because there aren't any fielded, or if they simply hide themselves too well.

The T-808 -

Purpose-built 8xx series chassis deployed for a specific job and, typically, in no other instances.

The closest thing you'll ever get to a 'utility' Terminator model, the T-808 is a standard T-800 chassis instead equipped with a napalm-fuelled flamethrower. These drones are deployed solely for the razing of previous civilian/resistance locations, such as hideouts or entire towns. As such, they are infrequently seen in combat and are only ever deployed in combat situations should intelligence provide SkyNET with enough belief that the unit will be required for the benefit of ground troops. Even despite all of this, the T-808 is equipped with the standard 30-W sidearms.

Onto the flamethrower itself; it is a play on pre-judgement designs, utilising napalm as aforementioned. It has an effective range of 75 feet and is capable of engulfing entire buildings in mere minutes; especially if multiple T-808 units focus their fire, which is often the case. Unlike pre-judgement counterparts, the flamethrower has a far higher capacity as the drone is capable of withstanding the weight of such a large tank; that being said, it also makes it incredibly susceptible to both ballistics and plasma; yet another reason why very few of them ever see front line combat and are instead in the business of prevention.

Otherwise, there are no differences; directive and equipment aside, this is a standard T-800 chassis.

The T-820 -

SkyNET's first anti-tank Terminator.

Underneath it is practically identical to the standard T-800 chassis; intelligence and overall structure is practically identical. Where the differences begin is the plating that the drone sports; the first of its kind, the T-820 utilises ERA (explosive reactive armour), meaning any detonation within its vicinity or directly to the chassis has surprisingly little effect; the plates will naturally be damaged, but it effectively means the T-820 is capable of withstanding up to 2-3 direct explosions before seeing considerable damage. To all other forms of damage, however, it is identical to the T-800.

The purpose of this drone is somewhat varied; while it was built with the intention of being a counter to resistance vehicles - from simple cars, to tanks and even aerial vehicles - it will also most likely see use in the business of destroying large structures, resistance installations or generally anything that requires an explosive touch. As a result, they are never deployed alone and will always have some form of backup.

Their equipment is as varied as their purpose is; their main armament is that of a SkyNET-produced multi-barrel rocket launcher capable of firing a variety of different warheads with different purposes of their own. This launcher is capable of firing four warheads in rapid succession (0.3 seconds between individual shots). On the shoulder of the T-820 rests a retractable 'mount', which the drone is capable of automatically attaching the rear of the launcher to at its leisure; for the sake of stability, naturally. Atop this, the drone's shins have extendable 'supports', which can dig into the ground for added stability. In a compartment on their back they also carry several remote explosives that can be used in ambush situations, raids, or any real variety of situations that come to mind. These explosives are tied to their CPU and can be detonated on command. Otherwise, they carry typical 30-W sidearms.

Overall the T-820 is a rare occurrence and is usually built as SkyNET deems it necessary.

The T-831 -

The 6xx series has the T-610, the 7xx series has the T-720... and the 8xx series has this.

What will eventually be known as one of SkyNET's most destructive units, the T-831 could be mistaken for a siege weapon of its own; standing at an astonishingly tall (for the series) 6'6, its chassis has seen reinforcement like no other - so much so that it's over twice the weight of the standard T-800 chassis it was born from, at a heavyweight-status 800lb. Every single limb, every single inch of this demonic being has been reinforced with the best hyperalloy forgeable; with custom plating protecting most of its joints meaning standard methods of assault typically don't work. Its most noticeable feature is the pauldron-esque shoulder-pieces, which alone could survive a direct hit from almost anything; they serve to prevent the unit's arms from ever being detached, and it isn't a wonder why. Just to make matters worse; much like the T-820, it features ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour) across its entire chassis, making it near-immune to almost all explosives.

Armour is hardly why the T-831 is such an overwhelmingly powerful variant, though; that title is claimed by its vast array of weaponry. As a primary, the T-831 is equipped with two arm-mounted tri-barrel 60-W cycling repeaters, capable of extremely high rates of fire to the point it could be confused as one continuous beam when it is in fact not. This primary armament is capable of tearing apart cover at a scarily fast rate, with initial testing having seen the rotten chassis of a Sedan melted in half after only a 2.9 second burst from top to bottom. As an alternative, the drone is equipped with interchangeable (via retracting its primary back into its arms) 75-W semi-automatic plasma cannons, not unlike the cannons utilised by HK-AERIAL's; just downsized. This form of plasma weapon is unique, as - upon impact - the plasma will destabilise and disperse, causing an explosion. And, of course, just to add insult to injury; the T-831 has a shoulder-mounted belt-fed grenade launcher that can be retracted into its back at any time, with the grenades securely protected in a compartment on its broad back.

While this weaponry may sound utterly devastating, the truly horrific detail is the T-831's versality; with only one trip to the nearest SkyNET facility, the T-831 has a range of almost three dozen weapons that it can be outfitted with at any time, meaning the drone can be purpose-outfitted for specific deployments. So, yes; those weapons are only its standard ones.

It goes without saying that the deployment parameters for these drones are quite simple; to cause as much damage as humanly possible. They will be typically be deployed alongside other T-800's as backup, as the one flaw with this drone is that it's considerably more sluggish than the typical 8xx series and is incapable of engaging in hand-to-hand combat - unless it doesn't mind using its arm-mounted weaponry to bludgeon someone, which it theoretically could if someone was suicidal enough to get that close.

Intelligence-wise, the T-831 is no better off than the T-800.

The T-850 -

8xx in spirit, but its own devil.

A late-days invention of the SkyNET A.I., the T-850 - much like the T-800 itself - is the beginning of an era; a flawless chassis with almost zero hint of imperfections, a chassis capable of almost any command its A.I. overlord should demand of it.

Produced as a hunter and nothing more, this ultra-rare breed of 8xx series is purpose-built to see the inventions of the opposing side destroyed; it is, through-and-through, a reprog-hunter - a drone designed to seek out its own kind and destroy any who would get in its way of doing so. With such excellence in a unit comes a variety of uses naturally, but due to the caution the A.I. holds about this drone ever reaching the hands of humankind, it's extremely selective with what it instructs its very few T-850 drones to execute. What it deems acceptable, however, is generally anything in the field of a high priority target; be it reprogrammed, human, or object. With all this said, it goes without saying that the T-850 is only ever deployed for a specific reason and will never lay its metal foot beyond a SkyNET facility otherwise; they are not drones that see open battle unless necessary. Sometimes - if an objective is worthy of it - they may not even be alone.

Comprised of a hyperalloy-coltan mixture, this ultra-lightweight demon can fend off almost anything you can throw at it; it does not bend, it does not break, it does not melt, it does not stop. Weighing in at an unbelievably low 330lb, the only drawback this unit has is that anything that can hit hard will undoubtedly send it to the ground; but with marginal damage at best and may only provide the prey a moment or so to gain ground on a retreat. With such an advanced chassis comes more fluidity in movement; not only is this drone capable of running a whole 7mph (11.2kmh) faster than the standard T-800 chassis, the fluidity of its movement makes it an almost impossible target to hit. Alongside this it is the first unit to feature more than one nuclear reactor as a power source; one located in the usual chest-mounted spot and another down and left of it - should one become damaged, the secondary power source will come online.

One of the most impressive features of the T-850 is its sheer intelligence; easily argued as beyond SkyNET's capability, the T-850 is a master of all - be it human psychology, field tactics or simple assumption, the T-850 understands its surroundings in such a way thought impossible for a machine. It matters little how excellent you are; a T-850 will top you and it will do it by very many miles. It isn't a wonder why, however, as the drone is designed first and foremost to hunt its own kind and so it must outmatch them, in every single way possible.

It isn't a surprise, then, that the T-850 has no standard weapon layout; it is given what the A.I. believes it will need to achieve the objective it has given it. Make no mistake, however; it will wield the best that SkyNET has to offer.

This being the absolute pinnacle of the current age's SkyNET's ability, it's not a surprise that the T-850 is actually completely immune to reprogramming; if captured, the T-850 will first attempt to self destruct - if unable, it will melt its own CPU through a subroutine that cannot be interrupted in time.

It doesn't go beyond this... hopefully.

All non-humanoid drones.



These almost entirely stripped back HK-500 models weigh next to nothing and are equipped with no firearms, due to their extremely peculiar usage; they are often deployed in darker, more claustrophobic areas and are designed to hunt down the squatters of these areas... or even lure them in. The weapons they do have, however, are foot-long pincers capable of slicing clean through flesh and bone alike.

Capable of moving in bursts excess of 80km/h, these nightmarish machines of the dark are almost impossible to hit; to make matters worse, they're equipped with an internal device which makes their entire carapace 'vibrate' rapidly on command, making them appear as a blur to human eyes. This is typically done on approach to a human target.

On top of this, they are able to record the screams and pleas of its previous victims, enabling it to play them back when it believes a target is nearby; if the would-be victim takes the bait, they will typically attack from the complete darkness and slice a person apart.

To be this fast, though, there is a problem; almost any kind of fire can destroy it. There have been cases of small rifle rounds being able to destroy them.. if you can actually hit them in the first place.

They are very rarely seen outside.


An upscaled T-500R; but that is where the similarities end.

The purpose of the HK-REAPER is almost entirely tied into the existence of HK-TRANSPORT's, meaning it's unlikely to see the two apart; naturally, this implies that they are in development alongside the HK-TRANSPORT's.

Under the cover of fog deployed by the aerial barge, dozens of HK-REAPER units are deployed to seek out the fallen chassis' of other Terminators; from humanoid chassis' to something as large as a destroyed T-200, they are essentially the 'janitors' of SkyNET and are, funnily enough, almost entirely docile as a result unless explicitly provoked. Granted; you shouldn't go walking straight up to one, either.
Comprised of drones too unique to be categorised.

HK-20 -✔️

A miniature support drone, typically only standing at 3 feet.

It's primary purpose was to be deployed alongside - but at a distance - from patrols, capable of providing them with a smoke screen in the event of a firefight. They have been known to participate in hit-and-run tactics, however, and are - on occasion - used for recon, although this was largely removed from their primary function after the creation of the HK-WIDOW.

They are equipped with a pair of 10W mini-cannons that have quite a slow fire-rate; typically only there to ward off would-be attackers. It will almost always retreat in the event of confrontation.

HK-500 -✔️


Stripped-back HK-400's with a whole different use.

With a light steel carapace and some of the quickest speeds in SkyNET's arsenal, these drones are typically deployed to perform hit-and-run assaults - usually in packs of four or more. Their personal arsenals consist solely of dual, extremely-high-fire-rate 30W cannons that are effective in disabling vehicles and destroying cover. It isn't uncommon for them to be used before large assaults, to scramble the defending human force.

They are able to run at a top speed of 50 km/h, making them extremely hard to hit. That being said; upon taking a hit, they are likely to sustain quite a bit of damage.



The smallest of SkyNET's many designs.

Widely used and produced due to their extremely cheap production cost, HK-WIDOW's are deployed at random to seek out human fortifications and infiltrate them to record useful data or even sabotage equipment, utilising the tiny 5W laser that makes up its main carapace.

Only 10 inches tall, these little pests aren't really capable of any kind of attack outside of giving you a slight burn at a short distance. Typically, however, they will opt to borrow underneath loose surfaces using digging mechanisms on the lower front of its carapace to avoid detection.
Light support/scouting drones.

HK-70 -✔️

One of SkyNET's first assault drones.

Meant almost solely for maximum damage output in firefights, the HK-70 is a lightweight (for its class) quadruped equipped with a pair of 70W cannons that can fire at a moderate speed. These 70W cannons are capable of tearing through most surfaces, making HK-70's especially deadly in urban environments where freedom fighters may be using ruins to their advantage. They are entirely comprised of hardened steel.

They are typically deployed in packs of three or more, accompanied by infantry drones. In the rear of their main carapace they house a singular HK-20 support drone, which they can deploy at will.

HK-400 -✔️


A back-line ordinance drone.

Deployed at the back of assault teams, HK-400's were produced with the intention of providing long-distance strikes to soften up targets closer to the line.

To do this, the HK-400 is equipped with a retractable mortar pod on the rear of its main carapace, capable of extending at various angles and firing off ordinance at a rate of once per ten seconds. These mortars are of moderate yield and are capable of destroying small structures in one shot. Also at its disposal is a low-fire-rate 60W cannon for close up defense and a SkyNET-produced M134-based minigun for the same use.

Due to their more fragile midriff, they are typically quite susceptible to explosives.
Medium assault drones.

HK-100 -✔️

The smallest of the heavyweight class.

Standing at 12ft tall when its legs are in idle position, the HK-100 is equipped with a pair of 80W repeating cannons; despite having a slow fire-rate, these mobile weapons platforms are capable of destruction on another level. For this reason, they are known to be deployed into areas where the resistance is known to have heavy fortifications, or even vehicles.

It is comprised wholly of hardened steel, though the thickness of its carapace means it can take far more damage than most solely-steel drones. Reports from the West Coast claim to have seen them take three or more RPG rounds before finally becoming non-functional.

HK-350 -


A downsized variant of the HK-300, this still 10 foot bipedal walker is still capable of some serious damage.

Originally, this unit was created alongside the HK-300 solely to act as escorts for it, and so are only equipped with a pair of 75W high-fire-rate cannons on either arm. Like its larger friend, it is made solely of hyperalloy, meaning it too can shrug off large amounts of damage. While it doesn't have any anti-missile defense systems, the larger HK-300 will typically do that on the HK-350's behalf.

HK-450 -


Everything and more.

While the HK-450 is still being produced, there have been reported sightings of testings on the West Coast for these upscaled HK-400's. They resemble the HK-400's purpose.

Carrying the very same mortar pod on its back - yet with higher yield explosives - they are also equipped with a shoulder-mounted railgun, not unlike the one utilised by the HK-300; albeit, far less destructive. On top of this, they are also equipped with flares to scramble heat-seeking missiles and utilise a far less effective anti-missile defense system against non-heat-seeking missiles.

With a steel-hyperalloy mixture of armour, they aren't nearly as fragile as their older counterpart.


The first hunter-killer model.

Produced in the early years to hunt down surface survivors amid the recent destruction, HK-AERIAL's are capable of highly versatile flight and outmatch any human aircraft outside of jets - which were all destroyed regardless.

On their nose, HK-AERIAL's utilise a pair of 60W machine guns, which are typically used in aerial or ground engagements. As well as this, they are equipped with a retractable cannon on their underside, which is capable of firing a singular burst of a 200W beam which will decimate a large area. This cannon can be alternated between singular beam and multi-beam configuration, depending on the circumstances.

Offensive capabilities aside, it also acts as troop transport; it, in the main body of its carapace, can house a dozen humanoid drones to deploy at will; alternatively, it can also carry three T-70's, or one T-100.

One or two strikes with an RPG round is usually enough to blow out the engine; sometimes even a well-placed series of high-calibre rounds is enough. The drone, upon acknowledging its demise, will attempt to crash into the nearest selection of human targets - if not that, defenses.

HK-200 -✔️

The King.

SkyNET's most mass-produced weapons platform to date, the HK-200 is unarguably SkyNET's flagship chassis when it comes to raw dominance.

Often deployed as a singular with multiple HK-100 or HK-70 escorts - alongside humanoid drones - HK-200's are typically reserved for offensives that require quick, hard punches through a highly defended area. Otherwise, they are mostly seen defending SkyNET installations and facilities.

Equipped with a pair of whopper 110W cannons, shoulder-mounted retractable eight-barrel land-to-land and land-to-air missile pods and four 60W repeating cannons on its inner carapace, this some 100 ton monstrosity is meant moreso for obliteration than simple destruction. That being said, they are incredibly slow; with a top speed of only 13.4 km/h. For this reason, they have dozens of ports across their carapace, which are capable of dispersing several modified HK-WIDOW repair drones that will actively seek out damage to the larger machine and repair it.

Reports from the West Coast indicate that the HK-200 is simply not worth fighting unless heavy ordinance can be applied.

HK-300 -

The demi-God of the heavyweights.

While not currently in production, the HK-300's will eventually replace the HK-200's as SkyNET's flagship monstrosity. To label them as a siege platform is an understatement.

Equipped with a shoulder-mounted, chain-fed semi-automatic high-yield grenade launcher, a nine-barrel land-to-land or land-to-air missile pod, an experimental railgun and a tri-barrel 20mm chaingun, this solid-hyperalloy demon is not only capable of beyond maximum damage output, but is next to impossible to destroy.

It is capable of not only dispersing repair drones like its T-200 cousin, but is also capable of dispatching miniature 'missiles' capable of seeking out oncoming missiles - such as RPG rounds - and destroying them before they reach the T-300, meaning typical ordinance cannot be applied to this beast.

God help us all.


Mobile troop transports, prison cells and siege platforms.

A multi-use, two-story tall hunter-killer designed primarily for transport; while some are equipped with bays in their main carapace to transport ten or more humanoid drones at once, many are instead equipped with bays to house human occupants; this is mostly for prisoner acquisition, if the need arises. Some have even been known to transport and deploy squadrons of T-500's.

That being said, they are also a cheap-to-manufacture alternative to the T-200's, equipped with a pair of 85W cannons that are easily able to rip through most human defenses. Unlike T-200's, they are usually deployed in packs of three or more.

Due to their relative lack of armour, a few good whacks with explosives usually bring the suckers down - but one must be careful of the inevitable entrance of the drones they were once transporting.


One of the earliest SkyNET heavyweights.

Surprisingly a utility drone by original nature, the HK-DRILLER lives up to its name; it was first made with the intention of being a mining drone, used to collect resources on behalf of SkyNET. They are rarely seen in front line environments, but can be deadly if they are; their worryingly high wattage drills can be used for medium range assaults, which will undoubtedly decimate anything in comes into contact with.

They are escorted usually by several other drones of varying types and is capable of deploying dozens of modified HK-WIDOW drones, which are typically used to assist in breaking apart more fragile materials.
Siege-platforms and heavyweights.


A rumour among the resistances.

These barge-like aircrafts have been reportedly seen by human scouts, claiming that they are being built in some of SkyNET's inner-land development facilities.

If the rumours are true, these HK-TRANSPORT's vary in model, size and purpose; their primary purpose being that of large troop transports, which can deploy dozens of HK-AERIAL's - additionally, it houses almost every drone SkyNET has in its arsenal, making it a high value target for anyone with enough ordinance to destroy something this massive.

The facilities producing these air-barges are said to be so large they block out the sun for kilometers, having taken over entire regions to house the facilities alone. It's a rumour most choose to avoid for their own sanity.


Drones designed for the infiltration of human organisations.

T-600 - ✔️

The least successful of all infiltration units, with very few instances of successful use.

Equipped with an early 'skin' that barely covered most of its stocky carapace, these drones were sent into the field to try and 'communicate' with humans; some did out of fear, but mostly the humans just attacked it, as it was rarely actually equipped with a weapon.

Barely human and using only basic commands, these failures often just asked where the leader of an organisation was... obviously so they could go and kill them. SkyNET wasn't all too well off on the human understanding department when these were in use.

As a result; they are no longer being produced. That being said; sometimes, you may stumble across an old T-600 infiltrator which was later converted to a typical assault unit, meaning they still have their old skins.

T-700 -✔️

Using a slightly more convincing skin than its predecessor, the T-700 infiltrator did see a few successful uses here and there; from a distance, the T-700 infiltrator simply looks like an extremely pale, tall man - initially, humanity was unaware of SkyNET's intentions with infiltrator drones, so some did actually fall victim to these infiltrators.

These were the first drones to ever have enabled R/W, rudimentary as it was.

T-800 -✔️

This is where it gets interesting.

T-800 models - with their substantially more advanced R/W - were quite successful in several short-term and long-term infiltration deployments, being responsible for very many sabotages and assassinations. Some of these units were so successful that they were able to join organisations as 'freedom fighters' in order to achieve their goals.

With human-like skin, facial features, realistic heights and fairly advanced understanding of human psychology, these infiltrators would become the flagship of the infiltrator line and are still in operation today.

These are the first infiltrator models to also see sub-models, which typically included some sort of modification depending upon the goal of the individual unit.

T-850 -

A new level of infiltrator.

T-850 infiltrators - while still not in production - are nightmare fuel; human-like skin, highly advanced understandings of human psychology, advanced R/W, layerings of artificial bone over their internal metal structures, near-flawless behaviour and indestructability, these infiltrators are near impossible to detect until it's far too late.

Later T-850 models begun to experiment with feigned organs, after infiltration units reporting back that humans were attempting to surgically identify organs within suspicious humans; yes, infiltration units had sparked so much paranoia that humans were beginning to cut each other open just to make sure.

T-888 -

Indistinguishable from a human.

Indestructible when revealed.

We won't be seeing them for a long time.


Drones that serve under the human resistance.

Extremely rare in our instance, these drones were captured by the resistance and reprogrammed by technical specialists.

Mostly consisting of T-600's, T-700's and some of the smaller quadruped drones, the T-800's are highly advanced and reprogramming them is no easy feat.

Reprogrammed drones exist solely to die in place of humans and are very rarely regarded to any higher standard than that.

The process of reprogramming is to, naturally, capture one; chassis and CPU intact. A technical specialist must then run an algorithm through the CPU which will gradually convert it to the new system; this is a risky and overall costly procedure.


Read/write is a program installed in all humanoid drones 700 series and higher, with the exception of the T-500R model which utilises a basic R/W program. While it is installed in 7xx series drones, it is very rarely ever enabled and if it is, it's only ever partial.

Read/write is - as the name states - a drone's ability to read information and write it into its programming. A drone without R/W enabled is incapable of altering its code in any fashion unless directly stipulated by that code; to a degree, that could be referred to as partial R/W, but isn't true to the concept of it entirely. A drone with R/W enabled is capable of the opposite; to a degree, it can learn, adapt and use this information in future events after learning it.

7xx series R/W is almost useless; being the most basic, it - when it is enabled - struggles to learn anything useful and was primarily a feature of 7xx series infiltrators. 8xx series R/W, on the other hand, is highly advanced; an 800 model drone with enabled R/W (most 8xx series drones have enabled R/W by default, although it could be regarded as true partial) is capable of, over a period of months (as seen by 800 model infiltrators), learning many human-like behaviours and other tactical information. This is why encountering the same 8xx series drone in the battlefield more than twice is dangerous, as it's fought you before and is capable of extrapolating far more information from that battle than you are. 850+ R/W is so advanced it's hard to put into exact words, as 850+ - off the line - is already an incredibly intelligent unit.

The resistance - with their rare reprogrammed units - has written their own R/W programs to assist the reprogrammed drone with learning to work alongside humans to a better extent, although given there are no 8xx series drones reprogrammed to date (as 8xx series hasn't even been fielded yet) the only instances of this are in 7xx series reprogs, which is highly rudimentary.

Read/Write - if placed in the wrong hands - is extremely dangerous. Let's not forget; it was essentially a hyper-advanced version of R/W that caused SkyNET to become self-aware in the first place.

SkyNET as a faction.

Led as one whole faction encompassing all drone types and usually by two leads of equal standing. Like any other, it's a whitelist faction and works based upon a tier system.

The 'tier' system can be done multiple ways; drone-by-drone, or by sets of drones.

If we go by how TnB themselves did it; new applicants start out as a T-600 and play that T-600 until they are deemed prepared to play a T-700, then they move onto a T-800 - so on. They can make a separate, albeit short, application to play non-humanoid drones - including hunter-killers; the separate application is necessary due to the fact the non-humanoid drones are very different and require a deeper understanding of the SkyNET faction. Non-humanoid drones are in tier groupings; new players into the non-humanoid category will be able to use 'tier 1' drones, which may only consist of a T-70, an HK-WIDOW, a T-20, T-500 etc. Tier 2 is slightly more advanced drones, such as the T-400 and drones of that calibre. Eventually you reach tier 4, which is typically reserved for leads/highly trusted players; this would consist of T-200's, HK-DRILLER's, etc.

Certain drones are only ever used in certain instances. T-200's are rarely seen, as are DRILLER's, and any drones of that calibre; therefore, much of the larger drones require lead authorisation to deploy, albeit this is rare as the people entrusted to play them are typically entrusted with the ability to gauge the situation and denote whether or not a drone is necessary.

A full SkyNET forum would need to be made to accommodate everything, from guides to applications.

People must understand; SkyNET is a demi-event-faction. You will not get much internal RP within SkyNET and you exist solely to provide humans with entertainment, usually with a fair modicum of freedom to do so-so long as you consider the ramifications of whatever it is you intend to do.

The only section of the SkyNET faction with its own personal leadership is the Infiltrator faction, which has its own dedicated lead - it can either be the co-lead of the overall faction, or a third lead.

A drone's 'tagline' (basically just a serial number) is typically just 'T-MODEL.NUMBER' - for example, A T-850's tagline would simply be written as 'T-850.6767'. The only exception is HK's, which are written as 'HK-MODEL.NUMBER' - I.E., HK-AERIAL.6767'.

the weapons.
HUMANITY's Arsenal

Comprised mostly of early to mid 90's weapons that were mass produced/imported in the United States, humanity mainly relies on ballistics to fight the machines; varying calibres are in play, with well-off organisations opting for mid-to-high calibres being given to their fighters as opposed to lower calibres, due to the redundancy of them.

Less organised groups or even lone wolves may not be able to afford such things, and so they are typically stuck with lower-end weaponry.

This all being said; slowly but surely, plasma weaponry is beginning to seep into the fold across the USA - primarily on the West Coast, but we're seeing more and more of it flock elsewhere as time goes on. Most plasma weaponry in the resistance consists of 'jury-rigs'; plasma weapons using ballistic weapons as a base, their receivers, magazines and various other pieces of the firearms replaced to instead house torn-out equipment from stolen SkyNET plasma weapons. They are typically unreliable, prone to extreme overheating and have even been known to blow up in the user's hands if not properly maintained.

Fully-fledged plasma weaponry has not yet entered human hands.

SkyNET's Arsenal

Far more diverse than their opposition.

Ordinance of all sizes, explosives of all kinds, plasma varying from 10W to wattages in the hundreds; SkyNET has an absolute slew of weaponry at its disposal and doesn't rely on repurposing nearly as much as it did early on in the war with humanity.

Earlier model humanoid drones were known to use repurposed human weapons, however, such as the M134.

It's noteworthy that humans cannot use SkyNET weapons due to their unique method of venting excess plasma; this venting plasma is known to latch onto human skin and cause it to melt on contact, making usage unviable unless the human utilising it is okay with dying afterward.

A note regarding weaponry for this setting

We can't skip out on weapon variety. I'm sorry, we can't.

This isn't HL2RP. This isn't a setting wherein you can just have 5 main weapons and that's it. For this to work, you need dozens of available weapons - especially on the SkyNET side of things, but the human side can't be skipped out either.

Acquiring weapons could easily just be staff-controlled, through events or other means. Wouldn't be hard at all.

A note regarding ammunition

Again; unlike HL2RP, this is not a setting wherein ammunition can be extremely scarce - it makes the combat completely dull.

In TRP they actually have an ammunition 'box', which you can simply hit E on and it'll fill you up on ammunition for whatever gun you're holding - it isn't a bad idea, honestly, because no one likes having to save up for ammunition and it's shitty to have to miss out on the entire premise of the setting because you couldn't scrounge up fucking ammo.

If you want ammunition scarcity, go to HL2RP; that's just the case, take it or leave it.

the combat.
The crown jewel of the setting; what you can expect to find.

There will be three types of combat utilised in TerminatorRP; S2M, S2K and S2RP.

S2M & S2K

In TerminatorRP S2K the idea is to make it as cinematic, thrill-seeking and chaotic as possible. The way to achieve this is by the two sides using different methods of combat entirely.

In an S2K engagement, Terminators have exceedingly high health; T-600's would have 3,000, while T-800's may have 5,000 - thousands, is the point. Humans will have the standard 100, plus armour. This means that humans are authorised to S2K to their hearts content, but Terminators must S2M unless;

  • The human they're fighting is charging directly at them.
  • The human they're fighting won't use cover.
  • The human they're fighting is being overly obnoxious, or otherwise moronic.

By doing this, Terminators retain their status as unstoppable killing machines while also giving humans a chance to actually win. Humans are forced to use decent tactics so they aren't obliterated, and have to team up to actually down a Terminator due to their extremely high health.

S2K is intended to be highly cinematic, fun and overall pretty forgiving; not the main form of combat, though, and shouldn't be overdone.


S2RP is the main form of combat utilised on the server.

Usually S2RP is a pain to manage, but here it isn't; Terminators have the clear advantage and so powergame isn't usually too much of an issue because, well... RP'ing a Terminator in S2RP is basically just controlled powergaming, really. This of course providing the Terminator in question isn't too much of a retard about it.

Were a human to one-on-one S2RP a Terminator; chances are, they're fucked - outside of escaping, of course. In order to win, players must team up against Terminators in order to win. Typically the idea is that all the humans go, and then the Terminator goes.

Terminators just have to be as vigilant as possible and ensure they're reading all the lines to know what's going on. It isn't hard, really, and honestly doesn't need that much staff oversight once people get the picture.

the day-to-day of the server.

Now, this is fairly circumstantial.

Overall, players - on a day-to-day basis - will be subject to dangers beyond all belief, and that means that PK risk is extremely high; see more on that below. The combat is unforgiving, the life expectancy is low and people need to enter realising that.

Day-to-day, people will find themselves with one simple goal; further themselves against the machines.

Staff will be charged with giving objectives to the humans every so often and SkyNET players - basically being their own miniature event team, in essence - will also have the obligation to constantly be out and about, giving roaming humans something to fight/run away from.

TRP is player-freedom-driven; players need to have the ability to take their dreams and make them a reality, through struggle and team-work. Staff and other players alike need to be extremely accommodating for this.

On every map (see: revolving map system, below) the humans will have a 'safespace' somewhere on the map, which is usually wherever they've personally chosen to be on that map. This 'safespace' isn't exactly completely safe; yes, it won't be getting attacked every five seconds and Terminators can't attack it whenever they damn well please, but staff can - and will - make the call for Terminators to raid the base, usually following its discovery. This means players will be divided often, and constantly required to not be morons and get themselves discovered.

Players, generally speaking, may do what they please; lone wolves trying to survive against the machines, groups, whatever they want to do - it's theirs to work with.

To survive is to act; you won't get by sitting around.

human versus human conflict.
While rarely included in the overarching narrative itself outside of a few exceptions, human v human conflict will exist in this setting; but we must understand that, at the end of the day, this is humanity versus the machines and excessive human v human conflict will eventually deteriorate the purpose of the setting.

What will be plentiful, however, is conflict between the players themselves; throughout the narrative, players will be subject to several instances wherein choices are to be made and that alone will inspire conflict; I'm sure other player-driven occurrences will cause conflict as well.

In a world where desperation rules, so does corruption and conflict.

the PK system.

Let's get this out of the way before anything else;

S2K PK's will not exist; no, go away, fuck off, not happening. Don't even consider it.

Now that's been said;

PK's on TRP will naturally be very frequent, due to the highly volatile nature of the setting; any death in S2RP is a PK, no matter what. It doesn't matter if you instigated it or not, or if you were killed as a result of someone's actions - if you die in S2RP, you are PK'd; flat. Deal with it; the volatile nature of this server is its core, so don't play if you don't want to die easily.

Wits are rewarded; idiocy is punished. Suck it up, cupcake.

the vehicles.
Vehicles. Yes; there are vehicles.

Vehicles are likely to be found, and repaired, by any human who wishes to have one. This can be done through an authorisation, and the staff team must be lenient with it. Chances are people's vehicles will be destroyed pretty damn quickly.

From small scout vehicles to literal fucking tanks, many vehicles will pop up throughout the course of the server. Like guns, this isn't something we can skip out on.

the staff team.
The staff team will be solely responsible for the furthering of the narrative; but, they cannot go as far as to end up being a reliance to players.

The job of the staff team would be to incite creativity in the players, to ensure they've been provided with enough opportunities to entertain themselves rather than be constantly coddled by the staff team.

Obviously this would see expansion in the event of actual consideration; it isn't worth completely writing up right now.

in closing.
We must learn to acknowledge one thing with this concept; it is combat-centric. Yes, naturally, there's going to be passive-RP just like any other setting, but players cannot join expecting to only get passive-RP and nothing else - this is an unforgiving world taken over by metal and circuits, the machines constantly vying to obliterate humanity at all costs.

This would be an action-packed, memorable, volatile and non-realistic setting - naturally we'd have to stay on the side of realism where it applies, but this is one of the very many instances where we truly have to understand that this is a case of gameplay over realism in almost every case.


If anyone has any suggestions for a segment to write, expand upon or generally a topic they want me to explain, just quote me here or tell me on steam; I'm up for the challenge!

That being said; I want everyone to understand something here.

I'm not blowing smoke up my own arse saying I'd be offered an SD position in any case, but I need to get it out there; I can't help with this, if it's ever actually made a thing. At least not right now; maybe sometime in the future, but not now. I have far too much going on.

This server will need dedication and passion from a lot of people to work. It'll be a challenge, but it'll be priceless if done properly.

Thanks for reading.


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Apr 26, 2016
TRP would work fantastically as a short-term server; the real risk with a longer term one (that isn't S2K heavy and more actiony) is it lacks a self-sustaining loop.

But having been in a semi-recent RR on TnB where a T-600 was a major danger and everyone was dying to them it can be fantastic if done on that sort of scale.

I tag @Subeh to gush.


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
is it lacks a self-sustaining loop.

the loop can be getting enough men, supplies, weapons to successfully push skynet out of the area

then changing map

entirely dependent on the humans and it's a permanent motivation for everyone


Apr 26, 2016
I never really got into TRP back when TnB did it, but I've always wondered about a couple things;

Do players on the terminator faction just serve as relatively one-dimensional antagonist or opposing force or is there more to it? I always imagined it was sort-of like SSTRP where the humans are the roleplay faction and the rest are more or less actors.

Wouldn't the combat get boring if skynet is instructed to S2M and they're basically just moving targets without further depth? Would the map cycle not get pretty generic and depleted if the recurring objective is to destroy the local skynet base in order to change maps? Obviously my experience mostly comes from the combat/environment of WW3RP so I have no clue how it worked on TnB


Manager of Fist Industries
Apr 26, 2016
The mad man actually did it

I never really got into TRP back when TnB did it, but I've always wondered about a couple things;

Do players on the terminator faction just serve as relatively one-dimensional antagonist or opposing force or is there more to it? I always imagined it was sort-of like SSTRP where the humans are the roleplay faction and the rest are more or less actors.

Wouldn't the combat get boring if skynet is instructed to S2M and they're basically just moving targets without further depth? Would the map cycle not get pretty generic and depleted if the recurring objective is to destroy the local skynet base in order to change maps? Obviously my experience mostly comes from the combat/environment of WW3RP so I have no clue how it worked on TnB
I see some you prefer some server ideas to others...
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Apr 26, 2016
Do players on the terminator faction just serve as relatively one-dimensional antagonist or opposing force or is there more to it? I always imagined it was sort-of like SSTRP where the humans are the roleplay faction and the rest are more or less actors.

Wouldn't the combat get boring if skynet is instructed to S2M and they're basically just moving targets without further depth?
So this was a massive issue - and criticism.

In most cases with the way TnB did it (it was ran by Dave, so) SkyNET were punching bags for the human characters because it was a big dumb action server. That being said, the smarter models (800's and the likes, whether repogrammed or not) and others could be intelligent and form something of a long-lasting antagonistic role, reprogs were fantastic and the setting had some genuinely amazing RP.

But that was alongside the big dumb actiony setpieces where you knew TC would win, so it didn't work nearly as well.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Do players on the terminator faction just serve as relatively one-dimensional antagonist or opposing force or is there more to it? I always imagined it was sort-of like SSTRP where the humans are the roleplay faction and the rest are more or less actors.

individual terminators can have personalities, as shown in most movies featuring arnie, and T2 with the T1000 (which actually has so much personality that it was discontinued for being too self-aware)

you can definitely develop as a character whilst being one, but you're always going to be loyal to Skynet unless hacked

Wouldn't the combat get boring if skynet is instructed to S2M and they're basically just moving targets without further depth? Would the map cycle not get pretty generic and depleted if the recurring objective is to destroy the local skynet base in order to change maps? Obviously my experience mostly comes from the combat/environment of WW3RP so I have no clue how it worked on TnB

the terminators have an arbitrarily high amount of health iirc, and can only be killed directly in S2RP
they only S2M when engaging from long distance, and its mostly just to add fear factor

i personally dont know the loop but thats all i can recall from my T lore and what @Subeh described


Apr 26, 2016
the terminators have an arbitrarily high amount of health iirc, and can only be killed directly in S2RP
they only S2M when engaging from long distance, and its mostly just to add fear factor

i personally dont know the loop but thats all i can recall from my T lore and what @Subeh described
S2K was the primary way of doing it; SkyNET S2M'd unless at close range.

In S2RP it got a lot more deadly (and true to the setting).

Not to say the S2K wasn't fun at times; here's a video where John Connor led a group of us (including my reprogrammed 850, Chiron) onto a carrier to bring it down.

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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
powley beat me to it


The server works off the Alpha timeline within the Terminator universe, although instead of following Tech-Com, it would be set on the Eastern Coast of the United States, primarily within the swamps of Maryland. There would be no massive, organised resistance such as Tech-Com, but smaller militia’s in the area, allowing players to form the major fighting force themselves if they wished. Moving around would happen every couple of weeks, mostly due to the increased activity of Skynet within the area.

Tech-Com has no presence, John Connor is alive, but he’s nothing more then a folklore. Skynet are harsh and unforgiving, and have every advantage over the last dregs of humanity clinging to life.

It’s twenty-seventeen, twenty-years since Judgement day happened. Can you survive another twelve?


Weapons consisting of any era up until the late 90’s, as well as some jury-rigged weaponry from the future. Plasma weaponry would be rare in the swamps of Maryland.
imho you could just go the progressional route

everyone starts off with literally whatever is in abundance in the region; shitty calibers that even a T-600 could shrug off, meaning people would have to team up against even the shittiest terminators; it'd be about craftiness and having to find alternative ways to down the motherfucker because otherwise it's just a bulletsponge; indoors you'd be fucking paranoid of ricochet, something that'd have to be heavily enforced too

as time goes on people learn how to reverse engineer terminator plasma weaponry which leads to early, constantly-malfunctioning jury-rigs that are constantly unpowered and take ages to be remotely useful, which then later leads into full-on plasma weaponry in the low wattages; 30-50 would be the range. that and ordinance, like RPG's and other stuff like that.

for anyone wondering how to know the damage a particular 'wattage' can really do; take an inch-thick plate of steel. A 30W would probably take almost an entire 'cell' (magazine) of about 20-25 rounds before it heated the metal up enough to break through, whereas a 50W may only need 7-10 rounds before it breaks through. remember: plasma weaponry in the TRP universe MELTS, it doesn't just break through like weapons from star wars or something.


From anything from a rusty cadillac to the armored humvees of the US National Guard, the only limitation really comes down to what’s available via the Steam Workshop.
you can center groups around vehicles alone (and you bet your ass i would)

most vehicles at this point likely would've been stripped for parts by skynet because of the high yield of steel they'd be able to acquire from them, which is what T-600's and T-700's make use of (albeit, 700's use an early hyperalloy mixture if im not mistaken) and so finding a vehicle that's actually capable of being restored or used in any capacity is probably rare unless you venture somewhere that skynet hasn't touched yet

Infiltrator Units:

While I myself have no insight into how Infiltrator units worked at TnB, I’d imagine they would be held in a very secretive manner. With each infiltrator unit having their own designated mission, whether it be the assassination of a high ranking member of a militia, or to generally disrupt the area.

Each member that is chosen to work as an infiltration unit will have no idea who else is an infiltrator, nor will they be allowed to speak about it on an OOC basis to refrain from metagame.
the infiltrator faction would easily be comparable to the OTA faction on hl2rp, ONLY in terms of their secrecy though

you don't know who is in the faction, you don't know what the faction is doing, there's very little public information available and applications open up rarely.

there's multiple infiltrator units;
  • T-600 infiltrators.
    • Redundant test models; shitty 'skin', can see them from a mile away. Behaviour was entirely robotic and held no human qualities beyond pre-set verbal questions; literally had T-600 infils asking for command elements of groups and shit like that. Barely saw any actual service and was more just a learning curve for skynet.
  • T-700 infiltrators.
    • Nearly as redundant as their T-600's counterparts, but, not quite as badly. Their 'skin' was completely pale but did work. From a distance they could actually pass as just a large human, but as soon as they approached too close it'd be fairly evident what they are unless you're very, very blissfully unaware. Was discontinued pretty quickly.
  • T-800 infiltrators.
    • The first models to actually see success. They had pretty damn good 'skin' and were almost able to mimic human behaviour due to being one of the first units with enabled R/W (see below) and were actually capable of infiltrating for long periods of time; a massive jump from the 700's. But, alas, they weren't perfect and when humans begun developing means of testing them, they very quickly became redundant.
  • T-850 infiltrators.
    • The invisible ones. They're so unarguably near-human that it's almost impossible to recognise them unless you have some sort of advanced medical tech; off the line they're capable of infiltrating with ease, but with their enabled R/W they only get more dangerous over time. 850 infils are essentially one of humanity's greatest nightmares and have been responsible for several successful sabotages with very, very little instances of being detected unless they wanted it to happen.
  • T-888 infiltrators.
    • Probably not something we'd see but still worth mentioning; T-850's on steriods. The model alone is almost indestructible, let alone the fact they can literally feign organs and can pass almost any advanced medical procedure. Could easily wipe out an entire human base if they wanted to, alone. Impossible to detect through almost any means.
infiltrators (mainly the 800 models) are responsible for some seriously dangerous shit and could only be played by people who're trustworthy enough to do it. they're played like normal characters up until they're ready to pull off their 'big move' in which they usually target something big; some could even kill command elements of human organisations.

the reason for the faction's existence is to remind humans of their own paranoia and the fact that their enemy could literally be right beside them at any time.


The harsh swamps of Maryland, home to great cybernetic predators, and harsh, damp weather. The setting is obviously the post-apocalyptic future, but will change depending on the presence of Skynet in the area.
this would have detrimental effects to both sides of the fence

terminators could easily get bogged down in areas like that, especially the HK's or other large support models - meaning you'd have a lot of guerilla tactics being used by humans.

A clean mindset, more verging towards HL2RP then WW3RP, where story and character-deaths go hand in hand. Nobody is expected to survive, but that doesn’t mean this will be a S2K server. Much like other communities who have done this, Terminator units will Shoot to Miss the majority of the time, only aiming to kill or maim should some dumb act be performed.

In close quarters? It’ll be roleplayed out.

it really is a simple system;

all terminators s2m by default. this only changes if humans; behave stupidly in the fight, rush the terminators, dont use cover, try to take the T on alone, etc. humans s2k by default because terminators have 3000+ health no matter the model, unless it's a tiny HK like a WIDOW

S2RP is very easy to do because the two sides are very, very easy to determine; it isnt human v human so the advantages are constantly being debated.

terminators are walking metal death machines; yes, they are going to be tough in s2rp. if you try to take on a T alone in s2rp, you are going to die unless you run - that's just the setting. in order to win, you need to work together and outsmart whatever you're fighting - or, if it's a dumbass drone, just pound it until it's dead.

Do players on the terminator faction just serve as relatively one-dimensional antagonist or opposing force or is there more to it? I always imagined it was sort-of like SSTRP where the humans are the roleplay faction and the rest are more or less actors.
is there much actual internal rp in skynet? no, it's redundant - they're robots, do you want to sit there and beep at each other all day? also a hivemind scenario, so they don't verbally acknowledge each other half the time.

Wouldn't the combat get boring if skynet is instructed to S2M and they're basically just moving targets without further depth? Would the map cycle not get pretty generic and depleted if the recurring objective is to destroy the local skynet base in order to change maps? Obviously my experience mostly comes from the combat/environment of WW3RP so I have no clue how it worked on TnB
it depends how you do it

the system works best if you reserve s2k/s2m situations for cinematic events, like tnb constantly did.

there's a few other topics i'll touch on here;

there isn't just a few terminator models, there's dozens. you have support models, humanoid models, infiltrators, hunter-killers, etc. from literal seige platform T300's with enough weapons to blow a hole into fort knox, to HK-widows which were tiny-ass spider-like drones used to break into human bases and either spy/break shit before either being found or escaping.

later on i'll lay out the entire list of every single terminator model and briefly explain them, can't do it right now.

for this setting to work, you NEED to understand that it's all about action; yes, there's obviously a story and that story should be a big main focus, but there needs to be the concept of well-executed, high-octane adrenaline-pumping oh-god-oh-fuck moments where you're in the heat of it and every choice you make could be your fucking last - especially if we go for the concept of tech-com not existing and people like john connor being an urban legend, meaning humanity has very little going for it and it's constantly being pile-drived into the ground with every passing day

i'll write more later
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
there isn't just a few terminator models, there's dozens. you have support models, humanoid models, infiltrators, hunter-killers, etc. from literal seige platform T300's with enough weapons to blow a hole into fort knox, to HK-widows which were tiny-ass spider-like drones used to break into human bases and either spy/break shit before either being found or escaping.


one of my favourite things about the terminator salvation game is that the infiltrator models basically never appeared

the main threat was this massive fucking drone that would just smash through walls and light up whatever room you were in with rampant minigun fire

you dont fight that, you just hunker down and wait for it to think you're dead


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016

one of my favourite things about the terminator salvation game is that the infiltrator models basically never appeared

the main threat was this massive fucking drone that would just smash through walls and light up whatever room you were in with rampant minigun fire

you dont fight that, you just hunker down and wait for it to think you're dead
oh trust me, you just wait for my terminator compendium

you haven't seen shit
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
subeh gotta be the trp director
if i had the time, man, if i had the time

i mean im not gonna sit here and imply that i'd just have an SD role thrown into my lap because that's a lot of trust to put into someone, but on the hypothetical that i WAS; i wouldnt have the time, nor drive, to do it

i ramble about trp because trp left me with more fond memories than anything else; nothing against hl2rp of course, but the trp setting was on another level for me.
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Johnny B. Goode

Objectively Best MGS poster
Apr 26, 2016
S2K was the primary way of doing it; SkyNET S2M'd unless at close range.

In S2RP it got a lot more deadly (and true to the setting).

Not to say the S2K wasn't fun at times; here's a video where John Connor led a group of us (including my reprogrammed 850, Chiron) onto a carrier to bring it down.

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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
honestly i can sit for hours and listen to subeh gush about 2 things


and terminator RP

(okay and maybe food)
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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016
I don't want to type 10 trillion /mes and invest hundred of hours into writing intense roleplay anymore.

I just want to be shooting big guns at metal men or be metal men shooting big guns at meat men.


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
I don't want to type 10 trillion /mes and invest hundred of hours into writing intense roleplay anymore.

I just want to be shooting big guns at metal men or be metal men shooting big guns at meat men.

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jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016

I once played as one of the dumb Terminators for a very short time on TnB.

Genuinely, a lot of fun to spook the shit out of stragglers who weren't sitting in their little hovel by S2Ming them with a fucking arm-mounted minigun.
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