Serious On Communism.

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Apr 27, 2016
you guys want to squander 3 centuries of political innovation since the enlightenment and the millions that died fighting to preserve our right to self-determine because your mom can't afford to get you a PS plus subscription smh
do not be of fear ivan
under comunism ps plus will be share of all and be standard application of video games
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Apr 27, 2016

Free helicopter rides for all non-ironic Communism posters

Not to be the devils advocate, but do you honestly think having corporations, having the power to submit entire fucking countries is going to lead to any better? Perhaps, a slower death, yeah.
(Ps, pardon for using the Independant, it's a tabloid, I know, yet this one's from the good old days)

It's a creeping, slow death, hidden behind bureaucracies. We're fucked anyway the coin turns, unless we continue fighting, as we do at this moment for Net Neutrality.
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Jun 8, 2016
BEFORE you read this, please know this is supposed to be serious, not another thread filled with memes and don't bring out the "this is a roleplay forum, ROLEPLAY AND YOURE BEING SERIOUS" thing again because it's total nonsense, the fact it's a roleplay forum doesn't have anything to do with content restrictions like serious threads. Let's start though.
So I've seen lots of people around these days who call communism extreme for some reason and who don't well understand the term. You're not required to understand what you're saying, but it's really weird if you're using something and don't know it's true meaning. So,


Socialism is a way of production different to the capitalist system. In socialism the state controls the means of production, while in capitalism it's directly the people of the state. Why most socialists think this isn't right is because often, people who do nothing get the most profit, which they are making from slowly, step-by-step destroying the world (I would be speaking about all those palm oils which forests are burned out for, but there's much more). Of course the world will end some day, but just think about it. If there weren't for all these palm oils added into chocolates, which is done only for the chocolate to taste like chocolate while not being as expensive as 100% cocoa chocolate, we'd still have those forests that were burned a week ago. Then you have lots of different brands of soaps, which isn't really too good either, why don't just have one brand with the same additives but with just a different smell? It is all over-complicated because of that fact, and people are only getting greedy. Know that socialism is NOT dictatorship, you have many different versions of socialism, usually named after the people that used these versions, but there's even more versions that are yet unofficial.

Communism is, simply said; a next level of socialism which doesn't seem to be possible to achieve, because it would require all the population known to us follow the ways of socialism in order to restore the world and for money to be partially, or completely removed (For example, you'd either have to pay only for things that are not essential for life, like PC games etc., or you wouldn't have to pay for anything at all).

It's really all I wanted to say, it's a pretty short summary of these two, so if you want to ask something, feel free to do so. You can also check out the page which can give you a more elaborate explanation, yet not as elaborate as the communist manifesto of Marx.

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Jun 3, 2017

>My entire long post on page 4.

Good memes, but you missed the drift. I don't advocate any side. The only thing I promote is a progressive youth who is constantly aware of their government.

I'm saying that both extremes lead to slavery, one way or another.
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Mar 29, 2017
its very simple actually

communism is perfect, but it will NEVER work on humans because greed is in our nature
it requires everyone to do their job correctly, if someone says "well i still get paid the same so why should i work?" everyone will start doing so and it will collapse

plus, people will lack ambitions on communism
an american car designer thinks "if i make a really great car i will get rich!!!!!"
a soviet car designer doesnt give a fuck because he still gets paid the same as long as he makes a car that works

another problem of communism is that under capitalism there's people who are insanely rich and people starving to death
under communism everyone lives but theyre poor

Edgelord Freeman

Apr 27, 2016
all you :heyzeus: saying communism did something good for countries that got ruled by communists should check out the slavic countries today and see how we're miles behind other countries lol
I am a communist and a slav myself, I never said communist countries did anything good, Im of an opinion that they CAN do some good, so please stop pulling words from your ass. Plus, there is nothing technological that my country lacks if you look at its size. Not like we need any of those 500 dollar wifi connected google juicers that do nothing but literally push on the bag which a man can do himself even faster. Apart from that it simply just collects tour information.
[doublepost=1499947466][/doublepost]Nice, rate my post dumb so I can be sure you got no idea what were all talking about here


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I just imagine all communists are hipsters.

Mainly because of this fat little cunt.
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Inspector Bullshit
May 2, 2016
Neck yourself you disgusting waste of space, you dishonour your dead countrymen. I bet you're some edgy thirteen year old, who's teachers have filled your mind with only positive thoughts for a 'political ideology' that total wasn't responsible for over ONE-HUNDRED-MILLION deaths. You're a slave to a notion that all things can be made equal; the only 'equality' communism has ever considered is making everyone a prime target for genocide. I can only hope when you grow older you'll look back at yourself and think how incredibly stupid it was to advocate for an ideology that's only goal is to regress humanity, instead of lift it up and advance it.

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Apr 26, 2016
Socialism, despite being the most rational form of economy, is simply not realizable in real life. Not because it's system is necessarily faulted or inefficient but because it's foundamentally incompatible with human society for three reasons:
  1. The first one is that human beings are inherently "greedy", as they have a subconscious desire to aquire wealth as a mean to ensure themselves a state of safety and happyness and generally do not trust other people to openly take decision for them (demoncracy is based on the principle of people believe having at least some kind of control over the government, which by extension controls part of their lives), as such, forcing people to adopt certain, even though logical, behaviors will only result in resentment, unrest and unavoidably political instability that would lead to the rise of a dictatorship, all of this while still not having reached a true state of socialism.
  2. The second reason is more down-to-earth: the world is controlled, one way or another, by rich people, power and money are after all intrinsically conjoined, and what they want, consciously or subconsciously, is maintain their status and wealth, something that goes foundamentally against the idea of socialism. Make no mistake, I'm not referring them as some sort of "Caste" that enforce their will against the commoners like medieval nobles, they are the result of a human being able to fulfill their inner desire, people who are able to seize power in their hands for their own good. Even in cases, like during the French or Russian revolutions, in which the old "Caste" is removed, in the end it's simply replaced with another one, possibly even worse that the former. At least the caste that "rules" capitalism, albeit not particularily interested in our well being, is bent on appeasing our (or at least, the majority of the population's) whims and make us live a life of comfort and hedonistical happyness; and while this is far from being even an decent kind of society, it's still the best so far in my opinion.
  3. The third and last reason is just that a socialist economic system is simply to big and complex for us to handle at the moment, perhaps in the future, with new technologies we may be able to gain the means to withstand such a monolithic effort, but for now, trying to do so will only result in widespread poverty and societal unrest. Mind out, I'm not saying that a capitalist system is perfect, in fact it's pretty bad and conducive to self-destruction, but being foundamentally based on evolution, it does at least strife for betterment and by extension contributes to the progress of mankind as a whole.

Having said that I honestly think that the only economic system that would be able to appease all social classes would be a theoretical, fully automated, post-scarcity, semi-consumeristic economy, in which a self-sustained, mechanized system provides people goods for no expense and in which people, or at least most of them...? Works only as a form of hobby, rather than an actual necessity. Of course in this system there will still be social inequality, but the main difference will be that while the upper eons of society will live in extreme luxury, the lowest part will at least benefits of decent living conditions, perhaps comparable of our own right now. Will this solve all humanity's problem? Of course not, but it will be a nice condition to live until we'll be able to genetically or cybernetically engineer our need to pointlessly hoarding resources in a desperate attempt to quench our existential dread out of our minds.

Now, after that futuristic delirium, I want to enlong this already painfully long wall of text by spending some more words about this kind of discussion in general, from what I see, it looks like most of the time people don't argue about which economical system is better, in term of mere economics, politics and sociology, but which IDEOLOGY is better, with supporter of socialism wanting security, while supporters of capitalism prefer freedom. These two different mindsets are both part of the human brain and none of them is inherently "evil" or "bad", the problem is that, expecially in the USA recently, these two mindset are so rooted into the public consciousness that ANYTHING is associated with one or another and by supporting one you also authomatically support ALL of the others associated with it, STOP IT, STOP, IT.
Use you head, think before you act, each socio-economical-polical system, each single part of them is like a cog in a machine, you can mix them up to obtain the best results, you are not limited to matching them up. Taking parts of socialism, mixing them up with parts of capitalism and liberalism and even marxism, just to stay in theme with the thread, the possibility are limitless! We have the power over the ideologies, not the other way around, we made them!

v TL;DR v

Socialism it's ok I guess but can't be done ayy
here's a funny gif from a video I made some time ago :smiley:


Apr 27, 2016
Socialism, despite being the most rational form of economy, is simply not realizable in real life. Not because it's system is necessarily faulted or inefficient but because it's foundamentally incompatible with human society
I seriously hope you meant to say Communism


Apr 27, 2016
everybody that says communism is 'rational' or 'good but it doesn't work' thinks that evil bureaucrats in a parliamentary building should decide how you live your life

just saying
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Jun 3, 2017
Having said that I honestly think that the only economic system that would be able to appease all social classes would be a theoretical, fully automated, post-scarcity, semi-consumeristic economy, in which a self-sustained, mechanized system provides people goods for no expense and in which people, or at least most of them...? Works only as a form of hobby, rather than an actual necessity. Of course in this system there will still be social inequality, but the main difference will be that while the upper eons of society will live in extreme luxury, the lowest part will at least benefits of decent living conditions, perhaps comparable of our own right now. Will this solve all humanity's problem? Of course not, but it will be a nice condition to live until we'll be able to genetically or cybernetically engineer our need to pointlessly hoarding resources in a desperate attempt to quench our existential dread out of our minds.
This is an interesting topic on it's own, as it fosters a new debate:Is automation helpful or harmful for society?
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Apr 26, 2016
I am a communist and a slav myself, I never said communist countries did anything good, Im of an opinion that they CAN do some good, so please stop pulling words from your ass. Plus, there is nothing technological that my country lacks if you look at its size. Not like we need any of those 500 dollar wifi connected google juicers that do nothing but literally push on the bag which a man can do himself even faster. Apart from that it simply just collects tour information.
[doublepost=1499947466][/doublepost]Nice, rate my post dumb so I can be sure you got no idea what were all talking about here
The 400 dollar juicer is a terrible example because it's failing. Guess why it's failing? Because theres cheaper products that do the same thing. The consumer has the freedom to choose the best product rather than the government deciding what should be produced & sold and what shouldn't. Welcome back to the free market, ergo capitalism


A turtle made it to the water
Apr 26, 2016
people that support communism haven't lived in a piece of shit country like ukraine, belarus, romania, bulgaria, serbia, latvia, estonia, lithuania ofc there are some that do better nowadays like hungary, maybe poland, i guess, but still.
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Jun 3, 2017
people that support communism haven't lived in a piece of shit country like.... lithuania, Belarus ofc...
Ouch man, it hurts when we're compared to Belarus.

But yeah, during the soviet times, it wasn't all that fun.

Edit unless you're referring to us now. At least we have upgraded our infrastructure to the EU standard, we aren't a shithole lol.
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