

GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
Outside of roleplay or gaming in general, what are some of your hobbies?

I find myself wanting to talk about my hobbies a lot but have found there's not many with similar interests, so I'm sure there's others like that so feel free to drop it here. I will talk to you about it

I've always enjoyed comic books. I have tons of physical copies of random and obscure comics, and more mainstream brands. My absolute favorite has always been Daredevil, for a very long time.

I'm not that massive a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, but I have a copy of Out of the Abyss signed by Chris Perkins along with some other random ones stored away.

What are your hobbies?
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The Rock

The Rock
May 4, 2016
Got the mad Odeon Limitless card so I’m at the Pictures pretty much once or twice a week, got a midnight screening of Avengers Endgame with some pals tonight so that’s pretty epic, so aye my hobby is going to the pictures.

Another one of my pure mad hobbies is doing gigs whenever I can, like mixing them being a sound engineer other than that, just listening to mad tunes all day.
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
Got the mad Odeon Limitless card so I’m at the Pictures pretty much once or twice a week, got a midnight screening of Avengers Endgame with some pals tonight so that’s pretty epic, so aye my hobby is going to the pictures.

Another one of my pure mad hobbies is doing gigs whenever I can, like mixing them being a sound engineer other than that, just listening to mad tunes all day.
with my comics subscription I was able to redeem some points for a 25% off on endgame tickets which is pretty solid

With being a sound engineer you're just attending gigs to do the music mixin and masterin n shit right
I used to play a lot of Warhammer 40K whenever I could.

Not so much anymore but I do collect models.
I actually really like the little models, space marines are pretty cool lookin once they're all painted
I don't collect or anything but they're neat to look at, especially some of the bigger ones
Movies are good but give out your top 3 on the spot right now bro
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The Rock

The Rock
May 4, 2016
With being a sound engineer you're just attending gigs to do the music mixin and masterin n shit right
Yeah man all the fun stuff, Mastering ain’t something you commonly do on a gig, that’s more for studio recording which will be in a DAW(Digital Audio Workstation) like Pro Tools or Ableton to like round off your session after you’ve mixed it and added whatever effects you fancy, but you do mixing on gigs, sometimes with a sound check so you can pre set all your levels and sometimes without so you’re doing it on the fly messing around with your EQs as quickly as you can, so it doesn’t sound shite.
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
Yeah man all the fun stuff, Mastering ain’t something you commonly do on a gig, that’s more for studio recording which will be in a DAW(Digital Audio Workstation) like Pro Tools or Ableton to like round off your session after you’ve mixed it and added whatever effects you fancy, but you do mixing on gigs, sometimes with a sound check so you can pre set all your levels and sometimes without so you’re doing it on the fly messing around with your EQs as quickly as you can, so it doesn’t sound shite.
Yeah bro the most i've ever gotten to music was playing a trumpet in high school so my knowledge of it really isn't that refined, having never been to a concert. It sounds pretty fun though, is it just local bands or have you hit up some bigger names?
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The Rock

The Rock
May 4, 2016
Yeah bro the most i've ever gotten to music was playing a trumpet in high school so my knowledge of it really isn't that refined, having never been to a concert. It sounds pretty fun though, is it just local bands or have you hit up some bigger names?
Just local bands man I’m no pro, still at college for a couple more weeks, so most the gigs I actually do are through the college, but most of them are in Glasgow which is pretty sound, so they’re a bit ‘Bigger’ to an extent there.
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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I hold a 3 star white water kayaking certificate, which you gain for successfully doing things like:

  1. Complete rolls in the water
  2. Successfully escaping the kayak whilst using a spray-deck
  3. Emergency stopping
Old picture of me back from 2013 wearing a '86' and my dad on the far right wearing a blue helmet and blue waterproofs


Water sports runs in my family. Blessed and wholesome photo of my nan (who has spinal issues) and my Grandad (who only has one half of his right foot due to a farming accident) all together with my sister in a canoe:



And I used to be a part of a native american dance group when I was 15 years old. I used to do a specific type of dance meant for tall dudes, which was created to emulate the way grass swayed in the wind after a battle. They imitate it using wool, ribbon or any other fabric. Don't do it anymore, grew out of it, naturally lol.

Here's a somewhat cringy photo of 15 year old me performing this dance in a sea of madness:


I have an interesting life.
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
I hold a 3 star white water kayaking certificate, which you gain for successfully doing things like:

  1. Complete rolls in the water
  2. Successfully escaping the kayak whilst using a spray-deck
  3. Emergency stopping
Old picture of me back from 2013 wearing a '86' and my dad on the far right wearing a blue helmet and blue waterproofs


Water sports runs in my family. Blessed and wholesome photo of my nan (who has spinal issues) and my Grandad (who only has one half of his right foot due to a farming accident) all together with my sister in a canoe:



And I used to be a part of a native american dance group when I was 15 years old. I used to do a specific type of dance meant for tall dudes, which was created to emulate the way grass swayed in the wind after a battle. They imitate it using wool, ribbon or any other fabric. Don't do it anymore, grew out of it, naturally lol.

Here's a somewhat cringy photo of 15 year old me performing this dance in a sea of madness:


I have an interesting life.
That's pretty solid stuff. I live in Arizona so I've seen a bunch of groups doing that native dance shit plenty of times, mostly at art shows for older women. I've really wanted to go kayaking or something since we have some pretty decent rivers for it despite being in a desert.

You look like you're having fun in all the photos though :grinning:

I did marching band in High School so I guess that could be comparable to some cringe. I graduated in 2015 and they're still using a photo of me for their twitter page to this day.
Dox me or whatever don't really care all that much, zzzzzzzz

edit: correction 2015***
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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
That's pretty solid stuff. I live in Arizona so I've seen a bunch of groups doing that native dance shit plenty of times, mostly at art shows for older women. I've really wanted to go kayaking or something since we have some pretty decent rivers for it despite being in a desert.

You look like you're having fun in all the photos though :grinning:

I did marching band in High School so I guess that could be comparable to some cringe. I graduated in 2015 and they're still using a photo of me for their twitter page to this day.
Dox me or whatever don't really care all that much, zzzzzzzz

correction 2015***

Favourite place to kayak was the Highlands of Scotland on the lochs.

Wind blowing against you was difficult as hell, pushing you on when you go the other way was the smoothest boat ride ever, no effort.
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Apr 26, 2016
I play ice hockey competitively. Other than that I just keep myself busy with uni and some programming.
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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
trying to pick up skating (had a board for around a month and a half now), been trying to get out for a bit every day, really refreshing to get out after college and just practice

I'm trying to get back into reading though, used to read almost every day but between hs and college I basically stopped reading
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
I play ice hockey competitively. Other than that I just keep myself busy with uni and some programming.
Hockey is for sure one of the more interesting sports to watch but I've never played it on ice.
trying to pick up skating (had a board for around a month and a half now), been trying to get out for a bit every day, really refreshing to get out after college and just practice

I'm trying to get back into reading though, used to read almost every day but between hs and college I basically stopped reading
What can you do on the board? I had one when I was younger but I only ever learned drop-ins because I was a retard back then
I play ice hockey competitively. Other than that I just keep myself busy with uni and some programming.
Honestly I've never even seen hockey outside of the United States, but that's partly because I haven't really tried looking for it all that much. How big is it where you're at?
drawing :•)

and also reading a lot that helps me out a good bit
I do a bit of reading on and off, last thing I went through was Ignition! An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants which despite the name was actually pretty interested. It's formatted in a way that keeps it pretty light hearted and comedic the whole way through, but also gives you a bit of k n o w l e d g e.
I play the trumpet through school if that counts, I attend band sessions and such when the opportunity arises to do things like that, what I enjoy.
Big ups I play the trumpet too. Here's a picture of mine, ignore the cursed quality and background of the image
i've been playing d&d for about 4-5 years now.

That's very cool, I have a bunch of friends that are really into it but I can't get behind it. Last I heard they were doing a Mutant Year Zero thing. You do anything other than whatever the standard d&d is?
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