Recent content by Kach1ger

  1. Kach1ger

    Powerful Songs

  2. Kach1ger

    How do you like your eggs?

  3. Kach1ger


    And il give you one for giving the one who gave the other one one. :grinning:
  4. Kach1ger

    Recommendations for games

    Rage 2 is really cool
  5. Kach1ger

    Sup It Slash

    Welcome,have fun on the server mate :ok:
  6. Kach1ger

    In Progress Let’s talk food

    Love it.
  7. Kach1ger

    When did you sleep at the latest?

    Travelling wise,there would be times where i have not slept for over 24 hours except taking a quick 10 minute nap from the hotel to the airport. Gameplay wise.A few years back when i got my ps3 and got GTA 5 on it,i played online the whole night on it and when i realized its 5 AM i shat myself...
  8. Kach1ger

    Minecraft is 10 years old

    It hurts how relatable this is.
  9. Kach1ger

    John Wick: Chapter 3

    I haven't watched any of the John wick movies but i kinda wanna start it,i mean everyone is hyped about all of them.So i kinda have to watch it.
  10. Kach1ger

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters

    I haven't really seen any godzilla movies but i might check this one out cause..why not. Is it any similar to Pacific Rim?
  11. Kach1ger

    Recommend Youtubers

    100% agree i think hes fucking hilarious and i love all his vids hes very creative in his vocabulary.
  12. Kach1ger

    Serious Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4

    Im not hyped,Cods recent games were not that good.Bo3 was very diffrent and had a shit campaign.Bo4 hopped on battle royale bandwagon and didn't even have a campaign.I love The modern warfare series and i'd hate to see it ruined.So if they are gonna make another MW it better be good.
  13. Kach1ger

    Sincere lack of Long Term Games.

    Personally im not much of a battle royale player.I think Pubg is too competitive,i don't like fortnite or apex,i just don't like those types of games.But some people do and thats fine.I thought it would last longer aswell with all the hype.
  14. Kach1ger

    Sincere lack of Long Term Games.

    THIS IS AN OPINION I've noticed a really large trend in games that are good or bad,that get played for about 6 months or less then die down in recent years. Some Examples would include: Call Of Duty Blackout Red Dead Redemption-A game released by the same company that made one of the most...