Completed [Competition] Art of The Week

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Jul 31, 2016
Gonna talk about a select of art that I've chosen, the rest I feel like other people have already pointed out quite well enough in their reviews.



Massive help from @MaXenzie with the Lighting and the DoF

I've seen that you've done a couple of poses now in aotw and this one is proof to that you're definitely starting to get somewhere with your stuff :)
The camera angle is superb, something like Erkor would do, maybe the dof is a but confusing as you see that body to the right more close than the guy to the left, where as you would think that the guy to the right is in the focus since he's closest or something idk, maybe it's just me, but it's good that it's in there nonetheless so that you can see that it actually is the guy to the left that's in focus.
Anyway, lighting is good, however to make it even better, try having some yellow rim lighting on the guy to the left from the fire just to spice it up more, and maybe a few more camera effects since the pose is being recorded with a camera, such as some chromatic aberration or blue combine-like effects. The story is good since it has a date on the top left which explains that it's somewhere in the future, and the volumetric lightin on that light behind the trees makes this nice fog-effect, however maybe try add some futuristic buildings or something in the background as well to even further enhance this fact that it's taking place in the future, and I don't know if it's because of the dof but try and find some better fire effects, that one is a bit blurry or something i dont know, but there are a lot of these cinematic fire effects, ukno, that have this very clear appearance.
Make the lighting a bit brighter to give it this "clipping" effect which basically means some light is shining at some object bright enough so that the texture of the object loses detail, which makes it look much more realistic due to how you see lighting irl is somewhat like this, hard to explain though, it's some nerdy stuff I learned from blenderguru from YouTube :)


The Yakuza (Uncolourised. 1970. Koth_king)
Holy shit I got neb from cuntcake
Everyone loves guys in suits with masks and katanas, and the loss in color makes this a very atmospheric scene, and it shows this "gang" ready to do some stuff.
However, try to lower the camera so it's somewhere at leg-height of these people, then make it angled upwards like a frogs perspective, to give these characters a more "heroic" presence.
As for the shadowing I assume this is done in Gmod? Sometimes if a pose is done in Gmod the shadows become uncontrollable if you use a shit map, however if it's done in SFM then make it so the shadow of these people doesn't shine directly below them like the sun is directly on top of the sky. Try aiming for a more sideways shadowing, perhaps with some rim lighting too just to spice it up. Rim lighting is pretty simple, just place a light behind the characters so that it shines just by their edges, which gives them this "pop" effect :) Like Maxenzie's lighting tutorials.

Now a pose from the actual head media dev, hello.
At first I thought those muzzle flashes from those people shooting were some bright light on them because they were casting some magic spells or w/e, lmao, didn't really catch it at first that it was actually people shooting until someone mentioned it. Maybe add some smoke or w/e to enhance that effect :) However it might just be your art style in sync with those bright motorbike wheels, so it's probably just me who's retarded :/
However a neat little scene, it's alive with people and it's in a city somewhere. The bike and the CP's eyes have these neat glowing effects that I always like :p however in the background just above the CP's head you see this empty void and the slight volumetric lighting from that "skylight" you made, but try to add some skybox or w/e to not make it feel so empty out there I guess, however camera angle and stuff like that is all good.

am I allowed to update a submission
I don't do drawing at all, and honestly I wish, that I could do it, but I'd like to point out that I like this one actually, after you put on the colors.
I particularly like the shading you've done to give it more character, instead of just the flats which you had on your first post.


Now um, these arts I quoted are those I like the most, however I really dont know who to vote for :(
But I've seen previous work of what @Eddard Stark has been doing, and this time I think he nailed it with the camera angle, and I've decided to give him a chance to get a win :) however good work every1

just gonna mark @Eddard Stark with bold so that the cuntcake fgt knows
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Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016
Now this, this I like. Although the red light is quite weird because I don't see or have any ideas for what could be causing that light, but overall, the piece is stunning, I can see the story behind this concept. An ambushed patrol being slaughtered by a single, or even multiple off screen enemies. Though could have been better if there was more than 2 soldiers, for example one brutalized ODST pinned to the tree, and although the fire could have been better as well

Thanks! Im going to give explanation for the red light and the two ODSTs. The red light is from a flare they sent or something. There is supposed to be a third ODST and that's how the camera feed is being shown, through the visor. I was trying to think of a way to implement him, but I thought it would add too much cluster.


Vaporwaves Skeletons
May 10, 2016
My vote has to go to Lemon, love the picture plus it only makes sense for him to win #100. Also props to Edd, seems like you're really starting to improve.
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Make no mistake, this is a one-way trip.
Apr 26, 2016
Thanks! Im going to give explanation for the red light and the two ODSTs. The red light is from a flare they sent or something. There is supposed to be a third ODST and that's how the camera feed is being shown, through the visor. I was trying to think of a way to implement him, but I thought it would add too much cluster.
Well, the flare you seem to have made is rather lacking in brightness, a flare is an extremely bright light in the sky, it covers a rather large area depending on what flare it is and the altitude it's in. In a high altitude the flare's light wouldn't be non-existent if it's light is weak and meant to signal help, but bright enough to shine. Then there's the over-air lighting flares, if this is the one you'd be going for, the whole area should be covered in red or a light yellow light, it should be bright enough to light it up like it's day. But, I suppose in this situation, what you could do is get a normal flare and add some effects to it in photoshop, a bit of smoke and lens flare or rather bright light coming from the end of it. This could work as a signal for a strike zone as a 'Broken Arrow' effect, which is when a unit calls an airstrike or any air-support within extreme danger close scenario upon it's compromised position if it can't hold and can't retreat. Basically a last stand martyr.

If you need any more advice, I'm available on steam.


Sells cheap beer
Apr 26, 2016
28 hours past the deadline, lmao
I'll just add it to this week

So, the results are in...

The big boy that wins this round and had the most votes is...



The honorary was me, so yeah


Was fun taking part of it for once, and I would like to thank everyone that participated in any form.
Now we need to wait only 100 weeks more to do it all over again
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Feb 12, 2017
28 hours past the deadline, lmao
I'll just add it to this week

So, the results are in...

The big boy that wins this round and had the most votes is...



The honorary was me, so yeah


Was fun taking part of it for once, and I would like to thank everyone that participated in any form.
Now we need to wait only 100 weeks more to do it all over again
Per 50 weeks should be each time.
Give people a fighting chance then arse rape them and make them bleed for that week then go back to 50 weeks of the winner giggling.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
welp, here's mine for the 100 weeks.

Effects are fan fucking tastic with the lens flar.

Muzzle flash is a bit dull, make it a bright orange with glow.

The posing is also a bit stiff.


Okay here's my current entry:
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