Completed [Competition] Art of The Week

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resident australian
Apr 26, 2016
i've been distracted playing various things and i forgot about nebulous somehow
anyway enough crap here's what I did in like twenty minutes because i felt like it

man i should've cropped this better
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Sells cheap beer
Apr 26, 2016
It's round one all over again, with tons of great submissions, fuck
This time however, I won't just leave all juicy ones to put one r34 on the hall of fame

@Elan, a top notch photoshop as always, but the only thing that keeps bugging me, that is the reusage of the exact same house five times, just won't let go. Another thing is that you were the winner few times now, so yeah, I don't want to start a riot by letting same guys win over and over again, eh? Either way,
, great idea to actually record it all.

@goose (and @Hanuko, idk, send it to him I guess), a good fucking pose, with an amazing editing and lighting. I'd also would love to get a link to these blood trails, they look sick. There aren't many of flaws here, but they just stand out pretty heavily. First off, this guy right here has either a serious back problem, or was doing the chest day for too long. Another thing, is that completly empty space in upper left corner, that could be easily filed with just one corpse. Speaking of which, I'd love to see more of those bodies rolling around, few on eachother, few leaning on walls, that stuff. Still, A+ for the whole thing, it gets you a honorary.

@DouglasthePug, I need to officialy make the "meme" rating for this kind of 'art'

, no words are needed

@MisterEasy, you'd dominate AoTW long, long time ago if you'd only get the resolution higher and someone to edit that stuff. The motion feeling, the camera angle, expressions on their faces, completly filled up scene... People could learn from you, really. Make a guide on how you make those things, and I'll gladly sticky it.

@Trains, it's basically a nice screenshot with "painting" filter on it. Also pretty dark, could use a light or two here and there, but yeah, it's just a nice screen. Maybe if you'd take one in the battle from observer, or stuff like that, it would look better.

@MaXenzie, helped you with first, the second is mostly a light test. Still, both are pretty fucking good, I'd stick them on your profile if I were you. I also like how you catched the emotions on faces in the noir one, really nifty

@Club Ace,
, plus the way he's holding the gun and emptyness of the scene kinda ruins it. But other than that it's a very good piece kind sir, I'd maybe change the lighting to a bit softer one, plus more in colours of soft white-yellow-orange, rather than hard white-blue. I'd also zoom in a bit, and maybe actually make them being back-to-back, shooting to people that had surrounded them. Guy on left is posed pretty sexy though.

@Anleas, good to see the oldfag back, and definitely a
for originality. However, I'd rather aim for stuff like this, as they show the face of main character(s) which usually makes them bit prettier and fills up the scene, which you didn't do here. Those are my main problems with it, bit boring camera angle and emptyness. You'll do it better next time though, am I right?

@ToasterRoboto, I honestly think that your concept of comics and pixel art is really fucking good, it's just that it kinda doesn't fit here. I'd continue with making your comics, but posting them on, or other site like that (idk, maybe some comic site). You really have the potential, but it just doesn't fit exactly here. Link me your account/show your comics here when you'll make them, but plant your art roots somewhere else, somewhere where comics are more common and popular thing. Good luck fam, take a
with you

@Berke, it's pretty empty, with the 'main target' being pretty far away from the viewer, forcing me to get some binoculars to view the couple. Another weird thing, is that both of those cops use different model. If I were you, I'd really aim for movie-like camera shots (anyone counting how many times I've said that?), something that'd show things from an actual interesting perspective and hide that unused space. Don't fear to zoom in and rotate the camera, play around with the perspectives, look at it from a different angle few times and find that sweet, perfect spot from where you'll land the screenshot of yours. I'm counting on you boy, see you in the next round

And as I said at the beginning of this post,
I won't just leave with making only one person the winner, no
This time, the title of winner goes to three people (especially you Fred)
as well as the honorary

Here they are, with bit of my useless feedback that literally doesn't add anything

@Fred, an absolute masterpiece, I bow down to you, pencils-for-hands bastard


@afran, you fucking twat, stop making me look like I'm a beginner in posing compared to you


@Vasey105, retired, but never left, and the first thing he shows here is this masterpiece. Sign the contract again fam


@Sixx, I'm honestly impressed every time I see a good drawing, as my skills are limited to drawing circles and elipse


@Cookie_-Chan, that's a new wallpaper right here, thanks


@goose, I'd unban you just for you to see this

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Jul 27, 2016
Any ideas of what I can actually do here? I don't have photoshop, cannot do Garry's mod posing shit, cannot draw and have no creativity... LOL
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