Serious LGBT Thread


The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
does he know

the amount of (vocal minority as per usual) gamers seething over the game having pronouns and trans people is funny as hell

there's a specific bald guy that had a breakdown over a woman being trans i was ugly crying what a big baby
DUDE, Imagine if the bug where he had to switch gender happened to him, would have been so funny I swear
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Sep 12, 2018

Pronouns? in my space game??
it really is difficult for conservatives in tgis country to look like anything other than this guy or a weak old man
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Jun 9, 2018
being non binary is a pain in the ass in poland

i cant openly be who i wanna be cause ill be branded a weirdo and a moron by my peers and nobody'll accept me

i cant openly be who i wanna be cause i dont have enough feminine features to pass

im just keeping this feeling to myself and it comes and goes, i was hoping it had gone away for good but it keeps coming back
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Sep 30, 2017
being non binary is a pain in the ass in poland

i cant openly be who i wanna be cause ill be branded a weirdo and a moron by my peers

i cant openly be who i wanna be cause i dont have enough feminine features to pass

im just keeping this feeling to myself and it comes and goes, i was hoping it had gone away for good but it keeps coming back
such is the curse of the eastern european

ive questioned my own gender identity a lot, and at this point ive reached a period where ive adopted the mentality of it being nobodys fucking business and doing whatever i want without regard for labels. you sort of have to come to a decision of either hiding who you are or risk being ostracized or beaten or whatever. sadly taking this sort of hostile approach is the only way to do it even with the risks attached here

i think having queer and open-minded friends and people to surround yourself with is extremely important. everyone tends to know everyone in those types of circles and when surrounded by similar people you can really open up and be yourself. its difficult to figure out who these people are but once you sort of enter the space it becomes much easier. you're also much safer in groups.

learn to not give a fuck about what others think, even if you're laughed at (and just in case be ready to fight back if need be, either verbally or physically). your "peers" opinion of you doesn't matter, fuck them, if they can't give you respect they don't deserve yours. thankfully i appear mostly cis/straight so i can easily call out that type of bullshit, and most people who say that kind of stuff are cowards and keep quiet after they've been called out (also helps those around you who aren't in a position to do so)

i really wish you the best, shit can be really tough, especially in poland i know some people are fucking morons there. know that it can get better (especially as you get older) and when you find your place it'll be a lot easier, you aren't alone
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Jun 9, 2018
ive questioned my own gender identity a lot, and at this point ive reached a period where ive adopted the mentality of it being nobodys fucking business and doing whatever i want without regard for labels.
on one side i just wanna be myself without any labels, but on the other - labels are very comforting for some reason
learn to not give a fuck about what others think,
if only it were that easy. whenever i see something anti-trans or anti-nb on social media i instantly get mad

i don't have anything more to add, thank you for the reply and i just hope it'll get easier with time. it's been like this for the past few years
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
i think im a sexual sadist

idk if this fits the theme of the thread but that's my confession


Sep 30, 2017
on one side i just wanna be myself without any labels, but on the other - labels are very comforting for some reason
nothing wrong with labels, if it gives you comfort just go for it, it can help explain your situation to others or understand yourself better.

ive just given up on trying to understand my brain personally, still respect others if they identify as something

if only it were that easy. whenever i see something anti-trans or anti-nb on social media i instantly get mad

i don't have anything more to add, thank you for the reply and i just hope it'll get easier with time. it's been like this for the past few years
after arguing with morons on the internet for so long you just gotta give it up at some point. people wont change their mind if they are set on something. only place i still actively do it is mainly here cause its a smaller space and i dont want others to go through the feeling you are describing, or with people i know that have the ability to change their mind

i do still get mad at those types of posts but you gotta learn to redirect that anger at something else

to add on, i think it does get easier, but it will never go away (at least for me). i do still go through periods where i feel like shit, look like shit, lose all motivation, go through "What ifs" (what if i was born y, what if i looked more x, etc), and have for the better part of a decade. my point is if you are in those types of spaces you can have an easier time discussing those types of things or even experimenting, especially since others will have gone through those kinds of things

they tend to happen less these days and i do contribute it a lot to my queer friends and interacting with morons less
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Apr 29, 2016
being non binary is a pain in the ass in poland

i cant openly be who i wanna be cause ill be branded a weirdo and a moron by my peers and nobody'll accept me

i cant openly be who i wanna be cause i dont have enough feminine features to pass

im just keeping this feeling to myself and it comes and goes, i was hoping it had gone away for good but it keeps coming back
For most of us, its not something we can ever count on going away. That's not to say that for a lot of us it isn't safest to keep it under wraps, but if it seems to be a persistent part of your identity I definitely recommend seeing what you can do without compromising your privacy and safety.
The current culture has a pretty heavy focus on 'coming out' as a concept, but most aspects of transition including medical short of surgery are entirely possible without actually coming out to your peers.

Idk, you're probably aware of this already. But I figure its worth mentioning, since deciding whether to transition or not is often presented as a very binary choice, that there's a lot of intermediate approaches that can be taken without committing to coming out.

Of course, this leaves a lot of limitations on how you can present outside the privacy of your home, but I've known a lot of people (including myself) who were able to find significant relief for years before ever coming out to those around them.
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Apr 29, 2016
do u actually feel more emotions when ur on hrt?
As to whether this is as a direct result of the hormones or something neurobiological specific to trans people (IE: having the correct hormone as one of your primary neurosteroids) there isn't really any evidence available, but anecdotally different, stronger, or more 'real' emotions are all pretty commonly reported
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Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
Hormones are funny no matter what they're used for - See birth control pills, they can have crazy varying effects on those who take them, and also morning after pills, which are an absolute bomb and it has plenty of side effects

Gladly HRT is not as strong as them but still, same applies, effects will vary depending on the individual to such a specific level what works for someone may not work for many others
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Apr 29, 2016
Gladly HRT is not as strong as them but still, same applies, effects will vary depending on the individual to such a specific level what works for someone may not work for many others
Well, the synthetic estrogens used in birth control have higher receptor affinities but the dosing for oral contraceptives (whether they use synthetic or bioidentical estrogen) is much lower than the estrogen dose in transfem hrt.

In the former the goal is simply to modulate your natural hormonal cycle where in the latter you have to supply enough to function as your primary sex hormone.
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Karl-Police Approved
Sep 4, 2016
Honestly, I am just so tired as of late. Can't get my hormones because the NHS wont do the blood tests I need and the only place I can get my bloods done is in England, way too expensive to travel that far. it's really tearing me down and eating away at me, mental health is in the gutter rn because of it. I'm putting in more effort into my appearance (skincare, etc) and I get she/her'd less now than I did when I was closeted which is throwing me for a loop.
I can't even socially transition yet despite being out to almost all of my friends and family now.
There's still a feeling of shame I have to get over, that internalised transphobia is real and painful.

Sorry for the wee rant.
Hope all the queers are doing well Xx
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
Honestly, I am just so tired as of late. Can't get my hormones because the NHS wont do the blood tests I need and the only place I can get my bloods done is in England, way too expensive to travel that far. it's really tearing me down and eating away at me, mental health is in the gutter rn because of it. I'm putting in more effort into my appearance (skincare, etc) and I get she/her'd less now than I did when I was closeted which is throwing me for a loop.
I can't even socially transition yet despite being out to almost all of my friends and family now.
There's still a feeling of shame I have to get over, that internalised transphobia is real and painful.

Sorry for the wee rant.
Hope all the queers are doing well Xx
are u diy'ing or going through nhs? could get one of those online blood tests on medichecks but idk if itd be more expensive than travelling. there no other gps around you can try asking abt blood tests? some lgbt health clinics/places can do blood tests as well
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