Completed [Competition] Art of The Week

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Johnny B. Goode

Objectively Best MGS poster
Apr 26, 2016

Second pose I've made ever. Took about 2 hours to get everything in place along with lighting, positions, facial expressions, whatnot. I just used addons and things such as post-process to add the effects, rather than Photoshop.

p.s. map is gm_scrapmetal_v2
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a bad memer
Apr 26, 2016
Ahh, how I love Hotline Miami Themes.
Inspired by


Changed my mind, take this as entrance. Thanks to @MaXenzie for his help.
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a bad memer
Apr 26, 2016
Where did you get the soldier head?
It's from an add-on I can't remember, but it was normally a line of all the 9 classes and bloddy helmets, like the one in Meet the Soldier



Sells cheap beer
Apr 26, 2016
Day 53, Capcom Street Fighter 5 servers still can't connect me to any other player

@Wolfaye, it's rare to see someone win one round, and then make a poster with standard, in-game animations only. Other thing is that it lacks of any emotions. Tbf, you know how to do a right pose, you've just slipped on this one


@Lutic, while it is pretty basic, it's definitely something fancy. Pretty much an experiment of yours, but ended up pretty nicely. Head of the cop would make a perfect avatar, now that I think of it. You're pretty good

@MaXenzie, pose is alright, but feels too human, while being less robotic. I won't go about editing, because you know how it went yourself, but lighting and all seems to cover too much of the whole thing, making nothing highlighted. Get good fam, get good

@Rondal, it's purely a test of light, that's why I won't judge it

@Dean, nice to see Hoovie's retextures being used in poses. The thing itself looks nice, and while it's not /that/ empty (good filling of the background, as well as positioning of camera and text), the whole concept of it is bit wrong for me. If he's alone there, why is he aiming his weapon there? If he's indeed in combat, why nobody is seen on the camera? Next time you do such a thing, try doing something like this one over here, this one, or even the known-to-everybody. Poses like that needs to be really climatic, and if you're adding any text of some sort, add it with frames/borders, so it'l lbe more visible. Good luck there fam, still, you know the good basics

@Johnny B. Goode, very stiff posing, I'll start with that. Some of the ragdolls even have broken arms (
), and I don't get the girl on right, why is she reading that notepad? It's also too dark, while gamma is set pretty high, resulting in unnatural light reflections, like the ones on skin of the said female. The whole action lacks of spicing, of movement being felt there, as well as an action camera. I've repeated it about fifty times now, but will do it again, aim for camera angles just like in movies, Sin City has some good ones. That will ensure, that your pose will be seen from an interesting angle, showing the main object(s) in a proper perspective.

@Prospekt, bit trippy, good posed poster. Still, it lacks of the spice, something like him looking behind his back, at camera, while he'd stand above his dead prey, so you'd feel like you're the next one. Here, it's more like you'd just hang out with a murderer, be in a park with him, waving your beer to him. If the main character is looking at you, in most cases you should feel interaction with him. Still, good one, but hope the next one will be better

@Lyon, pretty basic pose, with a bit too straight arm of the spy, and not really interesting concept. Don't take me wrong, it is there, it's just nothing fascinating. Lighting and all is okay, even if there could be added something-something to it, to make it even more interesting, but it's fine effect wise. It's pretty empty though, barely anything present, plus the camera angle could be more zoomed in and positioned to be near the head , you know, giving a little closeup, it usually ends in making the pose way more interesting.

Pretty obvious win, @Erkor takes the cake, first win in 10 rounds, I guess he deserves that


For secondary place, @Legolas takes it, because of amazing camera angle,
which I'd dedicate to @Prospekt, that's what I mean by interaction with viewer,
you actually can feel like you're going to get cucked in any second

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